The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7 Phone: 905-455-1001 Principal: W. Bodsworth Secretary: A. Mijandrusic St. Jerome Church 905-455-4260 Pastor: Fr. Jan Kolodynski Fax: 905-455-3406 Superintendent: L. Kazimowicz 905-361-0146 Trustee: A. DaSilva 905-890-0708 NEWSLETTER #9 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE This week our school has participated in exciting activities, prayers, liturgies and lessons related to the Catholic Education Week theme: Celebrating the Spirit. As a Catholic community, we give thanks for the freedom to be able to learn about and express our faith in a publically-funded education system. Catholic Education is both a privilege and a challenge. In a world where secular values permeate the wider culture, Catholic educators work hard to infuse gospel values in both the curriculum and the culture of the school. They know that the faith formation of students cannot be left to chance and that families are counting on them to reinforce and strengthen the Catholic teachings and traditions taught in the home and parish. This month we also pause to give thanks for the gifts of our mothers in our lives. Centuries ago “Mothering Sunday” was a day when children would visit the church where they had been baptized and offer gifts to their “mother” church for the new life of baptism. As a natural extension, children began to bring small gifts and treats to their own mothers, thanking May 2011 them for all they had done in their lives. During May, we recognize all mothers and express our love and devotion to them. We take this opportunity to say Happy Mother’s Day to mothers of our students at Pauline Vanier School. We thank them for entrusting their precious children to us each day and hope that they know how much they are loved and appreciated by their children. May is also the month dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. During this month, celebrations will be held throughout the school, as we focus on the life of Mary and the power of her intercession. Children will learn to pray the rosary and some students will even make their own rosaries. We encourage our families to join us in making time to pray the rosary frequently during the month of May. Together, we rejoice in the privilege of attending a Catholic school. As teachers and parents, may we always strive to be models of faith to our children, and encourage them to become the best persons they can. We pray that they will grow up to use their gifts wisely and to exercise moral courage in shaping a better world. Wendy Bodsworth FAITH Catholic Education Week (CEW) The Spirit is alive at Pauline Vanier Catholic School! On Monday of this past week, a large Holy Spirit dove mosaic was unveiled. Students and staff were thrilled, upon examination, to find everyone’s face hidden in the image of the dove! On Wednesday, our school trustee, Anna DaSilva, and parents and grandparents attending our Open House, were able to examine the mosaic in the school foyer before taking part in our community liturgy. The assembly and liturgy focused on the CEW theme of Celebrating the Spirit and featured a slide show of students involved in many social outreach projects at Pauline Vanier; as well as a dramatic dance portraying the Virtue of Acceptance. After the assembly, our guests visited their children’s classrooms and then gathered in the school library to enjoy cake and refreshments. Many visitors returned on Friday to participate in a rousing singalong and mini-concert with Nancy Bodsworth (a Dufferin-Peel teacher and musician who composed and recorded the 2009, 2010 and 2011 CEW theme songs). Prayers and daily literacy lessons taught from May 1-May 5, 2011 reinforced the Celebrating the Spirit theme. Throughout the week, we were reminded of the privilege of publically-funded Catholic education, and of the cherished gift of being able to freely celebrate, share, teach and live our faith together. Throughout our newsletters this year we have highlighted historical information regarding the journey and struggles of Catholic Education in Canada. It is in understanding the rich history that we truly appreciate the gift of our faith-based education system. All of us here at Pauline Vanier feel truly blessed that we are able to be part of your child’s Catholic education. Virtues Virtue for the Acceptance. month of May is The Virtue of Acceptance describes our ability to look at the attitudes and actions of those around us with compassion and an open mind. We are invited to thoughtfully consider the motives of others rather than making snap judgments. The virtue of acceptance calls us to look beyond external factors such as a person’s skin colour, ethnic background, religion, age or gender, and see instead a unique person created and loved by God. An accepting person… • Is friendly and open to all God’s people, regardless of age, beliefs, gender, culture or ability • Sees the positive traits in all people even if s/he disagrees with them • Avoids judging or stereotyping others • Understands that there may be more than one way to do things • Sticks up for the ‘underdog.’ Praying the Rosary May is the Month of Mary. Just as parents are called to lead their children to Jesus through instruction in the faith and through their example, words, and deeds, a devotion to Mary also points the way to Jesus. Praying the rosary is good way to introduce children to various bible stories that are the basis of the ‘mysteries of the rosary’. For example, before praying a decade of the rosary for the first joyful mystery – the Annunciation, one could read about the angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would bear a child named Jesus (Luke 1: 26 – 38). For younger children, an entire rosary may be too long, but even just one decade of the rosary before bedtime will help them to learn the prayers and the format. First Holy Communion On the May long weekend, many of our grade two students will receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion during the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Jerome Parish. Thank you to our devoted grade two teachers, Mrs. Passarelli and Mrs. Stott, for preparing our young students, and to Father Jan for his spiritual leadership in preparation for First Holy Communion. A highlight for the children will be their May 17th retreat, planned and facilitated by their teachers, and held at the parish. Sacrament of Confirmation Many of our Grade 8 students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at 7:00 p.m. on June 9th. We are grateful for the faith formation efforts of Mr. Daniels and Mr. Connelly in working with Father Jan to prepare the students for this mature commitment of faith and opening up to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. CONGRATULATIONS ESL Stories Published English as a Second Language (ELL) students took part in a collaborative writing project this year, which resulted in a published book called: My Favourite Place in the World-Our Voices 2011. This publication is a compilation of the stories and voices of many hundreds of English Language Learners in the Dufferin-Peel Board who participated by putting their thoughts in writing about “My Favourite Place in the World.” This book highlights the valuable insights of English Language Learners at various stages of language acquisition. The courage that ELL students displayed in sharing their voices has been honoured by publishing their work in its authentic, original form, in a book entitled: My Favourite Place in the World…Our Voices 2011. Two of our students at Pauline Vanier have been published in this book. We would like to applaud Darien Bui and Posi Ige for their contributions. They have both received personal copies of Our Voices 2011 for their efforts. A copy of Our Voices 2011 and the National Geographic Atlas have been placed in the library for general circulation to all students. Please visit the library to read Posi and Bui’s fabulous stories! Prestigious Leader’s Award We would like to congratulate our Director of Education, John Kostoff, who was recently the recipient of the 2011 Distinguished Leadership Award from the Ontario Catholic Supervisory Officer’s Association. Congratulations Mr. Kostoff for being recognized as a “true servant leader.” FOCUS ON NUTRITION Breakfast Club-Join Now! All students are welcome to join Pauline Vanier’s popular Breakfast Club. It is never too late. There are no stipulations, other than a desire to enjoy a healthy breakfast at the start the day! The Breakfast Club runs each morning from 8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Registration forms available at the school office. Healthy Food Choices The Ministry has mandated that foods for sale at school must include healthy options. For the remainder of this school year we will continue with our pilot project which offers a variety of healthy food options—all of which meet the Ministry guidelines. Pizza Tuesday Every Tuesday, for $2.00 per slice, students can purchase pepperoni/cheese or plain cheese pizza with a delicious whole wheat crust prepared to Ministry dietary specifications. Healthy Snack Fridays A taste-testing panel made up of two students from each class approved a selection of tasty snacks for sale each Friday. Thanks to Ms. Tac and her students for organizing the Healthy Snack Tuck Shop. Some of the snacks have been reduced to just $1.00—more value for your money! Bagel Lunch Days Great Canadian Bagel is offering a lunch pack for $4.50 including a bagel or a hot dog, cream cheese, fruit, drink, dessert. Orders for the month of May will go home shortly. Nutri-lunch Program Nutri-Lunch has been launched! For $2.75 per day students enrolled in the program receive a lunch that includes a sandwich, two fruits/vegetables, two sides (popcorn, goldfish, etc), and a drink. Lunches are delivered to the classroom daily before school starts and the empty containers are picked up in the afternoon. For more information contact the school. “Welcome to Kindergarten” Night Kindergarten registrations for next Fall are still being accepted at the school office. Parents and newly registered kindergarten students for the 2011-2012 school year are invited to attend a “Welcome to Kindergarten” evening on May 12th from 6:30p.m. to 7:30 p.m. On that evening, families will participate in a variety of fun activities and will receive a gift bag of resources to help their child successfully transition to life at school. SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS Each year, at this time, we remind parents about the opportunity to be part of the School Council for the upcoming school year. School Council is an integral part of our school community. School Council’s role includes offering advice to the school administration, providing feedback on school policies and procedures, fund-raising, networking with other School Councils, and organizing parent workshops at the school level. Early in September 2011, parents interested in becoming part of the council will be invited to submit their name for School Council elections. We look forward to the involvement of many new parents next Fall, so please consider this opportunity. PARENT’S CORNER Discipline that Works Does your child sometimes test the limits you set for him/her? It’s easy to get frustrated when he/she doesn’t listen to you. By having a clear plan for handling misbehavior can help you stay calm and get him/her back on track more quickly. Try these suggestions: Communicate clearly. If you find yourself repeating instructions several times before your youngster “hears” you, try getting his/her attention first. You might gently touch him/her on the shoulder and say his name. When he/she makes eye contact, state exactly what you need him/her to do, (“Please walk—don’t run—in the house”). Explain rules. Your child will be more likely to follow rules if he/she understands the reasons for them. Trying to explain while he/she is still misbehaving can lead to an argument. Instead, wait until he/she calms down. Then say, for instance, “You have to ask permission before you go outside so I know where you are.” Also, let him/her know the consequence of breaking a rule (e.g. staying inside for 30 minutes). Look for reasons. When your youngster has a day where he/she keeps getting into trouble, find out if something is bothering him/her. Example: “You seem out of sorts today. Do you want to talk about it?” Perhaps he/she argued with a friend or got a low grade on a book report. Talking about his/her problems lets him/her see that you care—and may help break the cycle of misbehavior. SCHOOL OPERATIONS Flex Boundary Parents who have requested flex boundary admittance for their children will be considered annually, taking into consideration the number of students enrolling at the school. Each year, students attending under the Flexible Boundary Policy are required to submit an annual Flex Boundary request. Please submit this letter of request as soon as possible for 2011-2012, if you have not already done so. Class Placements for 2010-2011 When determining class placements for the Fall, criteria considered are: academic ability and achievement, work habits and study skills, social factors and placement history. For various reasons we are limited in our placement options. However, we do our best to balance classes, considering the best placement to meet the individual needs of each student. In the April newsletter, parents were invited to submit relevant information concerning class placement. Letters that were received by the April 24th deadline will be given consideration. PROGRAM & CURRICULUM EQAO Tutoring Program Mrs. Stott and Mr. Pavic have been working tirelessly with the Grade 3 and 6 students who are attending the EQAO after school tutoring sessions held every Monday and Thursday from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. The students eagerly participate in literacy and math lessons to improve their basic skills and to prepare them for the style of questioning typical of EQAO. There is no fee for the tutoring program. EQAO Tests All grade 3 and 6 students in Ontario will be participating in provincial assessments scheduled to take place between May 30th and June 10th. We ask that parents try to avoid appointments or vacations during the assessment periods. Helpful strategies for preparing students for Provincial Assessments: 1. Ensure your child gets a good night sleep. 2. Ensure that they eat a nutritious breakfast and pack a healthy lunch and healthy snacks. 3. Makes this testing time as pleasant and stress-free as possible at home. 4. Encourage your child to do their best but avoid any undue pressure. 5. Set aside some time to discuss the assessments with your child before, during and after the appointed time block for EQAO. Ontario Education Resource Bank To access this site, visit the web-site: . Scroll down to the bottom and you will find the link to the Ontario Educational Resource Bank. For students and parents the user id is dpcdsbstudent and the password is oerbs. Once you are logged in, read the terms of use, and click on I Agree. There are thousands of resources including units, lesson plans, activities, maps and interactive learning resources. For more information contact Sam Mercurio at the board office at 905-890-0708 extension 24517. Summer Literacy Camp 2011 (SK-6) Once again, the board will be offering Summer Literacy Camp. The camp is designed to reinforce literacy for students SK to Grade 6, who are performing at Levels 1 or 2 on the provincial curriculum for reading and writing. Literacy camp provides a fun and innovative environment for learners. The dates of the camp are July 4th to July 29th. The camp is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. There is a fee for the camp and the deadline for applications is June 1st, 2011. Registration forms are available at our school office. This program will be offered at our school this year. Elementary Summer School 2011 A remedial Literacy and Mathematics summer school program for Grades 7 and 8 students will once again be offered this year. The session runs from July 4th to July 22nd from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Students must be recommended by their principal. Bussing to St. Ursula School in Brampton is provided at designated pick up points. The program is free of charge. Summer Advantage Workbooks Flyers advertising this summer program have been sent home earlier this week. Please be advised that this is the same program that has been available for the last several years. Anyone interested in purchasing this product is asked to complete the order form that is in the flyer. Math Homework Help Line The Math Homework Helpline provides free, online math tutoring by certified Ontario teachers for students in Grades 710. Students can access this help by registering, using their OEN number, at The site also offers interactive tutorials and video lessons. ARE YOU TICKED? Please check your property tax bill to ensure your support is directed to the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. You can verify your support by contacting the board’s Admissions Department at (905) 890- 0708, ext. 24511 or 24512, or your local municipal office. HEALTH & SAFETY Hands-off policy Parents are asked to remind their children of the importance of keeping their hands and feet to themselves. There is never an excuse for physical aggression. Students who are being teased or bothered by their peers are reminded to walk away and/or to report to an adult on duty. Children need frequent reminders that name-calling, put-downs and violence are never appropriate responses to disagreements or arguments, regardless of the provocation, Parents are urged to rehearse assertiveness skills with their children such as saying firmly, “Stop, leave me alone!” • • • • • • • Playground Safety Rules Keep your hands/ feet to yourselves No verbal insults or inappropriate language Treat all people with respect Respect school property Play only non-contact games outside Stay on school property at all times Leave snow, ice, rocks and gravel on the ground Kiss and Ride We continue to remind parents to drop off children at the designated drop off point at the end of the kiss and ride lane. Please do not use the turn-about as a drop off spot for passengers. If necessary, please park your vehicle and walk your child from the car to the sidewalk and/or kindergarten enclosure. Also, some drivers are ignoring the signs prohibiting parent vehicles in the staff parking lot. There should be no drop offs or pick-ups in this area. Also, recently vehicles have been ticketed $150 fine for parking in a fire lane in front of the school. bicycles or scooters are not 100% safe. It is suggested that expensive or hard-toreplace equipment be left at home. The school cannot be responsible for loss or damage of personal items. Personal Treasures A “personal treasure” is any item, regardless of its monetary value, that holds a personal significance to a person. This might include jewelry, cards, stuffed animals, a toy or a game. Parents are asked to reinforce with their children that such personal treasures should be left at home to avoid tears and disappointment. Important Safety Tips for Kids Parents and guardians are encouraged to regularly review the following important safety tips with their children: • Do NOT talk to strangers • Go directly home from school or directly to the babysitter’s after school • Walk to and from school with a buddy. Avoid being alone if you can. • Inform your parents/babysitter of the route you take to and from school • Talk to your parents about a plan on where to get help, if necessary, when going to and from school • When approached by a stranger, walk or run to a place of safety such as home or back to school • Play a “what if” game with your parents to come up with ideas of what you would do if, for some reason, you are afraid on the way to and from school Bikes, Scooters and Roller-blades A safety reminder to all students that bikes, scooters and roller blades are to be walked both on and off the school property. We remind students of the importance of following traffic safety rules when riding to and from school. Remember, also, that even chained • Cross the street at a stop sign or with a crossing guard • Look both ways before crossing the street • Do not cross between parked cars. Warm Weather Dress Code With warm weather arriving, it is important to review the dress code and appropriate dress for the school day. At all times clothing should be comfortable, modest and appropriate for a Catholic school environment. Here are a few commonsense guidelines: Skirts must reach the bottom of the student’s fingertips when hands are relaxed at their side. Shorts must be modest and tasteful. Short-shorts, cut-offs and low-riding shorts that reveal undergarments are not permitted. Muscle shirts, tank tops, halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti strap tops or tops that reveal undergarments or a bare back or midriff (even when they lift their arms) are not permitted. Shirts with offensive, suggestive, violent or inappropriate slogans, pictures or symbols are not permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times for obvious health and safety reasons. With all students involved in daily physical activity, including outdoor recess, it is recommended that sandals and open-toed shoes not be worn to school. Protective measures such as hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are strongly encouraged for protection against dangerous UV rays. Heavy make-up and jewelry are illadvised for school wear. Students are reminded that hats, bandanas, hoods, or other head-gear must be removed upon entering the school building. Bottles of water are allowed in the classroom only. Caution Students who come to school in unacceptable attire may be asked to phone their parents to arrange for a change of clothing to be brought to the school. Thank you, in advance, for helping your child make appropriate wardrobe selections for school. No cell phones in school Ministry and board policy prohibits the use of cell phones in the school or on school property. Students have been alerted that cell phones that are visible will be confiscated and held in the office until the end of the day (warning) or until parents come to the school to retrieve the device (repeated offences). Punctuality Late arrival at school continues to be a problem for many students. Students who are frequently late, without explanation, will need to serve lunchtime detentions with the Principal, in order to recover the instructional time that has been lost. Are You Moving? If you are planning to move out of the Pauline Vanier area, or simply changing addressees within our boundaries, please let the office know as soon as possible. Also, it is imperative that you keep us informed about changes in your place of work and of day care arrangements. In the event of an emergency, our records need to be up-to-date so that we are able to contact you if required. MOTHER’S DAY PRAYER FOR MODERN MOM We deliver our children once, in joy and pain, then deliver them a hundred times more-to school, to practices, to doctors’ appointments. Watch over us Lord, and keep us safe, as the mother eagle who guards her young. We teach our little ones to stand and walk, carefully coaxing balance, then jump in when we can to teach them balance in work, in friendship, in serving others. Guide them Lord, and keep them upright, falling neither into harm nor selfishness. We congregate as moms and families, whispering about worries and passing on what works, sharing wisdom from Grandma or Oprah, stories heard in parking lots or bleachers. Teach us, Lord, to lead with our love instead of our fears, trusting that You are there beside us. God of Leah and Rebekah, of Elizabeth and Mary, be ever near all mothers today—in minivans and meetings, in busy mornings and tired evenings, and grant us Your peace. AMEN DATES TO REMEMBER May 12th- Welcome to Kindergarten May 21st -First Communion 5:00 p.m. May 23rd-Victoria Day May 26th-Facebook 101 Parent Night Our Lady of Peace School @ 7:00 p.m. th May 30 to June 10th-EQAO Testing Gr. 3 & Gr. 6 June 9th- 7:00 p.m. Confirmation June 22nd -End of Year Mass June 24th-Kindergarten Graduation June 28th- Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony June 30th-Last Day of School