Novel by John Green Presentation by Ms. Schmitz

Novel by John Green
Presentation by Ms. Schmitz
“And now life has become the future. Every
moment of your life is lived for the future—you go
to high school so you can go to college so you can
get a good job so you can get a nice house so you
can afford to send your kids to college so they can
get a good job so they can get a nice house so they
can afford to send their kids to college” (Green 3334).
“And all day long, it was hard not to walk
around, thinking about the lastness of it all: The
last time I stand in a circle outside the band room
in the shade of this oak tree that has protected
generations of band geeks. The last time I eat
pizza in the cafeteria with Ben. The last time I sit
in this school scrawling an essay with a cramped
hand into a blue book. The last time I glance up
at the clock…” (Green 227).
Theme: As much as you might care about another
person, you must follow your own dreams.
Passage: “The thing is that I do believe in college,
and jobs, and maybe even babies one day. I
believe in the future. Maybe it’s a character flaw,
but for me it is a congenital one” (Green 295).
Audience: Green appeals to young adult readers
who like a coming of age story and are interested
in seeing characters who want to learn about
themselves and contemplate life issues.
Passage: “As time passed, I only got more pissed.
It’s one thing not to give a shit about Margo. But
really, Ben didn’t give a shit about me, either.
Maybe our friendship had always been about
convenience—he didn’t have anyone cooler than
me to play video games with” (Green 191).
“Margo’s beauty was a kind of sealed vessel of
perfection—uncracked and uncrackable” (Green