Taoi lieau naay quan troing, xin nhoo ngoooi chuyean doch. Ta informacja jest wazna. Prosze zapoznaj sie z nia. Esta informacion es importante. Por favor traducirla al espanol. St. Richard Catholic School 7270 Copenhagen Road Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2C3 Tel: (905) 826-5572 Fax: (905) 826-9564 LOVE ∙ FAITH ∙ KINDNESS ∙ HOPE www.dpcdsb.org/RICHA Principal D. Tucciarone Head Secretary G. Falotico Parish St. John of the Cross (905) 821-1331 Pastors: Rev. Fr. Joseph Kalluvila Associate Pastor: Rev. Fr. Felix Antony Rev. Fr. Sebastian Joseph E-mail: stjohnofx@rogers.com Superintendent, Mississauga North: T. Cruz (905) 890-0708 February/March, 2016 Newsletter A Lenten Prayer Good and Gracious God, You call your people back to you this Lent. May this sacred season renew our desire to fully live the promises of our Baptism and to love You with a whole heart through more frequent prayer, acts of charity and fasting. May we remember that loving You and one another Is the most important thing we can do. In confidence, we ask these things through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Youth Faith Ambassadors, Adult Faith Ambassadors, Gather Club and ShareLife Committee members who will be working hard to maintain St. Richard’s dedication to ShareLife and our commitment to almsgiving during the Lenten season. They will be organizing a number of activities and collectively we will truly make a difference! Thank you in anticipation once again for your contributions throughout this Lenten Season and for encouraging your children to participate in such a worthy cause this Lenten season. MARCH 14th – MARCH 18th Trustee E. O’Toole Wards Nine and Ten (905) 812-5163 (Schools are closed) School Council Chair A. Green DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Board Chairperson M. Pascucci Director of Education M. Mazzorato School Website www.dpbdsb.org/RICHA MARCH BREAK Sunday, March 13th, 2016 Set your clocks ahead by one hour before going to bed on Saturday, March 12th, 2016. Friday, March 25th, 2016 – GOOD FRIDAY (Schools are closed) Monday, March 28th, 2016 – EASTER MONDAY (Schools are closed) A MONTH OF VIRTUES: Respect During the month of February we will focus on the virtue of respect. God has given us the virtues of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us out along the way. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God – and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying respect. That respect should come first and foremost from ourselves. We have to respect ourselves and then we will be able to respect others. We should also be able to expect to be treated with respect by everyone we meet – our brothers and sisters in Jesus. can get better at showing kindness to everyone we meet. A kind person … Says nice things about others so they feel good about themselves Sticks up for people who are picked on or need help Refuses to join others who are insulting, intimidating, mean or hurtful Watches and looks for ways to help those in need Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at respecting ourselves as well as respecting those around us. A respectful person… Treats him/herself and everyone else with equal consideration and courtesy Uses a positive tone of voice and body language Avoids swearing, name-calling, put-downs, and inappropriate gestures Says ‘Excuse me’, ‘Please’, ‘Pardon me’ Avoids gossip (All virtues information is included in the front pages of your child’s school agenda book.) ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS PARISH DAILY MASS SCHEDULE DURING LENT Monday through Saturday at 9AM Friday at 7PM – Stations of the Cross followed by Mass Confessions: Saturday – 4:00PM to 4:45PM A MONTH OF VIRTUES: Kindness During the month of March we celebrate the virtue of kindness. God has given us the gifts of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us out along the way. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God – and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown concern for our welfare and our feelings. We have all been given the fruit of the Spirit called kindness. Kindness can only be seen through actions. Through prayer and concentration, we SPECIAL EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION Wednesday evenings at 7PM To contact the Parish Rectory, please call (905)821-1331. LENT IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL GATHER CLUB As Catholics, we observe Lent, the forty day period before Easter that began this year on Ash Wednesday, February 10th, 2016. During Lent, we imitate Jesus who spent forty days in the desert in prayer and fasting before beginning His public ministry. Observing Lent helps to cultivate the spiritual discipline of making personal sacrifices, reminding us of the importance of spiritual truths over earthly goods. As we approach Easter, it is fitting that we meditate on the serious subjects of the sacrifice that Jesus made to save us from eternal death and separation from God. He willingly and single-mindedly embarked on His mission to teach the Good News and to die on the cross as the ultimate and lasting sacrifice for our sins – the sacrifice that God required. This may be a good time to think about the blessings we have and about the frivolous things we tend to hold onto. It may be a good time to give up something we enjoy, or, to do something that we find difficult, as a reminder of the true meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice. We can also think of a Lenten promise we wish to make. Most of all, we can strive to do good to others as Jesus did to the many people He met along His journey. It seems that God is more interested in a sacrifice of the heart than in the things we give up for Lent. Let us find out more about what is right in God’s eyes, by reading the Bible regularly, especially with our children. The Grade 1 to 5 students involved in the Gather Club continue to work diligently to promote community and help those in need. Our parents and students were very generous and overwhelmingly supported our Toys for Tots “Cram” A Cruiser campaign. We want to show you just how successful our campaign was through your very generous support, so we have included some photos for you of just how “crammed” the cruiser was! Once again, our Gather Club Members thank our very generous St. Richard students, parents, friends and staff for generously supporting all of our efforts to make a difference in the lives of others. OUR LENTEN JOURNEY…Things Families Can Do In Their Homes Pray the Stations of the Cross Read, meditate, contemplate or pray Perform an act of mercy, try and make it an unexpected one (try to do this every day during Lent) Attend Mass on Sunday Be kind and think: What would Jesus do? (WWJD) Put five pennies in one pocket and try to compliment five people during the day. As you do, transfer one of the pennies to your other pocket. YOUTH FAITH AMBASSADORS LENTEN LITURGIES Under the direction of and with the support from Mrs. Pereira, our student Youth Faith Ambassadors prepare and run a Lenten Liturgy every Wednesday morning during the Lenten Season. This Lenten Liturgy takes place in our front foyer, on Wednesdays during Lent at 9:55AM, at the beginning of our morning recess. All students are invited to participate in the Lenten Liturgies. Thank you to Mrs. Pereira for providing our students with the opportunity to take a leadership role in expressing our Catholic Faith during this special church season. Thank you to Mrs. Lesniewski for continuing to providing our students in Grades 1 to 5 with these opportunities to live their faith, to be of service and to make a difference in our community and beyond! Our St. Richard parents, students, friends, staff and Gather Club Members make a difference… COLD WEATHER REMINDERS We ask that all students come to school with a warm winter coat, winter boots, hats, mittens/ gloves, a scarf/neckwarmer and snowpants. In accordance with school Board Policy and Peel Health regulations, only when the weather reaches -25 degrees Celsius, or colder, will students remain indoors. When the weather temperature ranges between -20 and -24 degrees Celsius, students will remain outdoors for the 15 minutes recesses, as well as 20 minutes during the lunch hour. Please ensure that your child comes to school prepared for the outdoor winter weather. ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION Cold and Flu season are here. We need your help in making our attendance verification work efficiently. Please call the school office at (905) 826-5572 ext #1. Leave a detailed message when reporting student absences – including your child’s first and last name, grade, teacher’s name and reason for absence. We have voice mail available 24 hours a day for your convenience. A note to the classroom teacher explaining the absence is expected upon the student’s return to school. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETINGS All parents/guardians are welcome to join us at our next School Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 at 6:30PM. The meeting will be held in our school library. Dates for upcoming meetings are April 6th, and May 11th. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. All meetings begin at 6:30PM and are held in our school library. Come on out and learn about what is happening at St. Richard. INAPPROPRIATE USE OF CELL PHONES Parents/Guardians are reminded that students should not be receiving phone calls or text messages to their cell phones during the school day. This is inappropriate use of Personal Electronic Devices and contradicts the contract that all students and parents signed giving the student permission to bring and use their personal electronic device (PED) at school – when invited to do so by a staff member and under that staff member’s supervision. If parents/guardians need to get a message to their child, please contact the school office and we will relay the message to your child. In addition, students have access to a telephone in the main office if required. Inappropriate use of Personal Electronic Devices at school may result in the removal of the PED, discipline, suspension, loss of privileges, and/or police involvement. Please refer to the student norms/rules for use of Personal Electronic Devices at School which is attached to this newsletter. Thank you for your continued support. STUDENTS ARRIVING LATE TO SCHOOL A reminder to all parents/guardians and students that all students are expected to come to school every day and on time. It is very important that students arrive to school on time and are ready to learn, as late arrivals disrupt instructional activities and classroom routines. School begins at 8:30AM. Students should be at school with enough time to line up outside of their entry doors with their classmates and enter the school with their class when the bell rings. Students who are consistently late interrupt and disrupt their class during lessons, create delays in the office and set poor examples for those who do arrive to school on time. Punctuality is a necessary life skill that if practiced now, will be beneficial in the future. Arriving early or promptly for your day at work enables you to compose yourself and ease gently into your environment. Please note: parents/guardians of students who are habitually late may be contacted by the Principal, as well, the Child and Youth Worker and/or our school Attendance Counsellor / Social Worker may be involved in order to provide assistance in correcting these late arrivals. Please help us to teach your children the value of promptness. Their education depends on it! STUDENT SAFETY – CHANGES TO PARKING LOT ACCESS DURING STUDENT DROP-OFF/PICK-UP TIMES The school parking lot is not supervised before school or after school – our busiest times when students are being dropped off at school and/or picked up from school. To ensure the safety of our students, we have been restricting access to our school parking lot and request parents/guardians driving children to school use the supervised Kiss and Ride area, or, park on the street and walk children, using the designated crossing areas in front of the school, to safely escort children to the designated drop-off areas. Your support has been overwhelming and we are so grateful for your understanding and support in keeping our students safe! Thank you! KISS AND RIDE PROCEDURES To ensure the safety of our students we require all parents using the Kiss and Ride area to follow the procedures outlined below: Use the Kiss and Ride lane to drop off or pick up your child. (Never leave your car unattended in the Kiss and Ride Lane – it is against the law and you may be ticketed.) Do not use the drive-thru lane for dropping off or picking up children Move up the Kiss and Ride lane as far as possible to maximize the number of cars using the program Do not get out of your car and do not back up Students must exit the car using the passenger side doors only (the side closest to the sidewalk) WHEN THE VEHICLE IS STOPPED! The driver then signals to get into the drive- thru lane (on the left) to exit Please follow staff directions when you are asked to move up, drive away, etc. The staff and faculty of St. Richard Catholic School appreciate you following these procedures. We thank you for your cooperation and continued patience as we work together to ensure the safety of all students using the Kiss and Ride program, all students walking to school, as well as all of our bus students. Please remember that student safety supersedes parents’ convenience. Staff members are on duty to ensure that our students are safe. If you have concerns or suggestions about our Kiss and Ride procedures, please put them in writing and hand them in at the office. Please do not openly address staff with inappropriate comments or gestures in front of our students. Thank you for your continued support. TRANSPORTATION CANCELLATIONS / SCHOOL CLOSURES A decision to cancel school transportation and/or close schools, due to inclement weather, is usually made by 6:00 AM. Only the Director of Education has the authority to cancel transportation and/or close schools. If buses are cancelled in the morning, they do not run in the afternoon. Please listen for DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD cancellations or closures. Announcements are made on the following radio stations: VIRGIN RADIO – 99.9 CJCL – 590 AM CHIN FM 100.7 CFTR - 680 AM EZ ROCK 97.3 FM 93.1 CHUM AM 1050 CFNY – FM 102.1 CFRB – AM 1010 FM Z103.5 FM Q 107 CHFI – FM 98.1 CJBC (Fr.) AM 860 AM 640, AM 1540 Announcements are made on the following TV stations: CP 24 GLOBAL NEWS CBC CFTO / CTV Or log onto the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Baord web-site at: www.dpcdsb.org ECO NEWS… St. Richard School will once again be working towards our ECO Schools Certification! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!! Our ECO team, under the direction of Mrs. Jordan, is committed to help reduce our carbon footprint by reducing, reusing and recycling. Our ECO team is encouraging all of us to be eco heroes by supporting initiatives around the school and the local community that promote a greener lifestyle. St. Richard’s Eco Team is challenging all students to bring lunch, beverages and snacks to school in reusable containers in the hopes of eliminating the need to throw wrappers, etc, in the garbage, and to eliminate the need to recycle at school. Please support this LITTERLESS LUNCH initiative and assist our school in our quest to a GOLD Eco Schools Certification! Thank you to Mrs. Jordan for taking on this huge endeavour and for empowering our students to take on a leadership role and to make a difference not just to our school, but to effect change in the world! Thank you! HEALTHY (H.E.A.L.) EATING, ACTIVE LIVING A snack is a mini meal that includes choices from one or more of the 4 food groups. Growing children need to eat more calories and nutrients relative to their size to meet their high-energy demands for the day. However, there is a difference between high calorie low nutrient foods such as a chocolates and cookies, and high calorie nutrient dense foods such as rice cakes, or yogurt. Choosing a variety of foods from the 4 food groups each day will help you to make healthy snack choices for your child. DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. TUCK SHOP “FOOD” FRIDAYS A reminder to all parents that on “Food” Friday lunch days, students eat their lunches at 11:30AM and have their outdoor recess, weather permitting, from 11:50AM-12:30PM. HEALTHY SNACKS We are continuing with our Healthy Snacks program. Healthy Snacks (e.g.: bananas, pears, apples, carrot and celery sticks) will be available to all students on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the end of May. Students are enjoying a healthy snack immediately after the afternoon recess break. No registration is necessary. There is no fee charged to students in order to receive the healthy snacks. Donations to help fund the program are welcome. A big thank you to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, YMCA for providing St. Richard with the generous grant to offer this program, and to our School Advisory Council who subsidize this program for our students. Tuck Shop is back by popular demand! Thank you to Mrs. Lysyuk, Mme. Ditaranto and Ms. Tonkovic for running our Tuck Shop with some of our Junior students. All items offered for sale in the Tuck Shop are compliant with the Ministry’s Food and Beverage Policy. Tuck Shop will be available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:05-12:30PM. Presently, students are able to purchase chocolate milk, chocolate chip cookies and fudge chocolate chip cookies (NUT FREE) from Terra Cotta Cookies (for $1.00 each) and baked Lays chips ($2.00/bag). DATES TO REMEMBER - FEBRUARY (Dates may be subject to change) Feb. 1: Term 2 Begins Feb. 1-5: Book Fair Feb. 2: Virtues Assembly; 9:00AM; gymnasium Feb. 2: Term 1 Report Cards are sent home for students in Grades 1 – 8 Feb. 2: Book Fair; 8:30-3PM Feb. 3: Book Fair; 8:30-3PM Feb. 3: School Council Meeting; 6:30PM school library Feb. 4: Book Fair; 8:30-3PM, 3-8PM Feb. 4: Parent/Teacher/Student Interview Evening Feb. 5: Book Fair; 8:30-1:30 Feb. 5: PA Day (No pupil attendance) Feb. 9: Shrove Tuesday Feb. 10: Ash Wednesday Feb. 10: Ash Wednesday Liturgy; 2PM; gymnasium Feb. 11: See/Hear Clinic Feb. 12: Rosary Apostolate Feb. 12: Pizza Lunch Feb. 15: FAMILY DAY (School is closed) Feb. 19: Pizza Lunch Feb. 23: African Drum and Dance Presentation Feb. 24: Pink Shirt Day Feb. 24: Youth Faith Ambassador Liturgy; 9:55AM Feb. 26: Sub Lunch FOOD FRIDAYS (April – June) Apr. 1: Pizza Lunch Apr. 8: Pizza Lunch Apr. 15: Pizza Lunch Apr. 22: Pizza Lunch Apr. 29: Sub Lunch May 6: Pizza Lunch May 13: PA Day (No pupil attendance) May 20: Pizza Lunch May 27: Sub Lunch June 3: Pizza Lunch June 10: Pizza Lunch June 17: Pizza Lunch June 24: Sub Lunc DATES TO REMEMBER - MARCH (Dates may be subject to change) Mar. 1: Mar. 2: Mar. 3: Mar. 4: Mar. 4: Virtues Assembly; 10:15 Youth Faith Ambassador Liturgy; 9:55AM School Council Meeting; 6:30PM Library Rosary Apostolate Jr. Youth Faith Ambassadors to Merciful Redeemer Parish for We Are Called: Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity Conference Mar. 4: Pizza Lunch Mar. 4: Mississauga North Chess Tournament at Our Lady of Mount Carmel S.S. Mar. 9: Youth Faith Ambassador Liturgy; 9:55AM Mar. 11: Pizza Lunch Mar. 14 – 18 MARCH BREAK (School closed) Mar. 21: Holy Week Begins Mar. 24: Holy Thursday (Stations of the Cross – Times TBD) Mar. 25: GOOD FRIDAY (School is closed) Mar. 28: EASTER MONDAY (School is closed) Mar. 29: School Council Chocolate Fundraiser “Kick-Off” Assembly in gymnasium; 1PM DATES AHEAD (Dates may be subject to change) Apr. 1: Rosary Apostolate Apr. 1: Pizza Lunch Apr. 5: St. Richard Feast Day & Mass of the Resurrection; 1:00PM at St. John of the Cross Church Apr. 6: School Council Meeting; 6:30PM School library Apr. 8: Pizza Lunch Apr. 11: PA DAY (School is closed) Apr. 12: Virtues Assembly; 9AM; gymnasium Apr. 15: Pizza Lunch Apr. 21: Welcome to Kindergarten Evening (Rescheduled to May 18th, 2016) Apr. 22: Pizza Lunch Apr. 28: Graduation Photos for Gr. 8 students Apr. 29: Sub Lunch PEDs It’s a privilege not a right NORMS Students are expected to… Only bring registered devices to school Know and follow the Wi-Fi network agreement Use their device for educational use only and as directed by the teacher Keep their device(s) off at all times unless instructed by the teacher Leave their device turned off in the classroom during indoor and outdoor recess and school related events Respect the property of others Not take photos, audio, video or images of an individual or group Inappropriate use of board technology and/or PEDs may result in the removal of the PED, discipline, suspension, loss of privileges, and/or police involvement.