Crafton Hills College: Celebrating 40 Years of Learning 2011-2012 Master Calendar Crafton Hills College CHC Fire Technology graduates help protect the public, saving lives and protecting property. August 2011 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 123456 10:00 AM Student Services 1:00 PM President's Cabinet Council 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 10:00 AM Emergency Training Center JPA Contract Packets Due 7 8 9 10111213 CARE Fall Workshop 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities Fall In-Service Day 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting 14 151617181920 2:00 PM Student Senate 1:00 PM Crafton Council 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM Ed Tech 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council Instruction Begins 3:00 PM Academic Senate 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory ---------------Student Appreciation Days -------------- 21 222324252627 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 2:00 PM Curriculum 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 4:00 PM Educational Policy 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:30 PM Accreditation Committee HR Board Items Due 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 2011 28 2930 31 S M July T W TH F 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 9:00 AM District Strategic Planning Committee 1:00 PM President's Cabinet Business Board Items Due September 2011 S S M T W TH F S 123 12 45678910 345678 9 101112131415 16111213141516 17 171819202122 23181920212223 24 242526272829 30252627282930 31 Crafton Hills College Each year, Outstanding Faculty and Staff are selected. The Outstanding Classified Employee of the Year is Ben Mudgett (Admissions & Records Evaluator). Shown right are Outstanding Faculty Tom Bryant (Theatre Arts) and Sherrie Wilson (Math), not shown is Jonathan Anderson (English, adjunct). September 2011 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY October 2011 August 2011 123 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1 12345 6 234567 8 7 8 9 101112 13 141516171819 209 1011121314 15 212223242526 27161718192021 22 232425262728 29 282930 31 30 31 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 12:00 PM Professional Development 45678910 Labor Day 1:00 PM Crafton Council 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:00 PM District Assembly 1:00 PM Ed Tech 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting Fall Census Day 3:00 PM Academic Senate Transfer Fair Contract Packets Due 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 10:00 AM CHC2 Mentor Program 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 11121314151617 2:00 PM Curriculum 2:00 PM Student Senate 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review CHC 40th Anniversary Birthday Party Flex Day (No Classes) 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 3:00 PM Ed Master Plan 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 5:00 PM Instruction Open Forum 5:00 pm SBCCD Board Meeting 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory Constitution Day ----------Student Appreciation Days/Club Rush --------- 18192021222324 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM Crafton Council 2:00 PM Student Senate 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 1:00 PM Ed Tech 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 3:00 PM Academic Senate 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 9:00 AM District Strategic Planning Committee 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 252627282930 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 2:00 PM Curriculum 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 4:00 PM Educational Policy 3:30 PM Accreditation Committee HR Board Items Due 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 1:30 PM Student Services Division Crafton Hills College The CHC Aquatic Center, featuring an Olympic-size swimming pool, opened in October 2010. October 2011 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY November 2011 September 2011 1 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1234 5 123 678 9101112 45678910 111213141516 17131415161718 19 181920212223 24202122232425 26 272829 30 252627282930 2345678 10:00 AM Student Services 9:00 AM Faculty Charis 1:00 PM Crafton Council Council 2:00 PM Student Senate 1:00 PM Ed Tech 3:00 PM District Assembly 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Academic Senate 10:00 AM Emergency Training Center JPA Council Business Board Items Due 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory Contract Packets Due 12:00 PM Professional Development 9 2:00 101112131415 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ PM Curriculum 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 2:00 PM Student Senate Facilities 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Ed Master Plan 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 1:00 PM CHC2 Mentor Program 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 4:00 PM Educational Policy 3:00 PM Grant Writing Workshop 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 16171819202122 1:00 PM Crafton Council 10:00 AM Student Services Council 12:00 PM Instruction Open Forum 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 2:00 PM Student Senate 1:00 PM Ed Tech 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Academic Senate 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 23242526272829 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 2:00 PM Curriculum 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 30 PM Student Senate 312:00 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 4:00 PM Educational Policy 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:30 PM Accreditation Committee HR Board Items Due 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 9:00 AM District Strategic Planning Committee 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 1:30 PM Student Services Division 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement Contract Packets Due Crafton Hills College The annual California's First Cultures: A Celebration at Crafton Hills/Waa't recognizes National American Heritage Month and provides Redlands and Yucaipa elementary school children an opportunity to participate in basketry, pottery, music and story telling. November 2011 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12345 1:00 PM Crafton Council 1:00 PM Ed Tech 3:00 PM District Assembly 3:00 PM Academic Senate 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions Business Board Items Due 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 12:00 PM Professional Development 3:00 PM Grant Management Workshop --------------------Student Appreciation Days ------------------- 6 7 8 9 101112 Daylight Savings Time-Set Clock Back One Hour 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Ed Master Plan 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 4:00 PM Educational Policy 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee Veteran's Day 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 13141516171819 2:00 PM Curriculum 1:00 PM Crafton Council 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 1:00 PM Ed Tech 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Academic Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 5:00 PM Instruction Open Forum 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting HR Board Items Due 9:00 AM Chairs Faculty Council 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 1:00 PM CHC2 Mentor Program 1:30 PM Student Services Division 20212223242526 10:00 AM Student Services Council 2:00 PM Student Senate 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 4:00 PM Educational Policy 3:30 PM Accreditation Committee Business Board Items Due 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review ------------------------------------------ Thanksgiving Recess --------------------------------------- 27 28 29 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 2:00 PM Curriculum 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 30 October 2011 December 2011 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 1 123 Contract Packets Due 234567 8 45678910 9 1011121314 15111213141516 17 161718192021 22181920212223 24 232425262728 29252627282930 31 30 31 Crafton Hills College CHC offers both art and fine arts majors, a beautiful new gallery, and ArtsDay to bring high school students who are interested in majoring in the arts to the campus. December 2011 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY January 2012 November 2011 123 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 123456 7 1234 5 8 9 10111213 14 678 9101112 131415161718 19151617181920 21 202122232425 26222324252627 28 293031 272829 30 10:00 AM Emergency Training Center JPA 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 12:00 PM Professional Development 45678910 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM Crafton Council 1:00 PM Ed Tech 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:00 PM District Assembly 3:00 PM Academic Senate 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 2:00 PM Student Senate 2:00 PM Campus Tech Comm 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting FINAL EXAMS 1:00 PM CHC2 Mentor Program 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting 11121314151617 2:00 PM Curriculum 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 4:00 PM Educational Policy 3:00 PM Ed Master Plan 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 9:00 AM Faculty Charis Council 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL EXAMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18192021222324 10:00 AM Student Services Council 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM Crafton Council Fall Semester Grades Due HR Board Items Due 1:30 PM Student Services Division CAMPUS CLOSED 25262728293031 Christmas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAMPUS CLOSED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crafton Hills College CHC offers training for both Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. Graduates of the programs provide vital attention, care and transport to victims of automobile accidents, heart attacks, drowning, childbirth, and wounds. January 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1234567 Business Board Items Due CARE Spring Workshop -------------------CAMPUS CLOSED ----------------- 8 9 1011121314 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities Spring In-Service Day 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet ------------------------ Flex Days ------------------------ 15161718192021 Martin Luther King Day 1:00 PM Crafton Council 1:00 PM Ed Tech Instruction Begins 3:00 PM Academic Senate 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting -------------------Student Appreciation Days ------------------- 22232425262728 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 2:00 PM Curriculum 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 4:00 PM Educational Policy 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:30 PM Accreditation Committee HR Board Items Due 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 9:00 AM District Strategic Planning Committee 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 1:30 PM Student Services Division 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 29 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 3031 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM President's Cabinet December 2011 February 2012 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 123 123 4 45678910 567 8 91011 111213141516 17121314151617 18 181920212223 24192021222324 25 252627282930 31 262728 29 Crafton Hills College Students in Theatre Arts take courses in dramatic literature, theatre production, movement and stagecraft, annually producing two plays, two dance performances, and an Opera with the University of Redlands. February 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY January 2012 March 2012 1234 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1:00 PM Ed Tech 123456 7123 3:00 PM Academic Senate 8 9 10111213 14 45678910 Business Board Items Due 151617181920 21111213141516 17 222324252627 28181920212223 24 293031 252627282930 31 10:00 AM Emergency Training Center JPA 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 12:00 PM Professional Development 5678910 11 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM Crafton Council 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 3:00 PM District Assembly 2:00 PM Student Senate 4:00 PM Educational Policy 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review Spring Census Day 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 1:00 PM CHC2 Mentor Program 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 12131415161718 2:00 PM Student Senate 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Ed Master Plan 2:00 PM Curriculum 1:00 PM Ed Tech 3:00 PM Academic Sentate 5:00 PM Instruction Open Forum 1:00 PM Enrollment Management Lincoln's Birthday 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting ------------Associated Student Days/Club Rush ------------- 19202122232425 Washington's Birthday 1:00 PM Crafton Council 4:00 PM Educational Policy 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions HR Board Items Due 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 9:00 AM District Strategic Planning Committee 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 1:30 PM Student Services Division 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 26 27 28 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 2:00 PM Curriculum 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:30 PM Accreditation Committee 29 Business Board Items Due Crafton Hills College Respiratory Therapists, such as this CHC Fall 2010 graduating class, provide temporary relief to patients with chronic lung conditions and emergency care for stroke or heart failure patients and victims of drowning or shock. March 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY April 2012 123 February 2012 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 123456 7 123 4 8 9 10111213 14 567 8 91011 121314151617 18151617181920 21 192021222324 25222324252627 28 29 30 262728 29 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 12:00 PM Professional Development 45678910 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM Crafton Council 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:00 PM District Assembly 1:00 PM Ed Tech 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 3:00 PM Academic Senate 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Grants Workshop 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting 9:00 AM Senior Day 1:00 PM CHC2 Mentor Program 11121314151617 Daylight Savings Time-Set Clock Ahead One Hour 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 12:00 PM Instruction Open 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Ed Master Plan 4:00 PM Educational Policy 2:00 PM Curriculum Forum 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting 18192021222324 10:00 AM Student Services Council 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring Recess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25262728293031 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 2:00 PM Curriculum 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 4:00 PM Educational Policy 3:30 PM Accreditation Committee HR Board Items Due 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 1:30 PM Student Services Division Crafton Hills College CHC students have many opportunities to gain leadership skills: they can serve on college and district-wide committees and influence decisions that affect the campus, participate in campus clubs and events, and serve with student government in elected, appointed and volunteer roles. April 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1234567 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM Crafton Council 1:00 PM Ed Tech 3:00 PM District Assembly 3:00 PM Academic Senate 10:00 PM Emergency Training Center JPA 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 2:00 PM Student Senate Flex Day (No Classes) Business Board Items Due 1:30 AM Academic Exceptions 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 12:00 PM Professional Development 8 9 1011121314 2:00 PM Curriculum 2:00 PM Student Senate 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Ed Master Plan 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 4:00 PM Educational Policy 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 1:00 Pm CHC2 Mentor Program CHC Foundation Annual Gala 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement 15161718192021 1:00 PM Ed Tech 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Academic Senate 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 5:00 PM Instruction Open Forum 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting 11:00 AM Matricultaion Advisory 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM Crafton Council 10:00 AM Career Fair ---------------Student Appreciation Days -------------- 22232425262728 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 4:00 PM Educational Policy 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:30 PM Accreditation HR Board Items Due 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 9:00 AM District Strategic Planning Committee 2:00 PM Curriculum Committee 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 1:30 PM Student Services Division 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 29 30 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement March 2012 May 2012 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 1234 5 123 678 9101112 45678910 111213141516 17131415161718 19 181920212223 24202122232425 26 252627282930 31 272829 30 31 Crafton Hills College The Crafton Hills College Foundation is a non-profit corporation devoted exclusively to raising funds for scholarships, grants and other forms of assistance for CHC students and faculty. Shown are photos from the Convocation and the Gala, two major Foundation events, and the dedication of the Wall of Distinction, honoring major supporters of the College. Winners of the Osher Foundation Scholarship. May 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY April 2012 12345 S M T W TH F S 1:00 PM Crafton Council 123456 7 3:00 PM District Assembly 8 9 10111213 14 151617181920 21 222324252627 28 29 30 1:00 PM Ed Tech 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 3:00 PM Academic Senate 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 11:00 AM Matriculation Advisory Business Board Items Due 12:00 PM Professional Development 6:00 PM Student Recognition Dinner 6 7 8 9 101112 10:00 AM Student Services Council 2:00 PM Student Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 4:00 PM Educational Policy 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting 3:00 PM Ed Master Plan Multicultural Day 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 1:00 PM CHC2 Mentor Program 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement EOPS Scholars/Grad Ceremony ------------------ Student Government Elections ---------------- 13141516171819 2:00 PM Curriculum 1:00 PM Crafton Council 2:00 PM Student Senate 1:00 PM Ed Tech 3:00 PM Academic Senate 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review 1:00 PM Enrollment Management 9:00 AM Faculty Chairs Council 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 6:00 PM Scholars Convocation 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting ----------------------------- Final Exams ------------------------ 20212223242526 1:30 PM Academic Exceptions 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 3:30 PM Accreditation 2:00 PM Outcomes Committee 3:00 PM Plng & Prog Review Committee 2:00 PM Campus Tech Committee 4:00 PM Educational Policy CHC Commencement 3:00 PM Student Success & Engagement -------------------------------------------------------- Final Exams -------------------------------------------------------- 27 28 Memorial Day 29 30 31 1:00 PM President's Cabinet HR Board Items Due Spring Semester Grades Due June 2012 S M T W TH F S 12 345678 9 101112131415 16 171819202122 23 242526272829 30 Crafton Hills College The CHC certificate and AA in Child Development provide training for the child development professional as required by law from entry level to supervisory level, and the opportunity to complete the first two years of course work for transfer to a four year university. The Child Development Center provides a learning laboratory experience, and the Child Development Club a chance to work with others with similar interests. June 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY July 2012 May 2012 1 2 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 123456 7 1234 5 8 9 10111213 14 678 9101112 131415161718 19151617181920 21 202122232425 26222324252627 28 293031 272829 30 31 3456789 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM President's Cabinet Business Board Items Due 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting 10:00 AM Emergency Training Cernter JPA 10111213141516 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 17181920212223 10:00 AM Student Services 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 1:00 PM President's Cabinet Council 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting 24252627282930 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 1:00 PM President's Cabinet HR Board Items Due 1:30 PM Student Services Division Crafton Hills College Crafton Hills offers about 40 Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees in majors ranging from Anthropology to Theatre Arts and transfer preparation for the University of California and California State University systems, as well as for private and out of state colleges and universities around the country. July 2012 SUNDAY CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE 11711 SAND CANYON RD., YUCAIPA, CA 92399 909-794-2161 WWW.CRAFTONHILLS.EDU MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY July Fourth 1234567 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 8 9 1011121314 1:00 PM President's Cabinet/ Facilities 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 8:00 AM Management Team Meeting 15161718192021 10:00 AM Student Services Council 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 8:00 AM Chancellor's Cabinet 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 5:00 PM SBCCD Board Meeting 22232425262728 29 10:00 AM Student Services Managers 1:00 PM President's Cabinet 30 31 1:00 PM President's Cabinet HR Board Items Due June 2012 August 2012 S M T W TH F S S M T W TH F S 123 4 12 567 8 91011 345678 9 101112131415 16121314151617 18 171819202122 23192021222324 25 242526272829 30 262728293031 Crafton Hills College The Library and Learning Resource Center opened in Fall 2010, with beautiful views of the surrounding mountains, a gallery, learning center, auditorium and 60,000 volume library. San Bernardino Community College District October 2011 June 2011 S M TW T F S S M TW T F S 123 4 1 5 678 9 1011 2 34567 8 12 1314151617 18 9 1011121314 15 19 202122 2324 25 16 1718 192021 22 26 272829 30 23 2425 26 2728 29 30 31 July 2011 20011-2012 Academic Year February 2012 S M TW T F S 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 1011 12 131415 1617 18 19 202122 2324 25 26 272829 In Service Days Instruction Begins Holidays Semester Grades Due Classes Not In SessionAll Offices Open Semester Ends November 2011 March 2012 S M TW T F S S M TW T F S Flex Days 12 1 1 3 45678 9 6 7 8 91011 12 4 5678 910 CHC/SBVC Commencements 10 1112131415 16 13 141516 1718 19 11 12131415 16 17 Final Exams 17 1819202122 23 20 2122232425 26 18 19202122 23 24 24 2526272829 30 27 282930 25 26 27 28 S M TW T F S 31 December 2011 S M TW T F S 12345 6 14 1516171819 20 21 2223242526 27 28 293031 September 2011 S M TW T F S S M TW T F S January 2012 S M TW T F S 12 3 4 5678910 8 910111213 14 11 1213141516 17 15 1617181920 21 18 1920212223 24 22 2324252627 28 1 23456 7 25 2627282930 29 3031 29 30 31 April 2012 S M TW T F S 12 3 1 2 3456 7 4 5678910 8 910111213 14 15 1617181920 21 11 1213141516 17 22 2324252627 28 18 1920212223 24 29 30 25 2627282930 31 7 8 9101112 13 23 August 2011 234 5 May 2012 S M TW T F S 1234 5 6 7 8 91011 12 13 1415161718 19 20 2122232425 26 27 28293031 June 2012 S M TW T F S 12 3 4 5 678 9 10 1112131415 16 17 1819202122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30