St. Paul Secondary School’s Principal’s Message Earth Hour Event

St. Paul Secondary School’s
Principal’s Message
The new academic semester is
upon us and the liturgical season
of Lent centers our St. Paul community with the arrival of Ash
Wednesday. Ash Wednesday reminds us of our limits before God
and our responsibilities to do the
good works of the Kingdom. Each
year this is symbolically enacted in
our homerooms with the placing of
ashes on the foreheads of our students and the call to “go forward
and do the will of the Lord”.
The month of January has been
extremely busy at St. Paul. Preparations for the Grade Nine students taking the EQAO test were
well attended, and those students
enrolled in the second semester
will benefit from the same wellgrounded exercises offered again
in June. Parents of Grade Nine students
are asked to make sure that their sons/
daughters attend these review sessions.
Our Grade 10 students will be taking
the OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School
Literacy Test) on March 27 and we will
be offering test taking tips and review
for all Grade 10 students in March.
The St. Paul Grade 8 Open House was
well attended by feeder school parents
and others on January 10. Counselors
who visited Dufferin Peel elementary
schools provided these students with
a DVD presentation of the history and
range of programs available to students
coming to St. Paul Secondary. Parents
were invited to peruse the classrooms
and speak with Department Heads
about their expectations for their sons
and daughters. My main message to
parents was to consider 4.5 years as
a more realistic time frame for high
school and constantly consult with
their teachers and counsellors about
The students in the Planning for Independence Program class
visit Toronto’s majestic castle, Casa Loma on December 18, 2007.
Winter 2008
Earth Hour Event
When: Saturday, March 29th,
8-9 p.m.
What: Cities around the world will
turn off their lights for 1 hour.
Why: To raise global awareness of
climate change.
Websites: to sign up for more actions
Looking Ahead
Semi-formal Dance.....................................February 15
Civvies Day.................................................February 20
Ski Trip........................................................February 25
Progress Reports Sent Home..............Week of March 3
March Break..............March 10 – March 14 (inclusive)
Civvies Day.....................................................March 19
Good Friday....................................................March 21
Easter Monday................................................March 24
EQAO Literacy Test.......................................March 27
Thinkfast (overnight)......................................March 28
School Council Meeting.....................................April 7
Euclid Math Contest (Grade 12)......................April 15
Waterloo Math Contests (Grades 9-11)............April 16
Civvies Day......................................................April 16
Earth Day..........................................................April 22
Mid-term Reports distributed...........................April 25
Parent-Teacher Interview Night...............May 1
the suitability and adaptability of their
teenager’s program.
Our second semester staffing salutes Ms.
Scozzaro , in our Science Department,
who will be going on maternity leave, as
we bid a warm welcome to Ms. Mahendran who will be taking her place. Our
parent community will miss Mr. James
(Jimmy) Evershed who has submitted
notice of his retirement. Mr.Evershed has
served the St. Paul community for twenty
years and is fondly remembered by many
former alumni; including parents currently in our school community.
The new Grade 9 student uniform has
been finalized. It will feature a new
black fleece top with a new white and
green crest. Students will have the choice
of wearing a black or white golf shirt
with the new monogram. The mid grey
pants will continue to be in effect for all
students as the school kilt is cycled out
of use. For students who have purchased
the maroon sweater; it has been grandfathered until their graduation or departure
from the school. Students in the other
grades will be permitted to purchase and
wear the new sweater. McCarthy’s will
continue to be our only acceptable supplier of uniforms.
Among the many initiatives that I would
encourage our community to follow in
the second semester, is the update and
transformation of our school website
<file://www.>. It is our intention to
post more streaming content that will
feature our school’s extra curricular activities (such as the award winning Virtues segment on Fairness) as well as the
Dailies ( our announcements of the day).
We will continue to use the site as an educational tool for parents to understand the
significant changes that are occurring in
Ontario’s Program and Legislation (Bills
212 and 52) .
The Mississauga East Religious Education and Family Life Committee will be
hosting Ms. Debbie Bodkin on Wednes-
day February 13 at the JPII Cultural Centre. Ms. Bodkin will be sharing her experiences as a human rights observer in
the Darfur region over the past two years.
Classes from all of the secondary schools
in Mississauga East, as well as elementary students will be spending the day at
a teach-in with plans to raise awareness
in their school communities when they
return from the day.
Finally, I want to encourage all parents
and guardians to continue to show an
interest in your son/daughters involvement outside of their academic studies,
in order for them to be as well rounded as
they can be. You will continue to receive
my synervoice messages throughout the
semester reminding you of all upcoming
events. School Council Meetings resume
February 11 in the School Library.
Talent Night ‘07!
On Friday, November 18, Talent Night
wowed another sold out crowd with live
music, dancing and video. The audience
of more than 400 enthusiastic students
and family members were treated to a remarkable show of more than 26 numbers.
After 2 months of planning, taping and
rehearsing, the cast and crew showcased
another night of stellar entertainment.
All of the hard work was brought to-
gether under the direction of Mr.
Brugmans, Ms. Laxton and Ms.
McMahon. The always entertaining MC’s: James Demelo, Mat
Grilo, Kay Ljubicic and Dagmara
Mroczkowska kept the show rolling smoothly. The 8 pre-taped video clips - a collection of movie and
ad parodies - were shot and edited
by Brendan Turk, Phill Rodrigues,
Jason Butler and Mr. Brugmans
and added a wonderfully hilarious
break from the stage show. Video
director, Phill Rodrigues, showcased a unique style and shot selection.
After 3.5 hours of non-stop entertainment, the night came to an end
with cheers from a very energetic
audience. We would like to thank
the cast and crew for their work in
making Talent Night 2007 such a
The School Play
– May 7, 8 and 9, 2008 Plans are in the works for the
much anticipated unveiling of this
year’s school play. Students will
have lots of opportunities to get
involved – both on stage and behind the scenes. Auditions take
place the first week of February
in the drama room. Students can
pick up audition scripts and sign
up for an audition time with Ms.
McMahon. If you are interested
in being a part of our stellar cast,
sign up now! We are also seeking parent and student help with
costumes, set construction, set
dressing, properties, make-up,
refreshments, etc . Students who
want to learn more may come to
our Information Meeting, Friday,
Feb.1st at 2:30 where you can ask
questions, sign up for auditions,
get audition scripts and learn how
to get involved. Parents may call
Ms. McMahon for more details at
Drama Showcase
January 2008
On January 21st, Drama Classes
from Mr. Guilherme’s and Ms.
McMahon’s classes presented an
evening showcase of ten one act
plays. There were two shows, one
for our Grade Tens and the second
for our senior class. Our audiences numbered about sixty parents
and friends for each show. This
Culminating Activity represented
a practical, fun and hands-on approach to theatre. Ms. McMahon’s
students presented Showdown at
Sand Valley, a comedy set in the
Canadian Wild West, featuring
Colleen Daly (Director), Emily
Porfido(Stage Manager), Amanda
Amaro, Gracie Cascioli, Amantha Feddick-Hellew, Charlene
Letourneau, Jacqueline Sousa and
Braeden Szucs. My Proud Beauty
was directed by Christine Korneitchouk, stage managed by Patricia
Oliveira, and supported by Liza
Manalac, Michelle Hilton, Lenka
Puskar, Vanessa Rail and Matthew
Vitrih. Our newest addition, Heat
Lightning included Lauren Jansa
(Director), Stephen Covic (Stage
Manger), and Chris Peleia. Mr.
continued on page 7
Welcome to Semester 2,
We are off to a successful start with
another “standing
room only” Grade
8 Parent Information
Evening held on January 10. Mr. Schmidt
presented valuable information regarding
course curriculum and Ministry of Ontario Diploma requirements, Mr. Brugmans
and the “Commtechies” shared their advanced technical skills and student volunteers demonstrated confidence and
character as they displayed the Grade 9
course selection options on stage. Mrs.
Kenrick’s beautifully designed “Everything with Heart” basket was won by a
Grade 8 student, Steven Sousa. Thank
you to all teachers, secretarial staff, custodians, CYW and parents
for making this evening so
websites for details.
March 27 : Grade 10 EQAO Literacy
Potential Graduates receive
(mail) invitations to Graduation/Commencement ceremony for June 25.
During this semester, students planning to attend post-secondary programs
should be researching the many scholarship opportunities at the college or university as well as within the private and
community sectors. Website:http://www. and http://www. <> Student Services also has
information Students who receive early
acceptance information during February,
March and April may want to investigate
Student loan/ assistance available on <>
For your Student Agenda:
February 4-15: Graduation
photos sign-up and pictures
February 13: Information
and Course Selection Day
for all grades. Students will
attend grade level meetings
in the St Paul Cafetorium.
Students will receive two Skills Work for Women networking dinner participants
books this year.
Throughout the school year many students
Book One: Guidance and Career Educa- attend valuable workshops and presentations organized through their teachers
tion Orientation Guide
Book Two: Common Course Calendar and counsellors. On Tuesday, November
contains all secondary school/courses 20 Skills Canada-Ontario hosted “Skills
Work! for Women”. a networking dinner
within Dufferin-Peel
St. Paul Information is on pages 101-104 at Humber College. Eighteen female St
Paul students accompanied Ms.Tobin and
February 28: Course Selection Sheets Ms. Richardson as they networked with
and Fees are due. If students return their female mentors who work in the skilled
forms and fees($60.00) prior to this day trades and technologies.A delicious dinor ON this day, they may come to school ner was prepared by the Culinary students and served by the Food and Beverin “civvies”.
age students at Humber. Inspiring stories
March Break: This is a great time to were shared by dynamic guest speakers
visit colleges or university campuses. See working in the hospitality,manufacturing
information outside Student Services or and personal services trades.
A few weeks ago the St. Paul School Community hosted our annual Grade 8 Information Night. It was wonderful
to see so many excited young students and their parents at the school. The new students looking around the school
remind us that the high school years are a process. For those of us who work in high school education the cycle
never ends. We are blessed by God to have these wonderful young people in our lives for only a short time. At
the end of semester one we said goodbye to a number of students, many who returned to St. Paul to upgrade a
mark or take additional courses for college or university. Some of these students dropped by my office to tell me
that they had written their last high school exam. Their future is bright and filled with optimism. Life is indeed a
beautiful cycle. Sometimes we are so busy we miss the rhythm and joy it brings.
We received some sad news in January that Fr. Richard Sheehan, a former Principal at St. Paul Secondary School
(1978-81) passed away in Toronto. Fr. Sheehan was a member of the Congregation of St. Basil, a Basilian Priest,
who dedicated his life to education. We thank God for the wonderful life of Fr. Sheehan and may God reward him
for the way in which he lived his life.
Semester two was barely a few hours old before the season of Lent began. Ash Wednesday was on Wednesday,
February 6, this year. Ashes were distributed in Homeroom classes to all students and staff. The Sacrament of
Reconciliation will be celebrated on Tuesdays and Thursdays during this holy season of repentance. Fr. Norm,
Fr. Rudy and Fr. Noel will be in the school on these mornings for students and staff. All members of the school
community, including parents, are welcome to celebrate the Eucharist every Thursday morning, throughout the
school year, in the school Chapel. Mass starts at 7:30 a.m. If you are running a little late don’t be afraid to come!
Jesus will be happy to see you!
On Wednesday, February 13, 2008, St. Paul will host a Darfur Action Day at John Paul II Centre in Mississauga.
High School students from across the school board and the Grade Eight Faith Ambassadors from the Mississauga
South Family of schools will participate in this day of learning and action. The Darfur Region of Sudan is being
described by the United Nations as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today. Over two million Sudanese
people have been killed in this ongoing genocide. St. Paul Students want to get involved and make a difference!
Special thanks to Larissa Rodo, Alessia Piccolo, Schenella Pinto, David Patch and the STP Darfur Now Committee
for organizing this conference. Mr. Schmidt, our school Principal has invited Debbie Bodkin to be the keynote
speaker at this event. To read about her experiences and to get some background information about the urgency
of this day please visit the following website:
wlddarfur18BNStor/1ifeMain/home <
St. Paul students have been invited to be a part of the Region of Peel Water Festival again this year. Last year over
one hundred St. Paul students facilitated activities and events that teach elementary students about the importance
of conserving and protecting our fresh water. St. Paul will be at the Water Festival on Wednesday, May 28, 2008,
at the Heart Lake Conservation Area. Students receive a free Water Festival T-shirt, Water Bottle, lunch and
community service hours for helping out with this annual event.
Let us ask Jesus to walk with us over these forty days of Lent and keep us safe from all harm. May God bring to
completion the good work that He has started in us all. St. Paul, pray for us
A Call to Those Who Care
By Larissa Rodo (Grade 11)
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, to a knock at
the door. You rise and walk
towards it, but as you near
the door, you hear screams,
yells, crying, whimpering. The
knocks get louder, more insistent. Now you have a decision
to make. You can open the door
and see what’s waiting for you,
or you can stay inside the safety
of your house.
Scenario one: You open the
door, and immediately, a gun is
pushed into your face. You see
men in government uniforms. If
you’re a woman, you are raped
and murdered. If you are a man,
you are killed right away.
Scenario two: You opt to stay
inside the safety of your home,
praying that the knocking goes
away. It does, eventually, but
the shouting outside doesn’t.
You hear gun shots and more
screaming, and you start to hear
crackling too. You smell smoke,
and you realise that your house
is being burned down, with you
inside, alive. All because you
are of different ethnic or tribal
In a country called Sudan, this
is the case. Sudan is in northeastern Africa, along the Nile
River, and is one of the world’s
largest oil producers. However,
most of the oil from Sudan goes
to China, not to the Western
The rights of the humans in Darfur, the western-most part of Su-
dan, are in great danger. The
dictatorship government has
enlisted the help of a militia
called the Janjaweed, which
is made up of Arabic-Muslims. The
Janjaweed have been called upon to
slaughter the African-Muslims, an
action they call “ethnic cleansing.”
They say they are cleaning the blood
of the nation. In reality, it is genocide
– mass murders.
There are rebel forces fighting against
the government, made up of Africans, such as the Sudanese Liberation
Front, and the Justice and Equality
Movement. Most organizations say
that, in the past four years since this
genocide began, anywhere between
200 000 to 400 000 people have been
murdered, but the UN goes even farther than that. They say up to 450 000
are dead as a result of this genocide.
2.5 million people have been forced
from their homes and put into refugee camps in surrounding areas, such
as Chad. 90% of these refugees are
women and children – most of the
men are killed immediately.
There will be several opportunities for
you and your students to take action.
On February 13th, St. Paul is holding
its Darfur Action Day at John Paul the
Second Community Centre. For more
information, please contact our chaplain, Mr. Finamore.
I would like to call upon all of those
who are reading this right now to do
what they can to help – help to publicize this genocide. Read up on it, do
research, and find someway to offer
your many services and blessings to a
country that is most in need of them.
We should use the gifts we have been
given to better the lives of people who
need our help. As human beings, we
have a responsibility to protect the
rights of other people, especially the
rights of people who can’t protect
themselves. Please, help out in anyway possible. One source is Stand
Canada, an organization of Canadian
students who feel there is an injustice in Darfur. There are two ways in
which to contact them:, or 1-800-436-6243. The
phone number will connect you to
the numbers of government officials
in Ottawa. Thank you for making the
world a better place.
“Crystal Roy a Grade 10 student at
St. Paul in the Program for Independence Program has been collecting
pop can tabs at the school. With the
help of the students at the school over
20 lbs. of tabs were collected during
semester one. The tabs, made of aluminium, are sold as scrap metal and
recycled. The monies raised are used
to buy wheel chairs through the Royal
Canadian Legion Branch 582. God
doesn’t ask us to do great things, just
small things filled with love!”
Happy New Year from the PHE Department. Hopefully you and your
families have made resolutions to
make a healthy active lifestyle part
of your weekly routines. Over two
hundred Grade 9-12 students that just
completed their HALE classes, now
realize the importance of fitness in
their lives. On the Athletics front, our
Senior Girls Volleyball Team is entering the play-off season with a 5-1
record and our Boys Varsity Basketball Team is experiencing their best
season in a long time with their upset victory over first place team, John
Fraser. Hockey boys are presently in
first place in their division, with only
one game left in the regular season.
SPAC is proud to announce our annual ski trip to Moonstone/Mount St.
Louis on February 25th, 2008. We
will be sending 2 coach buses up
north, to spend a fun day of skiing
and snowboarding. Our St. Paul Athletic Council, is also working hard to
encourage a healthy active lifestyle
amongst the entire school population,
by providing “Open Gym” opportunities. All students are invited to come
and drop into the gym and play some
pick up sport activities. Encourage
your children to make the most of
their high school experience, by nurturing their physical body as well as
their mind.
Boys Hockey
The first half of the Senior Boys
Hockey season has been a dominant
one for the Wolverines. St. Paul goes
into the exam break with a 6-1-3 record and top spot in the Southeast
division. The boys have one regular
season game left against John Fraser in February. A win would solidify
first place and an easier route in the
ROPSSAA Play-offs. Also, the Wolverines will look to book a place at
OFSAA for the first time in more than
4 years with a big “AA” playdown
against St. Joan of Arc in March.
Junior Boys Soccer
The Junior Boys Soccer Team is gearing up for their second upcoming season. The coaches are looking forward
to an injection of new recruits (current
Grade nines and tens). Regretfully,
we say goodbye to graduates from
last year’s inaugural program and
wish them all the best in the future as
they join the Senior Soccer Team.
The Junior Boys coaches have been
running a mini-camp, approximately
once a week, since the school year
began back in September 2007. These
sessions were not only used to evaluate the talent available but also used as
a gauge by the coaches to see which
students were willing to commit to
the program and the team.
Once the new semester begins, we
will hold tryouts and practice indoors
(if the weather or the field is in bad
condition) or outdoors, depending on
conditions. Registration and team selection should happen by the end of
February. Spring training will last until the season begins. By that time, the
coaches hope the team will be ready
to tackle the challenges and tribulations that lie ahead. We look forward
to seeing an improvement with the
players and their skills on and off the
Varsity Boys Basketball
We are currently ranked in the
top two of our division and are
on route to a 7 - 2 season. It
is the best season our school
basketball program has had in
8 years. As a team our success
has been marked by our ability to encourage and develop
the various gifts/talents that
we have in each team member.
The players and support
staff have remained
faithful to our
team philosophy
- P.E.C. D.E.C.
Team members are:
Alex Cosovic, Aaron Donaghey, Ante
Mamic, Allen Saenz,
Adam Dekundy, Anthony DiMech,
Kirk Pineda,
Karlos Cantor,
Shadrach, Rory
Coutts, Brandon Gamboa,
Shawn Buric, Patrick Crowe,
Daniel Nohra; Team Captains:
Daniel Anim & Paolo Cordovado; Team Managers: Ruby
Chosa & Leanna Manalac;
Coaches: Vince Marsiglia, Mr.
Galli & Mr. Minott
One of our team goals this season was to win a ROPSSAA
title, we will begin our journey
with a Semi-final game at home
on February 13 - don’t miss the
Our winning formula: Amazing players + Amazing support
staff + Amazing Fan Support =
One Great Season!! Go Wolverines!!
Girls Varsity Volleyball
Mr. Vicars and Ms. Schlarp are
proud of their girls volleyball
team this year. The team is
made up of a mix of both senior
and junior aged girls. Team
members include: Jenna
LaPlante, Sabrina
Iannica, Stephanie Porteous,
Katy Kuszper, Samantha McCourt,
Kaiser, Amanda Kaiser,
Kristy Mlakar, Leslie
Skakun, Lilla Matteliano, Emily Porfido and
Tanya Piitz.
The girls
have won
5 out of 6
of their season games and are looking forward to entering
the play-offs with a 5-1
record. Congratulations on
the exceptional improvement
that you have all displayed.
St. Paul Athletic Council
This year’s SPAC group have
been very active in promoting a healthy active lifestyle
and physical fitness at St. Paul.
Presently, they are organizing a
ski trip for Monday February
25th, 2008 to Moonstone/Mt.
St. Louis. The two coaches will
be leaving St. Paul at 6:30 AM and
returning by approx. 4:30 PM. This is
a terrific opportunity for the students
to learn to ski and snowboard.
Substance Abuse and Teens- What
can Parents do?
Early adolescence, a period of transition, is a time that students are likely
to be exposed to drugs for the first
time. Entering high school, teens
face social, emotional and educational challenges and may be exposed to
greater availability of drugs. These
challenges may increase the risk that
they may experiment with alcohol,
tobacco and other substances.
Grade 9 and 10 HALE introduces the
students to the basics of substance
use and abuse and staff try to create a
sense of community that is caring and
supportive and informative.
Parents, however, play a very important role in providing their children
with accurate information about substances, side effects and consequences. Parents role modelling plays a
crucial role in their children’s lives.
From their choices, children watch,
absorb and learn from their parent’s
example. Parents have influence by
spending time with and monitoring
their children and demonstrating that
alcohol and drugs are not a necessary
part of a fun and fulfilling life.
Ideas for Parents to help keep their
children drug free:
Make rules with your teen
Be consistent with following
through if rules are broken
Monitor your child’s behaviour-
be aware of what they’re doing
and with whom
Set a good example
Encourage open communication
Be a good listener
Keep an open mind
Ask your teens for their opinions
Keep them busy with extracur
ricular, constructive activity
Encourage reading for pleasure
Praise their achievements and
Acknowledge their success and
(Adapted from article “Building
Confidence and Comfort about Substance Use and Abuse: Let’s Take An
Active Role)- By J. Hamilton and C.
LaBonte-Jaques, CAMH)
* If you have any concerns about your
child and their involvement with substance abuse, call YSAP-Youth Substance Abuse Program for help:905276-9322-(ext 216)
continued from page 3
classes presented Robin Hood, Road to
Ruin, Daphne and Eliza and The Mazarin
Stone. The Senior Showcase illustrated
the students’ extended experience. Their
30 minute plays included Once Upon a
Greek Stage (Jeremy Kozelj, Valery Iskomeva, Paulo Santos, Sarah Catan,
Kasia Okragly), Witches ( Sarah Forma,
Hannah Whelan, Sam Lombardi, Nicole
Mrkvan and Ashley Rocha) and Dear Departed (Andreia Henriques, Megan Arrigo, Justin Date, Venicio Ferreira, David
Viera and Catherine Zajac) Congratulations to all our fine technicians and actors. We look forward to seeing you on
the stage in the near future.
Trustees: B. Iannicca - 905-270-0536, M. Pascucci - 905-624-3663,
L. McGuire - Superintendent
M. McHenry - Student Services/ARD
B. Finamore - Chaplaincy Team Leader
P. Schmidt - Principal
E. Wasiuk - Counsellor, A - K, ESL
K. Kenrick - Youth Care Worker
J. Dmytrasz - Vice Principal
K. Grenier - Counsellor, L - Z
M. Piperni - Heartbeat Editor
A.Tremblay - Layout & Design
815 Atwater Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario L5E 1L8
Phone: 905-278-3994
Fax: 905-278-1163