Wishing You a Blessed and Prayerful Thanksgiving PRINCIPAL: VICE PRINCIPAL: HEAD SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: A. D’Agostino V. Viola M. Villella A. Burt A. Mijandrusic OCTOBER 2013 120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario L7E 2W1 Phone: (905) 857-7582 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: TRUSTEE: HOLY FAMILY CHURCH PASTOR: ASSOCIATE PASTOR: L. Storey F. Di Cosola 1-800-387-9501 905-951-8898 Fr. L. Leger 905 857-1938 Fr. D. Young-Sam You Fax: (905) 857-9353 ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL CO-CHAIRs: K. Foschia and M. DeAmicis TREASURER L. Girimonte SCECRETARY A. Capobianco SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: Please remember to phone in your child’s absence: 905 857-7582. The answering machine is available 24 hours - Messages are picked up regularly. For more information about school events, go to our school website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/NICHO Student Faith Formation And Engagement: The Heart Of All We Do OCTOBER Prayer of Thanksgiving In October we pause and take time from our busy lives to celebrate Thanksgiving, a day where we humbly count our blessings and give thanks for the bounty we enjoy. For us, as a faith community, giving thanks to God takes centre stage as we realize the blessings we enjoy in being able to make faith come alive in our school. As Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board faculty, staff and administration, we take our commitment to Catholic education seriously. From the visible faith statements that mark entry to our schools, to the sacred spaces that enjoy prominence THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE and participation within each October 1-31, 2013 classroom, to the daily Students and families are invited to reflections and prayers shared aloud throughout our schools to contribute non-perishable food items. begin and end our days, to the organized presentation of Catholic faith within our elementary curriculum, to the celebration of monthly Catholic virtues that celebrate a lived expression of our faith, we strive to offer solid and and beneficial instruction and participation in our Catholic faith. We strive to instill a solid appreciation of the faith that make our schools Catholic, and we work in union with Holy Family Church, for we cannot fulfill our mandate without them. Ours is a sacramental faith, and without a lived experience of our wider church community, our work is incomplete and unfulfilled. We have found that, throughout our lives and educational experiences, our Catholic values and faith have benefited our children the most when the family-parish-school connection is strong. When families/church/school work together, our children thrive, because they find themselves grounded and connected to a seamless system of faith whose ultimate goal is to build and enhance their spiritual confidence and well-being. Together, church, family and school, we work in strength and unity as a triangle of faith for the well-being of our children. May God’s blessings continue to be with you and your family during this time of Thanksgiving and throughout this school year. OPENING SCHOOL MASS October 15, 2013 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m, Walter Rauschenbusch O God, we thank you for this earth, our home; for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the salt sea and the running water, for the everlasting hills and the never-resting winds, for trees and the common grass underfoot. We thank you for our senses by which we hear the songs of birds, and see the splendor of the summer fields, and taste of the autumn fruits, and rejoice in the feel of the snow, and smell the breath of the spring. Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty; and save our souls from being so blind that we pass unseeing when even the common thorn bush is aflame with your glory, O God our creator, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen The grade 3 teachers, are organizing a Thanksgiving Food Drive Inside: Dates for Ahead Caledon Community Services. The donations will Enrolment helpUpdate support families in Terry Fox need in our local Librarycommunity. News Please consider Events around thenonperishable school donating food items to allow families the opportunity to have a festive Thanksgiving celebration. There is an increased need for juice jugs, and juice boxes this year. Collection boxes will be placed in the front foyer. Our collection will run through the month of October. World Teacher Day, October 5, 2013 St. Nicholas In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, let us give thanks to... …The students of St. Nicholas and their families. …Our volunteers, staff, coaches, leaders and all other persons who give unselfishly of their time to children and are sometimes taken for granted, but never go unnoticed or unappreciated. …For those who continue to support Catholic Education and ensure that our Faith is at the forefront of all that we do and say. .... All those who help to support and share a passion in our school fundraising initiatives. SEPTEMBER – A HIVE OF ACTIVITY September has been a ‘hive’ and ‘flutter’ of activity. Student backpacks have been making the ‘daily trek’ home with homework assignments. Adjusting to the daily routine of setting time aside to complete assigned work has nudged out the carefree days of summer. Students should be tracking their September has been a ‘hive’ of work daily in their agendas. The activity. entire school engaged in the Terry Fox Run. Our bus buddies have been actively assisting our younger students. Our Open House was well attended and set the tone for on-going communication between school and home. Parent volunteers were invited to sign-up for various volunteer opportunities in our school. During our professional activity day, staff were involved in faith development and reorganization. The Catholic School Council (parents) brought closure to last year and looked towards setting an agenda for this upcoming school year. TERRY FOX RUN Congratulations to all our students for sharing in the ‘Unbreakable Spirit of Terry Fox’ during our Annual Terry Fox Run. Students showed great determination in running/walking /jogging many laps around the courses which were located throughout the community. Thank you to our student / staff marshals who kept all our runners on course during the run. Thank you is also extended to our Terry Fox Committee for organizing this special event. They also organized a school wide chalk-talk, whereby students chalked messages of hope on school property. Our students and staff are to be congratulated on their wonderful display of spirit and community as they walked, jogged and ran around the school and throughout the community. BUS PATROLLERS and BUS BUDDIES BRAVO! Thank you to all bus patrollers who have voluntarily stepped forward to be an additional set of eyes for our bus drivers. These responsible and dedicated individuals will be trained to assist fellow students on and off school buses, on the way to and from school. They have also been trained to help with bus emergencies. Keep up the great work! WORLD TEACHER DAY – OCTOBER 5 In September the board passed a proclamation recognizing World Teachers’ Day and thanked teachers for their dedication and commitment to students and Catholic education. Over 100 countries around the world celebrate United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Teacher’s Day. We salute and say thank you to the teaching and support staff at St. Nicholas School for your on-going commitment to student learning. BULLYING PREVENTION CORNER The theme for the month of October is “Bullying is not acceptable.” Students develop the ability to understand and apply the definition of bullying through constant exposure, repeated use and consistency. It is important for students to have an opportunity to share their own examples of bullying situations. Setting the ground rule of sharing experiences without using names is imperative and provides a sense of safety for all students. The main focus of sharing these situations should be on exploring feelings. This may develop through identifying their own feelings or feelings they think someone being bullied might experience. Discussing feelings allows students to develop and act with empathy. VIRTUE OF OCTOBER - EMPATHY Virtue of the Month - Empathy The Virtue that we will be focusing on for the month of October is empathy. We understand empathy to mean the ability to identify with and feel other people’s concern. An empathetic person believes that we all share one Spirit; that we are many parts of one body because we are all created in the image and likeness of God. An empathetic person: Listens attentively & watches people’s body language Notices and responds when someone is upset Can name her/his feelings Can see a situation from a different point of view Knows that different people may feel differently about the same thing. OPENING MASS Our opening school mass will be held on Tuesday October 15th, 2013. We will hold two masses, one at 9:30am and the second at 11:00am in the gym. All parents are welcome to attend. FRONT DOORS LOCKED St. Nicholas has a speaker/buzzer/video monitoring system. Front doors will be locked once classes begin. Under the new system, visitors may gain entrance by pressing a buzzer mounted on the wall outside the building beside the front door. Please see the attached notice for further information. Learning Through Faith: A Pathway to Excellence Catholic Education: Building A Caring Community CANADIAN COGNITIVE ABLITIES TEST (CCAT) During the month of October, all grade 4 students will write the CCAT. The results of this testing will indicate whether your child is eligible for challenge programming for intellectually advanced students. In order to qualify, the student must score at the 95th percentile or above on two of the components and at the 90th or above on the third. Results will assist teachers in programming in the regular school setting. SPECIAL SERVICES SUPPORT The responsibility for student programming rests primarily with the teacher. However, when there are concerns regarding the learning needs, social needs or behavioural needs of a student, the teacher may choose to consult the school’s Special Services Team. Typically, these consultations would take place at a TEAM mtg. You would be informed by either your child’s classroom teacher or resource teacher if your child was going to be discussed at a TEAM mtg. We are fortunate to be able to draw on a wide range of knowledge and varied professional expertise in addressing the needs of our students. The following are the support staff for St. Nicholas School: L. Cousineau C. Giles V. Colucci R. Mason and N. Bailey Psychological Associate Speech/Language Pathologist Social Worker Child and Youth Workers ANGEL HAIR Angel Hair for Kids™ is a program of A Child’s Voice Foundation™ that provides wigs and hair loss solutions to financially disadvantaged children in Canada who have lost their hair due to a medical condition or treatment. We are asking St. Nicholas students who wish to donate their hair to grow their hair until May when we will hold an Angel Hair event. Thank you to Ms. Dell’Erario and Ms. D’Uva for organizing this for the students of St. Nicholas. More information to follow in the November newsletter… LIBRARY NEWS Thank you to the St. Nicholas community for the wonderful support at the Fall Book Fair. It could not have been such a success without the assistance of our volunteers. A special thank you to the parents and students who were very helpful in setting up, writing wish lists for younger students, restocking and packing up. All proceeds from the fair will go towards purchasing new resources for the library. The Fall Book Fair raised over $3,000! The winner of the Family Draw was Rocky from Ms. Barichello’s Grade 5 class. He and Ms. Barichello both won $25 worth of books from the Book Fair. Congratulations! WASTE REDUCTION WEEK We are asking our students to participate in a Waste reduction week October 21 to the 25. The challenge itself, where students commit to bringing a waste free lunch everyday during Waste Reduction Week. Waste free lunch challenge is a school program with a goal to help schools decrease the amount of garbage produced at St. Nicholas. This program serves to educate students, staff and parents about waste reduction. FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN ENTRANCE/EXIT All Kindergarten students will line up at their respective entry doors. School staff will be outside every morning from 9am to 9:15 am collecting students to bring them to their classrooms. Dismissal will be treated the same, students will line up outside their dismissal doors at 3:45 pm and dismissed to their parents. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Thank you is extended to those members of the Catholic School Council for their dedication and hard work on behalf of students at St. Nicholas School. Your on-going commitment and efforts were truly appreciated and made a difference for students. Please see the enclosed annual report summarizing Catholic School Council activities for the 2013-2014 school year. 2013 - 2014 SCHOOL COUNCIL We welcome the new 2013-2014 executive and the parent members of the Catholic School Council: Co-Chairs Kerry Foschia Mary DeAmicis Secretary Annalisa Capobianco Treasurer Leanna Girimonte Parish Rep TBD OAPCE Rep TBD Teaching Staff. Rep. Tanya Marra Non-teaching Staff Rep. Mia Villella Vice– Principal Velia Viola Principal Anna D’Agostino This year’s Council Members include: Noemia D’Emilio, Joanne Christie, Laura D’Orazio, Lynda Moore, Michelle Pacek, Johan Dobranski, Tina Macri, Josie Cugliari and Athanasia Iorfida. The dates for our future meetings are as follows: October 9, 2013 November 14, 2013 December 12, 2013 January 16, 2014 February 13, 2014 March 20, 2014 April 10, 2014 May 8, 2014 June 12, 2014 All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend these meetings. http://www.dpcdsb.org/NICHO DATES AHEAD ALLERGY AWARENESS Life Threatening Allergies We would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school community by not sending any lunches or snacks that contain peanuts/nuts. We want St. Nicholas to be a safe environment for all students. Thank you for your assistance with this initiative. When celebrating a special occasion, we continue to encourage that only non-edible treats be sent to school if they are to be shared with other students. SCHOOL HOURS & SUPERVISION Supervision in the school yard begins at 9:00 a.m. Please do not drop your children off at school prior to that time as they will not be supervised. The school day ends at 3:45 p.m. Parents are asked to ensure that arrangements are made for their children to leave school at 3:45 p.m. Students are not supervised after 3:45 p.m. The exception to this is, of course, our students who are bussed. The doors of St. Nicholas School are open to parents who wish to visit or confer with staff, however an appointment is necessary, as the classroom teacher’s first responsibility is teaching the class during regular school hours. Please report to the office upon, entering the school. Thank you for your support in keeping classroom interruptions to a minimum and maintaining a safe environment for our students. SCHOOL LOCKDOWN DRILLS We have scheduled our Lock Down drill for the week of October 14-18. The drill will be conducted with as much sensitivity as possible in order not to cause undue concern with students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school. QSP REMINDER We are now in full swing in our QSP—Family Literacy Initiative. Online orders continue throughout the course of this year. If you wish, please visit our school website where you can find a link to order new magazines or renew at any time during the year for yourself or as a gift…birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day etc. St Nicholas School Group ID number is 32376. Thank you for supporting this on-going literacy initiative. Happy Reading! Free workshops for families offered by the Region of Peel At St. Nicholas Elementary School The Family Literacy Program is for families with children aged 0 – 6 years. Families come together for story times, snack, and activities. Research from the University of Toronto has shown this program makes an impact to a child’s Early Literacy skills along with their family’s support. The program will be held in the Library on Tuesday nights, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. for nine weeks, starting October 1st and ending November 26th. We welcome all families with children under 6 years, as well as older children in your family. Please register by calling 905 791 1585 x 7222 or visit our website at www.peelregion.ca and click on Child Care. We hope to see you there. ROOTED for GRADES 3-5 Holy Family Church welcomes all parishioners in Grades 3-5 to join our interactive, fun, and faith-based ministry ROOTED. Our first ROOTED gathering at Holy Family Church will be on Saturday October 5th, 2013 at 10:00-11:30am! More information and a schedule check out at www.hfym.ca or contact Stephanie Benedetti at 905-857-1938 EDGE for GRADES 6-8 The EDGE is Holy Family Church’s Middle School Youth (Grades 6, 7, and 8) Ministry Program. In many respects, middle school youth are on the edge because so much is going on in their lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. It can be a very stressful and difficult time for them and you, their parents. In addition to weekly catechetical nights, there are social outings (snow tubing, Blue Jays game, bowling, etc) throughout the year as well as weekend retreat and week long summer camp to help students to grow closer to God. EDGE meets every Friday from 7-9. For more information and a schedule please check www.hfym.ca DATES AHEAD OCTOBER 1 Family Literacy begins 6:30-8:00pm Library 1-31 Thanksgiving Food Drive 3 Brain Gym with Leah Dilley 5 World Teacher Day 8 Halloween Dance-a-thon Pep rally 8 Junior Softball Tournament 9 Intermediate Soft Ball Tournament 9 Catholic School Council Meeting 7pm 10 Bus Patrollers visit Peel Children’s Safety Village 11 Professional Activity Day NO SCHOOL for students 15 Opening School Mass 14 Thanksgiving Holiday 17 Cross Country BEACOM Meet 21-25 Waste Reduction Week 25 Grade 4’s involved in Inuit Games 30 Picture Retake Day 31 Halloween Dance-a-thon NOVEMBER 1 All Saints Day Celebration 2 All Souls Day 5 Progress Reports go home 6 Grade 8’s visit St. Michaels’s Secondary School 7 Parent Teacher Interview Night 11 Remembrance Day Celebration 14 Catholic School Council Meeting 7pm October 11, 2013 P.A Day NO SCHOOL 2013