HERD SUMMARY Test Date 12-31-2014 Electronic Meters Samples at Lab 01-02-2015 Breed HO 42-77-0074 I O STATE DAIRY JOE DETRICK Processed 01-02-2015 Type Test DHI-APCS Assoc. 400 Total Cows Cows in Milk Milk Lbs (All Cows) Fat Lbs (All Cows) Fat % Protein Lbs (All Cows) Protein % Milk Lbs % 91 Other Succulents or Blended Rations Dry Forage Other Feeds Value of Product $ 129 % 90 25,877 2.41 917 3.5 3.5 2.06 802 3.0 3.1 Number Under VWP Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed %ENE Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed %ENE 16.82 Cows With No Service Dates or Diag. Open Open VWP to 100 Days 67 Open Over 100 Days Cows Bred But Not Diag. Preg. Days Open at Last Service Number Diag. Open 12 Under VWP VWP to 100 Days 101 to 130 Days Over 130 Days 12 Number Cows 2 46 14 36 9 % of Breeding Herd 2 36 11 28 9 Number VWP to 100 2.4 3.3 13.0 117 < 18 58 1st 348 28 +824 67 2.4 3.5 13.1 118 18 - 24 156 2nd 234 31 +818 296 3rd + 441 27 +815 83 Total 1023 28 Interval Length 90 3+ Lacts 6 80 1 67 2.9 4.4 13.7 137 36 - 48 All Lacts 11 273 2 67 2.6 3.7 13.3 123 Other 4 1 95 Current Actual Calving Interval 1 Service Number Number Intervals Abortions 13.2 Birth Summary Dam's Lact Num Alive 2+ %ENE Total Females Dead Alive Calving Difficulty Score 1 Dead 2 3 4&5 Service Sire Merit $ Conception Rate This Test +819 Past Year Actual 1 2 Apparent 2 40 Yearly Reproductive Summary % 4+5 5 62 4 99 10 7 4 3 144 7 130 12 229 17 12 5 2 199 12 192 16 328 27 19 9 2 Cows To Be Milking, Dry, Calving By Month %ENE Number Services Offspring Born Males Days Number Confirm Preg Total Preg Cows Test Date % Heats Obs. Conception Rate Test Dropped 69 21 20 90 34 25 202 2-13-14 65 27 21 193 58 81 193 3-26-14 65 33 26 102 29 54 182 Preg Rate Number Services Number Calving Jan 346 Feb 348 Mar 362 Apr 376 May 372 Jun 367 4-30-14 65 24 18 98 40 32 193 6-04-14 63 34 23 103 30 34 187 Dry 41 41 32 25 34 39 7-11-14 61 28 19 104 37 30 183 Cows to Calve 18 18 30 23 12 22 8-25-14 59 25 15 103 40 52 172 Heifers to Calve 22 14 17 19 17 12 10-08-14 58 30 18 108 24 53 164 11-19-14 57 30 122 36 40 170 12-31-14 62 130 36 35 175 Averages 62 118 37 46 180 * Milking * Assumes 3.0% per month culling rate. Income Over Feed Cost $ 67 Days Open 103 % of All 1st Services Services for Past 12 Months Calving Interval 4 55 Total Feed Cost $ Service or Heat Interval All Cows 1 1 Cost of Concentrates $ Projected Minimum Preg. Cows 2nd Lact %ENE 6,354 Number Over 100 Services per Pregnancy Avg. Days to 1st Service 1st Lact Lbs Consumed 15.24 1 Reproductive Summary Of Total Herd %ENE Lbs Consumed 50 Days Open at 1st Service Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed Days to 1st Service 15 Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed String 19 All Cows Pasture Concentrates Number 347.0 68.3 Milking Cows Silage Total Cows Breeding Herd 74.8 (Milking Cows) Voluntary Waiting Period (VWP) 385.6 Number 349 97 Reproductive Summary Of Current Breeding Herd Rolling Yearly Herd Averages 382 Page 1 of 6 Supv. Production, Income & Feed Cost Summary Daily Average per Cow on Test Day DHI-202 Feed Cost per CWT Milk $ Milk Blend Price Per CWT % Fat % Pro Per CWT % Fat % Pro Totals Miscellaneous Herd Information Shipped-Test Day Comparison Test Day Yearly Avg. Milking Times Wgh Spl 1st 9:10pm Y N Reported Avg. Daily Bulk Tank Wts 2nd 4:14am Y N % Deviation 3rd 12:15pm Y Y Sum of Test Day Wts 25940 27013 Remarks: Cows milked 3 times daily for all or part of this yearly period. 29 20 1063 411 Herd Code 42-77-0074 Test Date 12-31-2014 Breed Stage Of Lactation Profile 306 + 7 23 33 27 27 117 2nd Lact 10 13 34 29 17 103 3+ Lacts 15 20 32 37 22 126 All Lacts 32 56 99 93 66 346 1st Lact 70 79 81 69 55 Average Daily Milk 71 2nd Lact 79 97 87 59 47 73 3+ Lacts 86 110 88 71 51 80 All Lacts 80 94 85 67 52 75 101 - 199 200 - 305 1st Lact % Fat % Pro 3.7 3.0 3.4 2.8 3.4 2.9 3.6 3.2 3.8 3.4 3.6 3.1 2nd Lact % Fat 4.5 3.3 3.2 3.6 4.2 3.6 % Pro 3.3 2.9 3.0 3.3 3.4 3.2 3+ % Fat Lacts % Pro 4.4 3.0 3.6 2.7 3.7 3.0 3.3 3.1 3.8 3.3 3.7 3.0 All % Fat Lacts % Pro 4.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.9 3.1 2.8 3.0 3.2 1st Lact 160 103 369 98 2nd Lact 73 752 129 196 125 242 3+ Lacts 577 646 274 378 511 448 All Lacts 340 485 253 243 268 308 Number 8 9 21 23 23 84 25 16 Weighted SCC ACT (Nearest 1,000) 21 25 35 24 % Fat & Pro SCC ACT SCC ACT >= 200 Percent Avg. Age Number ID Changes Num. Identified By Sire Dam No. Animals with Merit $ Number Animals 0 - 12 186 0-06 186 186 186 +311 +540 13+ 155 1-06 155 155 155 +216 +398 Replacements 341 0-11 341 341 341 +267 +475 1st Lact 136 1-11 136 136 133 +183 +334 2nd Lact 113 3-00 113 113 1 113 +131 +259 3+ Lacts 133 4-10 128 123 1 130 +28 +119 All Lacts 382 3-03 377 372 2 376 +113 +238 99 97 (Yr-Mo) % Identified (Producing Females) Number of Cows Avg. Age 1st Lact 136 23 90 2nd Lact 113 36 103 3.6 3+ Lacts 133 58 115 3.4 3.1 All Lacts 382 39 102 165 202 (Mo) 98 2 18 Average Merit $ +0 +654 Avg. Percentile Rank (Net Merit) +0 98 102 Avg. Body Wt. Pro % Cows SCC Score 0,1,2,3 4 5 6 7,8,9 Below 142,000 142,000 283,000 284,000 565,000 566,000 1.13 M Over 1.13 M 86 26159 905 778 +1764 +39 +36 1210 81 8 3 3 100 25057 878 767 +57 +8 +13 1330 71 17 6 2 4 110 24431 879 740 -512 +6 -9 1460 52 19 10 8 12 98 25256 888 762 +493 +18 +14 1330 67 15 6 5 7 Dry Cow Profile 5 Cows Entered Cows Left 21 5 112 48 16 91 5 45 12 3+ 133 59 13 94 26 79 20 245 54 29 185 31 Num. > 70 % 130 Test Dropped 28 398 202 81.7 89.8 98 87 2-13-14 64 402 195 79.3 87.0 95 90 3-26-14 41 409 190 80.8 86.2 99 4-30-14 35 400 195 83.3 88.4 6-04-14 35 393 194 79.7 7-11-14 37 367 194 8-25-14 45 361 10-08-14 44 11-19-14 Test Period Persist. Index Test Day Averages (All Cows) % In Milk Milk 34 130 34 Num. % 145 Dairy Low Prod 1 38 37 Repro Udder Mast Feet & Legs 13 Injury Other 1 1 17 8 1 2 10 1 22 23 4 2 5,182 2 52 31 5 5 Disease Not Rptd Died 1 4 10 2 15 21 3 26 7 % Left Herd For Involuntary Reasons Rolling Yearly Herd Average Somatic Cell Count Summary % Cows SCC Score 0,1,2,3 4 5 6 7,8,9 Below 142,000 142,000 283,000 284,000 565,000 566,000 1.13 M Over 1.13 M 3 7 2.8 315 10.6 2 14 6 6 3.0 378 10.7 7 15 7 5 5 2.8 260 11.1 2 10 10 9 4 4 2.7 216 14.1 2 16 74 11 6 4 5 2.6 240 14.0 2 13 814 81 8 4 3 4 2.0 161 13.8 936 812 73 11 6 5 5 2.5 248 15.7 5 17 25942 935 812 73 11 6 4 5 2.5 266 14.8 5 5 3.1 25913 926 808 76 10 6 3 6 2.5 204 12.8 3 6 3.5 3.0 25877 917 802 67 15 6 5 7 3.0 308 12.0 3.5 3.1 72 12 6 4 5 2.6 253 13.2 3.8 3.3 26146 960 810 71 14 6 70.9 3.6 3.2 26098 957 816 64 17 7 90 72.6 3.6 3.2 26100 953 819 70 13 103 90 74.7 3.3 3.1 26077 947 820 72 85.6 96 90 71.3 3.9 3.0 25997 943 817 80.8 87.2 101 90 72.7 3.4 3.0 25914 942 194 75.8 84.4 97 91 68.8 3.5 3.0 25889 374 193 76.7 85.7 102 91 70.1 3.6 3.2 42 380 196 78.5 86.7 102 91 71.2 3.4 12-31-14 42 382 206 74.8 82.9 96 91 68.3 Averages 43 385 195 78.9 86.0 99 70.9 Milk Fat Pro Wt. Avg. Actual SCC Number Left Herd Avg. SCC Linear Score 71.1 90 71.2 69.3 Dropped Dollars ($) Number of Cows Left the Herd 2 40-70 < 40 21,987 Yearly Summary Of Cows Entered And Left The Herd Number Dry by Days Avg. Days Dry %Pro Added Non A.I. Bulls Somatic Cell Summary %Fat Test Period Avg. Milk Lbs All Other A.I. Bulls Fat Yearly Production And Mastitis Summary 150 Day Milk % of Herd Bred to Number of Bulls Used DCR Milk Difference From Herdmates Milk Fat Pro A.I. Genomic Tested Milk Number Dry Periods Number Cows In Herd On Test Day Milk A.I. Progeny Tested NM Milk Days In Test Period DIM Genetic Profile of Service Sires Herd Production Lost From SCC This Test Period All Test Date Herd Merit $ Option No. Heifers Age Over 30 Months Proj 305 Day ME Summit Milk Peak Milk 1 Test Day Averages (Milking Cows) Average Merit $ Animal Sire Production By Lactation Summary Lact. Number Milking 41 - 100 Page 2 of 6 1 Identification And Genetic Summary Total or Average 1 - 40 String Age Group Stage of Lactation (Days) 1st Lact HO MUN Died Sold 30 7 26 119 HERD SUMMARY Test Date 12-31-2014 Electronic Meters Samples at Lab 01-02-2015 Breed JE 42-77-0074 I O STATE DAIRY JOE DETRICK Processed 01-02-2015 Type Test DHI-APCS Assoc. 400 Total Cows Cows in Milk Milk Lbs (All Cows) Fat Lbs (All Cows) Fat % Protein Lbs (All Cows) Protein % Milk Lbs % 78 Other Succulents or Blended Rations Dry Forage Other Feeds Value of Product $ 9 % 80 16,194 2.05 808 5.1 5.0 1.47 603 3.7 3.7 Number Under VWP Lbs Consumed %ENE Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed %ENE Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed 14.97 Lbs Consumed Open VWP to 100 Days 65 Open Over 100 Days Cows Bred But Not Diag. Preg. Days Open at Last Service Number Diag. Open Under VWP VWP to 100 Days 101 to 130 Days Over 130 Days 3 Number Cows 1 2 3 33 % of Breeding Herd 11 22 33 %ENE Number VWP to 100 Number Over 100 Services per Pregnancy Preg. Cows All Cows Calving Interval Number Services Service Sire Merit $ Conception Rate 60 3.0 3.0 12.5 99 3 1st 38 42 +485 9 62 2.0 2.4 12.6 102 18 - 24 15 2nd 21 19 +500 30 3rd + 37 38 +489 4 Total 96 35 < 18 3+ Lacts 1 16 65 2.6 3.3 13.2 122 36 - 48 All Lacts 1 26 63 2.4 3.0 13.0 114 Other % of All 1st Services 4 Current Actual Calving Interval 96 Abortions 12.8 Birth Summary Dam's Lact Num Males Alive Females Dead Alive Calving Difficulty Score 1 Dead 2 3 4&5 2+ 20 1 13 1 27 2 1 Total 22 1 17 1 32 2 2 +489 Past Year Actual 1 Apparent 4 4 5 Yearly Reproductive Summary % 4+5 1 Cows To Be Milking, Dry, Calving By Month %ENE This Test Offspring Born %ENE Number Confirm Preg Total Preg Cows Test Date % Heats Obs. Conception Rate Test Dropped 47 60 60 5 6 25 2-13-14 53 24 19 25 6 8 24 3-26-14 63 18 11 11 5 3 26 Preg Rate Number Services Number Calving Jan 35 Feb 38 Mar 35 Apr 35 May 37 Jun 37 4-30-14 63 58 35 12 2 2 26 6-04-14 80 44 31 9 7 9 24 Dry 5 2 5 5 3 3 7-11-14 69 25 17 4 4 4 24 Cows to Calve 5 3 2 3 4 1 8-25-14 69 54 33 13 5 4 25 10-08-14 55 38 21 8 5 2 26 11-19-14 75 11 9 3 6 23 12-31-14 61 7 2 4 22 Averages 65 11 4 5 24 * Milking Heifers to Calve * Assumes 1.7% per month culling rate. Income Over Feed Cost $ Services for Past 12 Months Service Number Number Intervals 1 Days Total Feed Cost $ Interval Length 2nd Lact 2 Cost of Concentrates $ Service or Heat Interval Days Open 1st Lact 1 4,900 Projected Minimum Avg. Days to 1st Service %ENE 10.86 3 Cows With No Service Dates or Diag. Open Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed String Reproductive Summary Of Total Herd Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed Days to 1st Service 50 Days Open at 1st Service All Cows Pasture Concentrates Number 33.4 40.1 Milking Cows Silage Total Cows Breeding Herd 52.5 (Milking Cows) Voluntary Waiting Period (VWP) 41.8 Number 31 97 Reproductive Summary Of Current Breeding Herd Rolling Yearly Herd Averages 40 Page 3 of 6 Supv. Production, Income & Feed Cost Summary Daily Average per Cow on Test Day DHI-202 Feed Cost per CWT Milk $ Milk Blend Price Per CWT % Fat % Pro Per CWT % Fat % Pro Totals Miscellaneous Herd Information Shipped-Test Day Comparison Test Day Yearly Avg. Milking Times Wgh Spl 1st 9:10pm Y N Reported Avg. Daily Bulk Tank Wts 2nd 4:14am Y N % Deviation 3rd 12:15pm Y Y Sum of Test Day Wts 1555 1841 Remarks: Cows milked 3 times daily for all or part of this yearly period. 34 26 98 42 Herd Code 42-77-0074 Test Date 12-31-2014 Breed Stage Of Lactation Profile 1 - 40 Number Milking Average Daily Milk 101 - 199 200 - 305 1 306 + Total or Average 1 3 2nd Lact 1 3 3 1 8 3+ Lacts 5 3 9 1 18 6 12 All Lacts 1 7 1st Lact 59 42 3 29 34 45 2nd Lact 62 60 44 56 54 3+ Lacts 61 58 50 26 53 59 58 59 49 39 52 4.6 3.0 5.1 3.3 6.8 4.4 5.5 3.6 All Lacts 1st Lact % Fat 2nd Lact % Fat 4.2 5.4 5.7 5.5 5.4 % Pro 3.3 3.8 4.0 3.7 3.8 3+ % Fat Lacts % Pro 4.8 3.4 5.2 3.5 5.2 3.9 5.7 4.1 5.1 3.7 % Pro Page 4 of 6 3 Avg. Age Number Animals Number ID Changes Num. Identified By Sire Dam (Yr-Mo) No. Animals with Merit $ Average Merit $ Animal Sire Herd Merit $ Option 0 - 12 Genetic Profile of Service Sires A.I. Progeny Tested NM 13+ 1st Lact 5 1-11 5 2nd Lact 11 3-01 11 3+ Lacts 24 5-08 24 All Lacts 40 4-07 % Identified (Producing Females) 5 3 +41 11 11 -106 -25 24 24 -82 +14 38 -79 +18 40 40 100 100 +133 Avg. Age +0 1st Lact 5 23 59 2nd Lact 11 37 71 (Mo) Pro 102 Somatic Cell Summary Avg. Body Wt. Pro % Cows SCC Score 0,1,2,3 4 5 6 7,8,9 Below 142,000 142,000 283,000 284,000 565,000 566,000 1.13 M Over 1.13 M Milk Fat 57 15574 853 583 +1854 +161 +73 880 100 67 16872 836 622 +1515 +71 +49 960 88 13 4.6 4.8 5.3 5.3 6.0 5.2 3+ Lacts 24 68 74 72 15441 782 574 +235 +18 +8 1050 72 6 22 3.0 3.4 3.7 3.9 4.1 3.7 All Lacts 40 55 73 70 15902 805 590 +752 +44 +26 1010 79 3 17 1st Lact 33 38 50 39 2nd Lact 460 56 40 132 119 112 69 143 460 128 157 62 119 182 118 2 3 1 6 29 Weighted SCC ACT (Nearest 1,000) 25 33 19 3+ Lacts All Lacts SCC ACT >= 200 33 Number Percent Herd Production Lost From SCC This Test Period Milk Dry Cow Profile Cows Entered Cows Left 2 5 2 11 64 8 3 2 5 3+ 24 73 15 9 8 19 35 70 23 12 12 29 40-70 Num. > 70 % 6 All 14 6 14 Num. % 26 Yearly Production And Mastitis Summary Days In Test Period Number Cows In Herd On Test Day Test Dropped 28 46 174 54.2 56.3 94 89 2-13-14 64 45 158 57.4 57.0 91 78 3-26-14 41 44 170 57.3 55.8 100 4-30-14 35 43 172 54.2 52.0 6-04-14 35 42 161 54.8 7-11-14 37 41 162 8-25-14 45 40 10-08-14 44 11-19-14 Test Date 150 Day Milk Test Day Averages (All Cows) % In Milk Low Prod Repro Feet & Legs Injury Other Disease Not Rptd Died 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 3 % Left Herd For Involuntary Reasons Rolling Yearly Herd Average Somatic Cell Count Summary % Cows SCC Score 0,1,2,3 4 5 6 7,8,9 Below 142,000 142,000 283,000 284,000 565,000 566,000 1.13 M Over 1.13 M 5 3 3.5 227 12.1 3 14 3.6 523 12.7 3 6 3 3.1 273 16.3 1 20 3 7 3 2.9 319 14.0 1 67 28 3 3 2.5 162 13.6 1 623 83 8 6 3 2.6 182 14.4 1 822 616 63 20 9 3 6 3.1 398 16.2 1 16394 829 618 62 21 10 7 3.0 533 16.2 1 3.9 16345 823 613 59 16 13 3 3.0 233 14.5 5.1 3.7 16194 808 603 79 3 17 2.6 118 12.1 2 4.9 3.7 67 17 8 2.9 305 14.5 3 5.5 4.0 17844 892 649 50 25 18 4.9 3.8 17985 903 663 57 14 11 77 44.3 5.6 3.8 18018 904 667 65 24 96 70 37.8 4.9 3.6 17544 878 650 67 52.9 98 88 48.2 4.7 3.6 16995 847 632 55.9 53.1 102 88 49.1 4.5 3.5 16733 830 180 54.5 54.5 99 90 48.9 4.7 3.6 16456 39 187 57.0 56.8 101 74 42.4 5.1 3.9 42 40 184 53.9 56.8 96 83 44.2 5.1 12-31-14 42 40 180 52.5 53.5 93 78 40.1 Averages 43 42 173 55.3 54.7 97 46.4 Milk Fat Pro 9 4 5 Wt. Avg. Actual SCC Number Left Herd Avg. SCC Linear Score 44.7 81 44.4 41.9 Dropped Udder Mast 2 48.3 Added 276 1 %Pro Test Period Avg. Milk Lbs Milk Dairy %Fat DIM Milk Test Period Persist. Index Dollars ($) Number of Cows Left the Herd Avg. Days Dry < 40 1,172 Yearly Summary Of Cows Entered And Left The Herd Number Dry by Days Number Dry Periods 1 Test Day Averages (Milking Cows) +0 87 All % Fat Lacts % Pro SCC ACT 4 +382 Avg. Percentile Rank (Net Merit) DCR Milk Difference From Herdmates Milk Fat Proj 305 Day ME Summit Milk Peak Milk Non A.I. Bulls 6 Average Merit $ No. Heifers Age Over 30 Months All Other A.I. Bulls 96 Production By Lactation Summary Number of Cows A.I. Genomic Tested % of Herd Bred to Number of Bulls Used Replacements Lact. % Fat & Pro 41 - 100 1 String Identification And Genetic Summary Age Group Stage of Lactation (Days) 1st Lact JE MUN Died 1 Sold 3 9 HERD SUMMARY Test Date 12-31-2014 Electronic Meters Samples at Lab 01-02-2015 Breed HO 42-77-0074 I O STATE DAIRY JOE DETRICK Processed 01-02-2015 Type Test DHI-APCS Assoc. 400 Total Cows Cows in Milk Milk Lbs (All Cows) Fat Lbs (All Cows) Fat % Protein Lbs (All Cows) Protein % Milk Lbs % 90 Other Succulents or Blended Rations Dry Forage Other Feeds Value of Product $ 138 % 89 24,929 2.37 906 3.6 3.6 2.01 782 3.1 3.1 Number Under VWP Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed %ENE Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed %ENE 16.68 Cows With No Service Dates or Diag. Open Open VWP to 100 Days 67 Open Over 100 Days Cows Bred But Not Diag. Preg. Days Open at Last Service Number Diag. Open 12 Under VWP VWP to 100 Days 101 to 130 Days Over 130 Days 12 Number Cows 2 47 16 39 9 % of Breeding Herd 1 34 12 28 9 Number VWP to 100 2.4 3.3 13.0 116 < 18 61 1st 386 30 +790 67 2.3 3.4 13.0 116 18 - 24 171 2nd 255 30 +796 326 3rd + 478 27 +791 87 Total 1119 29 Interval Length 99 3+ Lacts 7 96 1 66 2.8 4.2 13.6 135 36 - 48 All Lacts 12 299 2 66 2.5 3.6 13.2 123 Other 4 1 96 Current Actual Calving Interval 1 Service Number Number Intervals Abortions 13.1 Birth Summary Dam's Lact Num Alive 2+ %ENE Total Females Dead Alive Calving Difficulty Score 1 Dead 2 3 4&5 Service Sire Merit $ Conception Rate This Test +792 Past Year Actual 1 3 Apparent 2 44 Yearly Reproductive Summary % 4+5 5 66 4 104 10 8 4 3 164 8 143 13 256 19 13 5 2 221 13 209 17 360 29 21 9 2 Cows To Be Milking, Dry, Calving By Month %ENE Number Services Offspring Born Males Days Number Confirm Preg Total Preg Cows Test Date % Heats Obs. Conception Rate Test Dropped 68 23 22 95 34 31 227 2-13-14 63 27 21 218 64 89 217 3-26-14 65 32 24 113 34 57 208 219 Preg Rate Number Services Number Calving Jan 382 Feb 387 Mar 397 Apr 410 May 407 Jun 401 4-30-14 65 28 20 110 42 34 6-04-14 64 35 23 112 37 43 211 Dry 46 43 37 30 37 42 7-11-14 61 28 19 108 41 34 207 Cows to Calve 23 21 32 26 16 23 8-25-14 60 28 17 116 45 56 197 Heifers to Calve 22 14 17 19 17 12 10-08-14 57 30 18 116 29 55 190 11-19-14 58 29 131 39 46 193 12-31-14 62 137 38 39 197 62 129 41 50 204 * Milking * Assumes 2.9% per month culling rate. Income Over Feed Cost $ 66 Days Open 104 % of All 1st Services Services for Past 12 Months Calving Interval 4 57 Total Feed Cost $ Service or Heat Interval All Cows 1 1 Cost of Concentrates $ Projected Minimum Preg. Cows 2nd Lact %ENE 6,211 Number Over 100 Services per Pregnancy Avg. Days to 1st Service 1st Lact Lbs Consumed 14.82 All Strings Reproductive Summary Of Total Herd %ENE Lbs Consumed 50 Days Open at 1st Service Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed Days to 1st Service 16 Lbs Consumed Lbs Consumed String 22 All Cows Pasture Concentrates Number 380.5 65.7 Milking Cows Silage Total Cows Breeding Herd 73.0 (Milking Cows) Voluntary Waiting Period (VWP) 427.5 Number 380 97 Reproductive Summary Of Current Breeding Herd Rolling Yearly Herd Averages 422 Page 5 of 6 Supv. Production, Income & Feed Cost Summary Daily Average per Cow on Test Day DHI-202 Feed Cost per CWT Milk $ Milk Blend Price Per CWT 23.57 % Fat 3.7 % Pro 3.2 Per CWT 25.25 % Fat % Pro Averages 3.6 3.2 Totals Miscellaneous Herd Information Shipped-Test Day Comparison Test Day Yearly Avg. Sum of Test Day Wts Reported Avg. Daily Bulk Tank Wts % Deviation 27495 28854 Milking Times Wgh Spl 1st 9:10pm Y N 4:14am Y N 12:15pm Y Y 27806 28245 2nd -1.1 +2.2 3rd Remarks: Cows milked 3 times daily for all or part of this yearly period. 30 20 1161 453 Herd Code 42-77-0074 Test Date 12-31-2014 Breed Stage Of Lactation Profile 306 + 8 24 33 27 28 120 2nd Lact 10 14 37 32 18 111 3+ Lacts 15 25 35 46 23 144 All Lacts 33 63 105 105 69 375 1st Lact 69 77 81 69 55 Average Daily Milk 71 2nd Lact 79 95 85 58 48 72 3+ Lacts 86 100 86 67 49 76 All Lacts 80 90 84 65 51 73 101 - 199 200 - 305 1st Lact % Fat % Pro 3.9 3.0 3.5 2.8 3.4 2.9 3.6 3.2 3.9 3.4 3.6 3.1 2nd Lact % Fat 4.5 3.4 3.4 3.8 4.3 3.8 % Pro 3.3 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.2 3+ % Fat Lacts % Pro 4.4 3.0 3.8 2.8 3.8 3.0 3.7 3.3 3.9 3.3 3.8 3.1 All % Fat Lacts % Pro 4.3 3.6 3.5 3.7 4.0 3.1 2.8 3.0 3.3 1st Lact 146 102 369 98 2nd Lact 73 738 124 185 125 236 3+ Lacts 577 578 262 343 510 419 All Lacts 333 460 245 232 266 297 Number 8 11 21 26 24 90 24 17 Weighted SCC ACT (Nearest 1,000) 20 25 35 24 % Fat & Pro SCC ACT SCC ACT >= 200 Percent Avg. Age Number ID Changes Num. Identified By Sire Dam No. Animals with Merit $ Number Animals 0 - 12 186 0-06 186 186 186 +311 +540 13+ 155 1-06 155 155 155 +216 +398 Replacements 341 0-11 341 341 341 +267 +475 1st Lact 141 1-11 141 141 136 +180 +327 2nd Lact 124 3-00 124 124 1 124 +110 +232 3+ Lacts 157 5-00 152 147 1 154 +11 +103 All Lacts 422 3-04 417 412 2 414 +96 +217 99 98 (Yr-Mo) % Identified (Producing Females) Number of Cows Avg. Age 1st Lact 141 23 89 2nd Lact 124 36 101 3.7 3+ Lacts 157 60 3.4 3.1 All Lacts 422 40 162 199 (Mo) 98 2 23 Average Merit $ +0 +629 Avg. Percentile Rank (Net Merit) +0 97 102 Avg. Body Wt. Pro % Cows SCC Score 0,1,2,3 4 5 6 7,8,9 Below 142,000 142,000 283,000 284,000 565,000 566,000 1.13 M Over 1.13 M 86 25913 904 773 +1766 +41 +37 1200 82 8 3 3 97 24267 874 753 +194 +14 +16 1300 72 16 6 2 4 108 104 23023 864 714 -390 +8 -7 1390 54 17 11 7 11 100 96 24388 881 746 +517 +21 +15 1300 68 14 7 4 7 Dry Cow Profile 5 Cows Entered Cows Left 23 5 123 50 16 99 8 47 11 3+ 157 61 13 109 35 87 20 280 56 29 208 43 Num. > 70 % 136 Test Dropped 28 444 199 78.7 86.0 97 87 2-13-14 64 447 192 77.3 84.2 94 88 3-26-14 41 453 189 78.8 83.6 99 4-30-14 35 443 193 81.1 85.4 6-04-14 35 435 191 77.4 7-11-14 37 408 191 78.3 8-25-14 45 401 193 10-08-14 44 413 11-19-14 42 12-31-14 Averages Test Period Persist. Index Test Day Averages (All Cows) % In Milk Milk 32 136 32 Num. % 157 Dairy Low Prod 1 37 36 Repro Feet & Legs Injury Other 2 1 1 18 9 1 2 10 2 24 24 5 2 5,078 3 55 35 6 5 Disease Not Rptd Died 1 4 10 2 18 21 3 29 7 % Left Herd For Involuntary Reasons Rolling Yearly Herd Average Somatic Cell Count Summary % Cows SCC Score 0,1,2,3 4 5 6 7,8,9 Below 142,000 142,000 283,000 284,000 565,000 566,000 1.13 M Over 1.13 M 3 6 2.9 308 10.7 2 14 6 7 3.1 388 10.9 8 18 7 5 5 2.9 260 11.6 2 11 11 9 4 4 2.7 221 14.1 2 17 73 13 6 4 4 2.6 235 13.9 2 14 81 8 4 3 4 2.1 163 13.9 793 72 12 6 5 5 2.6 259 15.7 5 18 924 793 72 12 7 4 5 2.6 282 14.9 5 6 24966 916 789 74 10 7 3 5 2.6 206 12.9 3 6 24929 906 782 68 14 7 4 7 2.9 297 12.0 2 7 72 12 7 4 5 2.7 257 13.3 29 128 Milk Fat Pro 3.9 3.3 25345 953 794 69 15 7 3.6 3.2 25303 951 801 64 17 7 89 69.8 3.7 3.2 25306 949 804 69 14 103 88 71.1 3.4 3.1 25239 940 803 72 82.2 96 89 69.1 3.9 3.0 25113 934 799 83.4 101 90 70.3 3.5 3.0 25010 931 795 73.7 81.1 97 91 66.8 3.6 3.0 24956 925 192 75.1 83.2 102 90 67.5 3.6 3.2 24995 420 195 76.4 84.1 101 90 68.7 3.5 3.2 42 422 204 73.0 80.5 96 90 65.7 3.6 3.1 43 427 193 76.8 83.1 99 3.6 3.1 Wt. Avg. Actual SCC Number Left Herd Avg. SCC Linear Score 68.2 68.5 Udder Mast 13 68.8 89 68.6 66.7 Dropped Dollars ($) Number of Cows Left the Herd 2 40-70 < 40 21,546 Yearly Summary Of Cows Entered And Left The Herd Number Dry by Days Avg. Days Dry %Pro Added Non A.I. Bulls Somatic Cell Summary %Fat Test Period Avg. Milk Lbs All Other A.I. Bulls Fat Yearly Production And Mastitis Summary 150 Day Milk % of Herd Bred to Number of Bulls Used DCR Milk Difference From Herdmates Milk Fat Pro A.I. Genomic Tested Milk Number Dry Periods Number Cows In Herd On Test Day Milk A.I. Progeny Tested NM Milk Days In Test Period DIM Genetic Profile of Service Sires Herd Production Lost From SCC This Test Period All Test Date Herd Merit $ Option No. Heifers Age Over 30 Months Proj 305 Day ME Summit Milk Peak Milk 1 Test Day Averages (Milking Cows) Average Merit $ Animal Sire Production By Lactation Summary Lact. Number Milking 41 - 100 Page 6 of 6 All Strings Identification And Genetic Summary Total or Average 1 - 40 String Age Group Stage of Lactation (Days) 1st Lact HO MUN Died Sold 31