Second Grade Reading I Can Statements Common Core Standards Literature

Second Grade Reading I Can Statements
Common Core Standards
2.RL.1- A I can ask questions such as who, what, where,
how, when and why to show that I understand
important details from the text.
2.RL.1- B I can answer questions such as who, what, where,
how, when and why to show that I understand
important details from the text.
2.RL.2- A I can recount stories including fables and folktales
from different cultures.
2.RL.2- B I can determine the lesson from stories including
fables and folktales.
I can describe how characters act and feel
(reaction) about the events and problems.
I can describe how words and phrases give rhythm
and meaning to a story, poem or song.
I can describe the beginning, middle and end of
the story.
I can recognize differences in how characters feel
by what the characters say and do in the story.
(point of view)
2.RL.7- A I can use information from illustrations and text to
better understand the characters.
2.RL.7- B I can use information from illustrations and text to
better understand the settings.
2.RL.7- C I can use information from illustrations and text to
better understand the plot.
2.RL.9- A I can compare two or more versions of the same
story from different cultures and authors.
2.RL.9- B I can contrast two or more versions of the same
story from different cultures and authors.
2.RL.10- A By the end of the year, I can comprehend grade
level text proficiently. (with help as needed)
2.RL.10- B
By the end of the year, I can read grade level text
proficiently. (with help as needed)
Informational Reading
2.RI.1- A
I can ask questions such as who, what, where,
how, when and why to show that I understand
important details from informational text.
2.RI.1- B
I can answer questions such as who, what, where,
how, when and why to show that I understand
important details from informational text.
2.RI.2- A
I can identify the main idea of the whole text.
2.RI.2- B
I can identify the main idea of certain paragraphs
in the text.
I can describe the connection between a series of
events in an informational text. (historical events,
scientific concepts or steps in a process)
I can determine the meaning of words and phrases
in informational text.
2.RI.5- A
I can identify text features. (headings, table of
contents, electronic menus, icons, glossaries,
captions, bold print, subheadings, indexes, key
words, sidebars, hyperlinks)
2.RI.5- B
I can use text features to locate key facts or
information in text. (headings, table of contents,
electronic menus, icons, glossaries, captions,
bold print, subheadings, indexes, key words,
sidebars, hyperlinks)
I can identify the author’s purpose in an
informational text. (what the authors want to
answer, explain, or describe)
I can explain how graphic sources help me to
better understand an informational text. (diagrams,
graphs, maps, charts, tables, timelines, pictures,
and drawings)
I can describe the details in an informational text
that proves the author’s point.
2.RI.9- A
I can compare the most important points from two
informational texts on the same topic.
2.RI.9- B
I can contrast the most important points from two
informational texts on the same topic.
2.RI.10- A
By the end of the year, I can comprehend
informational text on grade level proficiently.
(with help when needed)
2.RI.10- B
By the end of the year, I can read informational
text on grade level proficiently. (with help when
Reading Foundations
2.RF.3- A I can decode two-syllable words with long vowel
2.RF.3- B I can decode words with common prefixes.
(dis-, re-, un-, mis-, under-, mid-, over-)
2.RF.3- C I can decode words with common suffixes.
(-ful, -ly, -ed, -en, -er, -est, -ing, -s, -es)
2.RF.3- D I can read one syllable words with long vowels.
2.RF.3- E I can read one syllable words with short vowels.
2.RF.3- F I can pronounce vowel teams when decoding
2.RF.3- G I can read second grade sight words.
2.RF.4- A I can read with purpose and understanding.(on
2.RF.4- B I can use context clues to know if I am reading
words correctly by rereading and self-correcting
when needed.
2.RF.4- C I can use context clues to know if what I am
reading makes sense.
2.RF.4- D I can read with accuracy, appropriate speeds and
expression on repeated readings. (on level)
I can write an opinion piece. I will include:
-an introduction of the topic or book
-my opinion on the topic or book
-reasons that support my opinion
-linking words to connect opinion and reason
-a concluding statement(s)
I can write an informational piece. I will include:
-facts to develop the topic or points
-definitions to develop the topic or points
-a concluding statement(s)
I can write a narrative piece. I will include:
-details about the events
-details in the correct sequence
-a description of actions, thoughts and feelings
-a sequencing words to show order
-a concluding statement(s)
2.W.5- A
I can focus on a topic. (with help from teachers
and peers)
2.W.5- B
I can strengthen my writing by revising. (with help
from teachers and peers)
2.W.5- C
I can strengthen my writing by editing. (with help
from teachers and peers)
I can use technology to produce and publish
writing pieces. (with or without my peers)
I can work with others to gather information to
produce a writing project.
I can use information from my experiences or
gather information from other sources to answer a
Speaking and Listening
2.SL.1- A I can participate in a discussion with my peers.
This means I can listen, take turns speaking, and
build on others discussions about a topic or a text.
2.SL.1- B I can add to conversations and ask questions when
I don’t understand.
I can retell or describe key details from text read
aloud or information I hear from a speaker or
other sources.
2.SL.3- A I can ask questions about what a speaker says to
deepen my understanding of a topic.
2.SL.3- B I can answer questions about what a speaker says
to deepen my understanding of a topic.
2.SL.4- A I can tell a story or tell about an experience I have
had, using necessary facts and details.
2.SL.4- B I can speak loud enough so others can hear and
2.SL.5- A I can create audio recordings of stories or poems.
2.SL.5- B I can add drawings or other visual displays about
the story or my experiences when appropriate.
(with audio recordings)
I can speak in complete sentences to provide
details or explanations.
2.L.1- A
I can form irregular plural nouns. (ex. childchildren, deer-deer, foot-feet, etc.)
2.L.1- B
I can form past tense irregular verbs. (ex. break,
broke, broken – drink, drank, drunk)
2.L.1- C
I can use regular plural nouns using -s, -es, and –
2.L.1- D
I can use irregular plural nouns. (ex. childchildren, deer-deer, foot-feet, etc.)
2.L.1- E
I can use pronouns. (Reflexive pronouns: I-myself,
you-yourself, he-himself, she-herself, it-itself, weourselves, they-themselves) (myself, ourselves)
2.L.1- F
I can use past tense irregular verbs.
2.L.1- G
I can use adjectives correctly.
2.L.1- H
I can use adverbs correctly.
2.L.1- J
I can produce a simple sentence. (subject, verb,
and expresses a complete thought)
I can produce a complex sentence. (join two
independent clauses with a conjunction such as
and, but, or, yet, so)
2.L.1- K
I can rearrange simple and compound sentences.
2.L.1- L
I can add to simple and compound sentences.
2.L.2- A
I can capitalize the names of holidays.
2.L.2- B
I can capitalize product names.
2.L.2- C
I can capitalize geographic names.
2.L.2- D
I can use commas in greetings and closings of
2.L.2- E
I can use apostrophes in contractions.
2.L.2- F
I can use apostrophes to show possession.
2.L.2- G
I can use known spelling patterns to help me spell
new words.
2.L.2- H
I can use the dictionary, computer, or other
resources to check for correct spelling.
I can compare formal and informal use of English.
2.L.4- A
I can use context clues to figure out the meaning
of a word or phrase in sentences.
2.L.4- B
I can figure out the meaning of a word when a
prefix is added to the word.
2.L.4- C
I can use a root/base word I know to figure out a
word I do not know with the same root/base.
2.L.4- D
I can predict the meaning of compound words by
using the meaning of the two words in the
2.L.4- E
I can use print and digital glossaries and
dictionaries to better understand the meaning of
words and phrases.
2.L.4- F
I can determine the multiple meanings of a word.
2.L.5- A
I can identify connections between words and
their use. This means I can identify words that are
appropriate to describe a word.
2.L.5- B
I can distinguish slight difference in meanings
between synonyms. (adjectives)
2.L.5- C
I can distinguish slight difference in meanings
between synonyms. (verbs)
I can use words and phrases including adjectives
and adverbs to describe.