PRINCIPAL: VICE PRINCIPAL: HEAD SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: E. Fischer V. Viola M. VillellaSS A. Burt C. Roman J UNE 2 0 13 St. Nicholas School 120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario L7E 2W1 Phone: (905) 857-7582 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: TRUSTEE: HOLY FAMILY CHURCH PASTOR: ASSOCIATE PASTOR: P. McMorrow F. Di Cosola 1-800-387-9501 905-951-8898 Fr. L. Leger 905 857-1938 Fr. D. Young-Sam You Fax: (905) 857-9353 ST. NICHOLAS CHAIR: VICE-CHAIR TREASURER SECRETARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL M. De Amicis J. Nielsen J. Cugliari M. Pacek SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: Please remember to phone in your child’s absence: (905) 857-7582. The answering machine is available 24 hours - Messages are picked up regularly. For more information about school events, go to our school website: Follow St. Nicholas School on twitter: @StNicholasinfo Follow Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board on twitter: @DPCDSBSchools June 2013 Principal’s Message As we enter the final month of our school year, we cannot help but reflect on our many blessings as a Catholic School. So many wonderful events and gatherings have enabled us to gather and live out our learning as a Catholic community of faith. Our liturgies throughout the year: Thanksgiving Mass, All Saints, All Souls, Remembrance Day, Community Advent Mass, St. Nicholas Feast Day, Ash Wednesday, Passion Play, Easter Celebration, Catholic Education Week, Marian Celebration and our monthly Virtue celebrations, highlight our prayerful connection to our faith story. Numerous outreach initiatives: Terry Fox, Veteran’s Affairs, Earth Rangers, Christmas Hampers, Toy Drive, Food and Clothing Drives for Caledon Community Services and Saint Vincent de Paul, Share Life, Haiti, Jump Rope for Heart, environmental engagement, support for a local animal shelter, support for the needs of families in our community, are lived examples of our calling to be Christ for others. Our student leaders deserve tremendous credit for showing initiative and taking on leadership roles, demonstrating ‘faith into action,’ giving witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life [along with stewardship toward our environment]. Special thank you to our Student Parliament, Faith Ambassadors, PALS Leaders, Tree Huggers, Athletic Council and Peace Makers who have been at the centre of leading and learning, helping our school community ‘grow in faith’, deepening our understanding of service to others and inspiring us all to be better people. – continued on next page 2012-2013 SCHOOL YEAR ENDING The last day of school for students is on Friday June 28th . Virtue of June is Fairness Go With God! A Summer Blessing Go with God! This is a summer prayer for you. Take it with you and keep it in your mind and heart. As you leave for the summer, and you lay aside all of your work go with God, for God goes with you. As you begin new projects or a well deserved family vacation as you meet and make new friends, go with God, God will guide you. As you enjoy the summer sun and the summer’s cool blue waters, be wise and safe. Respect the beauty of the earth as God’s gift to you. And go with God, for God has created you. As you go to the quiet places to reflect and to pray, to enjoy the peace, and the beauty of private space and time off, go with God, for God always goes with you. Amen Wizard of Oz Play June 19 Cast 1 and June 20 Cast 2 Tree Huggers Rain Barrel Delegation Ceremony with the Mayor of Caledon Principal Message Continued There is indeed “no place like St. Nicholas”. It has truly been an honour to work along-side such a committed and dedicated staff. Whether celebrating the “big events” like our 10th Anniversary or the Wizard of Oz or engaging in the boundless sports and student activities available, or the daily care ‘day in and day out’ provided to individual students, the vibrancy of our school is a direct result of daily selfless acts and goodwill on the part of all staff. Thank you for your dedication to your students. Catholic School Graduate Expectation: A responsible citizen [is someone] who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life. To our parent community, we thank you for your supportive partnership and the privilege of serving your children, helping them learn and grow. To our School Council representatives who meet monthly and give tirelessly back to St. Nicholas School, we extend a huge thank you. The School Council has reached into the school and made a significant impact on student curriculum, student activities and building our school faith community over the years. We thank you for your commitment to St. Nicholas School. As well, to our numerous parent volunteers who serve our school community in other capacities (i.e. All Star Reading) we say thank you. Special thank you is extended to Father Larry, Father Damian and Holy Family Pastoral team for their on-going shepherding of our faith community. Thank you as well to our Superintendent of Schools, Paul Mc Morrow and Trustee Frank Di Cosola for their unwavering support and care for our School. Our school has been blessed with a dynamic partnership and I have been blessed to be part of leading and learning together with you over the years. I leave St. Nicholas School with many fond memories. Thank you. On behalf of all staff, we wish you a wonderful safe summer! God Bless. - E. Fischer Wizard of Oz June 19 Cast 1 and June 20 Cast 2 St. Nicholas School Gym 7:00pm Hope to see you there! Tickets will go on sale shortly! Welcome At the May 28th Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board meeting, Mrs. D’Agostino was appointed the new principal to St. Nicholas School, beginning September, 2013. Mrs. D’Agostino comes with a wealth of experience as a educator and principal. Welcome! Congratulations and Welcome … is extended to our Superintendent, Paul McMorrow as he heads into retirement. We wish him many exciting adventures and years of happiness. We welcome Les Storey who has been appointed Superintendent of Brampton East, Caledon, Malton, Dufferin. Congratulations Congratulations to Ms. Chiarelli who recently was blessed with a baby girl! Thank you Special thank you and good-bye to the following staff who have been a part of our school community: Ms. Kiernander, Ms. Marple, Ms. Romasco, Ms. Stellato, Ms. Marks, Ms. Pettinaro and Ms. Tedesco. We thank you for your contributions to St. Nicholas School and we wish you well. Virtue of June is Fairness No School June 7, Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning School Volunteers Our St. Nicholas Volunteers have given much of their time and energy to help make St. Nicholas School a great place to grow and learn. They are the extra pair of hands that are always willing to help with Catholic School Council, special program needs, sports programs, lunch days and much more! WE SALUTE AND THANK OUR VOLUNTEERS FOR ALL THAT THEY DO. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL! We have set aside Monday June 10 at 1:45 to formally thank all our volunteers. CONSTRUCTION UPDATE The construction of the Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten Classrooms is going very well. We anticipate that the construction will be complete in September. We are still hoping to be into the classrooms for the start of the new school year. Another Banner Performance ! Go St. Nicholas Knights!!! Reading During Summer Suggestions for Reading with your child ►Make reading fun! Choose a time when you and your child are relaxed and have time to share a story. ►Talk about the story before you start reading. Look at the cover and the title. What might the story be about? Why might your child like the story? ►Encourage your child to reread stories and retell stories in his/her own words. Use the illustrations in the story to remind him/her what happened. ►Discuss the story to see if your child can relate it to his/her own experiences, or perhaps compare it to another story he/she might know. ►Give praise! Children learn best in a positive environment and when they are having fun. THANK YOU! Grade 8 Confirmation & Graduation Congratulations to our Grade 8’s who received the sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Family Church. Graduation mass and ceremony will be held at Holy Family Church on Thursday June 27 at 7pm. Our prayers are with you as you move to secondary school. We are all very proud of their accomplishments and wish them well on their journey. SK Celebration of Learning Congratulations to our SK students who will be participating in a Celebration of Learning ceremony on Thursday, June 6. The ceremony will take place in the gym for all SK students. May God bless our students as they journey through Elementary School. School Council News Thank you to our 2012-2013 School Council for their support this year. School Council members have continued to support the many school initiatives and to help in any way they could as true advocates for our students. We are blessed for their sincere commitment to serve our students in a collaborative Catholic Community. We hope parents will join us next year as we continue to promote and encourage the relationship between home, school, parish and community. Report Cards go home on June 26, 2013 Last Day of School June 28, 2013 St. Nicholas Family Fun Night Celebration of Learning! What a Success! Thank you Parent Council for this wonderful event. Family Fun Night was attended by more than 1000 people, Our Regional Councilor Richard Whitehead, local MPP Silvia Jones as well as our Trustee Frank Di Cosola were in attendance. YEAR END REMINDERS LOST AND FOUND Please visit our lost and found bin. A gentle reminder to parents to please label your child’s/children clothing. All remaining items will be donated to St. Vincent De Paul Society in July. MEDICATION PICK UP Student medication (ie: epipens, puffers, etc.) that has been placed in the office needs to be picked up before the end of the year and returned in September. Sun Safety St. Nicholas Red Maple Group St. Nicholas Red Maple Group celebrate Canadian Authors at Harbour Front for the Forest of Reading Festival. Students from St. Nicholas were chosen from the Ontario Library Association to announce the Winner of the Red Maple Fiction and Non Fiction Categories. Congratulations to all members who participated in this unique Canadian Reading Program. P.A.L.S. The P.A.L.S. program at St. Nicholas School provides the opportunity for students in Grades 1 to 4 to participate in structured playground activities during the lunchtime recess. These activities are run by Grade 5 & 6 students who have been trained and who have made a commitment to be P.A.L.S. leaders. We would like to thank the students and staff who have provided this program. A very special thank you to Mrs. Marbella., Mrs. DeBartolo, Mrs. Porco and Mrs. Bontius for giving of her time to support this worthwhile program. All Star Reading Celebration A special thank you to the parent coaches who guided the students this year and helped boost their confidence in reading: Thank you Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Blazys for organizing and supporting our students. Year End Reminders SUN SAFE TY Finally we are experiencing warmer Spring and Summer weather. To protect your child during this warmer month of June, we would like to encourage the following practices: A/ Apply sunscreen on your child so they are protected from the sun’s UV rays during recess times. B/ Drink plenty of water. Bring an extra water bottle to school. C/ Wear a sun hat during outside play. D/ During extreme heat alerts we will be shortening recess time outdoors. Returning School Books All St.Nicholas textbooks and library books are due in the school right away. Please help us to reduce replacement costs by checking at home and returning texts. Thank you Mrs.Siriani for continuing to keep our library in tip top shape! Bus Information St. Nicholas Marian Crowning Celebrations Students were busy learning about heart health, and the importance of having a healthy heart. Our Jump Rope for Heart Skip-a-Thon was a great success in raising over $7050.00. A special thank you to all our Heart Heros and Mrs. Celia-Grisolia for organizing this school lead event. Report Cards The Rosary Club has been praying the Rosary since October and will continue until the end of the school year. They meet every Wednesdays at 12:20pm. Thank you to, Mrs. Stapleton, Ms. Dalton, Mrs. Bontius, Mrs. DiNenno and Mrs. Loconte, and Mrs. Valeriano. Forming Our Catholic Vision For Learning in the 21st Century Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board recently released a report entitled Forming our Catholic Vision for Learning in the 21st Century. An overview of this report has been shared in a letter sent home with students. A copy of the letter is also available on the school website. This report will also be shared at our upcoming School Council Meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2013, 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend and learn more about this report. School Start in September The school office will be open from 9:00 a.m to 3:00 pm, from August 26th to 30th for registration and information purposes only. School begins for students on September 3rd, 2013 Final report cards go home on Wednesday, June 26th. We wish to draw your attention to Page 3 of the report called the Response Form, which provides you with the opportunity to comment on your child’s achievement, goals and home support. Please complete and send this form back to your child’s teacher by Thursday, June 28th. If you wish to contact your child’s teacher, please do so before June 29th, which is the last day for students and staff, before the summer holidays begin. Remember to Place your Order! Year books are $20 Hand in your orders now- delivery will be September 2013. Bussing Information For more bussing information, please visit our website at NOTES FOR SEPTEMBER First Day of School The first day of the new school year for students is Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013. School begins at 9:15 a.m. Signs will be posted around the school directing children to their grade level meeting place as well as posted on the school website. Our hours of operation will continue to be the same as this year, 9:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. School Start in September Safety Tips for Cyclists and Motorists . SAFETY TIPS FOR CYCLISTS AND MOTORISTS (CALEDON, ON) – The Caledon Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) wishes to remind cyclists and motorists to share the road. With the summer fast approaching these are good reminders to both cyclists and motorists. In a 2012 Ministry of Transportation Report it is estimated that 630,000 Ontarians cycle on a daily basis and about 2 million Ontarians ride a bike at least once a . week during spring, summer and fall. Safety tips for Cyclists: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Follow the law — it’s the safest way to ride. Bicyclists have the same rights and duties as drivers and need to follow the same traffic laws. Be predictable — ride in a straight line, signal turns and check behind you before turning or changing lanes. Come to a complete stop at every stop sign and red light. Ride with caution around parked cars and position yourself in the field of vision of a motorist pulling out of a parking space. Be conspicuous — ride where drivers can see you, use lights at night and wear bright clothing. Be aware — anticipate the next move of drivers, pedestrians and other cyclists. Watch for debris, potholes and grates. If you are a beginner or are returning to bicycling, seek out clubs or bicycling advocacy organizations in your community for tips on safe riding, instruction, and group rides to improve knowledge and confidence. Ride Ready — tires need air, brakes must work, chains should run smoothly, and quick release wheel levers must be closed. Carry identification and cell phone, emergency cash, as well as repair and emergency supplies. Motorist safety tips: 1. Respect bicyclists as legal road users with the same rights and responsibilities as motorists. Drive courteously and with tolerance. That cyclist is your neighbor and you are sharing the same road. 2. Obey the posted speed limit, and don't drive too fast for conditions. 3. Come to a complete stop at each stop sign and red light. 4. Check over your shoulder, and always check your blind spot. A bicyclist could be there. 5. Maintain a safe distance between your vehicle and the bicycle in front of you. 6. Use low-beam headlights when driving in lowvisibility conditions. 7. Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists in and entering crosswalks. 8. If you plan to turn right or pull into a parking space shortly ahead of a bicycle in front of you, do not pass. 9. Signal all turns and lane changes 30 meters (100 feet) in advance. 10. Pass bicyclists only it is safe to do so. Exercise patience. For more safety tips and information on safe cycling, check out the following websites: and Together we can make a difference to promote safe cycling DATES AHEAD 5 Beach Volleyball Tournament 6 Make up Pita lunch from Pita No Show Day 6 Kindergarten Celebration , AM & PM 6 Van Den Hoek Farms – T. Romasco 7 NO SCHOOL 10 Volunteer Appreciation Assembly 11 Pioneer Village, Gr. 4 11 Van Den Hoek Farms – B. Demers 12 Year End Mass: 9:30 and 11:00 13 School Council Meeting 7pm Library 14 Life Touch will be in for TEAM photos am 17 Van Den Hoek Farms – J. DiCristoforo & S. Nicoletta 19 Wizard of Oz Performance Cast 1 20 Wizard of Oz Performance Cast 2 24 Student Academic Recognition Assembly 25 Virtue Assembly 26 Reports Sent Home 27 Grade 8 Graduation 28 Last Day of School Dates to Remember June