The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7 Phone: 905-455-1001 Principal: D. Furlong Vice-Principal: Peter Krolewski Secretary: A. Mijandrusic Fax: 905-455-3406 Superintendent: L. Kazimowicz 905-890-1221 Trustee: T. Da Silva - 905-459-7089 Parish: St. Jerome Church Pastor: Fr. Jan Kolodynski 905-455-4260 NEWSLETTER #1 SEPTEMBER 2009 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE We Believe in Children We believe the children to be the future of our land; So teach them well and take them gently by the hand. Show them all the beauty they possess inside, Try to make life easier by giving them “sense of pride.” Let the children’s music and laughter ring out; By your own life, walk and talk in faith, don’t let them doubt. We believe the children to be the future of our land; We know God won’t forget them… He has carved them on the palm of His hand. By Margaret Power SCHOOL HOURS JK/SK Grades 1 – 8 8:30-11:00 or 12:30–3:00 8:30-11:30 12:30-3:00 Arriving on time is an important life skill! Recesses 10:33-10:48 1:53-2:08 I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the families in our Pauline Vanier School community as we start the 2009-2010 school year. This year, Pauline Vanier Catholic School is part of a new Family of Schools called The Mississauga Brampton Central Family. I would like to warmly welcome Liz Kazimowicz, Superintendent of Schools. Her strong background in curriculum, her expertise and leadership will benefit staff and students alike. I would like to thank our former Superintendent of The Brampton West Family, George Prajza, for his leadership and curricular support to Pauline Vanier School over the past years. His input and support was appreciated. Welcome back to all staff members, many of whom were involved in academic courses over the summer. The staff has worked hard last week meeting and setting instructional goals in preparation for what promises to be a memorable school year. I would like to welcome Sue Grasman (JK/SK) and Eva DeSouza (ESL pm) to the staff and wish Tony Gill success as he continues his academic career at St. Augustine Secondary. Pauline Vanier School will continue to promote, support and encourage the spiritual, academic, physical, social, emotional growth and development of all students. I eagerly anticipate a year of hard work and exciting and meaningful activities and experiences. Open communication between home and school is very important. Please do not hesitate to contact the school at any time if you have questions or concerns. A phone call on the onset of a concern usually resolves the issue before it becomes a problem. I look forward to meeting all of you at our BBQ & Open House Curriculum Evening on Wednesday, September 23rd. The BBQ will take place from 5:30 to 6:30pm. We will then gather in the gym for introductions of staff and highlights. Teachers will then meet with you in the classrooms to discuss class and curricular expectations. Please remember to return the BBQ order forms by September 11. God bless you. Deirdre Furlong PAULINE VANIER STAFF 2009-2010 JK /SK JK/SK Gr. 1 Gr. 1/2 Gr. 2 Gr. 2/3 Gr. 3 Gr. 4 Gr. 4/5 Gr. 5/6 Gr. 6 Gr. 6/7 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Gr. 8 FSL FSL/Planning Time (0.7) SERT SERC/SERT/PT SERT (0.1) ESL 0.5 ESL 0.5 pm Library/Planning Time ERW Head Custodian Evening Custodian Secretary Office Volunteer Principal Vice-Principal M. DeSouza S. Grasman A. Prlic C. Tersigni T. Passarelli M. Nichols A.M. Henry L. Stott S. Monachino S. Rondinelli L. Cunic M Vigneault N. Pavic P. Daniels C. Connelly K. Byrne F. Cataldo C. Thomas T. Berry M. Schaus C. D’Souza E. DeSouza S. Muzzatti E. Myrie M. Lima R. D’Souza A. Mijandrusic J. Gomes D. Furlong P. Krolewski Psychologist Sp./Lang. Pathologist Social Worker Child Youth Worker Teacher/Hard of Hearing SAT (curricular support) Lunch Hour Supervisor K. Page A. Donovan S. Bidin J. Campbell B. Kist F. Addente T. Singla SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR IS BACK! The Scholastic Book Fair will be in our School Library from Monday, September 21 until Friday, September 25. Students will have the opportunity to browse through the Book Fair throughout the week day. The Book Fair will be open during the Open House on Wednesday, September 23rd. PARKING LOT SAFETY We continue to be very concerned about parking lot safety. Please use the Kiss & Ride Lane (the middle lane) when dropping off your children. Students are expected to exit the car only when their car reaches the front of the line where staff are standing rain or shine. Students are to exit on the right passenger side where staff will be standing to escort your children across the bus lane to the sidewalk safely. Please do not allow your child to exit on the left side as it is the Drive Through Lane. Please do not allow your children to disembark in front of the school’s main entrance. Bus drivers are not expecting children to be exiting cars at that location. As buses drive around the curve into the bus lane they expect car doors to open where staff are standing to escort the children. At the end of the day, Kiss & Ride students will be waiting near the Kindergarten fence (next to the large white PLASP sign) and will be escorted by staff to the car at the front of the line. Students are not permitted to run/walk between the buses or other cars in the lanes at the front of the school. Should you choose to park your car, you can safely walk your child from the designed Safe Wait Zone and cross at the front of the Bus & Kiss & Ride Lane. The small parking area in front of the Kindergarten Yard is really the PLASP Day Care’s Parking Area for children between the ages of 2 ½ - 5 who are being dropped off at the Day Care. If there is space, parents of JK/SK students may park in the designated parking areas. Cars may not idle or stop/park in the round-about lane blocking traffic. Parents of older students are reminded to use the Kiss & Ride Lanes. YARD SUPERVISION The school property is supervised from 8:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. on school days. Please do not send students to school prior to 8:15 a.m. At 3:00 pm, Bus students are expected to line up immediately in their Bus Designated Area located in the front hallway. For safety reasons, students walking home are expected to walk directly home at 3:00 p.m. BBQ - OPEN HOUSE CURRICULUM NIGHT Pauline Vanier’s BBQ – OPEN HOUSE - Curriculum Night will be held on Wednesday, September 23rd. The BBQ will take place from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Parents are invited to gather in the Gym for 6:45 p.m. School Staff will be introduced and Information regarding the School Council Nomination Process will also be shared. You will then have an opportunity from 7:00-7:45 p.m. to meet the teachers, view your child’s classroom and receive information about the 2009-2010 school year, curriculum, and classroom expectations. Parents of Intermediate students are asked to remain in the Gym at 7:15pm for a presentation regarding Team and Leadership Building overnight trip at Camp Muskoka. As partners in education, teachers and parents working together can make learning an exciting and rewarding experience for their children. For safety reasons, please notify the school if your child is going to be absent or late. The SAFE ARRIVAL PHONE NUMBER IS 905-4551001. The answering service is available 24 hours a day. Leave a message with the following information: • Your child’s first and last name, spelling of the last name • Your child’s grade and teacher’s name • Whether your child will be absent or late. Please send a note when your child returns stating the reason for their absence. STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE The Book Fair will be open the evening of our OPEN HOUSE - Wednesday, September 23. Purchases may be made at this time. (Visa, Mastercard, Debit, cheques, or cash are all accepted forms of payment) Students who do not have an opportunity to purchase items that evening will be able to buy items on the following day. All proceeds from the Book Fair will be used to purchase new materials for the Library. Parent Volunteers are needed to help make this fundraiser a success. If you are able to help with set up or help as a cashier, please contact S. Muzzatti at the school. As required by the Education Act and Ministry of Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board annually provides parents with information about costeffective student accident insurance coverage via student courier. Although enrolment is voluntary, the Board encourages parents to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their child/children participate in sports, excursions/field trips, or if parents do not have dental insurance coverage. Enrolment is required in writing. (forms will be sent home on September 8/09) Forms can mailed or Faxed to Reliable Life at 1-800-463-5437 or 1-905-522-7211. Parents alone have the right to insure their children. STUDENT TRANSPORTATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Friday, September 18 – no classes There will be no classes on September 18 as Staff will be involved in Faith and Professional Development Activities. As we review our student numbers this week, it may become necessary to reorganize classes. If changes occur, parents will be notified of the revised organization. It is hoped that any changes will be completed by September 18. A reminder that the eligibility distances for student transportation are as follows: JK and SK…. 1.0 km Grades 1-4 …. 1.6 km Grades 5-6 2.0 km Grades 7-8 3.2 km All eligible bus students will receive a bus tag on Sept.8 (Bus #1-blue) (Bus #2-green) (Bus #3-red) (Bus #4-yellow) EMPTY SEAT/FILL UP THE BUS POLICY ATTENDANCE For the benefit of the learning of all children, we expect all students to arrive at school on time. Students who arrive after the 8:30 a.m. bell, must go directly to the office to pick up an admission slip. Please keep in mind, once all students have entered the building at 8:30, the front door will be opened for late students only following Morning Prayer and the National Anthem. So please ensure your children arrive prior to 8:30am. If it is ever necessary that your child be dismissed early, please write a note to the teacher. We will not dismiss a student for any reason without parental consent. Your child must also be signed out at the office by an adult if leaving school prior to the 3:00 p.m. dismissal. Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements may apply for a seat in accordance with the “Empty Seat Policy”. Request Forms will be available in the Office. Requests will be reviewed and the limited seats will be assigned in October on the basis of youngest and furthest distance as per Board policy. Please review with your children the STUDENT TRANSPORTATION School Bus Safety Rules. The conduct of individual students on the bus directly affects their safety and those of their classmates. Incidents of poor behaviour on the bus are reported in writing by the bus driver to the principal. Depending on the seriousness of the incident, a warning may be issued to the student, parents may be called, bus privileges may be suspended or other disciplinary action may be taken. Parents will be financially responsible for any damage to the bus caused by their child. CROSSING GUARDS SEPTEMBER’S VIRTUE – FAITH Students are reminded to take advantage of the crossing guards and obey all road safety rules. Crossing Guards are at the following locations: 1) Ray Lawson at Acadian Heights (W.L.) Mid-Block 8:00-8:30 a.m. 3:00-3:30 p.m. As we work and grow together, we’ll try to become a more virtuous school, thus making the presence of God visible in the world around us. 2) Oakley Blvd. at Pauline Vanier (S.S.) Mid-Block 8:00- 8:35 a.m. 3:00- 3:30 p.m. SCHOOL AGENDAS “If I plan to learn, I must learn to plan.” School Agendas have been ordered for all students from Grades 1 to 8. These will be used to promote organization, time management and goal setting. There is a plastic envelope at the front of the agenda for carrying important notes, School Newsletters, School Council information, and notices highlighting important events. Please take the time to review with your child the Safety Reminders, the Code of Conduct and the Virtues that are highlighted for each month. Please send in $5.00 per child to cover the cost of the agenda. See attached form EARLY RELEASE DAYS There are no classes for students during the afternoon on Early Release Days. Students in Grades 1 to 8 are dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Staff engage in Curriculum planning and development during the afternoons. First Term: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 PM Second Term: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 PM INTERVIEW EVENING DATES Report cards are sent home on the Tuesday prior to Interview Evenings. First Term: Thursday, December 3, 2009 Friday, December 4, 2009 Second Term: Thursday, March 25, 2010 A virtue is a habit or established capability to perform good actions according to the moral standards reflected in the gospel. A Catholic school is the ideal place to practice and prepare to live a virtuous life, following the example of Jesus. This month we will focus on FAITH. God made us to live together as a family community. We will pray for the grace and strength to be people of faith - people who can truly believe that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe at school. LUNCHES Whenever possible, students are encouraged to go home for lunch. If this is not possible, students are welcome to eat lunch at school. Students, who eat lunch at school, are expected to remain on school property within the school boundaries, for the duration of the lunch break. For safety and supervision reasons, if you are giving your child permission to leave school property at 11:30 a.m., a note signed by the parents, must be sent to the school. VERIFICATION FORM TO UPDATE SCHOOL RECORDS Please check the information on the student verification sheet your child will bring home this week. The information you provide on this form will be used to update our records so that we may contact you in case of an emergency. Please return it to the school asap. On rare occasions, usually due to extreme weather conditions, buses may be called to bring students home before the regular dismissal time. It is the responsibility of every parent to have arrangements made in advance with a neighbour or relative, in the event that no one is home. Please include this information on the verification form. EQAO ASSESSMENT DATES It is important that we have up-to-date information regarding your child. Should there be changes in phone numbers or addresses during the school year please notify the office immediately. Monday, May 31, 2010 to Friday, June 11, 2010 CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECKS Two weeks have been set aside by the Ministry of Education for students to write EQAO Provincial assessments. Please avoid booking medical appointments and vacations at this time. All parents who volunteer in the school or who plan to volunteer on class trips must complete a Criminal Reference Form. These are available at the Office. If you have previously supplied us with your Criminal Reference Check, please contact the Office for an Offence Declaration Statement. These must be updated each year. Third Term: Report cards - June 28, 2010 VISITORS TO THE SCHOOLS NUT FREE SCHOOL In order to ensure the safety of students and staff, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board requires that ALL VISITORS use the front doors located near the office, identify themselves by signing in, and pick up a visitor’s sticker at the office upon entering the building at all times. Due to stringent anaphylaxis policies based on Sabrina’s Law, students, staff members and parents are asked not to bring any foods containing nuts to school. Some children are so sensitive that even the smell of peanut butter or nuts can cause problems and could be fatal. Messages and deliveries (house keys, lunches, dry mitts etc.) are handled through the front office. There is a table outside the Office for lunches. Please write your child’s name on the lunch. School Board policy now prohibits any food or beverages (water is permitted) from being present and or consumed outside in the school yard or on the bus. Students will be permitted to eat their snacks in the classroom prior to or after recess. All parents, volunteers and school guests are asked to follow school board procedures in relation to Safety of Students and Trespass to Property Act. We ask all parents walking into the schoolyard that you identify yourself to the teacher on duty. VOLUNTEERS WELCOME Volunteers are always needed in the classrooms, Library and All Star Reading. No experience is needed, just a willingness to commit an hour or two a week. Sharing your gifts and talents will enrich the learning experiences of our students. All volunteers working with children in the school must have completed a Criminal Reference Check. Forms are available in the office. STUDENT EVACUATION In accordance with Ministry regulations, three evacuation drills will be conducted in the Fall and three in the Spring. This practice is to help prepare students in case an evacuation from the school is ever necessary. Should the school have to evacuate the site, we will gather at South Fletchers Sportsplex & Community Centre at Ray Lawson & McLaughlin The students will also have an opportunity to practice a Hold & Secure (danger in the neighbourhood) and Lock –Down (danger within the school) procedures. Strategies that parents, students and staff can continue to use to help keep our school safer for children with allergies: Avoid sending foods from home that may contain nuts, or nut products such as: peanut oil, peanut butter, peanut sauce, peanut meal, mixed nuts, ground nuts and macadamia nuts. Hydrolyzed vegetable protein may also contain peanuts and is not considered safe for people with nut allergies. Read food labels carefully. Avoid products that do not carry a list of ingredients. Clean hands and face immediately after eating peanut butter, or nut containing products, before heading off to school. Avoid sharing snacks and drinks Thank you for your support, cooperation, and sensitivity in helping to make our school safe for students with nut allergies. VALUABLES Students are requested not to bring valuables, items of importance or money to school. The school cannot assume responsibility for items brought to school. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE (PED) DISTRIBUTION MEDICATION AND STORAGE OF Due to safety issues and concerns, medication must not be sent to school with students. We ask that when possible, the medication be taken at home during lunch hour, or a schedule is arranged for medication to be taken just prior to school and/or right after school. To promote respect for the dignity of all members of our school community and to enhance student achievement and safety, the use of a PED is strictly prohibited in school, on school property, or during school related activities (such as retreats, field trips, sports events, etc.) For the safety of all children, medication for serious health issues and/or allergies MUST be stored in the office. Students may not leave medication in their desk or knapsack at any time. Personal Electronic Devices which include any current or emerging wireless Handheld Technologies or Portable IT Systems that can be used for the purpose of communication, entertainment, data management, word processing, wireless internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc. For distribution of medication, medical forms are available at the office. They must be completed by the attending physician and signed by the parents. All PEDS must be kept out-of-sight, turned off and not used within school premises or during school-sanctioned activities. We ask that students leave all electronic devices and games at home as the school can not be responsible for their safe keeping. Cell phones are permissible as long as they are turned off, kept out of sight, and not used in or on school property. USE OF SCHOOL BOOKS/MATERIALS Students also receive a number of textbooks for their personal use and will be able to borrow books from the library. Due to the cost of books, we expect students to be responsible for these books. Please encourage your child to handle books with care. Students will be charged for lost and/or damaged books. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Each child is expected to participate in the Physical Education Curriculum. The Ministry of Education requires all students to engage in Daily 20 minutes Physical Education workouts (DPA). An Elementary Physical Education Curriculum – Element of Risk and Medical Information Form will be sent home the week of September 8. Please complete the form and return it to your child’s teacher. Proper clothing should be worn for gym activities: (Tshirt, runners, shorts or jogging pants). Students are reminded never to leave jewelry, money or other valuables in change rooms, washrooms or the classrooms. NETWORK USER POLICY Use of the computer and Internet is guided by board guidelines and teacher/adult supervision. All students and parents are required to sign a Network User Policy before students will be permitted to access the Internet. This form must be returned to your child’s teacher before they can use the computer. PEDICULOSIS This early in the school year, it is important to bring to your attention the problem which occurs at some time in most schools at least once every year. Head lice are parasites which have been common among human beings for centuries. They are not connected in any way with dirt or neglect. If a case is found in our school, we shall inform parents of the students in that classroom. We will be checking friends and other family members. We ask that you also check your own children regularly. If your child is infested, please notify the office. DRESS CODE: Board policy states that all students are expected to dress in clean, neat and practical clothing. School guidelines are: 1. the top of the pants must meet the bottom of the shirt with no exposure of midriff or undergarments at anytime 2. shorts and skirts must be (mid-thigh) which are neither too tight or tattered 3. halter tops, spaghetti strap tops, tank tops, muscle shirts and mesh shirts may not be worn. Shirts must cover the top of the shoulder 4. clothing with offensive, suggestive and/or inappropriate statements or pictures (including advertisements for alcohol or tobacco products) are not permitted. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation for a dress code which reflects our Catholic school environment as a place for some serious work accompanied by standards of sensitivity, politeness and decorum. Students who wear unacceptable clothing to school may be removed from class and/or sent home to change. SAFETY REMINDERS In-Line skates, roller blades, scooters, and skateboards are not permitted on school property. There is no storage space. Wheelies (running shoes with a wheel on the heel) are not to be worn at school. They are unsafe in school hallways shared by 400 other students. PROTECT YOUR CHILD “ON-LINE” Here are some helpful tips to keep your child safe. Take an active role in protecting your child’s privacy whenever they are asked to submit personal information. Monitor your child’s on-line behaviour and know the sites they visit frequently. Be clear with your children on appropriate net behaviour, that is, the amount of time it’s okay to be on the net, times when the computer can be used, and what they are allowed to do. Set up clear rules with your children. If other children visit your home and use your computer, make sure that they follow your rules. Monitor any chat rooms that your children want to visit and discourage them from providing any personal information. Children are legally not permitted to use FACEBOOK, MSN, etc to trash talk about other students. Even if the site is appropriate for their ages, you still don’t know who may be lurking in the wings, reading the kids’ messages posted to the site. Teach your children to be “net smart” just like you would teach them to be “street smart.” TERRY FOX WALK/RUN Pauline Vanier Staff and students will be walking for Terry on Friday, September 25 because they know they can Make a Difference! More information will follow. INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE PROGRAM Elementary International classes are available to students in grades JK to 8. No prior language experience is necessary. International Languages programs comply with the Ministry of Education curriculum and will be of interest to students who wish to preserve their language and cultural heritage and to those who wish to study the language and heritage of another culture. Students attending schools outside of the DPCDSB may also register for these programs. Enrolment is limited at each location. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes will be cancelled if there is insufficient enrolment. Continuous Elementary International Languages Registration begins Saturday, September 12, 2009 to June 5, 2010, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please register at the I.L. site where you would like your child to attend, on Saturdays only. Day schools do not accept registrations Please bring Proof of Age and any health concerns information to the registration. NOTE: THERE IS A $25.00 (per student) NON-REFUNDABLE MATERIALS FEE. (cheque, Visa, or MasterCard) ATTACHMENTS: 1) BBQ Order Form 2) School Year Calendar 3) School Council Nomination Letter & Form 4) Physical Education Participation Form 5) Walking Excursion, Inclement Weather and Early School Closure Form 6) H1N1 flu virus update (Region of Peel) 7) Camp Muskoka Form (gr.7 & 8 students only) 8) Agenda Payment Form POSITIVE HYGIENE REMINDERS Monitor: If your child develops flu-like signs and symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue) keep them home and contact your health care provider if symptoms are severe. Practice good hygiene: Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve or elbow. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread that way. Wash your hands: Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. PIZZA DAY – EVERY TUESDAY Pizza Day will begin on Tuesday, September 15. The cost is $2.00 per slice. LUNCH HOUR SUPERVISOR REQUIRED Pauline Vanier urgently requires one Lunch Hour Supervisor. Supervisors work 1.2 hours (72 minutes per day). The hour is scheduled from 11:24am to 12:36pm. The pay is $11.45 per hour (+7% payment for Statutory Holidays and vacation Pay.) Please contact the Office if you are interested.