St. Raymond School October 2011

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
St. Raymond School
5735 Whitehorn Avenue
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6X3
Telephone: 905 286-1010
Fax: 905 286-0712
Principal: W. Schuster
Vice Principal: M. D’Alessandro
Head Secretary: L. Campoli
Assistant Secretary: T. Caines
Principal’s Message:
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let us give
thanks to…...
The students of St. Raymond School and
community for support of our Terry Fox
Walks and related activities.
All families who attended our 10 Year Anniversary Open House Night and supported
our Book Fair. Fr. Marc-Andre, Trustee P.
Ferreira and Superintendent C. Saytar for
joining us for our 10 Year Anniversary Open
The many staff and students involved in preparing prayers, songs and readings for our
opening school mass.
Our volunteers, staff coaches/leaders and all
other persons who give unselfishly of their
time to children and are sometimes taken for
Those responsible for and those who continue to support the right for our children to
experience a Catholic education.
Our families and friends without whom there
would be no true celebration.
On behalf of the entire staff of St. Raymond
School, best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
W. Schuster
Thanksgiving Prayer
Our Father,
You have abundantly blessed this earth on
which we live with great harvest.
You have provided for humankind all
May we ever rejoice in your great
goodness to us.
Help us not to forget all your benefits.
On this day of Thanksgiving,
we thank you for our food,
Our schools, books and churches, above
all, we thank you for your Son, Jesus.
May the words of the Psalm be our prayer.
Bless the Lord, O my soul and
all that is within me,
bless His holy name.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Parish Corner
St. Joseph’s Church
5440 Durie Road
Mississauga, Ontario
Pastoral Team
Fr. Marc-Andre Campbell
Assoc. Pastor Fr. Matthias Kim
Deacon Lionel Gomes
Deacon George Jurenas
Youth Minister Ana Da Costa
Dufferin-Peel CDSB Personnel
Trustee Ward 6
Peter Ferreira
Director of Education
J. Kostoff
Associate Director
R. Borrelli
Cathy Saytar
Bus Transportation
Family Daycare
2011-2012 School Staff and Class Organization
L. Wilson
P. Kellar
K. Stajduhar
I. Alves
S. McCracken
S. Barran
D. Yuzik
L. LeBrun
R. Davenport
L. Ciavarra
S. Moussa
J. Pacheco
M. Miceli
L. Strk
M. Rousseau
C. Foligno
A. DiPasqua
K. Maier
A. Heath
S. Kojundzic
G. Flammini
T. Allen
N. Podobnik
M. Paterson
K. Stajduhar
S. Barran
C. Foligno
K. Maier
R. Eze
K. St. Louis
P. McTavish
Grade 1
Grade 1
Grade 1/2
Grade 2
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 4
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 5
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 8
Grade 8
S. Pompili SERT/ESL
P. Passarelli SERT/Planning
L. Cortellucci SERC
R. Pereira SERC
L. Bet
R. Eze
K. St. Louis FSL
T. Fiorita
L. Goncalves Library
P. McTavish Planning/SERT
M. Piccinin ERW
V. Noguera ERW
J. Holden
R. Pugliese ERW
J. LaRizza Head Custodian
F. Tulagan Custodian
S. Nuguid
T. Caines
Asst. Secretary
L. Campoli Head Secretary
M. D’Alessandro Vice Principal
W. Schuster Principal
temporarily replacing L. Soutsos
temporarily replacing S. Petrucelli-Cond
temporarily replacing K. Corvese-Aboud
temporarily replacing B. Lootsma
temporarily replacing M. Voyatzis
temporarily replacing L. Soutsos
temporarily replacing R. Orsini
Special Services Staff
All schools in our board have access to special services personnel in
order to help provide specialized professional expertise for students in
need. Members of our special services team include:
D. Lyons
J. Stewardson
M. Montini
D. Murphy
Social Worker
Speech & Language Pathologist
Child and Youth Worker
School Council 2011-2012
Student Council 2011-2012
An election was not required to determine the
school council for the 2011-2012 school year.
Our first School Council meeting was held on
Wednesday, September 28th in our conference
room. Our 2011-2012 school council members
are as follows:
One student from each of the five intermediate classrooms was selected to be apart of the St. Raymond
Student Council. In total, the Student Council Team
is comprised of three grade eight representatives and
two grade seven representatives. The Student
Council teacher advisory team consisting of M. Paterson and T. Allen would like to congratulate the following students on being selected to represent St. Raymond this school year:
S. Penny—Chair
R. Pinelli – Treasurer
L. Tedesco—Secretary
A. Marchao—Community Representative
B. Policelli—Parish Representative
W. Schuster—Principal
L. LeBrun/S. McCracken—Teaching Reps
M. Piccinin/L. Campoli —Non-teaching Reps
All school council meetings are held in the conference room or library and are open to all parents of students attending
St. Raymond School. As determined by motion,
general meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. and
end by 8:30 p.m. Come out to our next meeting
in November.
Dates for future meetings are as follows:
 Thursday, November 17th
 Tuesday, February 7th
 Thursday, May 17th
Giving Thanks/People in Need
Staff and students will be involved in various
activities over the course of the year in support
of various local and global charities, which help
us live the gospel.
Recently, a member of our school community
has requested our assistance. Local Adults
new to Canada are in need of winter clothing.
If you are able, please consider donating adult
winter clothing to those needy people and St.
Raymond School will facilitate delivery.
Opening School/Thanksgiving Mass
Mass was celebrated on Friday, September
23rd, 2011 @ 11:00 a.m. Thank you to Fr.
Marc-Andre for leading us in this celebration
and to all parents who took time out of their
busy schedules to attend.
Simone Moses
Nicole Subryan
Jordanna O’Keefe
Christopher Moraglia
Maice Murad
Our new Student Council has already been involved
in the running of various activities surrounding the
Terry Fox pledge drive. The Student Council looks
forward to becoming actively involved in the many
events and activities that occur throughout the year,
as well as being strong voices for the students at St.
2011/2012 St. Raymond Book Fair
Our annual Book Fair was a great
success. Our total sales were
just over $6,000. This means the
school library will acquire over
$3,300 worth of books in the very
near future.
By supporting our Book Fair the
community has contributed not
only to promoting books and
reading but also to fostering the
understanding that learning is a
commitment involving many partners.
Thank you for attending our event
and participating in our fun and
educational activities.
Teacher Candidates and Co-Op Students
St. Raymond welcomes the following York University teacher candidates:
Virtue of the Month — Empathy
Angela Chimenti assigned to Mrs. Yuzik’s
Grade 2 class
Anita Beljo assigned to Mrs. Ciavarra’s Grade
3 class
Ibrahim Kelada assigned to Ms. Miceli’s
Grade 4 class
Amanda Brown assigned to Mrs. Strk’s Grade
5 class
Danielle Bowden assigned to Mrs. Heath’s
Grade 6 class
With the support of our teaching staff, these
teacher candidates will be immersed in a positive
learning environment and gain valuable skills. We
look forward to the contributions that the teacher
candidates will bring to our school community.
We also welcome the following co-op students
from St. Joseph’s SS:
Pia Basaez assigned to Ms. Barran’s Grade
1/2 class
Melissa Rayos assigned to Ms. Kojundzic’s
Grade 7
International Languages Elementary
Elementary International classes are available to
students in grades JK to 8 at specific elementary
schools within Dufferin-Peel on Saturday mornings.
No prior language experience is necessary. International Language programs comply with the Ministry of Education curriculum and will be of interest
to students who wish to preserve their language and
cultural heritage and to those who wish to student
the language and heritage of another culture. Enrolment is limited at each location. Ongoing registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis on Saturdays throughout the year. Flyers were distributed
in mid-August, with the Mississauga News and
Brampton Guardian newspapers, and include more
information regarding language offerings at specific
IL Sites. Please proceed to the site of your choice
to register, on Saturdays only between 8:30 a.m.
and 9:30 a.m.
If you have any questions please contact: Adult &
Continuing Education office at 905-891-9263. Do
not contact your elementary day school for international language information.
Rosary Apostolate
Beginning this month, volunteers from St.
Joseph Parish will visit all students from JKGrade 8 in an effort to encourage and teach the
praying of the Rosary. This eight session program will culminate in the crowning of Mary
celebration on May 10, 2012.
Hallowe’en 2011
United Way/Share Life
On Friday, October 28, 2011 students at St. Raymond will be involved in various age appropriate
Hallowe’en activities. It will be a “spirit” day (pun
intended) with students encouraged to dress in orange and/or black. Kindergartens to Grade 3 students have the option of dressing in these colours
or wearing a costume (for safety reasons, no
masks or props).
Staff and students will be involved in various activities over the course of the year in support of the
United Way/Share Life. This year’s campaign was
initiated with Dufferin-Peel staff participating in our
Board’s Wilf Hartzenburg Walk/Run which was held
on Sunday, September 25, 2011. Also, staff have
donated $20 each to participate in Casual Friday
Dress Days in support of Share Life. Future endeavours will be communicated to the community
as/when appropriate.
Spirit Days
Terry Fox Walk
On September 30th 2011 the students at St. Raymond took part in the annual Terry Fox Walk. This
was a culmination of a weeklong pledge drive that
was kicked off on September 23rd during the Terry
October –
Black and Orange Day (for grades Fox Pep Rally. During the pep rally students were
introduced to the various activities that were going
4-8) and Costume Day (for JK-3)
to occur during the week leading up to the Terry Fox
November – Super-Hero Day
Walk. One of the activities included the opportunity
December – Favourite Christmas Ornament
to purchase raffle tickets for the privilege of being
“Principal or Vice-Principal for a Day”. Another acJanuary –
Tropical Day
tivity includes an opportunity for students to enter
February – Favourite Movie Character Day
the “Terry Fox Flight for Cancer” paper airplane
March –
Retro Day
competition. For $3 students are given an opportuApril –
Twin Day
nity to construct their own paper airplane and launch
it from the gym stage towards a bulls-eye in the midMay –
Culture Shock Day
dle of the gym floor. The competitor that comes
closest to the bulls-eye will win a Terry Fox T-Shirt,
Breakfast for Kids
a $50 certificate for Playdium, and an electric guitar.
Shortly, St. Raymond
Other activities include a prize of having a student
council member as a “Servant for a Day”, which will
School will begin a nutribe awarded to the top earner in each of the primary,
tion program for all stujunior and intermediate divisions.
dents through The Boys
During the pep rally the students were challenged to
and Girls Club of Peel.
raise as much money as they could. The goal for
The program will be ofthe entire school was set at $6000. The incentive in
fered every Wednesday & Friday from 8:10 am to
reaching that goal was that each division would be
8:30 am. Our nutrition program will be safe and wel- treated to a movie on the big screen in the school
gym. All pledges need to be brought back to the
coming, reflective of the values and tastes of our
community while following Canada’s Food Guide to school a.s.a.p. The Terry Fox Committee consisting
of M. Paterson, T. Allen, L. Bet, A. DiPasqua, J.
Healthy Eating. The Breakfast for Kids program
Pacheco and P. Kellar would like to thank all those
works primarily with the help of community volunthat took part and thank you to everyone who doteers and teachers. An enthusiastic team of comnated for your overwhelming generosity.
mitted people goes a long way in making a school
nutrition program a success. Volunteers are needed
Extra Curricular Activities/Athletics
in many areas: food preparation, serving of food,
Clubs, teams and intramural activities for the 2011set-up/clean-up, fundraising, etc. If you would like
2012 school year have been planned. Intermediate
to volunteer, please see the school office for a Volvolleyball, cross country, soccer, and student coununteer Registration Form. ***Any form of help is
cil are currently under way.
appreciated.*** Thank you.
All Spirit Days will be celebrated on
the last Friday of each month.
Water bottless Wednesdays
Mark your agendas….Friday, October 28,
2011 is our next Mr. Sub Day at St. Raymond
School. Enjoy a sub sandwich of your creation
for only $3.50. Add a drink and a dessert for
only $5.00. Orders forms will be distributed in
classes soon. All order forms will be due back
to school by Friday, October 21, 2011. Great
Deal!! Great Meal !!!
*Please note in order to comply with The
Food and Beverage Policy (effective September 2011) Mr. Sub sandwiches will be
offered on whole wheat bread only. Thank
Did you know? Only 1 out of
every 6 water bottles is recycled?
It takes 450 years for a plastic
bottle to decompose? City tap
water is tested every 4 hours but
bottled water only needs to be
tested once every 1 – 3 years?
Now you know why we want to eliminate the use of
plastic bottles at St. Raymond. On Wednesdays (or
everyday) bring a reusable bottle to school (and work)
INSTEAD of a plastic water bottle. You will feel better
and will help your school and community reduce the
amount of plastic in landfills. Let’s all do our part to
help !!!!
Walk to School
The Fall Kick Off for our Walk to School Program will take place on Friday, October 7, 2011 at St. Raymond School. The Walk to School Program will run until December 2, 2011. Last Spring the response
to this program was overwhelming and a great sign that St. Raymond students are committed to physical fitness and being active members of the community. Interested and participating
students have received Walk to School Cards (graciously provided by The Region of
Peel) which will be signed each morning by their teachers to indicate that the child
has walked to school. Once the card is completed, the student exchanges the card
for a new one and is entered into a draw for amazing prizes.
REMINDER: Friday, October 7, 2011 is our official Walk to School Launch Day, in
partnership with the City of Peel. Student Ambassadors, Teachers and City of Peel
representatives will welcome all students to school on October 7, 2011 at 8:15-8:30
a.m. and will be awarding everyone with tokens of appreciation.
We thank all parents and students who participate in the Walk to School initiative.
In an effort to be more environmentally responsible, St. Raymond School is aiming to provide its school newsletter electronically to parents/guardians. By providing us with an email address, you will be able to support our efforts to protect our environment by reducing the amount of paper and electricity we use in preparing paper newsletters. We will be able to send you
our school newsletter, more efficiently and effectively if we have your email address. Of course, should you prefer not to
provide us your email address, we will provide a paper copy of the newsletter to your child (youngest and only) to bring
If you are interested in receiving the school newsletters via email and NOT a paper copy, please fill in the items below and
return to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. Thank you.
Child’s Name: ________________________ Teacher: _______________________ Gr. : ____
Email address: ____________________Confirm email here please: ________________________
LION Program
School Visitors/Security
The Learning In Our
Neighbourhood Program
is expanding. We are
pleased to be able to offer a room in our school
to host a morning and
afternoon session each Wednesday. Participants from the community will have the opportunity to participate in this program with
their child. Children will participate in activities that explore early learning in Math,, language, art and science. Parents will learn
about early childhood development while
socializing and listening to guest speakers.
For information call:
School security is a big deal. Unfortunately we
are living in a time when you can’t be too safe.
This is why all the doors at St. Raymond School
will be locked all of the time so that entry by anyone, other than for students during recesses, is
not possible. Parents and visitors are expected to
ring the bell and use the front doors upon entering
the school during regular school hours. For security reasons, and by law, all visitors to the school
must report to the main office (via the front door).
Picture Day-REMINDER
Wednesday, October 19, 2012
L.I.O.N. 647-929-5466
Parent Volunteers
We are looking for parent volunteers to help with various programs in the school. If you are able to devote a few
hours of your time, please complete the following information form and return it to your child’s teacher. It is
school policy that a parent does not work in their own child’s classroom. Please remember that all school volunteers must have a Criminal Reference Check.
(Please Print)
I could come regularly on: (Please Circle)
I could help for: (Please Circle)
An Hour
A Half Day
All Day
I will be willing to help in the following areas:
All Star Reading __________
In a classroom __________
Kiss and Ride