Protein Metabolism III Protein requirements and B agonists Metabolizable Protein Model Tissue proteins NH3 Blood urea Urine Amino acid pools Energy A B NH3 Microbial protein Protein Metabolizable protein C Protein from diet Rumen Intestine Feces Protein Requirements of Growing Cattle Changes with Increase in Weight Metabolizable Protein Required, g/d Gain Maintenance Total 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Weight, lbs Protein Requirements of Growing Cattle Relation to Rate of Gain Metabolizable protein, g/d 740 720 700 680 660 640 620 600 1.75 1.87 1.97 Rate of gain, kg/d 2.07 Increased Protein Requirements Ruminants Situation Consequences 1. Young animals Leaner gain Fast rate of gain More total protein Leaner gain in tissues 2. Compensatory gain Greater muscle growth 3. High levels of lactation More milk protein 4. Hormone implants and bGH More protein synthesis 5. Low feed intakes Less MP from diet and microbes Need to feed higher concentrations of protein or less degradable protein What is The Requirement for DIP? Finishing Cattle Cooper et al. JAS 2002 Fed different concentrations of urea to finishing steers Diets: Dry rolled, high moisture and steam flaked corn Measured feed intake and gain Estimated requirement for DIP (DIP as % of diet DM) Dry rolled – 6.3 High moisture – 10.0 Steam flaked – 9.5 High moisture and steam flaked corns more digestible in the rumen – Increased microbial protein production Limitations: Protein requirements change during the experiment Bacterial Protein Synthesis in the Rumen Microbial protein synthesis related to: 1. Available NH3 and amino acids (DIP) 2. Fermentation of CHOH - Energy NH3 VFA CHOH Amino acids & Peptides Amino acids Fermentation VFA Microbial proteins BCP Microbial protein synthesis • BCP (gm) = .13 TDN (gm) – Assumes • TDN is corrected for fat • RDP is adequate RDP requirement • RDP = 1.18 BCP (gm) - .2 diet CP (gm) • If RDP < 1.18 BCP – .2 diet CP, then – actual BCP (gm) = .85 (RDP+.2(CP)) (gm) • BCP is assumed to be 80% protein which has a digestibility of 80% in the small intestine Supplementation of Diets with Urea If inadequate DIP is available for synthesis of BCP, need to add degradable N Can add urea Urea Fermentation Potential (g urea/kg diet DM) UFP = (BCP, g/kg - DIP, g/kg)/2.8 kg = kg diet DM 2.8 = Urea is 280% crude protein + UFP: Inadequate DIP, urea will benefit - UFP: There is surplus DIP, urea of no benefit Feed Values Beef NRC Soybean meal Dry corn Corn silage Alfalfa hay Fescue hay Corn stalks % DIP 65 45 75 82 67 68 % TDN 87 90 75 60 56 55 % CP 49 9.8 8.0 17 9.1 6.3 DDG 40 85 30 Brome pasture 80 74 21 Protein Values for Feeds Soybean meal Corn Corn silage Alfalfa hay Fescue hay Corn stalks DIP, g/kg 318.5 44.1 60.0 139.4 61.0 42.8 BCP, g/kg 113.1 117.0 97.5 78.0 72.8 71.5 UFP, g/kg -73.4 26.0 13.4 -21.9 4.2 10.2 DDG 120 110 -5 Brome pasture 161 91 -25 Programmed Feeding of Supplemental Protein Feedlot Steers - ISU Program Source within period Program I SBM-SBM-SBM Program II Urea-Urea-Urea Program III SBM-Urea-Urea Program IV SBM-Urea-Lo Urea Crude protein, % DM (MP – DIP, Percent of requirement) 1 to 42 d 43 to 84 d 85 to 135 d 12.4 12.4 12.4 (104 -101) (127 – 101) (151 – 101) 11.7 11.7 11.7 (96 – 101) (117 – 101) (138 – 101) 12.4 11.7 11.7 (104 – 101) (119 – 101) (140 – 101) 12.4 11.7 10.0 (104 – 101) (119 – 101) (123 – 80) Programmed Feeding of Supplemental Protein 740 lb Feedlot Steers I II III IV 3.95 3.56 4.13 4.03 15.7 15.6 15.7 15.6 4.32 4.38 4.16 4.44 Feed/d 21.6 21.3 21.1 21.3 85 – 135 d, ADG 3.21 3.14 2.99 3.17 Feed/d 22.5 22.2 22.3 22.8 3.79 3.66 3.71 3.85 20.1 20.0 19.9 20.1 0 – 42 d, ADG Feed/d 43 – 84 d, ADG 0 – 135 d, ADG Feed/d What is The Requirement for DIP? Conclusions All of calculated DIP does not have to be satisfied when MP is being fed in excess • Enough nitrogen is recycling • Reduces quantity of nitrogen fed Metabolizable Protein Model Tissue proteins NH3 Blood urea Urine Amino acid pools Energy A B NH3 Microbial protein Protein Metabolizable protein C Protein from diet Rumen Intestine Feces If Diet Needs More Metabolizable Protein First consideration Can microbial protein be increased? If short of ruminal available N Add urea Provide ammonia to microorganisms If surplus of rumen available N Add fermentable feed (TDN) Provide energy to microorganisms Second consideration Supplement diet with less degradable protein Protein Requirements of Dairy Cows Body weight Maintenance Body weight change Pregnancy Milk yield Composition of milk Protein Requirements of Lactating Cows Metabolizable protein, g/d 3000 2500 2000 1500 Maintenance Lactation Total 1000 500 0 20 30 Milk, kg/d 40 Meeting Dairy Cow’s Protein Requirement • Feed intake Nature of feed ingredients Fermentable energy Microbial protein synthesis in the rumen Proportion of feed protein(s) degraded • Digestibility of proteins in the intestine • Amino acids available for absorption Amino acid balance Amino Acid Composition % Crude Protein or G/100g CP Tissue Milk ----------Bact ---------- Corn Soy Cell wall Non wall Mean Methionine 1.97 2.71 2.40 2.68 2.60 2.28 1.46 Lysine 6.37 7.62 5.60 8.20 7.90 3.03 6.32 Histidine 2.47 2.74 1.74 2.69 2.00 3.16 2.72 Phenylalanine 3.53 4.75 4.20 5.16 5.10 5.32 5.65 Tryptophan 0.49 1.51 NA 1.63 - 0.89 1.46 Threonine 3.90 3.72 3.30 5.59 5.80 3.67 4.18 Leucine 6.70 9.18 5.90 7.51 8.10 12.66 7.95 Isoleucine 2.84 5.79 4.00 5.88 5.70 3.67 5.44 Valine 4.03 5.89 4.70 6.16 6.20 5.32 5.65 Arginine 3.30 3.40 3.82 6.96 5.10 5.06 7.53 Recommendations for Feeding High RUP Byproducts to Dairy Cows CP RUP % % Recom ByProd ByProd intake CP intake CP intake lb/d lb/d % total Blood meal Feather meal Meat & bone Fishmeal Corn gluten meal Corn distill. grain 87 92 54 67 67 30 82 71 70 60 55 47 .75-1.0 .5-1.0 2.0-2.5 1.0-2.0 2.0-3.0 4.0-6.0 Soybean meal 52 33 Extruded SBM Extruded soybeans Roasted soybeans 49 43 43 61 54 62 .87 .92 1.35 1.34 2.01 1.80 9.7 10.2 15.0 14.9 22.3 20.0 Feed as needed Oil intake might limit Digestibility of RUP Dairy NRC Grass/legume hay Corn silage Soy hulls Corn, dry cracked Soybean meal Dry distillers grains Corn gluten meal Fish meal Hydrolyzed feathers CP, % 19.1 8.8 13.9 9.4 53.8 29.7 65.0 68.5 92.0 RUP, % dig 70 70 70 90 93 80 92 88 65 Why Limit High RUP Proteins? Lactating Cows • Animal byproducts tend to reduce feed intake Palatability Fat content (Fish meal decreases milk fat) Decreased feed intake reduces microbial protein synthesis • Plant byproducts may have poor amino acid balance Corn proteins deficient in lysine and tryptophan Digestibility of RUP (UIP) • Might create a deficiency of RDP (DIP) • Quality of RUP proteins can be variable Why a Variable Response to RUP? Lactating Cows • Protein requirements may have been met Protein might not be first limiting Cows mobilizing body proteins • First limiting amino acid might not be increased Amino acid ratios of metabolizable protein Digestibility of RUP • Use of RUP might cause a shortage of RDP • Overestimation of degradation of other supplemental proteins Limiting AA for Dairy Cattle • Lysine and methionine • Based on corn silage or alfalfa based diets • NRC (2001) suggests 7.3% of metabolizable protein as Lys, 2.5% as Met • Amino acid composition varies by protein source • Rumen protected (bypass) lysine and/or methionine can be supplemented Vyas and Erdman, 2009