= Project Link Parent/Student Handbook



Project Link

Parent/Student Handbook


Welcome to the Westlake City Schools Project Link program. This parent/student handbook provides information regarding the policies and procedures that govern the

Project Link program. Please review this handbook and discuss the appropriate information with your child.

Many individuals are responsible for planning and providing the Project Link program.

They include: Board of Education members, administrators, link teachers, custodians, and bus drivers. The effort and dedication exhibited by these many individuals enables the Westlake City Schools to present an excellent, flexible, and affordable school-age childcare program.

It is our goal to provide your child with an active, enriching, and fun-filled experience, full of diverse and varied activities. We look forward to a successful 2015-2016 school year.

The Westlake City School District will provide a dynamic, student-centered, positive learning environment. Our district will be characterized by actively engaged learners, mutual respect, shared knowledge, pursuit of new skills and capabilities, collaborative learning, willingness to take action, a team commitment to data-driven continuous improvement, and tangible results.

We educate for excellence… Empowering all students to achieve their educational goals, to direct their lives, and to contribute to society.

We will provide an experience that is enriching, creative, and safe. Empowering students to achieve personal growth and satisfaction in an environment that is

exciting, active, and nurturing.

The Westlake City School District will provide each Project Link student with a safe and fun-filled learning experience while guiding and mentoring them as they develop intellectually, socially, and emotionally within the program. All students will have the freedom to learn at their own pace and choose their own learning materials while being provided a balance of freedom and guidance, individual and group activities, and active and passive experiences.

Students will be treated as unique, diverse individuals in an atmosphere that promotes self-respect and respect for the rights of others.

Administrative Offices

Mr. Michael Waters, Program Coordinator

Ms. Lisa Zuk, Administrative Support

27200 Hilliard Boulevard

440-835-6306 www.wlake.org/link

Ms. Julie Priebe

Assistant Project Link Supervisor

Ms. Ashley Conaway

Assistant Site Coordinator

2155 Bassett Road


6:30 A.M. – 8:00 A.M.

2:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Ms. Julie Priebe

Assistant Project Link Supervisor

Ms. Alexandra Brinkman

Assistant Site Coordinator

24365 Hilliard Boulevard


6:30 A.M. – 8:00 A.M.

2:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Mrs. Nancy English

Assistant Project Link Supervisor

Ms. Alysia Zellner

Assistant Site Coordinator

2230 Dover Center Road


Dover AM Project Link held at Dover Intermediate

2:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Ms. Julie Priebe

Assistant Project Link Supervisor

Mrs. Barbara Kristof

Assistant Site Coordinator

3057 Holly Lane


6:30 A.M. – 8:00 A.M.

2:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M

Mrs. Nancy English

Assistant Project Link Supervisor

Mrs. Nancy Kendall

Assistant Site Coordinator

2240 Dover Center Road


6:30 A.M. – 8:30 A.M.

3:15 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Mrs. Nancy English

2260 Dover Center Road


The W Club AM session held at Dover Intermediate

3:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Assistant Project Link Supervisor

All extensions are equipped with voicemail. You may also contact the administrative offices or each Project Link site by contacting the main switchboard, 440-871-7300, at the Westlake Board of Education.

Project Link is in session each day during the school year. Morning Project Link begins at

6:30 A.M. and concludes at the start of the school day. Morning Project Link is held at

Bassett, Hilliard, and Holly Lane Elementary Schools and Dover Intermediate School.

Dover A.M. Project Link is held at Dover Intermediate School and students are escorted each day to Dover Elementary at 7:500 A.M. Afternoon Project Link begins at the end of the school day and concludes at 6:00 P.M. Project Link will be closed on the following days: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day,

Presidents’ Day, March 24 th and 25 th , and Memorial Day. Project Link will not be in session on days when the Westlake City Schools close due to weather or other circumstances.

Project Link registration is paperless and conducted online at: www.wlake.org/link . If you were enrolled in previous sessions of Project or Camp Link you may enroll in Project Link by logging onto your Project Link account and following the instructions posted in the documents section. If your child has not been enrolled in either Project or Camp Link you may enroll online by following the instructions posted at www.wlake.org.link

. Paper registration forms are also located at the Westlake Board of Education and each

Project Link site. Payments must be submitted to process your registration. Payment may be submitted online, at any Project Link site or at the Westlake Board of Education

27200 Hilliard Blvd. If you are carrying a negative account balance from a previous

Project or Camp Link session your enrollment will not be processed until the balance is paid and additional Project Link care is purchased. If you wish for your child to start

Project Link on the first day of school Monday, August 24 th please submit registrations no later than Monday, August 17 th .

The Westlake Board of Education charges $5.00/hour for the first child, each additional child from the same family is charged

$4.50/hour for Project Link care. The Westlake Board of

Education charges $3.00/hour for participation in

. The amount of time your child spends in attendance each day is then deducted from their account.

When your child’s account drops below $20.00 remaining, we require that additional time be purchased. You will be notified via email when a payment is required. Initial payment must be submitted online or turned in with completed registration forms. Subsequent payments may be made online or at your child’s Project Link site. Payment should be made in the form an online credit card payment or check/money order payable to the Westlake Board of Education. The

Westlake Board of Education charges a $30.00 fee for all returned checks.

The Westlake Board of Education charges a $30.00 enrollment fee for each child enrolling during the 2015-2016 school year.

Upon registering your child(ren) - each parent will receive a username and password, which will allow for online access to Project Link accounts. Parents will have the ability to edit information, check account balances, monitor attendance, and register for additional enrichment programs.

School buildings are locked during Project Link hours. Each Project Link family will be assigned a PIN code or key card which will afford access to the buildings during Project Link hours. When arriving to drop off or pick up your child enter your PIN code (followed by #) or scan your keycard into the keypad/sensor located at the Project Link entrance.

The Project Link office will distribute PIN codes/keycards to families after registration is complete. One keycard will be issued for each Project Link family and if a keycard is not returned at the conclusion of the school year your account will be billed a $10.00 lost card fee.

Upon daily arrival at Project Link, children are to be escorted inside the building by an adult. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may not leave until their child has been signed in and a member of the staff is aware of your child’s presence.

At the time of departure, the parent/guardian or their designee, must enter the building, sign their child out, and notify a member of the Project Link staff of their intent to remove the child. Parents/Guardians or designees may be required to provide photo identification as proof of identity upon request by a Project Link staff member.

Students will only be released to custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) or additional adults who have been designated by the custodial parent(s)/guardian(s). Students participating in at Lee Burneson Middle School – with parent/guardian permission may sign themselves in and out of

Your account can be monitored by logging onto your Project Link account from any computer with Internet access. A computer terminal will be provided at each Project

Link site allowing you to check your account balance. When your account balance drops below $25.00 remaining per child you will be receive electronic notification prompting you to make a payment.

Accounts are billed at the conclusion of each week for the previous week’s attendance. You are only charged for your child’s actual attendance. At the conclusion of each week an summary of the previous weeks account activity will be sent via email. Current account balance will be listed on the account summary. Positive account balances will appear on your statement preceded by a negative (-) sign, indicating that the Westlake City Schools and Project Link owe your family that amount of care.

The Westlake City Schools offers the option of purchasing Project Link services online with your Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express credit and/or debit card. In order to make an online credit/debit card payment - simply access the Westlake City

Schools website: www.wlake.org

or the Project Link website: www.wlake.org/link and click on the SPS EZpay Icon. If you have already created an SPS EZpay account to make payments to your school lunch account - enter your username and password. If you do not have an SPS EZpay account please follow the instructions for creating an account. In order to create an account you will need your child’s six digit student ID # - if you do not have this number please contact the Project Link office. Once logged into

SPS EZpay select the Activity Fee option then click Project

Link and indicate the Project Link site for which you are making the payment - then select the designated amount.

The Westlake City Schools can only accept credit/debit card payments online.

Credit/debit card payments can only be processed through the SPS EZpay link – do not try to make an online payment while logged into your Project Link account through

Kinderstreet. Please direct inquires to the Project Link office at 440-835-6306,

1-866-MyEZpay (866-693-9729) , or email at info@spsezpay.com

. Payments made online will be credited by the end of the next business day and there is a convenience charge of $1.50 per transaction, to utilize this system.

If your account is more than $100.00 in arrears the Westlake Board of Education reserves the right to suspend services until the account deficit is paid and additional Project Link care is purchased or a payment plan established.

One of the primary goals of the Project Link program is to provide a safe environment in which students may flourish. As a result, the following policies are in effect to ensure the safety and welfare of each student in attendance.

Each student is required to have emergency medical authorization form on file providing information from the parent/guardian on how they wish for Project Link to proceed in the event of an emergency. This information must be submitted at the time

of registration. The names and telephone numbers of additional adults who may pick up your child in the event of an emergency must also be included. New emergency medical information must be submitted each school year or emergency medical information updated via registration gateway: https://enroll.westlake.k12.oh.us/ Emergency medical authorization forms are available online at www.wlake.org/link or at each Project Link sire and the Westlake Board of Education.

No student will be left alone or unsupervised, and appropriate staff/student ratios will be maintained.

In the event of student illness or injury the parent/guardian will be contacted.

Depending on the severity of the illness/injury the parent/guardian or their designee may be required to pick up the child immediately. The Westlake Board of Education adheres to all State statutes and Board of Health regulations that pertain to contagious disease.

For the protection of students, the administration of medication while attending Project

Link is discouraged. When no alternative is available, Project Link staff members will be permitted to administer medication with a signed parent consent and physician order form. The consent form must provide specific directions for the administration of medication. The parent consent and physician order forms are available in the Project

Link administrative office and on the district website, www.wlake.org/link . Medication must be transported to and from school by the parent/guardian. A new parent consent and physician order form must be completed each school year.

These examples of misconduct could result in suspension or exclusion depending on the severity and cumulative nature of the offense.

A student by use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, harassment, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or any other conduct, cause attempt, or threaten to cause the disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, activity, or function of Project

Link. Neither shall a student urge other students to engage in such conduct for the purpose of causing, attempting, or threatening to cause the disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, activity or function of Project Link.

Misconduct prohibited by this rule includes, but is not limited to:


Setting fire or attempting to damage any school building or property;


Continuously and intentionally making noise or acting in a manner which attempts or does interfere with a Project Link teacher’s ability to conduct Project Link;


Making, by telephone call, letter or other means, a threat to damage or destroy school property;


Engaging in any activity or conduct, which endangers students, employee or guests of the school.

No student shall use profane, vulgar, racially or religiously derogatory, abusive, or otherwise disrespectful language while in attendance at

Project Link. Neither shall students use profane, vulgar, other improper gestures, publications, pictures or signs, nor engage in any socially or or sexually improper behavior.

When a student is entrusted to Project Link and the Westlake City Schools, being absent from any portion of the Project Link day without authorization is truancy. Leaving the school building and/or school grounds without permission is truancy.

Distributing or selling unauthorized material on school property or attempting to distribute or sell such items is not permitted.

Any incident involving falsifying oral or written Project Link forms or any communication is considered a suspendable offense.

Once a student has been signed out of Project Link by their parent/guardian or designee, the student is not permitted to return to Project Link, without being signed in by a parent/guardian or designee.

No student shall repeatedly fail to comply with Project Link rules or regulations or with directions of Project Link teachers, or other authorized school personnel. s

Students shall comply with the directives and orders of authorized school personnel during any period of time when they are properly subject to the authority of the

Westlake City Schools and Project Link. Verbal and written abuse, including insults and intimidation, will not be tolerated. It shall be considered "insubordination" for anyone to disobey or fail to comply with directives relating to this code by authorized school personnel.

The unauthorized use or possession of matches, lighters or other flame producing devices on school property is not permitted.

No student shall harass any other student, school employee, community member, or school visitor on the basis of color, race, national origin, religion, age, and disability. For the purpose of this Code of Conduct, the term harass includes, but is not limited to, conduct which intimidates, insults, persistently annoys, or otherwise physically or verbally abuses another.

No student shall engage in or promote games of chance, place a bet, or risk anything of value while in attendance at

Project Link.

No student while under the authority of a school bus driver may interfere with the safe operation of the bus through destructive actions or words either to other students, the bus driver or passing motorists.

No student shall place himself or herself in a position to aid, abet, facilitate, encourage, allow or in any manner actively or passively assist another to violate a Project Link rule.

In addition to the foregoing, students shall also have an affirmative duty to report another student who a student knows has violated, is violating, or is planning to violate a school rule involving any dangerous weapon (as defined in Board Policy) or any illegal, prescription or counterfeit drug.

No student shall refuse to accept discipline or punishment from school personnel, nor shall any student violate the conditions of student suspension as specified in the student suspension notice to parents.

No student shall use an expressed or implied threat, violence, harassment, coercion, or intimidation to obtain money or anything of value from another while in attendance at

Project Link.

These examples of misconduct, which are cumulative, will result in suspension of up to

10 days with a possible recommendation for exclusion.

A student shall not cause or attempt to cause damage to school property or to personal property of students, school personnel, or other persons. Neither shall a student steal or attempt to steal property of students, school personnel, or other persons or participate or attempt to participate in the unauthorized removal of property.

Pursuant to R.C. 3109.99 and R.C. 3109.091, a student and/or their legal parent/guardian shall be held financially accountable to the Westlake City Schools for any damage, destruction or theft caused by their child.

No student shall use, possess, handle transmit, sell or conceal any object that can be classified as a weapon or dangerous instrument while in attendance at Project Link. No student shall possess, handle, transmit, sell, conceal or bring fireworks, explosives, or munitions while in attendance at Project Link.

A student shall not cause physical injury or behave in any way, which could threaten to cause physical injury to other students, school personnel, or guests. This includes but is not limited to, hitting and other inappropriate touching.

The act of initiating a fire alarm or initiating a report warning of a fire or catastrophe such as a tornado without cause is prohibited.

The willful and malicious burning of or attempt to burn any property of the Board of

Education is prohibited.

A student shall not possess, use, transmit, conceal, sell, purchase, accept, or be under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, drugs, narcotics, or inhalants while in attendance at Project Link. The above also applies to look-alike drugs as well as drug paraphernalia. (Medication prescribed by a physician must follow Board of Education policy regarding student medication.)

Students involved in fighting while in attendance at Project Link will be suspended. In most cases, all parties involved in the fight will be suspended.

The use of any tobacco products by students while in attendance at Project Link is prohibited. Use includes possession; smoking is defined as holding a tobacco product, whether lit or unlit or having held it and tossed it aside.

The Project Link Coordinator or his/her designee will give written notice to the student of the intention to suspend and the reasons why. The student will have the opportunity to appear at an informal hearing before the Project Link Coordinator or his/her designee to challenge the reasons for the intended suspension, to produce witnesses, or otherwise explain his/her actions. If the student is to be suspended, he/she will be notified of the suspension and its length. The parent/guardian will be notified of the suspension and an official notice of the action will be mailed to the parent/guardian within 24 hours of the suspension. This notice must include the reason(s) for the suspension, the right of the student and parent to appeal the decision, the right to be represented at the appeal, and the right to request that the hearing be held in private.

The student and his/her parent/guardian shall make appeal of suspension to the

Director of Business Affairs. Appeals of suspension may be made on the basis of lack of informal due process, or because the assigned suspension length does not agree with this Code of Conduct. Appeals must be submitted in writing within ten days of the suspension.

If a student’s presence poses a continuous danger to persons or property, or an ongoing threat of disrupting the mission of Project Link, the Project Link Coordinator or his/her designee may remove a student from the premises. If emergency removal exceeds 24 hours, then a due process hearing will be held within three (3) school days after the removal is ordered. Written notice of the hearing, the reason for the removal, and any intended disciplinary action will be given to the student before the hearing. In an emergency removal a student can be kept from participating in Project Link until the matter of his/her removal is disposed of at the hearing either by reinstatement, suspension, or exclusion.

Upon the recommendation of the Project Link Coordinator, the Director of Business

Affairs may exclude a student from attending Project Link. The Director of Business Affairs will give the student and his/her parent/guardian written notice of the intended exclusion. The official notice of exclusion will be mailed to the parent/guardian. This notice is to include reasons for the exclusion, the right of the student and his/her parent/guardian to appeal the exclusion, and their right to be represented at the appeal. Upon request, the student and parent/guardian or representative will have the opportunity to appear before the Director of Business Affairs to challenge his/her action or to otherwise explain the student’s action.

All-Day Project Link sessions will be held on the following dates:

Thursday, October 15 th , Friday, October 16 th , Monday, Tuesday, November 3 rd , Tuesday,

November 24 th , Tuesday, January 19 th , Friday, February 12 th, Monday, March 28 th -

Friday, April 1 st and Monday, April 18 th . All-Day Project Link sessions must be registered for in advance and your child must be currently enrolled in Project Link to attend. The fee for attending All-Day Project Link is $30.00/child and payment is due at the time of registration. If space is available late or same day registration is permitted for a $10.00 late/same day enrollment fee.

Students are not permitted to utilize cell phones while in attendance at Project Link.

Students are not permitted to bring electronic devices (DS’S, I-Pods, etc.) unless designated by the Project Link staff. The Westlake Board of education is not responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen cell phones or electronic devices.

Students must sign the Acceptable Use Policy to access the Westlake City Schools computer network.

Clothing with inappropriate language and/or depictions, or revealing clothing will not be permitted at Project Link.

If contacted by the Project Link staff and instructed to immediately pick up your child due to health, medical, safety or disciplinary reasons – you are required to do so within one hour of initial contact. Failure to do so will result in a late pick up fee of $5.00 for every fifteen minutes late. The fee will be deducted from your

Project Link account.

Communication is vital to a successful learning experience. Communication should begin with the student and the Project Link teacher, or the parent and the Project Link teacher. Should a situation arise when a consensus cannot be reached the program coordinator may be contacted.

Students attending Project Link will be participating in organized physical education activities. Please make sure that your children wear or bring appropriate footwear (rubber soled gym shoes).

Free or reduced tuition is available to qualifying families. Please contact the Project Link administrative office for further details

Candy is restricted to parties, or as provided by the Project Link staff. Gum chewing is prohibited on school premises.

Dover Elementary A.M. Project Link is held in the Dover Intermediate School

Gymnasium. Dover A.M. Project Link students will be escorted to Dover Elementary

School each morning at 7:50 A.M.

A late fee of $5.00 for every five minutes after closing, with a maximum of $25.00, will be assessed for pickup after 6:00 P.M. If you are going to be late please contact your child’s Project Link site and inform then that you are running late.

If a student remains at Project Link over ½ hour past closing, and all reasonable attempts have been made to contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) and all other emergency contacts provided by the parent(s)/guardian(s), and the parent(s)/guardian(s) have made no discernible attempt to contact the student’s

Project Link site. The child will be turned over to the Westlake Police and considered abandoned.

Students enrolled in CLUB W at Lee Burneson Middle School are welcome to attend the morning Project Link session at Dover Intermediate School at the reduced CLUB W rate. They may sign themselves in and out of the AM Session with parental permission.

Please clearly mark with your child’s name all clothes, supplies, backpacks, and other belongings. Lost items may be reclaimed from the lost and found storage box located at each Project Link site. Items of greater value (watches, glasses etc.) may be claimed at the Project Link administrative office.

A committee comprised of Project Link parents, staff members, and district administrators will meet periodically to discuss, review, and evaluate aspects of the

Project Link program. The Project Link Parent Advisory Committee is a valuable tool in plotting the future course of the rapidly expanding program. Please contact the Project

Link administrative office if you are interested in participating.

Communication is always the key to a successful student experience. Communication should always begin with the parent and the teacher. Should a situation arise where consensus cannot be reached then administrative avenues may be pursued. The official complaint form may be obtained from the Project Link office.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are always welcome to share their child’s experience, and are invited to visit at any time. We encourage all feedback and are available to answer questions or address concerns at your convenience. Your ideas, feedback, and opinions are essential and valued. Please do not ever hesitate to express them.

Students are not permitted to bring toys or personal equipment from home, unless designated otherwise by the Project Link staff.

Students are expected to participate in outdoor and indoor recess and wear appropriate clothing and footwear. The play area will be designated according to weather conditions. Students are expected to adhere to designated playground and gymnasium rules. Students who abuse rules may be denied recess privileges.

At the conclusion of the school year, unused remaining hours may be transferred into your child’s Project Link account or into their Project Link account the following school year. Refunds will be issued only in extenuating circumstances.

Improper behavior, damage, or waste of restroom materials is prohibited. Students are expected to keep restroom areas clean and litter free.

A snack will be provided to each child attending afternoon Project Link. Snacks or breakfast will not be provided to students attending morning Project Link. Please ensure that your child has had a healthy breakfast before sending them to morning Project


Each Project Link site has a telephone equipped with voicemail; messages will be responded to in a timely manner. Student use of Project Link telephones will be limited to emergencies and must be authorized by a member of the Project Link staff.
