Document 14353642

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
St. Raymond School
5735 Whitehorn. At’enue
Mississauga, Ontario L5V 2A9
Telephone: 905 286-1010
Fax: 905 286-0712
Principal: W Brun ton
Vice Principal: M. D’Aiessandro
Head Secretary: L. Campoli
Assistant Secretary: T, Caines
Vice-Principal’s Messacie:
It is with great sadness that I say “Good-Bye’ to the St
Raymond Community. I would like to take this oppor
tunity to personally thank everyone for a memorable
year. Thanks to the staff of St. Raymond School.
whose energy, dedication and commitment have pro
vided many opportunities for students to grow aca
demically, socially and emotionally in curricular and co
curricular activities.
Thank you to our parent volunteers, school lunch
monitors and all parents who have shared their time
and knowledge with our students. Thanks also to ow
Catholic School Council members who have contrib
uted their time and effort to raise funds, give direction
and support to the many initiatives at St. Raymond
Thank you to Fr. Marc Andre and Fr. Kim for your spiri
tual leadership to our students through class visits,
school masses and sacramental preparation. The
lives of the students St. Raymond School have been
A big thank you to Mrs. Campoli and Ms. Caines fo
running an efficient office and to Mr. LaRizza, Mr. Tu
lagan, and Mr. Nuguid for maintaining a clean and safe
school environment. Special thanks to my angels Mr.
Brunton and Mr. Schuster who have been my mentors
and most importantly my friends.
Thanks to our Trustee Peter Ferreira and to Cathy
Saytar, Superintendent of Mississauga South for theirl
support of and commitment to our students,
Most of all, thank the students of St. Raymond Schooll
who have given me so many happy and memorablel
moments during my two years at St. Raymond. I thanki
you all for listening to all my stories, my Did You
Knows?’ and for being respectful, faithful, and forgiv
My family and I are looking forward to September 2012
as we will be on a year of absence. We look forward
to spending the year together as a family.
Mrs. Galvao will be joining the school as Acting Vice
Principal and Vice Principal and I am sure the commu
nity will welcome her as they did me two years ago.
I wish each of you a very restful, fun filled and safe
summer. If you are moving away from our community, I
wish you well and hope that your future brings all the
happiness you deserve. If you are returning to St. Ray
mond School in the fall, may you do so renewed, re
energized and ready to “Learn in Faith” once again.
May God bless each and everyone of you.
Grade 8 Graduation
Time to Say “Goodbye...”
Grade Eight Graduation is fast ap
proaching. A Graduation Mass will
be celebrated at St. Joseph Church
for all grade eight students belonging to the parish
at 10:00 am on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. Par
ents and Guardians are welcome to attend. The
Graduation ceremony will be held at St. Raymond
School on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. The cere
mony will begin at 6:30 pm. in our school gymna
sium followed by a short reception in the foyer.
The students will then enjoy a Graduation dance
from 8:00 pm. to 10:00 pm. We wish all of the
Grade Eight students continued success in their
future endeavours.
SK Graduation
Graduation ceremony for the 5K
students will be held in the gym on
Wednesday, June 27th
9:30 a m.
for the morning classes and 1:30
p.m. for the afternoon classes.
End of Year Mass/Graduation
Our school Year End Anniversary Mass will take
place on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 beginning
11:00 am. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Thanks to the following staff who have done an admira
ble job filling in for regular staff on leaves: Mrs.
McTavish & Mr. Virdo (for Mrs. Orsini), Mrs. Stadjuhar
and Ms St. Louis (for Mrs. Soutsos). Ms. Barran (for Mrs.
Petruccelli-Cond), Ms. El-Choli (for Mrs. Corvese
Abdou), Ms. Maier (for Mrs. Strk) and Mr. Eze (for Mrs.
Voyatzis ) Mrs. Fernandez (for Mrs. Noguera).
A special Good-Bye to Mrs. Lootsma who will be going to St. Timothy begin
ning next September. Our best wishes to all staff leaving and we would
like to thank them for their efforts while here at St. Raymond School!!!!
Parish Corner
St. Joseph’s Church
5440 Dune Road
Mississauga, Ontario
Pastoral Team
Fr. Marc-Andre Campbell
Assoc. Pastor Fr. Matthias Kim
Deacon Lionel Gomes
Deacon George Jurenas
Youth Minister Ana DaCosta
Dufferin Peel CDSB
Trustee Ward 6
Peter Ferreira
DIrector of Education
J. Kostoff
Associate Director
R. Borrelli
Cathy Saytar
Bus Transportation
Family Daycare
St. Raymond Thanks You
As we lead into the final month of the school year, St. Raymond School would
like to thank the many individuals that helped make our school year successful
for our staff, students, and parent community.
A very special thank you to our Parent Council. This year our parent council
has provided our students with many resources and opportunities for our stu
dents to grow as students and faith leaders of their faith. Thank you to all our
parent council members for the countless hours and time you have given our
school and students.
Thank you to all of our volunteers who have provided their time to St. Raymond
School. Your time for our students was greatly appreciated and we look for
ward to working with our volunteers in the next school year.
Thank you to our Lunchtime Student Monitors Mrs. Mahadeo, Mrs. Flamminii,
Ms. Menon for supervising our students throughout our lunch periods this year.
A special thank you to our grade 8’s who enter high school in the fall. Con
gratulations on all that you have accomplished at St. Raymond Catholic
School, may God Bless and guide you in your future endeavours.
A very special thank you to our School Trustee, Peter Ferreira for his contin
ued support and efforts on behalf of our school and all the schools, which he
represents at the Board level.
A very special thank you to our Superintendent of Schools, Cathy Saytar, for
her support, encouragement and work on behalf of parents and students in
P.A. Day June 13th
A reminder to all parents that Monday June 11th will be a P.A. for
all students. There will be no classes for students on this day as
teachers will be involved in assessment and reporting for their
Last Day of the School Year...
Friday June 29th, 2012 will be the last day of school for this aca
demic year
First Day of School for 2011/2012...
School will resume on Tuesday, September 4th, 2012.
First P.A. Day of School for 201112012 for Reorganization...
The first P A. Day for reorganization will be Friday, September
14th, 2012.
Emergency Contact Info and Phone Num
It is critical that the school has all of the up-to-date
phone numbers and emergency contacts in the event
of an illness or injury to your child. Please inform the
office staff of any changes to work, home, cell and
emergency contact numbers. Your child’s safety and
well-being are important to us.
School Reminders...
Textbooks and Library books...
As the school year draws to a close, students are
reminded to return any books belonging to St. Ray
mond School. Library materials and textbooks are
expensive to replace. Please assist your child(ren) in
locating any lost items and return them as soon as
possible. We would like all books to be back at
school so that inventory can be taken as we ap
proach the end of the school year. Your support is
always appreciated.
Thank you.
New Registrations for 201 2—2013
The school office will accept new registrations for
2012-2013 school year up to and including Friday,
June 29th of this year (last day of classes). The of
fice will re-open for new registrations on August 29th
to September 2nd from
9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m.
First Day Procedures
First day procedures will be very similar to previous
years. Specific details will be found in a letter that
will accompany report cards. Final report cards will
be sent home with students on Tuesday, June 26,
Personal Electronic Devices (PED’s)
As part of our efforts to promote and maintain a posi
tive Catholic climate in our schools, the board ap
proved a policy regarding Personal Electronic De
vices (PED’s) such as cell phones, cameras. ipods,
ipads, etc on school property. In this regard, all cell
phones must be kept out of sight, turned off and
not used within school premises or during school
sanctioned activities.
At St. Raymond Catholic School we ask that students
leave all electronic devices and games at home as
the school cannot be responsible for their safe keep
ing. Cell phones are permissible as long as they are
turned off and not used in or on school property.
Distribution and Storage of Medication
and Epi-Pens for September 2012
If a child is required to bring medication to school,
procedures relative to the administration of medica
tion shall only be adopted:
when requested by the parents/guardians:
and when authorized by a physician: and when
medication must be provided during school hours.
A designated staff member must administer medica
tion: hence, a signed request/authorization form from
the parents/guardians and the supervising physician,
must be obtained.
These forms are available
through the school office. The required authoriza
tion forms and medication shall be delivered to the
principal or designated person by the parents/
guardians. All medication will be housed in a safe
location. Medication must not be kept in the child’s
possession (i.e. pocket, back pack, etc.) or in the
classroom, except for epi-pens.
Report Cards
Distribution and Storage of Medication
and Epi-pens forms for September
Report cards will be sent home with students in JK
Grade 8 on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. A letter outlin
ing the opening day routines will be included. Please
note that ministry mandates regarding class size in
both primary and junior grades may result in more
combined grade classes and reorganization of
classes/students wll occur during September as cir
cumstances warrant.
Should you wish to discuss any concerns regarding
your child’s report. please contact the teacher imme
diately and he/she will be available to discuss your
concerns by telephone on June 28th and 29th.
2012 forms for the distribution and storage of medi
cation and Epi-pens will be sent home in June. Par
ents can then contact their physicians to complete
these forms over the summer holidays and return
these forms to school in September 2012.
Pick up Medication Stored in the office
for the summer months
A reminder to parents that you will need to pick up
any medications and/or Epi-pen for your child that
has been stored in the office this year on June 29th
or give your child written permission to take home
his/her medication the last day of school
Jr. Heads Up Competition
Congratulations to the Junior Head’s Up team, Timo
thy, Steven, Christian, Dylan and Quianna. They did a
fantastic job at the Mississauga South tournament,
and represented St. Raymond’s well. Your coaches
and school are very proud of you’
Intermediate Heads Up Competition
On May 17th, the intermediate Heads Up team had
the opportunity to test their curriculum-related knowl
edge in this fast-paced and exciting trivia competition!
Ann Mary, Ciera, Gianmarco, Marc A., and Marc D.
competed against other intermediate teams from
schools within our family and certainly rose to the
challenge. They worked well together, constantly co
operating to answer questions quickly and correctly.
Congratulations on your effort and teamwork!
Busing Information
September School Buses
The Dufferin-Peel School Board in keeping with Min
istry directives, have implemented a new transporta
tion system. Students qualify for the bus privileges
based on the exact distance they live from the school.
Distance is calculated using a GPS system.
To verify whether your child qualifies to take the bus,
the place of the bus stop, and the times of arrival and
departure check the new website: http:I/ You will then need your child’s OEN
(which is on the report card). Please verify for each
child as distance for eligibility varies with the grade.
Please be advised that NO CARS are allowed to park in
the kiss n ride/fire route lane or drive through lane in the
front of the school. If parents are picking up and waiting
for their child they are to use the designated side streets.
Please ensure that you read all street signs prior to parking
on any side streets.
The city of Mississauga has been patrolling and ticketing
cars who are in violation of these parking procedures.
Father Daniel Zanon School or the Dufferin Peel Catholic
District School Board will not be responsible for any fines
that have been given to cars that are not following city
parking by laws.
When students exit the car in the Kiss N Ride lane, they
should use the passenger doors only to exit vehicles
this will ensure students will be dropped off on the school
sidewalk safely.
Under NO circumstances should vehicles be backing up
or going the wrong way or parking. No vehicles are to
park in the drive thru lane at any time.
School Kiss & Ride should improve the traffic flow and
ultimately create a safer environment for the children.
Please be advised that beginning of the 2012/2013 school
year, teachers will not be opening car doors during the
Kiss N Ride duty. For the safety of all teachers, students,
and vehicles, teachers will only supervise students as
they exit the vehicles.
Parents may assist their child on exiting the vehicle,
but are kindly asked not to park in the Kiss N Ride
lane. We thank you for your cooperation with this mat
Virtue of the Month—Fairness
UNTIL OCTOBER. The procedure to request these
seats will be shared in the October newsletter.
Thank you for making St Raymond School a peanutfree environment In the Fall, we will have several
new students to our community that have severe aller
gies to shellfish The allergy similar to a peanut al
ergy is life-threatening We ask ali Darents students
and staff of St Raymond School to refrain from bring
ng foods nto the schooi that cause allergic reacto”s
‘Ne are askng that all St Raymond Schoo! members
(ncIudng students and teachers) to refrain from bring
ng the following items to school for snack and/or
lunch shrimp lobster crab, sushi, and/or shellfish of
any sort As well, please be aware that items such as
salad dressing contain oyster juice which will cause a
reaction Please be aware of the peanut-free and
.i ‘
Dress Code
With the warm weather approaching, we would again
like to take this opportunity to review the dress code
expectations for St. Raymond School.
As a Catholic school, we believe that there must be a
commitment to high standards of modesty, neatness.
cleanliness and good taste. Therefore, while haltertops, short shorts, spandex bike wear, muscle shirts
and similar clothing may be acceptable for beach
wear. they are not appropriate for classroom instruc
tion. Shirts should be of appropriate length to be able
to be tucked into pants or a skirt, No midriffs or belly
buttons should be showing. Shorts and skirts should
be appropriate length for school, (e.g., longer than
the length of your arm and hand when held at the
side of your body). Suggestive or inappropriate lan
guage or violent symbols are not permitted on any
clothing or personal belongings. Sunglasses, hats,
(including bandanas worn as head covering) are not
to be worn inside the school. Non-marking running
shoes are to be worn during physical education
classes. Tight and/or revealing clothing is not accept
able. Bra straps should not be visible and the width of
shoulder straps on tops should be at least 2 inches or
5 cm wide. We appreciate your support.
Grade 2 First Holy Communion
On Thursday, May 17, 2012 Grade 2 students en
joyed a well organized and meaningful retreat day in
preparation for their first Holy Communion which took
place on Sunday, May 27, 2012 at St. Joseph
Church. Special thanks to parent volunteers who
helped out and to our grade 2 staff of Ms. Barran,
Mrs. LeBrun, and especially Mrs. Yuzik for organiz
ing this special day.
Crowning of Mary
On Thursday, May 10th the staff, students and par
ents of St. Raymond celebrated the Crowning of
Mary together with the Rosary Apostolates from St.
Joseph’s Parish. Mrs. Davenport’s Gr. 3 class par
ticipated in a dramatic presentation of the Story of
Our Lady of Guadeloupe and the Grade 7’s recreated
the Living Rosary for the junior and intermediate
From May 30th to June the 1st, many of the grade
eights had the opportunity to experience and explore
News from School Council
The Human Family in Christ
St. Raymond is proud to once again sponsor a poor
child in Bolivia through the Human Family in
Christ. Through this sponsorship program, a donation
of $180 will provide food, clothes, medicine and scho
lastic material to a sponsored child for a whole
year. Sister Maria Jesus, PB., will furnish each spon
sor with a photo and information on the child and their
family background. which we will place in our display
case in the school lobby. Thank you to our school
community for their continued charitable support.
SPC Card
The SPC card will be available for purchase through
our school at a price of $9 per card, $3 of which will be
retained by the school. With an SPC card, students
can save between 10% 15% at a large number of
fashion, food, and lifestyle retailers across the coun
try. Watch out for the order form to arrive shortly.
School Council 2012-2013
On behalf of all the students, staff, and parent commu
nity of St. Raymond School, we would like to thank our
current School Council Chair Mrs. Sue Penny for her
dedication and contribution to St. Raymond School.
Mrs. Penny has served our school council through
many different positions during her 12 years as a par
ent of St. Raymond School. Unfortunately this is Mrs.
Penny’s last year as a parent of St. Raymond School
but will always remain a member of the St. Raymond
community. Thank you Mrs. Penny for everything you
have done for the students of St. Raymond School.
We encourage all parents to attend our first school
council meeting in the beginning of the school year.
More details will follow in September, however we en
courage all parents to consider running for a school
council position at St. Raymond School for the 20122013 school year. Nomination forms will be made
available in the new school year for any parents inter
ested in holding a specfc posbon on our school coun
cil. Parents are also welcomed and encouraged to be
or simply a parhcipant n our school council
and attend any or all councH meeungs More .nforma
tion will be made available in the new school year.
the great outdoors at Onondaga Camp in Minden,
Ontario. Students were able to participate in a num
ber of exciting activities and games that were both
fun and educational. Some of the teacher supervi
sors even learned a few things, like how to build a
campfire or to put up a tent! The councillors were
energetic and fun-loving, and made the experience
that much better. Luckily, the bugs were limited and
many students escaped the wilderness hug-bite free!
it was definitely a trip to remember!
Mr. Brunton
44TIfor Keeps
I met a child that loved to read
who didn’t own a book,
I found a few more just like her
when I took a closer look.
I rallied troops behind me
and we sought books by the heaps,
And now we find the kids in need
and give them Books... for Keeps!
The New Symphony System was implemented on
Fri., May 18, 2012. Circulation on the new system
is progressing well, as teachers and students be
come accustomed to the new features. It is impor
tant to know that on this system, students have a 14
days loan period. If the item is not returned by the
day, the system will automatically suspend the
user from checking out any items until the original
item is returned or paid for. On this system there are
no late fees, but if the book is lost or damaged, stu
dents will be asked to pay to replace the book.
Students will be able to sign books out until the week
of June 11-15, All books must be returned by
June 22
2012. Notices will go home the final week
of school for non-returned books. Books not returned
by the end of the school year, will carry over to the
2012/13 school year. When transferring to another
Dufferin-Peel school, the system will automatically
transfer library information as well. So any out
standing books will also show up at the new school,
this includes grade 8 students who graduate. Hence,
please ensure all library items are returned by the
end of the school year.
DELL Computer
St. Raymond will be con
verting to DELL computers
during the beginning of the
2012/2013 school year.
Students and teachers will
be working together to
make the conversion as
easy as possible.
Another change in our lab
is that students will no longer be provided with head
phones For hygienic ann financial reasons students
are to bnng in their own set The headphones will be
stored n a labeled Zipioc bag stored in a basket n
the classroom
l students damage ther head
phones t is their responsibility to replace them
Again for hygienic and storage reasons, there will be
no sharing of headphones among siblings
phones can be bought in a variety of locations (ex:
Dollarstore. Walmart. etc..). A reminder will go out in
September for students to start bringing them in.
St. Raymond’s you have been amazing! On behalf of Melaney
Smith the founder of Books for Keeps and everyone who sup
ports Books for Keeps we’d like to thank the St. Raymond’s
community for raising 1,115 books that will be repurposed next
year and given to many little boys and girls who would other
wise not have any books to read. Several books went out in this
year’s campaign and many will go out next year. Thanks once
again for all your help. For more information, or to learn more
about Books for Keeps please visit
Eco News
On May 24th, St. Raymond was audited by the Ontario
EcoSchools organization. Members of our Eco-team
were asked to showcase all the wonderful initiatives we
are doing at our school to make it a more eco-friendly
We are proud to announce that we have achieved offi
cial EcoSchool certification. Way to go, St. Raymond!!!
Thank you to all the students, staff and parents who
helped make this possible. Let’s continue to show our
school spirit into the new school year
Dentat Screening
Peel PubIc Health wli conduct a dentai screenng of
JK SK 4 6 and 8 students on June 8th 13th The
screening is an assessment by licensed hygienist using
separate, sterilized instruments The dental hygienist will
assess the need for fluoride, scaling, sealant and other
dental needs. Should you require more information,
please contact Peel Public Health, Dental and Oral
Health Services at 905-799-7700
Sha ret ife
At the end of May the ShareLife Committee of St. Ray
mond held a special event selling candy in support of
On May 7. 2012, St. Raymond staff and students walked
for The Hospital of Sick Children in the Hats Off 2 Kids
walk. Together we raised $839.23.
We are pleased to announce that through this event we
were able to raise almost $400.00 to help ShareLife
provide essential services to members of our commu
nity who are in need.
Congratulations St. Raymond and Thank you!!!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this event
such a successHH
Breakfast For Kids
Thank you to our community volun
teers, Mrs. Penny, Mrs. Pinelli,
Mrs. Tedesco and Ms. Ip for volun
teering their time so generously
this year to help with the Breakfast
for Kids program. Their assistance
contributed greatly in making
Breakfast for Kids a delicious success. Thank you as well
to Mrs. LeBrun, Ms. Barran, Ms. Rousseau, Ms. Kovachik
McTavish, Ms. Pompili, Ms. Miceli, Mrs. Piccinin and Mrs.
Alves for their commitment to the Breakfast for Kids pro
Our Last Sub Day for the year will be on... .Friday.
June 22, 2012. Enjoy a sub sandwich of your creation
for only $3.50. Add a drink and a cookie and/or fruit for
only $5.00. Orders forms will be distributed in classes
soon. All order forms will be due back to school by
Wed.,June 132012. GreatDeal!! GreatMealU!
*please note in order to comply with The
Food and
Beverage Policy (effective September 2011) Mr. Sub
sandwiches will be offered on whole wheat bread only.
Thank you.
gram. The last day for Breakfast will be Friday, June
15, 2012. See you in the Fall
Lost and Found
Girls on the Run
As the Girt s on the Run Program comes to an ea we
are pleased to have seen the nartmoants enthusiasm
se(fc nfdene team snt and fitness p ogress As
coaches we are thrilled and proud of their efforts We
all look forward to the Great Toronto 5 k run at Downsview Park on June 17th.
GOTR Coaches
Mrs McCracken. Mrs. Davenport, &
Ms. Yuzik
le “Lost and Found Box’ o
schoo off c
s a good place to start looking for missing items Periodi
cally, we remind students to check the box for any items
they may have lost. Please remind your child(ren) to
check the Lost and Found Boxes if anything is lost.
Highlights of St. Raymond’s 2012— 2013
School Year:
Open house in September & 10th Anniver
sary Celebration was very well attended by
members of the parent community.
St. Raymond Community raises over $4500
for Terry Fox Walk.
St. Raymond School Council elects new
board members for a total of 9 on council.
St. Raymond School continues School Spirit
special days on last Friday of
each month.
St. Joseph Parish Rosary Apostolate contin
ues to visit St Raymond and deliver their
eight session program to support and teach
the praying of the Rosary to all students.
LION (Learning in our neighborhood) Pro
gram continues to be made available every
Wednesday to all parents/families in the St.
Raymond community interested in learning
more about their child’s development.
Fall Book Fair results in our library acquiring
about $3000 worth of new books.
St. Raymond School staff welcomes, sup
ports and continues to help educate teacher
candidates / co-op students throughout the
EQAO scores continue to reflect successful
student achievement.
On November 11, grade 7 staff and students
acknowledge Remembrance Day with spe
cial service over the PA.
St. Raymond School continues to support
Virtue Recognition Program and acknowl
edge students who display virtuous charac
St. Raymond School re-launches the Walk to
School Program
Primary Christmas Concert is enjoyed by
“Angel Tree” and “Christmas Hamper”
proJects successfully support the less
fortunate within and outside of our school
Comm u n ty
St. Raymond is recognized as an ECO
Mr. Sub lunch days continue to be very popu
Youth Faith Ambassador Club membership for
students in grades 6, 7 and 8 continues to
Grade 8 students receive sacrament of confir
Outdoor beautification plan continues with the
planting of a new tree and flowers.
St. Raymond joins the World in supporting
Earth Hour, Earth Day and Clean Air Day.
Over 200 members of the St. Raymond School
community attend Blue Jays Game as part of
School Spirit Initiative.
St. Raymond Skills Canada Design and Tech
nology team finishes first and wins a gold
Many participate in Catholic Education Week
activities culminating in Crowning of Mary cele
bration organized by Rosary Apostolate from
St. Joseph Parish and facilitated by St. Ray
mond staff.
Intermediate & Junior “Heads Up” teams repre
sent St. Raymond.
St. Raymond staff welcomes parents and new
students via “Welcome to Kindergarten” eve
St. Raymond walks for Sick Kids—Hatz Off 2
Kidz raises over $800
Grade 2’s receive sacraments of reconciliation
and Holy Eucharist.
55 grade 8’s and five staff safely enjoy three
day excursion in Minden, Ontario while Mrs.
Podobnik holds down the fort back at the
St. Raymond has a successful first year of the
Breakfast for Kids program.
If your home address will be changing during the summer, please
notify the office staff at your child’s school
prior to June 30. STOPR will also accept address change inform
ation after June 30 and until July 6. Address
changes received after July 15 will not be reflected in the planned
bus routes to commence in September and
may result in transportation services not being available for your
child during the first weeks of school.
Parents will be responsible for their children getting to and from
school until appropriate transportation service
is arranged.
The distance criteria for transportation eligibility is:
kilometer Kindergarten and Grade 1
kilometers for Grades 2 4
kilometers for Grades 5 8
kilometers for Grades 9 12
If your child is moving to grade 2, grade 5 or grade 9 in the 2012-2
013 school year, their eligibility status for
transportation may be changing. Eligibility information can be access
ed at the website noted below.
All transported kindergarten and grade 1 students are require
d to be met by a parenticaregiver when
disembarking from their bus on their return trip from school.
Courtesy transportation, which is assignment of ineligible studen
ts to available, empty seats on buses, will not
be initiated prior to October 3. No exceptions.
Please be aware that during September and early October, STOPR
priorities are eligible students requiring
transportation service, bus overloads, and route timing adjustments.
Requests for additional or adjusted bus stop locations, route adjustm
ents, and challenges to eligibility status
will not be addressed until late October.
Please be patient. STOPR provides transportation services for
approximately 62,000 students to 350 schools
on 1,300 buses. This is accomplished with an operations staff of
15. Every effort is made to complete required
adjustments as quickly as possible, but there are limitations
to the volume of changes which can be
appropriately communicated and implemented each week.
All transportation operations issues are the responsibility of
STOPR and not either Board or individual
Contacting STOPR
ytorca, This website provides up to date delay and inclem
ent weather cancellation
information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked
ini,,stir,ca, This website allows parents to access information specific to
“what school do I
attend” and am I eligbIe for tran.sportahon. This site also provde
s parents access to specfc bus
stop location and pick up and drop off times for their children if eligibl
e for transportation
Telephone: Transportation East (areas generally east of Highw
ay 10)
Transportation West (areas generally west of Highway 10)
Special Education Transportation
Toll free
STOPR Administration
890-0708 ext. 23220
Catholic Summer
Youth Program
Why Totus Tuus?
b!essngs are corn rg from this camp
231 1 Parert Hos Parisr
oaughter was moved b her exoenere v
2011 Parent Host Paris’
\ great Cthohc camp at a reasonable pnce
201 1 Parent Host Parish
be teacher a authentic witness to Pfe as a
Cathohc was a grace to our Parish
2011 Pastor Host Panst
A faithful and fun catechetical program
We are EXC!TED to offer this new Summer program for Youth
St. Joseph’s Parish
Totus 7uus is a unique and fun-filled program that features a team of 4 college
-age students (2 men and 2
women) who will engage our youth with a week-long program about
the faith with skits, songs and
inspiring, interactive teaching. Thousands of Cathollc youth have been
delighted to be a part of it
throughout North America.
Totus Tuas arrived in Toronto in 2011 and is back in 2012
Please join us the week of July 15
Grade Schoo’ Program
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(Grades 6—8)
Two more sessions before EDGE breaks for the
We will be meeting Sunday, June
we will be exploring the Sacraments
On June
of Marriage and Holy Orders.
we will be having a Party celebrating
our successful year with EDGE.
This year’s Bible Camp at St. Joseph’s Parish,
open to kids aged 4 12, will be held July 2 6
13, 2012, comprised of two
and July 9
separate weeks at a cost of $50 per child, per
week. The camp will run daily from 9 am to 12
noon (snacks and all materials for the camp will
be provided) To register or volunteer, please
contact the Parish Office at 9058262766 or
SaintJoesyouthgjJaIco r
forms also available on our website:
l’ather ‘.s Day
PA Da’,’ School
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TracA and Field Fam
i/v Meet
Report (‘ard home
EQA 0 Testing ends
Peel Dental Screening
L irst Dciv of Summer
Soccer Tournie a
Cawthra Park Sam
Kortrighl Centre
Grade 3 Dip to the
June 2012
Giade 4 s to Sprin
End of Year Mass
Grade 8 Grad Mass
10:00 a St. Joseph’s
Ceremony 6:30 a St.
Rai ‘mond School
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Grandparents’ Day
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September 2012
First Day of Classes
Welcome back!
Labour Day holiday
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Ilepa B Clinic Gr. 7
& Gr,8
Iitsi I)ay