The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7 Phone: 905-455-1001 Principal: W. Bodsworth Secretary: A. Mijandrusic St. Jerome Church 905-455-4260 Pastor: Fr. Jan Kolodynski Fax: 905-455-3406 Superintendent: L. Papaloni 905-361-0146 Trustee: A. DaSilva 905-706-5679 NEWSLETTER #7 LENTEN PRAYER God of Love, through this Lenten journey, purify my desires to serve you. Free me from any temptations to judge others, to place myself above others. Please let me surrender even my impatience with others, that with your love and your grace, I might be less and less absorbed with myself, and more and more full of the desire to follow you, in laying down my life according to your example. I make this prayer in the name Of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. AMEN March 2013 PRINCIPAL‟S MESSAGE Our Catholic schools provide us with the privileged opportunity to pause and pray each day. As we move through the rhythms of the liturgical seasons, we mark each season with community prayer and changes in sacred décor throughout the school. During Lent and the Easter Season we enjoy many opportunities to gather in prayer to meditate on the Paschal Mystery and its meaning and relevance in our lives. This month, as we focus on the Virtue of Kindness we are profoundly aware of how Jesus‟ life epitomized all aspects of a Spiritfilled virtuous life. We are reminded that when confronting everyday challenges and temptations all we need do is ask ourselves: “What would Jesus think, say or do in a similar situation?” As we work with our students in the classrooms and playground we strive to conduct our lives in ways that reflect gospel values. Our teachers and support staff rely on the generous support of home and parish to assist them in the sacred work of educating our young people to conform themselves to the ways of the Gospel rather than to the ways of the world. Together, we pray that this Lenten Season will bear good fruit in all of our lives. Wendy Bodsworth March‟s Virtue WELCOME We are pleased to announce the recent appointment of Superintendent Mrs. Lucy Papaloni to our family of schools. Mrs. Papaloni succeeds recently retired and long-serving Superintendent Liz Kazimowicz. We are grateful to Ms. Kazimowicz for her dedicated service and look forward to working with Mrs. Papaloni to continue the tradition of academic excellence, faith formation and social responsibility that are the hallmark of Mississauga Brampton Central Family of Schools. FAITH ~Kindness This month we will celebrate the virtue of kindness. God has given us the gifts of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us out along the way. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God – and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown concern for our welfare and our feelings. We have all been given the fruit of the Spirit called kindness. Kindness can only be seen through actions. It‟s not enough to say I will be kind or I am kind. We must show that we are kind by our words and our actions. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at showing kindness to everyone we meet. St. Jerome Parish Easter Celebrations March 28th: Holy Thursday, Lord‟s Supper8:00 p.m. March 29: Good Friday, Lord‟s Passion 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Way of the Cross~ presented by the Youth 8:00p.m. March 30th Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m. March 31st Easter Sunday-9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 12:30 p.m. St. Jerome Parish Youth News The youth group meets weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 –9:30 p.m. Feel free to join in at the 7:00 p.m. mass before the meeting. Each week the students explore their faith, play games and form many friendships. New members in Grades 8-12 are always welcome. Embracing the Lenten Spirit Lent offers us a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism. During the Lenten season the Church invites us to a “change of heart.” This is a season that we can commit ourselves to being more reflective. We can make a point of being more observant and more attentive to the beauty of the world, to nuances in our relationships and to the depths of our experiences. We can respond to the call to pray, fast and exercise authentic Christian generosity in the routine actions of our lives. Lent is a real chance to learn that the religious practice of fasting is not about “losing weight” or “getting in shape” but about becoming more alert. Anyone who has tried to diet knows that something changes in us when we try to avoid eating. The monks in the desert, centuries ago, discovered that fasting caused a tremendous boost to their consciousness. Not only did their bodies go on “alert” but their whole person seemed to be in a more heightened state of attention. The whole purpose of fasting was to aid prayer, to make it easier to listen to God more openly. During the season of Lent, the Church also calls us to practice generosity. Generosity is not simply giving our discarded clothes where poor people might benefit from them, or giving a cash donation to ShareLife. While these are valuable practices, generosity is more about an attitude. It is a sense that no matter how much we have, all that we have is a gift from God, to be used in service. It means that sharing with others is a priority for us. That is quite different from assessing all of our own needs first, and then giving away what is left over. This kind of selfsacrificing generosity places us in solidarity with the poor. It also joins us with Jesus, who gave himself completely for us. With renewed focus on self-denial and charity, our hearts and minds are receptive to pray fervently and more often. As parents and teachers it is our role to teach and model these Lenten observances of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to our children. Ash Wednesday Service The school community gathered for Ash Wednesday observances. Each person received the sign of faith on the forehead with ashes and through prayer, Scripture and song, we reflected on how we could support one another in making Lent more meaningful. Each person was challenged to “turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel” and to pledge to take on at least one act of prayer, fasting and giving alms. Ways to Make Lent Joyful * Start all prayers with praise * Take time with God in a beautiful place * Don't carry the world's pain on your own back * Fast for the sake of richer food - the daily Eucharist * Take flowers and a smile to a sick person * Reconcile with an estranged friend * Compliment someone for making the world better From Catholic Update, 2/95 St. Anthony Messenger First Reconciliation Service nd On Saturday March 2 many of our Grade 2 children celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The children entered the church carrying a banner with each child‟s name on a lamb, singing “I will follow the Good Shepherd.” After reading Scripture, praying and listening to Father Jan‟s homily about the transformation of Zaccheus, the tax collector, the children participated in a communal examination of conscience followed by individual confessions. Special thanks to all parents for their commitment to the faith and for their heartfelt participation in working with the teachers to prepare the children. Enormous thanks to Mrs. Passarelli, Mrs. Venalainen and Mrs. Mayer for their missionary zeal in working with our children. The children truly experienced the love and mercy of God throughout their formation process. As always, we are deeply grateful to Father Jan for his child-friendly homilies, and the warmth and kindness that he expressed to each and every child. We are truly blessed! Reconciliation for Easter Please note that on Tuesday March 12th at 7:30 p.m. there will be a Lenten Reconciliation Service at St. Jerome Parish. All students, especially those that will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, are encouraged to attend and prepare for Easter. Archdiocese Launches Pastoral Plan Cardinal Thomas Collins has announced the Pastoral Plan of the Archdiocese of Toronto. An insert was included in a previous St. Jerome Parish weekend bulletin which summarizes the document and provides a guide to this faith journey. All Catholics are encouraged to pray and discern how each one of us can contribute to the overall goals of the Plan, living a faith that acts in all that we do. The full plan is available in several languages on-line at FOCUS ON GOOD HEALTH Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club runs each morning from 8:25 to 8:40 and is made possible thanks to the generosity and shared sponsorship of the Boys and Girls Club and Breakfast Clubs of Canada. All students are welcome to join. There are no stipulations, other than a desire for your child to start the day with a healthy breakfast! Thank you to the many staff and parents who have volunteered to assist with the Breakfast Club and to Mrs. Maria DeSouza for her devoted leadership. If you would like your child to participate in this program, call the school and ask for a permission form to be sent home with your child. Healthy Food Choices A Priority Rosary Apostolate Each month a team of volunteers visits our school to teach about the mysteries of the Rosary and to pray the Rosary with all of our classes. The Apostolate is in dire need of more volunteers to work in the schools. If you can spare a ½ day a month please contact Daniele at 905-451-5712. The Ministry has mandated that foods for sale at school must include healthy options. Therefore, at Pauline Vanier we are pleased to announce a variety of nutritious food options outlined below: Pizza Tuesday For $2.00, students can purchase a slice of plain cheese pizza throughout Lent. The delicious whole wheat crust is prepared to Ministry health and dietary specifications. At the end of Lent we will resume with the pepperoni pizza option. Wednesday is Cookie „n‟ Milk Day Nutritious and yummy cookies and milk are available every Wednesday for $2.00. Thanks to our volunteer Mrs. Gomes for coordinating this snack option. During Lent students have the opportunity to donate their cookie to a food bank or homeless mission. These cookies are approved by the Ministry in the “sell most” category. Healthy Snack Friday Mrs. Brathwaite, our Child Youth Worker is reinstating the Friday Tuck Shop. A variety of flavours of Kernels popcorn will be available starting this week at $2.00 a bag. Yummy!!!! It‟s Cold & Flu Season With the cold weather coming our way, and the holidays around the corner, let‟s do all that we can to keep colds, flu and other viruses out of our families‟ busy lives. Here are some good health habits we should all practice to prevent these pesky illnesses: -Wash your hands! It‟s the most important way to keep ourselves germ-free! -Keep your Personal Space -Avoid close contact especially with people who are sick. -Stay home when you are sick. -Cover your mouth and nose. (Use a tissue when coughing or sneezing) -Mitigate the flu by getting the annual Flu Vaccine -Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. (that‟s how germs will get into our bodies) -Also, try to stay active and eat lots of healthy fruits & vegetables. We all need the extra vitamins to fight the viruses off and stay healthy. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE COMMON COLD AND THE FLU? Typical flu symptoms: Typical common cold symptoms: -Fever (102°F/39°C104°F/40°C), sudden onset, lasts 3-4 days); -Headache (usually severe); -Body aches and pains -Fatigue & weakness (severe, may last 2-3 weeks or more); -Runny, stuffy nose; -Sneezing (sometimes); -Sore throat; -Chest discomfort, coughing -Pneumonia, even respiratory failure -Runny, stuffy nose; -Sneezing; -Sore throat; -Chest discomfort, coughing (sometimes - mild to moderate); -Fatigue and weakness (sometimes – mild); -Aches and pains (sometimes – mild to moderate). Influenza (commonly known as "the flu") is a serious respiratory infection that is caused by the influenza virus. Colds, stomach flu and other viral infections are often confused with the flu but they are caused by viruses different from the flu virus. For more information about the Flu; -Call Peel Public Health: 905-799-7700 Or -Visit the Peel Public Health website@ Immunization info-Peel Health Peel Public Health has been reviewing immunization records of all children attending our school. If you receive a letter that your child‟s immunization is incomplete, please ensure that the required vaccine(s) is received. Then, submit proof of immunization to Peel Health to update your family records in order to avoid suspension of your child from school. For more information please call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700 or visit Translation services are available. “Welcome to Kindergarten” Night Kindergarten registrations for next fall are still being accepted at the school office. Parents and newly registered kindergarten students for 2013-2014 are invited to attend a “Welcome to Kindergarten” evening on May 15th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. At that time, families will participate in a variety of fun activities and will receive a gift bag of resources to help their child successfully transition to life at school. Please contact the school office to let us know if you plan to attend. E.Q.A.O. Testing – Grades Three and Six A reminder that this year the EQAO assessment for Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will run from May 27th to June 7th. We ask that parents of students in these grades ensure that their children are in attendance for the full day during these weeks. Detailed information regarding testing days will be sent home with students shortly. Further information about EQAO assessments is available at: Flex Boundaries If you are attending Pauline Vanier School on flex boundaries, this privilege must be renewed annually. Please see the Principal. Are you ticked? Please check your property tax bill to ensure your support is directed to the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. You can verify your support by contacting the board‟s Admissions Department at (905) 890- 0708, ext. 24511 or 24512, or your local municipal office. REMINDERS Kiss and Ride Parents are reminded to drop off children at the location where a staff member is on duty at the end of the kiss and ride lane. Please do not use the turn-about near the Day Care as a drop off spot for passengers. This is an extremely dangerous practice as there are no staff members on duty and it is a very congested area in the morning and afternoon. It has also come to our attention that some drivers are ignoring the signs prohibiting parent vehicles in the staff parking lot. There should be no drop-offs or pick-ups in this area. No cell phones in school Ministry and Board policy prohibits the use of cell phones in the school or on school property. The school has warned students that cell phones that are visible will be confiscated and held in the office until the end of the day (warning) or until parents come to the school to retrieve the device (repeated offences). Punctuality Students and parents have been reminded on numerous occasions of the importance of punctuality. Late arrivals at school continue to be a chronic problem for many students. Students who have more than two late arrivals per month (without reasonable explanation), will be required serve one or more lunchtime detentions to “pay back” the instructional time that has been lost. Hands-off policy Parents are asked to remind their children of the importance of keeping their hands and feet to themselves; and of the merits of working through social problems with “nice words” instead of their fists. Unfortunately, some children are under the impression that it‟s okay to hit if the other person hits them first (arguing „self defense‟). However, hitting is never okay. Self defense is an argument only if it is impossible to escape the situation. When a student is being bothered, we expect them to speak firmly, politely and assertively (by saying “STOP, I don‟t like that!”) and then to walk or run away. If the problem persists students are urged to tell an adult on duty. All adults on duty wear bright orange vests and carry walkie-talkies. It is important to stress with your child that name-calling, putdowns and physical aggression are never appropriate responses, regardless of the provocation. Playground Safety Rules Stay in your designated area of the school yard Keep your hands and feet to yourself No verbal insults or rude language Treat all people with respect Respect school property Play non- contact games only Stay on school property at all times Keep snow, ice, rocks on the ground Do not fight back; use nice words If you are being bothered, say “STOP”, walk away and/or report to an adult. Cold Weather Parents, please remind your child of the importance of dressing appropriately for the cold weather. With temperatures frequently below freezing, winter coats, hats, boots, and mittens are necessary to ensure warmth, protect against illness and prevent frostbite. We regularly remind students to put on coats, hats, and gloves and to do up coat zippers. Your support is appreciated. We suggest your child has extra clothing in their backpacks for emergencies. Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board Policy directs us to consider modifying recess time outside if temperatures drop below the -20 degree range. Catholic School Heritage Question: Catholic separate schools had a second obstacle to their survival. How serious a problem for separate school boards was the corporate tax issue? This was very serious. As corporations like the Ford Motor Co., Inco, the Royal Bank of Canada and thousands of others came on the scene, and as public utilities like the Ontario Hydro and the Canadian National Railway were created, they could not pay separate school property taxes. Thus the assessment of urban public school boards became wealthier and wealthier, while separate school boards received taxes from only Catholic home and property owners and from fully or partially owned small businesses. By the 1920s urban separate school boards were operating with about onequarter to one-fifth of the revenues of their urban public school boards. There were no compensatory government grants. Question: How did separate school boards survive without corporate tax revenues? The separate school trustees controlled the boards‟ budget with more pupils per classroom than in the public schools, with much lower wages, with bare-bones programs, with small playground, and with minimum expenditures for the erection of new schools. These methods still could not balance their budgets. The main contribution for the survival of separate schools came from the religious teaching Orders. They supplied principals and teachers and worked for salaries of $300 to $600 a year when public school teachers were earning $3000 and up. There is no question that Ontario‟s Catholics owe today‟s separate schools to the early contribution of religious Orders. MILK BAGS FOR HAITI Please continue to send in your empty milk bags so they can be woven into sturdy, washable sleeping mats for our friends in Haiti. Ask your family, friends and co-workers to join us— together we can make a difference. STUDENT NEWS Junior Science Olympics This year, the Junior Science Olympics competition took place at San Lorenzo Ruiz School on February 23rd. Our students showed excellent teamwork, problemsolving and creativity as they worked tirelessly to solve three unique scientific challenges. After reciting the „Science Olympics Creed‟, students enthusiastically tackled their first challenge. Here they had to build a ramp that would propel a ping pong ball the furthest distance. The second challenge involved building the tallest, floating tower that would also hold the greatest amount of weight. Finally, the team was challenged to create a vehicle that would travel the furthest distance and also safely transport five delicious cookies. Congratulations to our team: Danielle R. Grade 4 Jessica R. Grade 5 Quinton B. Grade 6 Philip D. Grade 6 Daniella C. Grade 6 Everyone worked diligently to successfully complete all three challenges. The team placed in the top half out of all the competitors and had an awesome time. Thanks to Mrs. Jessie DeSouza for working hard to prepare the students and supervising the activities of the day. Well done team! Eco School Certification Did you know that school lunches are a major source of waste in Ontario? In fact, the average student's lunch generates a total of 30 kilograms of waste per school year. In an effort to engage students in environmental initiatives, Pauline Vanier School will be having Wasteless Wednesdays every Wednesday starting March 6th. Students are encouraged to bring all snack and lunch foods in re-useable containers . This initiative, as well as Turn It Off Tuesdays (turning off all the lights from 11:00 to 11:40 every Tuesday) marks the start of becoming Eco certified, which is a Board and Ministry mandated initiative. Ask you child about a few other initiatives, like the Energy Hog and G.O.O.S. bins. For more information you can visit Intermediate Girls Basketball The intermediate Girls Basketball team is comprised of: Sydney C. Adriana D. Nicole D. Kiara B Brittney B. Fernanda E. Raphaella B. Raven A. Albright P. Karolina W. Congratulations to the Intermediate Girls Basketball team. They fought very hard in several nail-biting games against St. Gregory, St. Veronica, St. Julia and St. Barbara. As the injuries to several of our team players mounted, our Pauline Vanier Girls never gave up. Our coach, Mr. Connelly, would like to thanks the girls‟ basketball team for all their hard work. Intermediate Boys Basketball The Intermediate Boys‟ Basketball team consisted of Kris, Ashton, Jacob, Jason, Ryan, Nathan, Jithmal, Adriano, Tyrese and Kevon. Although the record for the season was 1 and 3, all games were very competitive and the boys played with tremendous sportsmanship. Coach, Mr. Daniels, was very proud of their efforts and dedication to the team. Grade 7 Diversity Conference On Tuesday, March 5th, five of our grade seven students travelled to the Annual Grade 7 Diversity Conference and had a wonderfully rich, cultural and spiritual experience. The theme for the year was “One in Faith” and had an Aboriginal focus. The keynote speaker was Shannon Thunderbird, who is a First Nations Artist and Educator from the Coast Tsimshian tribe. The concept of living as “One,” was demonstrated through many cultural stories, songs and dramatic skits. There were also opportunities for several students to beat on an Aboriginal drum together to create a beat in unison that would represent the “one” heartbeat of the community. Afternoon breakout sessions focusing on stereotypes and differences were lead by St. Francis Xavier Secondary School students. The students from Pauline Vanier that attended this conference were Jithmal, Maurizio, Nicole, Neetika and Raphaella. Thanks to Mr. Daniels for his leadership in accompanying the student delegation. Great Big Crunch Day On March 7th our school participated in “The Great Big Crunch” with schools across the country in celebration of Nutrition Month. At 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we simultaneously bit into crunchy, locally grown apples to celebrate the bounty of local producers and to highlight the importance of healthy eating! The school provided an apple to every student in the school for this fun event. SAVE THE DATE...theWizard is Coming! Take an adventure to The Emerald City on May 8th at 9th at Pauline Vanier! The cast and crew of "The Wizard of Oz" have been working very hard rehearsing for the production in May! We are getting very excited as the date draws closer! Tickets will be available for sale mid-April at the cost of $5 an adult and $3 a child. So don't forget to follow the yellow brick road to this years musical production of "The Wizard of Oz" at Pauline Vanier. Youth Faith Ambassador News To kick off the Lenten Season, the Youth Faith Ambassadors led the students at Pauline Vanier School in raising $400 through the "Send the Love" Valentine's Day Candy Grams Drive. What a huge success! Thanks to our school community for such an enthusiastic response to the candy grams. We will be sending a gift to Chalice to purchase a cow and several beds for families in need. Also, during the Lenten Season there are many important initiatives taking place to help students understand the importance of Fasting, Almsgiving and Prayer during this significant season in our Catholic Faith. The "Change for Change" drive for ShareLife is proving to be successful thus far. Keep up the good work! We are also fasting on Tuesday's, ordering pizza with no meat, donating cookies on cookies days and even collecting canned goods to send to the Eden Community Food Bank. We wish to acknowledge all of those students who have modeled charitable outreach during the Lenten Season. Also, Virtue T-Shirts will soon be available to the Pauline Vanier community! So stay tuned! All classes at Pauline Vanier had the opportunity to perform a math task to determine which Virtue T-shirt is the top choice at our school. Results will be available soon! Health and Fitness Getting fit and healthy can be fun! So come out and join Ms. Tac for Fitness Fridays, every Friday from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. for a funfilled dance workout. When the weather warms up, Ms. Tac will be helping students train for track through various running exercises. We hope to see more students come out after the March Break! Shoe Drive As part of Lent and Almsgiving, the students in Ms. Tac's class are organizing a Shoe Drive. We will be collecting "gentlyused" shoes until Easter. The shoes will be donated to Dr. Simone and sent to those in need in third-world countries. Please support our class as we work together to demonstrate Almsgiving during Lent. Speak Up Winners A group of students committed to working on the Wizard of Oz school musical has been awarded a $1,000 Speak Up grant to be used to purchase materials in the creation of props and setting. Congratulations to Ms. Tac, Mr. Daniels and our enthusiastic intermediate students. Are You Moving? We are in the process of planning classes and staffing for the 2013/2014 school year. If you are planning to move out of the area between now and September 2013, please inform the school at your earliest possible convenience. Class Lists for 2013-2014 We will soon begin the process of making up the class lists for next fall. This is a complex procedure that takes into consideration the needs of each child in the context of the dynamic of the larger classroom group. In each class we strive for a balance of learning styles, gender, learning needs and a cross-section of abilities, interests and talents. The current teachers of a grade, support staff and administration all take part in the process. If you wish to provide input into the process please put your ideas in writing to the Principal no later than April 30th, 2013. We will not entertain requests for specific teachers, nor can we make assurances about avoiding combined grades. Combined grades are a reality, and it is to be expected that all students will spend several years of their elementary careers in combined grades. When parents make requests for placement we are interested in their perceptions of their child‟s learning style, needs, strengths, etc. A description of a child‟s ideal learning environment will be helpful in choosing the best placement. March Break Reminder The March Break this year falls on the week of March 11th to March 15th. The last day of classes before the break is Friday March 8th. Classes resume on Monday, March 18th. Have a wonderful break! Earth Hour This year Earth Hour is Saturday, March 23rd from 8:30 p.m. -9:30 p.m. As stewards of the Earth it is our responsibility to protect, nourish and preserve what God has created for us. At Pauline Vanier School we will continue to focus on our eco-friendly initiatives and urge families to make a plan to mark Earth Day 2013. May 5th to May 11th Try this Lenten Diet Fast from criticism Feast on praise. Fast from self-pity Feast on joy. Fast from ill-temper Feast on peace. Fast from resentment Feast on contentment. Fast from jealousy Feast on love. Fast from pride Feast on humanity Fast from selfishness Feast on service. Fast from fear Feast on faith. PRAYER FOR KINDNESS Dear God, You have done such a marvelous job of creating us and the world around us. You have placed this creation, including all the people we meet, in our care. We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to keep a sense of kindness. We hope that by recognizing and honouring this fruit of the Holy Spirit, we can contribute to making our school a safer, more caring, more inclusive community. May kindness, the fruit of your Spirit, help us to feel the courage to act on behalf of people around us who are in need. We ask this in name of Jesus, our brother, who lived to show us your way. Amen. DATES TO REMEMBER Every Tuesday-Pizza Day Every Wednesday-Cookie ‘n’ Milk Day Every Friday-Healthy Snack Day March 9th-17th-March Break March 22nd-Toronto Conservation Authority visit March 28th-Holy Thursday March 29th-Good Friday March 31st-Easter Sunday April 1st-Easter Monday-no school April 15th & 16th-Toronto Conservation Authority visit April 17th-Easter Mass 9:30 a.m. (parents welcome) April 19th-Toronto Conservation Authority visit April 23rd-Chess Competition April 26th-Grad Photos April 27th-5:00 p.m. First Holy Communion May 1,2,3rd-Grade 8 Ottawa Trip May 9th-Wizard of Oz School Production May 15th-Welcome to Kindergarten May 21st-Battle of the Books May 21st-Sacrament of Confirmation June 14th-End of year Mass 9:30 a.m. (parents welcome) June 21st-Kindergarten Graduation June 26th-Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony PAULINE VANIER SCHOOL YEARBOOK …for the memories… Our 2012-2013 soft cover, full-colour yearbook (delivery-June, 2013) will capture these important memories: Your child’s individual school photo Your child’s class photo (K-8) Grade 8 graduation photos A composite page of each class School events and highlights School clubs and sports An autograph page ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK TODAY Early-bird price of $20.00 per copy ($25.00 after April 2nd) Please note that a minimum order is required in order to move forward. Deposits will be refunded if we are unable to meet the service provider’s quota. STUDENT NAME: _____________________________________ GRADE: _____________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________ (Parents/guardians who want to order multiple copies are asked to contact Mrs. Bodsworth at 905-455-1001 to ask about a special family rate) Please enclose CASH or CHEQUE payable to: Pauline Vanier School MATH MANIA* MBC CHAMPS Pauline Vanier Students Capture 1st Place Honour!!! On Thursday March 7th, 2013 Mr. Connelly and his Math Mania Team travelled to Our Lady of Peace School where they competed with fifteen other Mississauga/ Brampton Schools to achieve an overall score of 91.8% --a composite average that allowed them to run away with the coveted trophy, and achieve 1st Place standing in our family of school‟s most prestigious math competition. Congratulations and thanks go out to Math Coach, Mr. Chris Connelly and his fabulous team of mathematicians: Jason A., Nicole D., Leanne D., Fernanda E., and Alana S. for their enthusiasm, commitment, team work and tenacity. We are so very proud of you! *Math Mania is an opportunity for Intermediate students within our family of schools to foster an appreciation for knowledge and to strive for excellence. The intent is to facilitate academic competition based on teamwork, cooperation, fair play and fun. Students are challenged to demonstrate their numeracy skills in a variety of activities based on the five strands of mathematics.