NAME PER DATE_________________ Chemistry – Matter, Properties/Change, & Energy – Review Multiple Choice

Chemistry – Matter, Properties/Change, & Energy – Review Multiple Choice
2. Which of the following represent a physical change?
A. a bomb exploding
B. salt dissolving in boiling water
C. plants performing photosynthesis
D. an iron nail rusting
3. The specific heat of a given substance
A. depends on the mass of the substance.
B. varies with temperature.
C. is unique to that substance.
D. is the same as that for any other substance.
4. Which of the following represent a chemical change? (Check all that
A. dissolving water into alcohol
B. slicing a loaf of bread
C. water freezing at zero degrees Celsius
D. none of the above
5. “In any chemical or physical process, energy is neither created nor
destroyed” is a statement of the
A. law of conservation of energy.
B. law of conservation of mass.
C. law of physical and chemical change.
D. system.
6. Three examples of physical change are:
A. burning of gasoline, rotting of an egg, and exploding of
B. boiling of water, bursting of a balloon, and melting of an ice
C. freezing of water, evaporation of gasoline, & rusting of a
D. sawing a log, crushing a can, and toasting a marshmallow
8. Chemical properties involve:
A. changes of state such as an solid ice cube melting to form
B. the mass of a red apple
C. changes of appearance or shape
D. reactions that change one substance into another substance
12. Baking soda reacts with vinegar. In the reaction, bubbles of carbon
dioxide gas are formed. This is considered a chemical change because:
A. the vinegar changes its appearance
B. no new substances are formed when the vinegar reacts with
the baking soda
C. a phase change takes place
D. a new substance is formed when the vinegar reacts with the
baking soda
13. Examples of physical changes include:
A. a steel pipe rusting
B. carving wood
C. a copper penny in vinegar turns green
D. a burning candle
14. Which of the following represent a chemical change?
acetone evaporating
water boiling
candle wax melting
milk souring
15. A small amount of sugar was poured into water. The solution was
stirred to mix the sugar evenly in the water. The resulting liquid
represents a(n):
A. homogenous mixture
B. pure substance
C. alloy
D. heterogeneous mixture
16. Which of the following represents a physical change?
A. burning toast in a toaster
B. vinegar reacting with baking soda & producing a bubbly gas
C. breaking a piece of glass into small pieces
D. plastic cracking from too much exposure to the sun
17. What is the total number of joules of heat energy absorbed by 15
grams of water when heated from 30°C to 40°C? (cH2O = 4.184 J/g oC)
A. 10
B. 63
C. 150
D. 630
20. How many joules are equivalent to 35 kilojoules?
A. 0.035 joules
B. 0.35 joules
C. 3,500 joules
D. 35,000 joules
21. Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, a liquid
differs from a gas because the particles of the liquid
A. are in constant straight-line motion
B. take the shape of the container they occupy
C. have no regular arrangement
D. have stronger forces of attraction between them
22. Which statement describes a chemical property?
A. Its crystals are a metallic gray.
B. It dissolves in alcohol.
C. It is a violet-colored gas.
D. It reacts with hydrogen to form a gas.
23. What is the product of (52.6 cm) x (1.214 cm) expressed to the
correct number of significant figures?
A. 64 cm2
B. 63.9 cm2
C. 63.86 cm2
D. 63.8564 cm2
24. Which measurement contains three significant figures?
A. 0.08 cm
B. 0.080 cm
C. 800 cm
D. 8.08 cm