End of Year Prayer Share Life

June 2015 Newsletter
Pauline Vanier
Catholic School
56 Oaklea Blvd,
Brampton, Ontario, L6Y
Fax: 905-455-3406
I. Maas
End of Year Prayer
Share Life
May God's blessing go with us today,
at the end of this school year we pray.
That you keep us safe and give us rest
so we start again renewed and refreshed.
Full of health, full of fun
ready to come and learn again.
The families and staff at Pauline Vanier
have once again been generous this year. A
cheque for $1246.05 was presented to Fr.
Jan at our year end school mass.. Thank
you for supporting our ShareLife fundraising events throughout the year.
Prayer for Father’s Day
Professional Activity Day
God Bless all the fathers in the world. Guide
them to be good role models and loving to
all their children. Help them to be like You
are. Give them grace and patience to handle
situations in a loving way.
On Monday, June 8, 2015 staff will be involved in assessment and evaluation activities. There is no school for students on this
Fond Farewells
To all the fathers in our school community
Happy Father’s Day
We say good-bye to Ms. Coates who will be
moving schools in September and Mrs.
Chacko , Ms. De Luca Mrs. Guindy and
Mademoiselle Abdou who filled a Long
Term Occasional position at Pauline Vanier
this year.
We appreciate the many contributions that
they have made to our school. We wish
them God’s blessings, much happiness and
continued success in future assignments or
L. Papaloni
A. daSilva
D. D’Souza
Head Secretary:
T. Winckler
St. Jerome’s Parish
8530 Chinguacousy Rd.
Fax: 905-450-6326
Pastor: Fr. Jan
School Council Chair
K. LaNave
The sacraments are an important milestone
in one person’s faith journey. It is through
the sharing of the sacred gifts from the Lord
that we are nourished spiritually, and that
your child is received into full communion
with God. Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation are the Church’s
sacraments of initiation and welcoming.
We wish to congratulate all our students
who received or will receive their Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and
We Salute our Graduates
The 2014/2015 school year is coming to an
end! With that comes Grade 8 graduation.
To honour our Grade 8 graduating class we
will be having a graduation ceremony at the
Portuguese Cultural Center at 53 Queen St.
N in Streetsville, Mississauga, L5N 1A2
starting at 6:00 pm on Monday, June 22,
2015. All are welcome to attend.
Learning and Growing Together with God
Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home with each student on
Wednesday, June 24, 2015. A reminder that the last day of
school for staff and students is Friday, June 26, 2015 .
EQAO Primary and Junior Assessments
Grade 3 and 6 students have completed the EQAO assessments. We would like to thank the staff and students for
their work before and during this provincial EQAO testing. Thank you also to the parents for their efforts in assisting with their EQAO preparation and ensuring their child’s
attendance during the assessment.
Safety Awareness-Protecting the Skin
Over exposure to the sun can cause skin damage. We remind students regularly to take precautions to protect their
skin during recess times. The following are some suggestions to help protect skin:
and rural areas. The research indicated significant differences in how different weather conditions affect Mississauga and Brampton/Caledon.
When there is a risk to the public’s health, an alert or an
extreme alert may be called. An alert and an extreme alert
are both health risks, but more protective actions are recommended when an extreme alert is in effect. For example,
during an alert outdoor exercise should be limited to early
or late in the day and during an extreme alert exercising
outdoors is not recommended.
The public and agencies serving the public are advised to
refer to the safety guidelines for what they can do to protect health during extreme heat episodes.
The alert advisory is updated daily. Information during
business hours and after hours can be found on this web
site at www.hotweatherinpeel.ca or by calling Peel Public
Health at 905-799-7700.
Caution: If you feel faint, have difficulty breathing or
feel confused and disoriented because of the heat, call your
doctor. In an emergency, call 911.
Student Placement 2015—2016
Wear protective clothing to cover the skin
Wear a hat to protect both the eyes and the skin
When possible, stay out of direct sunlight
Know your skin type, for example fair skinned people
are more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation
Wear sunscreen that is SPF 15 or higher
Wear sunglasses
Keep hydrated by drinking water
Parents are encouraged to reinforce these strategies with
their children regularly. A reminder that health officials
indicate that fresh air is good for children and not harmful
as long as children are protected from the sun and extremely high temperatures. Except when the weather is extremely hot or wet, students will be going outside during recess
and the lunch periods.
Region of Peel -Heat Alert System – How it Works
The Region of Peel may issue a heat alert when the weather
suggests a risk to human health. The Health department
has developed a heat alert system that is specific to Peel’s
three municipalities – Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon.
The custom-made system was developed based on specific
meteorology, as well as urban structure and demographics
of the region. This system is based on research that assessed how weather conditions and extreme heat have
affected the health of Peel residents in the past.
Peel’s system is specific to the municipalities because Peel
is geographically large and diverse, with a mix of urban
Specific class placements for the 2015-2016 school year will
not be indicated on your child’s report card. Parents will
be advised of their child’s placement on the first day of
school in September. The first day of school is on Tuesday,
September 8, 2015.
On the first day of school, we will bring all students into
the gym at the sound of the bell where they will be assigned to their new classes. Parents will say good-bye to
their children outside the school. Students will be escorted into the gym through the gym doors by teachers on
yard duty, and will line up in the gym by grad e level
where they will be met by their new teachers and taken to
their respective classrooms. Parents will be able to find out
from their child at the end of the day the name of the teacher and the room number of his/her classroom. It has been
our experience that this procedure streamlines the entry
process and alleviates unnecessary stress and confusion for
parents and students. Parents of children in grades 1 and 2
will be given an opportunity to complete a Primary Pick
Up verification form to inform the school of your child’s
destination at the end of the school day, or you may send a
note with your child on the first day indicating the end of
day procedures for him/her.
 will be picked up at the portapak doors
 will take the school bus home
 will be picked up using the Kiss and Ride
 will be going to the After School PLASP program
 will be walking home by themselves and or with siblings
Transportation/Bus Lists
require prescription medication and do not have completed medical forms will not be able to participate in field
Parents of students who are eligible for transportation may trips or excursions during the upcoming year. If your
now access specific bus stop location and pick up and drop child’s medical condition changes over the summer, please
off time information on-line.
inform us in September.
The website is: businfo.stopr.ca.
The website requires you to enter your child’s OEN numJune Virtue of the Month is FAIRNESS
ber and this number can be found on their June Report
Card. Each year changes are made therefore, parents in During the month of June, we celebrate the virtue of
SK to Grade 12 are strongly encouraged to check this web- FAIRNESS.
site for current and correct busing information. For par- We spend a lot of time immersed in a variety of different
ents without internet access the busing information will be media—TV, movie, magazine, radio and we can sometimes
posted on the windows of the front door on September 2, forget that life is not a competition.
We are made by God to live together, to share and to help
each other. You can’t be a Christian alone. Christianity is
all about living together in community. When the urge to
be superior takes over a person’s life, then fairness can go
out the window. Fairness is the belief that everyone deSchool Office
serves an opportunity to succeed, is not always about making things equal. Jesus spent a major part of his time on
Please be advised that the school office will be open on earth showing us about the preferential option for the poor
Monday, August 31st to Friday, September 4 , 2015. Hours and weak. He spent an extraordinary amount of time
are 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
showing how to follow God’s rules, the rules of the kingdom. The sick, the lame, the blind, the bad sinners all need
School Textbooks and Library Books
a fair chance to succeed. In today’s terms, that could be
called good sportsmanship. A good sport makes sure that
School textbooks and library books are school property and the rules of the game give everyone an even chance to parare loaned to the students annually. The expectation is that ticipate. Not everyone has to win.
all textbooks will be returned at the end of the school year. A FAIR person:
Students are responsible for these textbooks and will be
 Listens to all sides before forming opinions
asked to pay if these books go missing or have been van Shows good sportsmanship at all times
dalized. Library Books are due back to the library by
 Knows that the same rules apply to everyone
Thursday, June 17, 2015. Please help us to ensure that all  Refuses to twist rules to avoid consequences
school material are returned to the school.
 Works to bring peaceful solutions to problems
 Cheers on the successes of others
Lost and Found
 Can balance their own rights and responsibilities with
those of
Starting Monday, June 15, 2015, we will have Lost and
Found items on display. After June 26, 2015, all remaining
items will be donated to charity.
Students who currently have medications stored at the
office (Epi-Pens, inhalers, etc.) will have these items sent
home with them on Friday, June 26, 2015. Please ensure
that you check your child’s medications over the summer
to ensure they have not expired. Also, please ensure that
they are returned to this school (or the school your child
will be attending in September). All medication that will
be stored for the 2015/2016 school year must have medical
forms completed and signed by a doctor. Students who
Bullying Prevention Corner-It is Important to
Communicate Well
The Bullying Prevention message for June focuses on communication skills-particularly assertive communication.
Assertive communication is defined as behaviour that
demonstrates an ability to stand up for oneself, express
feeling and exercise rights while respecting the rights of
other students. Students will hear about the difference between assertive, aggressive and passive communication.
They will be able to hopefully then explore and practice the
verbal and body language components of assertive behaviour. Assertive communication skills help students deal
independently with conflict, prevent situations from becoming bullying situations and to stand up for others who
are not assertive.
Tips for Parents:
 Help your child practice using assertive behaviours
(stand tall, make eye contact, speak clearly , use “I”
 Role model assertive behaviour in your relationships
with family and friends
 Encourage your child to deal with bullying by being
assertive but also reporting to adults and accepting
help when needed
Thanks to our Volunteers
Thanks to all our volunteers who have helped us throughout the year. Your presence greatly benefited our staff and
students. Your contributions to our school are always appreciated. We hope to see all of you again in September
and would like to encourage others to volunteer in our
Catholic School Council
We would like to thank all the members of our Catholic
School Council for another successful year. Thank you to
all the Catholic School Council members and the parents
who supported all of this year’s initiatives. Special thank
you to all the many parent volunteers who dedicated their
time and effort to help at all of the following school events:
Pizza Programs
Hot Lunch Days
Movie Night
Christmas Marketplace
Brain Gym Presentations
Play Day Refreshment
Class Trip, Artist in the School and Scientist in the
School subsidies for each class
Christmas Carousel Hospitality
Because of all the great support, time and effort that our
community provided throughout the year our students
have benefited from many Catholic School Council sponsored initiatives such as:
First Communion
Bullying Prevention Presentation
Grade 8 Graduation
Moving Up Ceremony for Kindergarten
Outdoor Learning Garden
RAZ Kids
Group, Club and Team Pinnies
Library Resources
Student Agendas
Playground Line and Game Painting
Fans for classrooms
Catholic School Council Information for September 2015
In our September newsletter we will provide information
with regards to elections for next year’s Catholic School
Council and meeting dates. If an election is necessary, this
will be communicated to the parent community and the
election will be held on September 28, 2015 at 7:00p.m.
The first CSC meeting will be held on Monday, October
5th at 6:45 pm in our school libary. All are welcome.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to get involved
in the Pauline Vanier Catholic Elementary School Council.
Lunchtime Student Monitor Position
We are now accepting applications for supply or occasional lunchtime supervisors beginning September. This is a
paid position. The successful candidates come in for approximately 1 hour over the lunch hour when needed. The
position involves supervising the students during the
lunch hour. You will be required to complete a Criminal
Reference Check. If you are interested, please pick up an
application form at the office.
Girls Night In
Many thanks are in order for making Girls Night In a very
successful Grade 7 and 8 event. Thank you to the business’
who supplied items for the evening; TD Bank located at 510
Brant St, Burlington, Tim Horton’s located at Main and
Bovaird, and to Peel Public Health Unit. An enormous applause to Mrs. Cardoza for knitting beautiful keepsakes for
every girl. The girls will have lasting memories from the
evening’s events thanks to everyone’s efforts especially;
R. Bagley, P. Braithwaite, S. Chacko, C. Estrada, M. Magri,
T. McAlear, M. Vigneault and T. Winckler who hosted the
event. Big thanks go out to the committee for helping to
make the evening go smoothly and by taking on individual
responsibilities. Thanks to our Grade 7 and 8 girls who
participated and took part in the events. You were amaz2015—2016 School Year Calendar
Girls Night In - Winning Smoothie Recipe
On the back of this newsletter you will find the 2015-2016
school year calendar. Please keep this for reference. A copy
of this calendar is also on the school website. The first day
Smoothie Name: The Secret
of classes for students is Tuesday, September 8, 2015
½ Cup of milk
Dates to Remember
5 Ice cubes
Monday, June 8
-Reporting and Evaluation day
6 Slices of peaches
(no school)
2 scoops of vanilla yogurt
-Pizza Lunch
1 banana
-Grades 4, 5 and 6’s to the Royal
10 leaves of spinach
Ontario Museum
6 Strawberries
-Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
Group Members: Nicole, Omarya, Alexis, Ashley, Sarah
Wednesday June 10
-Grade 8 Graduation Trip to Down
& Jessica R.
town Toronto
Movie/Fun Day
Movie/Fun Day is scheduled for Thursday, June 25, 2015
for Grades 1 to 8. We would like to thank our Pauline Vanier Catholic School Council for sponsoring this event by
providing students with a freezie.
Thursday , June 11
Friday, June 12
Monday, June 15
Tuesday, June 16
Kindergarten Play Day
Kindergarten Play days will take place Tuesday, June 23rd
and the rain day will be Thursday, June 25, 2015. We
would like to thank our Pauline Vanier Catholic School
Council for sponsoring this event by providing students
with a freezie. Please ensure that your child(ren) wears
adequate sunscreen, brings a water bottle and wears a hat
on Play Day.
Wednesday, June 17
Thursday, June 18
Friday, June 19
Sunday, June 21
Monday, June 22
New Recess and Lunch Times Coming in 2015-2016
Beginning in September 2015, Pauline Vanier School will
observe the following recess and lunch times.
First Recess- 10:20-10:35 am
Lunch Recess 11:25am-12:25 pm
Last Recess 2:05-2:20pm
Our school hours will remain 8:40am-3:10pm
Tuesday, June 23
Wednesday, June 24
Thursday, June 25
Friday, June 26
Wednesday, July 1
Tuesday, Sept. 8
-Wasteless Wednesday
-FINAL Hot Lunch
-Final Day for Breakfast Club
-Ban the Bottle Monday
-Lost and Found on display
-Library Books and materials to be
returned this week
-Pizza Day
-MBC Family Track and Field Day at
St. Marcellinus
-Wasteless Wednesday
-All library materials, books or pay
ment are to be returned today
-Moving Up Ceremony for
Kindergarten in Room 101, 102 and
-Board Track and Field Meet at St.
-Father’s Day
-Grade 8 Graduation 6:30 pm in the
school gym
-Ban the Bottle Monday
-Pizza Lunch
-Kindergarten Play Day
-Report Cards go home today
-Wasteless Wednesday
-Grade 1-8 Movie/Fun Day
-Rain date for Kindergarten Play Day
-Last Day of School
-Canada Day
-First Day of School
Trustee Newsletter