Hallowellness Program Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds The brain is what you have, the mind is using it. Nicole Miletto – 3rd Grade Teacher Tami Eldridge – Literacy Specialist Eric Glemser – Health & PE Hallowell Elementary Hatboro-Horsham School District A Mind in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion Hunters & Gatherers Our early ancestors predominately consisted of hunter-gatherer types. They traveled between 10 & 14 miles per day as a standard of fitness for their survival. If they did not run, they did not eat. Individuals who could outrun & out-plan & outperform their peers and enemies would survive. We are the descendants of the survivors. Moving is in our nature. Researchers at West Virginia University evaluated the fitness levels and standardized academic test scores of 725 Grade 5 students in Wood County, West Virginia, and re-examined the results two years later when the children were in Grade 7. The study found that academic performance dipped when the students' fitness declined and increased when fitness improved. Children with the highest average standardized test scores, which included reading, math, science and social studies, were the ones who were deemed fit at the start and end of the study. Is there any science or resarch to substantiate these findings???? 9 and 10 year olds students Higher Fit Lower Fit Easy Test Hard Test Slide Compliments of Dr. Chuck Hillman University of Illinois Enhanced Academic Performance “Consistent exercise, and certain types of specific exercises, can both temporarily and permanently affect the way your brain is able to focus, its ability to deal with stress and anxiety, and its ability to learn … “Exercise is like fertilizer for the brain … it’s so good, it’s like Miracle Gro”. Exercise Creates New Brain Cells = New Learning Enhances Brain Cells with More Connections Dopamine Reward Pleasure Motivation/Drive Appetite Sex Aggression Attention Norepinepherine Alertness Concentration Energy Mood Cognitive Function Anxiety Impulse Irritability Serotonin Obsessions Compulsions Memory EXERCISE PREPARES THE MIND • • • • • • Improves Impulse Control Improves Behavior Improves Attention Decreases Restlessness Improves Arousal - Lessens Fatigue Improves Motivation Exercise Prepares the Mind Continued • • • • • Helps Mood and Anxiety Regulation Combats Depression Improves Self-esteem Reverses “Learned Helplessness” Combats Toxic Effects of Stress Hormones Here Comes A Big Take Away Moment! Average composite of 20 student brains taking the same test Brains after sitting quietly Brains after 20 minute walk Research/scan compliments of Dr. Chuck Hillman University of Illinois Hallowell Data-Spring 2014 100 90 80 70 60 Exercise 50 Sitting 40 30 20 10 0 3rd Grade Students (Heterogeneous group) Exercise group – physical activity for 15-20 minutes and other group sat and read for 15-20 minutes 23-Apr 21-Apr 19-Apr 17-Apr 15-Apr 13-Apr 11-Apr 9-Apr 7-Apr 5-Apr 3-Apr 1-Apr 30-Mar 28-Mar 26-Mar 24-Mar 22-Mar 20-Mar 18-Mar 16-Mar 14-Mar 12-Mar 10-Mar 8-Mar 6-Mar 4-Mar 2-Mar 28-Feb 26-Feb 24-Feb 22-Feb 20-Feb 18-Feb 16-Feb 14-Feb Heart Rates 200 180 160 140 HR X 120 HR Sit 100 80 60 40 20 0 16-Nov 14-Nov 12-Nov 10-Nov 8-Nov 6-Nov 4-Nov 2-Nov 31-Oct 29-Oct 27-Oct 25-Oct 23-Oct 21-Oct 19-Oct 17-Oct 15-Oct 13-Oct 11-Oct 9-Oct 7-Oct 5-Oct 3-Oct 1-Oct 29-Sep 27-Sep 25-Sep 23-Sep Hallowell Data-Fall 2014 100 90 80 70 60 50 Exercise Sitting 40 30 20 10 0 ADD & ADHD Statistics • • • • 1985 about 500,000 students diagnosed 2008 5 to 7 million diagnosed 2011 1 out of every 10 students diagnosed Boys 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than girls • 75% boys with ADD have ADHD • 60% girls with ADD have ADHD • 65% of all students with ADHD have discipline problems Statistics from the Institute of Mental Health Attention Spans Typical 5 year old Typical 13 year old Typical Adult 5 to 7 minutes 15 to 18 minutes 20 to 25 minutes Malpractice Occurrences Didn’t finish work Discipline Problem NO Recess Discipline Problem More academic Time Needed NO PE How have we used the Research? We put it into practice! www.energizingbrainbreaks.com www.engagedteaching.com Hallowell Elementary School In our 4th year of Morning Workout Program Using Reading and Math scores to track progress Incorporating Fitness/Brain Breaks throughout the day Math Muscle/Enhanced Learning/Brain Room Healthy Eating/Garden Pedometers & HR Monitor Watches – Kid Friendly "85% of school age children are kinesthetic processors predominately“ by Dr. Carla Hannaford Most students prefer kinesthetically using their senses to discover and explore information. Neuroscientists Believe Students learn 10% more when they are standing as opposed to sitting. Students increase their learning if they are standing and moving by another 3% to 4% We Remember 20% of what we read 30% of what we hear 40% of what we see 50% of what we say 60% of what we do However we remember 90% of what We see, hear , say, and do. Quote from Dr. David Eagleman neuroscientist researcher Baylor School of Medicine