Meeting Minutes: February 9, 2011
Committee Members
Members Present: Philip Alcabes, Cristina Alfar, Judith Aponte, Eija Ayravainen, Sarah
Bonner, Barbara Barone, Elizabeth Beaujour, Sandra Clarkson, Sherryl Graves, Robert
Greenberg, Jacqueline Mondros, Elizabeth Nunez, Andrew Polsky, Vita Rabinowitz (arrived but
called away immediately), Richard Stapleford, Patricia Woodward, Len Zinnanti
Task Force Members Present: Robert Buckley (Resource Development), Case Willoughby
(Student Success and Engagement)
Consultants: Anthony Knerr, John Braunstein (Anthony Knerr & Associates)
Meeting called to order at 10:40 a.m.
Approval of Minutes of January 19, 2011 SSPC Meeting
Upon the request of Richard Stapleford, the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
Review and Discussion of revised Draft Strategic Plan for Hunter College
John Braunstein invited the Committee to return to discussion of the Mission and Vision
statements, noting that, whether the statement itself is short or long, ideas about mission and
vision can appear in other places in the document, including the Introduction and Values
In addition to the Mission and Vision statements in the January 28 Draft SP (reflecting the
Committee’s discussions to date), Andrew Polsky, Robert Greenberg and Case Willoughby
drafted mission statements. All are attached to these minutes. The Committee’s discussion
focused on bringing out the best of all these versions, pulling out keywords from all the
statements, and included the following:
•“Global” vs. “New York City”: New York really does have its own character. Global is
part of the mix, but doesn’t really define us. “global” schools have global programs,
programs around the globe; that doesn’t describe us.
• Description vs. Prescription: Related to question of audience. Both need to be there. A
broadly disseminated document should allude to some things that are elaborated in easily
accessible places. For the purposes of Middle States, for example, mission statement
should be actionable. But students also read this on the website. The goal is to write down
key aspirations that are actionable. Statement should reflect who we are, and say that we
want to be better at it.
•Hunter is a flagship college of a large public university system – for better or worse.
Rest of mission statement explicates those two key components. E.g., Barnard – a
women’s college, robust liberal arts, associated with a major research university in NYC
– no other institution could make this claim. Hunter should have a statement that is
equally clear (know without looking that we are talking about Hunter).
•What is appropriate balance between liberal arts and professional missions? The mission
statement should get rid of a perceived “line” between professional and undergraduate
education. Statement should have structural balance (one paragraph about undergrad
education, one about graduate education). Need to emphasize the integration of
professional/liberal arts education, perhaps by identifying liberal arts as a foundation for
professional schools.
Andrew Polsky expressed his concerns about the Committee’s ownership of the SP and
suggested that members of the committee should work to develop a draft document that meets
the objections of the Senate by providing more substantive detail.
The Committee and AKA agreed that this was important. Case Willoughby, Sandra Clarkson,
Elizabeth Beaujour, Sarah Bonner, Barbara Barone, Cristina Alfar, Andrew Polsky, Philip
Alcabes and Richard Stapleford will use AKA Draft SP, dated January 28, 2011, as a template
for their work.
Next Steps
Subcommittee will meet February 16, 10:30 am -1 pm, to develop a revised Draft Strategic Plan,
incorporating today’s discussion of mission and vision. The Subcommittee is charged with
drafting a version of the SP document for SSPC review and discussion February 23, and ready
for presentation to President Raab by March 2.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:58 am.
Minutes submitted by Simone White, Administrative Assistant to the Committee
Minutes of February 9, 2011 SSPC Meeting
Attachment I
Draft of
January 28, 2011
Hunter College
Strategic Plan,
Academic Years 2012 - 2017
Draft for Discussion Only
Enhance Hunter’s Academic Identity, Reputation and Recognition
II. Increase Student Success and Engagement
III. Create Vibrant, Healthy and Diverse Campuses Deeply Engaged with their Surrounding
IV. Address Hunter’s Infrastructure Needs Boldly and Imaginatively
V. Develop Hunter’s Resources in Innovative Ways that Solidify the College’s Financial
VI. Foster a Culture of Informed Planning, Transparency and Accountability
A. Hunter College Strategic Planning Process
B. Membership of the Hunter College Senate Strategic Planning Committee
C. Strategic Accomplishments to Date
D. [Strategic Planning Task Force Reports]
[to be drafted]
[Description of Hunter’s current status and its rationale for undertaking a strategic plan:
Key strengths of the institution and most significant challenges at this juncture.
Relevant external forces
What Hunter hopes to accomplish by conducting this planning process and creating a strategic plan. (I.e., the
purpose and goals of the planning process itself – such things as increased collegiality; clear, widely-shared
understanding of the College’s direction and priorities; improved accountability; etc.)
Other planning assumptions]
Hunter College of the City University of New York sees learning in the liberal arts and sciences as a cornerstone of
individual development and a vital foundation for a more just and inclusive society. We encourage intellectual
discourse in the widest sense: we promote excellent scholarship and creative activity by the faculty; we foster
intellectual innovation in and across disciplines and schools; and we engage students in the life of the mind to
stimulate their curiosity and broaden their horizons. Continuing our long tradition of expanding opportunity, we
prepare students from all backgrounds to take their places as leaders and innovators in their chosen careers, in their
communities, and in the world.
To thrive in the 21st century, our students must complete a rigorous academic program that stresses the significance
of human diversity, encourages critical thinking, fosters the capacity to learn, promotes knowledge of the natural
world and our relationship to it, explores the complexity of the human experience, and provokes reflection on the
enduring questions and ethical dilemmas that confront humanity. Through the Hunter undergraduate curriculum,
students learn to approach problems from multiple perspectives, distinguishing questions and evaluating evidence.
Hunter students conduct research, pursue artistic creation, and learn to express themselves clearly and cogently. In
masters and doctoral programs, Hunter College cultivates the qualities needed to achieve distinction in the arts and
sciences, education, health professions, nursing, and social work.
We embrace our setting at the heart of a global city – we seek to draw on its energy, capitalize on its resources,
weave it into the fabric of our teaching, research, and creative expression, and give back to it through our service
and citizenship.
The best of what we are is the foundation of what we will be. We will continue to excel as educators, training
students to lead the way in ideas and achievement as citizens of New York City. Our students will be eager, capable
learners who aspire to reach beyond their campus and their city to take their place in a worldwide global community.
We will be more attentive to our responsibilities to our students. They will receive better advising about course
selection, career opportunities, and degree programs appropriate to their interests. Through assessment, an active
and well-funded Teaching Excellence Center, and the sharing of best classroom practices, faculty will target their
classroom efforts to improve students’ ability to learn and their research, critical thinking, and communication skills.
We will be a vibrant physical presence in the Upper East Side, centering on our three major campuses: the present
Lexington Avenue sites at 68th Street and at 118th Street and the new architecturally renowned Science and Public
Health Building. Dramatic lighting and embracing neighborhood-friendly facilities will at last identify Hunter to
New York residents as an institution proud of its achievements and ambitious for its future.
Within the buildings students will find a place of warmth and physical comfort, an oasis of support in a
polymorphous city. Nestled among the classrooms throughout the College will be areas designated for
extracurricular activity, intra-curricular support, and relaxation. The Library will be a multifaceted learning
engagement and research center. Coherence of movement and focus of destination will be created by electronic
signs and advanced lighting systems. Rather than fleeing the buildings (and the institution) in frustration, students
will be drawn to the clarity of the space and the accommodating character of the system. They will like being here.
Even as Hunter’s research profile rises, we will be celebrated as an institution that values teaching as our principal
academic activity. New faculty will be introduced to successful teaching strategies. Excellence and achievement in
the classroom will be recognized and rewarded. Staff of the several academic learning centers will be trained and
rewarded for their success in guiding students to improve their performance.
Hunter will be what it has always been: a center of educational excellence. But it will rise to embrace its destiny as
a nationally renowned institution worthy -- in its active embrace of all its students and in its exceptional physical
presence -- of being a model for
[To be drafted. Brief description and reaffirmation of the core values, principles, commitments that inform Hunter’s
academic and campus culture.]
To realize its vision and mission over the next five years, Hunter College will achieve the following goals.
I. Enhance Hunter’s Academic Identity, Quality and Recognition
[brief introduction to be added]
Strengthen the Curriculum at All Levels
 Strengthen and promote undergraduate liberal arts and sciences, especially those features that distinguish
Hunter within CUNY, through actions such as:
Improving student writing, public speaking and presentation skills;
Increasing opportunities for student research, including creative projects in the arts;
Fostering foreign language; and
Encouraging quantitative reasoning to the extent possible in all disciplines.
Strengthen and promote the professional schools and graduate/professional programs within Hunter and CUNY
Placing and mentoring effective professionals in high profile jobs;
Establishing additional dual-degree programs and interdisciplinary courses; and
Creating more opportunities for internships, translational research, training and program partnerships, and
job placements.
Promote the development of skills that students will need as citizens and members of the workforce in the 21 st
Achieve student competence in the use of appropriate information technologies.
Increase pre-professional educational opportunities.
Establish/formalize and publicize pathways from undergraduate majors into professional graduate
programs at Hunter.
Increase internships and off-campus creative opportunities, while assuring that field work maintains high
academic standards.
Encourage and Facilitate Integration and Collaboration among the Departments and Schools that Constitute, in
Effect, an Emerging “Hunter University.”
 Support cross-disciplinary research and teaching, including both Arts and Sciences and professional schools
Reduce obstacles to and increase incentives for cross-disciplinary curriculum innovation.
Establish an infrastructure and create and implement a development plan for the professional schools to support
interdisciplinary teaching, research, collaborative activities, and community-institutional partnerships
Build Upon CUNY’s Commitment to a Decade of Science
 Establish a secure institutional foundation -- in terms of increased research space and enhanced leadership – in
order to raise Hunter’s profile in the sciences.
Improve and rationalize funding for Ph.D. students to meet the needs of Hunter’s expanding doctoral programs
in the sciences.
Create a foundation for faculty success in the sciences through better guidance, adequate start-up support, and
transparent expectations.
Promote Faculty Excellence in Scholarship, Creative Activity and Teaching
 Recruit, develop, and retain a diverse and exceptional faculty.
Stimulate faculty research and creative activity by, among other things, providing more support through the
sponsored research process.
Promote a strong commitment to excellence in teaching at all levels.
II. Increase Student Success and Engagement
[add brief introduction]
Promote a Strong Sense of Intellectual, Academic and Career Purpose Among Hunter Students as Early as
Possible in their Years at the College.
 Develop orientation programs, guidance and tools to help students search, early in their academic careers, for
both majors and career options that connect to their interests and abilities.
Create a clear set of messages for students about the relevance of a liberal arts education to their career and life
goals, and convey these ideas in ways that are accessible and meaningful for students.
Promote Accurate Expectations of College Work and Life among First-Time and Transfer
Students and Create for Them a Deep Sense of Connection to the College
 Strengthen students’ understanding of and provide them skills to deal with the rigors,
proficiency standards and time-demands of college academic work.
Deepen the emotional connection between students and Hunter College as the start of a longterm bond that will continue throughout their years as alumni.
Assess, Support and Improve Student Advisement across the College
 Identify and analyze the most significant similarities and differences between the College’s transfer- and firsttime-student populations in terms of their advisement needs.
Identify, through structured analyses, the strengths and weaknesses of all current forms of advisement at Hunter.
Enhance academic advising through increased use of technology, faculty-development, and the provision of
appropriate advisement at all ability levels.
Improve the transitions for students among Hunter’s diverse advisement programs – new-student orientation,
professional and pre-major advising, departmental advising, and career/advising.
Use predictive modeling and other early-warning approaches to identify students with high risk of attrition and
create interventions for these students that engage them before they face serious academic difficulty.
Develop a Clear and Comprehensive Enrollment Plan
 Recruit and retain a racially, ethnically, socio-economically, and internationally diverse student body.
Determine the optimal proportions for Hunter of (a) first-time and transfer students, and (b) undergraduate and
graduate/professional students based on the viability of those markets for the College as well as the institution’s
overall goals.
Identify and analyze the most significant similarities and differences between the College’s prospective
transfer- and first-time-students in terms of the factors that impact their initial interest in Hunter and their
likelihood of applying and enrolling.
Develop an enrollment planning model that enables Hunter obtain an optimal balance between the desired size
and characteristics of its student body and the College’s resources.
Focus admissions marketing based on the identity and communications plan Hunter develops in order to shape
messages about Hunter that are most likely to appeal to its target student markets.
Implement Pedagogical and Curricular Initiatives to Enhance Student Engagement and Retention and
 Increase Hunter’s Six-Year Graduation Rate to [___%] within five years.
Increase course availability for students, particularly courses that fulfill the General Education Requirements.
Identify and leverage active and collaborative teaching and learning in order to engage students with individual
faculty, their disciplines and with the College.
Assess and build upon the successes of the Block Program for incoming freshmen.
Create a transition program for new transfer students.
Enhance the number of and participation rate in student co-curricular opportunities, particularly those connected
to classroom learning (e.g., service learning, volunteerism, internships, etc.)
Increase student-faculty interaction and the sense of academic community among departmental faculty and
students majoring in the department.
Promote out of classroom activities that provide greater linkage for students between their academic exploration
and career interests and potentially increase their interaction with other Hunter faculty, staff and students.
Recruit, Develop and Retain a Diverse and Talent Staff Deeply Invested in Student Success
 Develop a comprehensive program of support for staff at all stages of their careers.
Encourage collaboration between faculty and staff to provide opportunities for enhanced
student development and learning opportunities.
Encourage more collaboration between faculty advisors and professional advisors.
Explore the possibilities for national accreditation for academic support centers, where
Create Vibrant, Healthy and Diverse Campuses That Are Deeply Engaged with Their Surrounding
Hunter’s locations, student body, program array and history argue that the College has a special responsibility to
serve the people of New York City. The College can exercise a leadership role in CUNY in this capacity, make it in
integral part of Hunter’s identity and achieve broader recognition and a stronger reputation based on it.
Enhance Cultural and Recreational Opportunities on Campus to Improve Quality of Life and to Connect NonResident Students and Community Members to Campus Life.
[Add specific initiatives]
Make Roosevelt House a Centerpiece of Hunter’s Engagement with New York City’s Intellectual Communities
 Explore the suitability of Roosevelt House as a center for programs and initiatives focusing on the concerns of
New York City and urban issues in general.
Take full advantage of the House’s attractive setting by making it a location for programs of interest to alumni
in the New York area, potentially engaging them with current Hunter students to strengthen the “pipeline” from
student to alumnus.
Engage Hunter alumni in diverse and ongoing relationships with the College.
 Develop and implement a comprehensive alumni-relations plan that articulates the diverse interactions that
Hunter wishes to have with its alumni and offers them a menu of opportunities for engagement with their alma
Establish an alumni-student interaction program that matches undergraduate students and alumni to create
mentorship, career advising and, potentially, employment opportunities.
Communicate a Powerful Image of the Strengths and Importance of Hunter College to its Neighborhoods and
the City, Nation and World.
 Create a coherent Hunter College identity (or “brand”) that is clearly conveys Hunter’s core distinctions, and
use this brand consistently in communication with constituencies within and outside of the College.
Redesign the College web site to make it the “go-to” source of information about Hunter for both current and
prospective members of the campus community and, ideally, a forum for the lively exchange of information and
Improve way-finding on all of Hunter’s campuses
Increase the public profile of Hunter initiatives such as Roosevelt House, Parliamo Italiano, the Kaye Playhouse
and partnerships with the Asia Society and the Urban Teacher Residency.
Establish Effective Methods to Communicate the Content that Constituencies Want and Need
 Develop communications oriented around user needs and preferences.
Use communications and technology to better integrate new faculty, adjuncts and staff into the Hunter
Build strong intra-Hunter and community relationships through effective communications.
IV. Address Hunter’s Infrastructure Needs Boldly and Imaginatively
As Hunter’s enrollment, research level and breadth of campus activities have grown, the College is increasingly
constrained by its limitations of its physical facilities. Space has become such an overriding need at Hunter that its
lack now threatens Hunter’s ability to sustain the recognition and quality it has achieved. At the same time, the need
for more space represents a widely-shared goal that might serve to unify a sometimes fractious community. Adding
more space is likely to facilitate increased collaboration across disciplines, schools and programs, and create a
stronger sense of Hunter community and affiliation with the College among students, faculty and staff.
Evaluate Current Facilities Usage and Plan for Future Needs
 Perform a comprehensive campus-wide study of physical space utilization in order to establish a baseline of
room use, and conduct by annual evaluations thereafter.
Develop an automated system to better track classroom and public space usage and reservations.
Develop a comprehensive campus facilities master plan that identifies Hunter’s current and projected space
needs, prioritizes them, and provides options to address them in the near and long term.
As part of the master planning effort, identify space in Hunter’s geographical community that is potentially
suitable for the College’s existing and projected needs, and work with CUNY and the local community boards
to determine the steps Hunter should take to make such space available to the College in the coming years.
Make More Productive Use of Existing Space and Undertake a Focused Program of New Construction
 Seek creative means to optimize Hunter’s existing space, such as expanding class hours, the careful use of
distance-learning approaches and testing the use of multiple-occupant/mixed-use laboratories on campus.
Consolidate administrative offices into more modern, efficient workspaces.
Provide new dedicated space for the sciences, ideally identifying space that can become available within the
next 12-18 months while continuing to work toward breaking ground on a new science facility.
Manage Information and Communications Efficiently
 Develop and implement a strategic technology plan.
Through the planned renovation of the Wexler Library at 68 th Street, create a library for Hunter that addresses
21st century modes of information management, provides a facility that offers a “sense of place” and encourages
student interaction and collaboration.
Promote effective and creative informal/alternative channels of communication among Hunter constituencies
that address ad hoc communication needs and support and build on individual media preferences.
Develop Hunter’s Resources in Innovative Ways that Solidify the College’s Financial Foundation
[add brief introduction]
Improve Hunter’s Productivity through Planning, Process Redesign and Expansion of its Sustainability Efforts.
 Coordinate academic planning, enrollment management and other administrative functions to better enhance
student services while maximizing human, financial and physical-space resources.
Continuously assess the College’s administrative offices and business practices to create efficiencies and reduce
or avoid costs.
Promote environmental sustainability as a means of cost reduction as well as an important example of how
Hunter integrates real-world challenges with its educational program for a positive affect on its neighborhood
and New York.
Re-energize Hunter’s Development Infrastructure and Fundraising Processes
 Develop the existing College Foundation structure to realize over time a fully self-sustaining philanthropic
foundation at Hunter College.
Establish short- and long-term funding requirements and develop budgets and plans to meet various specific
targets, including but not limited to programmatic, student services and capital funding needs.
Continue to increase Annual Fund results in order to generate fungible resources in addition to the more
dedicated/restricted fundraising of other development areas (e.g., bequests, major gifts, corporate donations,
Develop a comprehensive corporate and foundation relations strategy.
Make fundraising the responsibility of everyone at Hunter, expanding the opportunities for direct student and
faculty involvement in targeted fundraising and donor cultivation.
Identify New, Creative Sources of Revenue.
 Aggressively enhance the College’s non-tax-levy revenues through its Auxiliary Enterprise Corporation by
developing rental/retail space within its current footprint, reviewing and renegotiating its existing contractual
relationships, and seeking new contractual opportunities.
Explore the potential for offering high-margin executive-education programs that fit demand in the New York
City region and are suited to Hunter’s academic strengths.
Evaluate the potential of non-degree academic and co-curricular programs targeted toward members of the
College’s surrounding community.
Advocate for greater institutional latitude in setting tuition.
Expand Internal and External Partnerships that Add to the College’s Resources and Enhance its Financial and
Academic Standing.
 Encourage internal interdisciplinary collaborations in research, academics, and service across Hunter’s schools
and departments to enhance the College’s academic prowess and create more opportunities for grant and
research funding (e.g., a research relationship utilizing the talents and knowledge of both the School of Public
Health and the School of Social Work).
Develop and expand partnerships with area organizations and institutions that will bring new human resources
to Hunter, provide facilities, increase the College’s course offerings and/or potentially reduce costs through
economies of scale.
Encourage faculty to actively seek opportunities for external collaboration on research and service grant
Increase Sponsored Research Funding
 Strengthen and reorganize Hunter’s research infrastructure to facilitate sponsored faculty research, support
faculty research with patent, licensing or copyright potential and undertake fee-based entrepreneurial activities.
Develop a more comprehensive planning and reporting relationship among the Office of Research
Administration, the President’s Office, the Provost, and the Hunter College Foundation.
Develop further plans to target traditional and non-traditional (including corporate) research funding
Work with the Hunter College Foundation to identify new and heretofore untapped granting agencies,
corporations, and foundations
Foster a Culture of Informed Planning, Transparency and Accountability
Improve Use of Data Throughout the College as a Guide to Decision Making.
 Support systematic, ongoing assessment of learning outcomes at the department and program level.
Make use of available national assessment research at the department and program level.
Develop a template for program and department self-studies that includes identification of assessment
benchmarks, a report on department/program assessment efforts and an evaluation of the
department’s/program’s contribution to the realization of the Hunter’s strategic goals.
Extend use of data in scheduling courses and assigning rooms.
Develop a system to track internships college-wide, to make possible assessment of their substantive
effectiveness and increased participation.
Prepare Strategic Plans for Each of Hunter’s Schools and Academic Units, Focusing Especially on how
their Goals Support Attainment of the College’s Overall Vision.
[Add specific initiatives]
Coordinate Hunter’s Academic-Planning, Student-Administrative-Service and Enrollment-Management
 Develop and implement a transparent comprehensive calendar for all administrative and planning processes and
events/deadlines to improve planning and policy implementation.
Enhance the planning and reporting relationships between the academic departments, admissions office,
registrar, and budget office.
Develop a complete student academic road map to better plan cohort course offerings at the discipline/major
Establish clear and concrete guidelines for faculty reassigned time, complete with a process to plan faculty
assignments as part of the annual schedule and anticipate adjunct appointment needs
[to be drafted]
Minutes of February 9, 2011 SSPC Meeting
Attachment II
Mission Statement
February 9, 2010
Andrew Polsky
Hunter College of the City University of New York, a distinguished public university, sees
learning in the liberal arts and sciences as a cornerstone of individual development and a vital
foundation for a more just and inclusive society. Continuing our long tradition of expanding
opportunity, we welcome students from all backgrounds to engage in a rigorous learning
experience that prepares them to become leaders and innovators in their communities and in the
world. Hunter also contributes to intellectual discourse by supporting excellent scholarship and
creative activity by its accomplished faculty.
Hunter undergraduate and graduate curricula challenge students to think critically – to approach
problems from multiple perspectives, distinguish the questions each raises, and recognize the
kinds of evidence each values. The college’s academic programs stress the significance of
human diversity, emphasize research and artistic creation, and invite students to extend their
education beyond campus. We cultivate the qualities our graduates need to thrive in their chosen
careers and make a difference as active citizens.
We embrace our setting at the heart of New York City – we seek to draw on its energy, capitalize
on its remarkable resources, weave it into the fabric of our teaching, research, and creative
expression, and give back to it through our service and citizenship.
Minutes of February 9, 2011 SSPC Meeting
Attachment III
Mission Statement
Draft Revisions for February 9, 2011 meeting
Robert Greenberg
Version One
Hunter College of the City University of New York sees learning in the liberal arts and sciences
as a cornerstone of individual development and a vital foundation for a more just and inclusive
society. Continuing its long tradition of expanding opportunity for students of diverse
backgrounds, the College prepares its students to take their places as leaders and innovators in
their chosen careers, in their communities, and in the world. Hunter also contributes to
intellectual discourse by promoting excellent scholarship and creative activity by its highly
accomplished faculty.
The Hunter undergraduate curriculum fosters the capacity to learn and think critically – to
approach problems from multiple perspectives, distinguish the questions each raises, and
recognize the kinds of evidence each values. Hunter students conduct research, pursue artistic
creation, and improve their ability to express themselves clearly and cogently. In masters and
doctoral programs, Hunter College cultivates the qualities needed to achieve distinction in the
arts and sciences, education, health professions, nursing, and social work.
Hunter College embraces its setting at the heart of New York City, seeking to draw on its energy,
to capitalize on its global resources, to incorporate it into the College’s curriculum, research, and
creative expression, and to give back to it through service and citizenship.
Minutes of February 9, 2011 SSPC Meeting
Attachment IV
Short Mission Statement
Case Willoughby
Hunter College prepares students to thrive in an uncertain and rapidly-changing world. Through a robust
liberal arts curriculum, Hunter challenges students to broaden their thinking, understand new
perspectives, and develop their own ideas. A rich co-curriculum including research opportunities, campus
life, study abroad, and internships provide students ideal opportunities to apply their new understandings
to real world situations.