735 Vhtehjrn Avnuc, 4jssjsa’ra. (ntari’
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Dear Parents and Guardians:
From time to time, incidents of concern are reported in our community that should remind us all of the
importance of good family communication and developing plans / routines as a family for having our
children arrive safely to and home from school. As recently as last week, students from a nearby school
reported being approached by an unknown male on their way home from school. Police are actively
investigating this matter.
You may wish to take this opportunity to review safety procedures with your child. Peel Police have
provided us with the following safety guidelines:
Tell your children to never go anywhere with a stranger, not to talk to strangers and never take
anything from them. You also have to teach them what a safe stranger is in case they need help.
A safe stranger includes a police officer, a cashier, a fire fighter, etc.
Remind your child to never walk alone—always walk with a group.
Develop a ‘what if” game for the kids to get them thinking of how they would respond if they felt
threatened or afraid.
Know who your children play with and where they go. This includes keeping a list of their friend’s
addresses and phone numbers.
Remind your children not to take short cuts through parks, ravines, or other secluded areas.
Your child’s body is private. Tell your child that no one may touch the area their bathing suit
covers. If someone does or tries to touch them, they should advise you immediately.
Teach your children to talk to you immediately when someone does anything that makes them feel
strange or uncomfortable. Listen when your children are trying to tell you about something that
bothers them and provide them with support and understanding.
The safety of our students is our top priority. We want you to know if your child ever tells you about
something that seems suspicious, you can always call us for help. If you have any questions or concerns,
please call me at the school.
W. Schuster
St. Raymond
Sh. I