Pauline Vanier Catholic School 56 Oaklea Boulevard Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4W7 Phone: (905) 455-1001 Fax: (905) 455-3406 1 Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Mission Statement The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board proclaims its belief that all men and women are called to a lifelong process of conversion and development in the community as a specific instrument which aids parents and the Church in the formation of the young—spiritually, intellectually, morally and socially—and in transmitting to them values for living as loyal citizens in a democratic society and sincere followers of Jesus Christ. It brings together pastors, parents, teachers, trustees and students in a unified effort to promote Gospel values and further the saving mission of the Church. Each individual, respected in person and conscience, has a unique part to play and the group endowed with specific talents and vocations has complementary contributions to make. Pastors bring the Word and the real presence of Christ. Under the Bishop, they represent the Magisterium and provide the spiritual leadership for the school Parents are expected to lead in the religious education of their children and by their interest in and support of the school, they ensure the continuation of a wholesome formation for them. Principals and teachers seek to enhance their own spiritual and professional growth in order to fulfill their special mission within the Church. From this they can inspire their students to academic excellence and a deep faith commitment. Students should grow in respect of neighbour, sense of self-worth, personal responsibility in the use of freedom and love of God. They will develop all of their talents to the best of their ability. Trustees will serve this community faithfully by promoting the unity of all members in reaching out to each other and finding harmony, development and satisfaction through obedience to God’s will. The goal of the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board is to weave all of these individuals and groups into one seamless fabric dedicated to the full development of youth in the image of Christ. 2 Who Was "Pauline Vanier"? Our school has been given the name "Pauline Vanier" to honour the memory of a very special Canadian Catholic Christian lady who passed away on March 23, 199l and to provide us with an inspirational figure to emulate in our daily interactions here. Born Pauline Archer in Montreal in 1889, she married George Vanier, a military officer who turned diplomat and became Canada's Governor-General from 1959 to 1967. Throughout her life, Madame Vanier examplified true Christian values. She had a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a prayerful confidence in the love of God, setting aside daily time for prayer, reflection and meditation. She worked tirelessly alongside her husband, George, to help ease the pain and suffering of poor, disadvantaged and destitute people on every possible occasion. Following her husband's death in 1967, Madame Vanier joined her son Jean at L'Arche, a centre for handicapped people that Jean had founded at Trosly-Breuil, near Paris, France in 1967. At L"Arche, which means "ark" or "refuge", she became known as the community's grandmother despite what she described as her initial fear of disabled people, a fear that involved her own feeling of inadequacy when she was with them. Soon after her arrival at L'Arche, Mme Vanier said she recalled crying in the chapel when suddenly she felt a hand on the her shoulder. She turned and saw a young man standing behind her. Without speaking, he gently took her arm and walked her home. She realized then that in spite of his disability and the fact that he didn't know her well, he was concerned that she was sad and was, in his own way, trying to comfort her. His sensitivity touched her deeply and from that moment on her fear of the L'Arche residents began to disappear. When asked for permission to name this school in honour of his dear mother, Jean Vanier responding by writing: "I am very touched by your desire to name this new school "Pauline Vanier Catholic School". I hope and pray that it will be a place where the spirit of Jesus and of the Gospels will truly be present; where those who are poorer or who have learning difficulties may be welcomed and find their place." Madame Pauline Vanier's life of kindness, love and charity toward others makes her an excellent model for all who "learn and grow together with God" in this community. 3 Pauline Vanier School Mission Statement “Learning and Growing Together with God /Apprendre et Croitre avec Dieu” Pauline Vanier Catholic School provides opportunities for each student to become a responsible, resourceful life-long learner and builder of Christian communities. Members of our school community are called upon to share their unique God-given talents in creating a learning environment of the highest academic standards and deepest faith commitment. Student, staff, parents and parish are called to work in partnership on the journey of “Learning and Growing Together with God / Apprendre et Croitre avec Dieu” School Hours The office is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 PM Kindergarten Grades 1-8 AM AM 8:30-11:00 8:30-11:30 PM PM 12:30 -3:00 12:30-3:00 Recess (grades 1 to 8 only) AM 9:53- 10:08 PM 1:50- 2:05 Morning supervision of the schoolyard begins at 8:15 AM. Afternoon supervision of the kindergarten yard begins at 12:10 PM. Students should be at school during supervised times for their own protection. Should parents need to drop students off earlier, we have a PLASP program. Please call the PLASP Head Office (905-890-1711) to inquire about its services. Student Use of the Office Phone Between the hours of 8:00 and 3:30 PM, both phone lines in the school are often busy non-stop. To alleviate the frustration of those trying to reach the school or school personnel trying to get a line out, we request that when possible, parents write a brief note to the teacher for routine matters e.g. arranging to pick up a student early, or requesting the teacher to call a parent. Students are allowed to use the phone only with permission of a teacher, administrator or office personnel. 4 Attendance/Lateness Attendance is taken at the beginning of classes in the morning and afternoon, as well as being monitored throughout the day. Parents are asked to telephone the school using the Reporting Absences Number 905 455- 1001 ext. 0 to advise us of their child(ren)’s absences. Please note that calls made by students themselves will not be accepted. Each student has an attendance card that documents absences/lates and provides important information in the event that parental contact is required. It is most important that parents notify the school immediately if there has been a change of address, home or workplace phone numbers, babysitter or emergency contact. If students come to school after attendance has been taken in the morning or afternoon, they are requested to stop by the office and pick up an admit slip before proceeding to their classroom. Special Services Support Staff The Social Worker, Child and Youth Work, Speech and Language Pathologist and Psychologist work directly with teachers in diagnosing and meeting individual needs. Contact can be made through the school Psycho-Educational Consultant Social Worker Child and Youth Worker Speech & Language Pathologist K. Page S. Bidin M. Kates A. Donovan Parents are always notified in advance and their permission is sought , if any member of our support staff is recommended to work with a student. Emergency situations may arise and parents would be notified by the person involved. 5 ILLNESS/ACCIDENTS AT SCHOOL During the course of a school day, a child may become ill or suffer an accident. If your child becomes ill or is injured at school, every effort will be made to contact a parent as decisions for appropriate medical treatment must be made by a parent. In such events: 1. Our first action is to call you at home or at work. In most cases we prefer that you come to school and see your child safely home. 2. If we cannot reach a family by telephone, we attempt to contact the emergency number which we request from all families. We will the place your child in the care of this person. 3. If we are unable to be successful in either (a) or (b) then we will take the action we feel is necessary. A major incident requires immediate action. It is important to keep the office up-to-date with emergency information which gives your authorization to take your child to the hospital, etc. Our Board’s policy is to inform parents when a child has suffered a head injury, no matter how minor. We will also notify you if your child has an eye injury. Both of these types of injuries should be carefully monitored. Recess Children who come to school are expected to participate fully in the school program. This includes going out for recess. The recess break is vital for younger children and fresh air is not likely to worsen a mild cold, if the child is properly dressed. If the cold or illness is severe, we respectfully suggest that the child not be sent to school. A statement from the family Doctor should be presented for any medical reason where a child needs to remain indoors. In the event of severe inclement weather conditions, all the children are kept indoors and supervised by the teachers on duty. 6 Emergency Evacuation Plan Should Pauline Vanier School become unsuitable for occupation, the school has an emergency evacuation plan worked out under the guidelines of the school board and in conjunction with our community. If a decision to evacuate is made, our designated location is the South Fletcher’s Recreation Centre. The evacuation plan would be put into practice only in extreme emergencies. Visitors To The School In the interest of safety, we must know who is in the school or on the grounds at all times. All visitors to the school, parents and babysitters included, are asked to use the front doors and must report to the office when picking up students during the day. All visitors are required to wear identification badges that are available at the office. As a courtesy to our staff and our students, we request that parents not wait around classroom doors or interrupt classes to speak to a teacher. Students are to meet parents outside; fire exits must not be congested. If you wish to discuss a matter with a teacher, please arrange an appropriate time so that the teacher can give full, undivided attention to your concern. For safety reasons, dogs are not to be brought onto school property, no matter how quiet and friendly they usually are. Trespass to Property Act The intent of this provincial legislation is to clarify the rights and responsibilities of both occupant and visitor. Quite simply, visitors to a school building are expected to exhibit the same courtesy one would expect from a caller to a private home. The onus is on the visitor to ascertain any restrictions which apply with respect to use of school grounds. Hazardous conduct or willful damage is an offence subject to prosecution under Provincial Trespass Act. Bicycles, Scooters, Roller Blades & Skateboards Students and parents are to walk their bicycles once they are on school property. We advise all students to LOCK THEIR BICYCLES. The school is not responsible for any lost or damaged bicycles. Safety helmets are recommended for all students who ride their bikes to school. Skateboards, Scooters and Roller Blades are NOT PERMITTED on school property. There is no space in the school to store roller blades, scooters, skateboards and the safety equipment that must be worn. 7 . Reporting to the Children’s Aid Society Important changes to the Child and Family Services Act became effective on March 31, 2000. Any person who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is abused, neglected, or exposed to risk by care givers must report this to the CAS or Police. It is not necessary to be sure or to have evidence. Determining whether there is or is not actual reason to report is the job of the police and CAS workers. Suspicion of failure to meet the physical, medical, or psychological needs of a child (neglect), and/ or failure to provide adequate care and/or supervision are examples of reasons to report.Children under ten years of age may not be left alone or in the care of anyone under the age of twelve years. When in doubt, a report of suspected child abuse should be made to the CAS who will advise the caller further. Please be advised that all school staff are under strict obligation to report and can face severe consequences for failure to do so. Please be advised that it is your duty to report directly to the Police or Children’s Aid if you have reason to suspect abuse or neglect. The phone number of the CAS is 905-363-6131. Liturgical Celebrations/Reception of Sacraments The Pauline Vanier School community embraces many opportunities to foster the growth of our students’ spiritual lives, as well as to celebrate the richness of our liturgical heritage and faith commitment. Our school day begins with prayer. Students write and read their prayers over the Public Address System each morning. School Masses and Paralitugies are celebrated throughout the year. Students are involved in the preparation and leading of these joyful celebrations. The dates and times are shared in our Newsletters as we extend a warm welcome to parents/guardians to participate and celebrate with us at Pauline Vanier School. Extra-Curricular Activities 8 Extra-Curricular activities provide opportunities outside the realm of the academic for meeting with a variety of situations requiring social interaction and engendering personality development. Because these activities are school generated, it is necessary that rules and regulations be established for the safety and well being of all concerned. This year, your son/daughter will have an opportunity to take fields trips as part of their extra-curricular activities. Prior to these events, permission and Element of Risk forms will be sent home. It is important that these forms be filled out, signed and returned to school by due dates. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED ON ANY TRIP WITHOUT THE SIGNED PERMISSION AND RISKS FORM. TEACHERS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. School Sports Teams Pauline Vanier School has several teams for which any student in the Junior and Intermediate Division may try out. The criteria used to select members of the team will be shared with students. To be on a school team, students must maintain a positive attitude, demonstrate responsibility in their academic performance and display good conduct in school. If a students is recommended to be removed from a team, parents will be contacted beforehand. Please remember that the office is closed at 4:00 PM each day. Students staying for games or practices must make arrangements for rides before that time. Gym Clothes All students need a change of clothes and running shoes so that they can participate fully in Physical Education classes. The shoes must be of the type which will not leave skid marks on the floor. Please make sure that all gym clothes are brought home regularly for washing. Clearly label all gym clothes and shoes with your child’s name as these articles are frequently misplaced. . . CATHOLIC CODE OF CONDUCT 9 Overview 1. The Principal of each school, in conjunction with the school community, shall be responsible to distribute and implement this Catholic Code of Conduct which emphasizes a Catholic environment, the nurturing of a sense of self-worth, selfdiscipline, and respect for others. 2. This Catholic Code of Conduct may be enhanced to include additional expectations and consequences as appropriate to specific needs and/or circumstances within a particular school community. 3. All staff shall implement this Catholic Code of Conduct. 4. The Principal shall review a range of appropriate proactive strategies and/or programs. The Principal is encouraged, in consultation with staff, to select and utilize proactive strategies and/or programs based on school and/or student needs. 10 Responsibilities In order to uphold the right of all school members to access a safe school community, there are a number of corresponding responsibilities for which all school members must be accountable to ensure a safe and positive learning environment. 1. Board Responsibilities The school board provides direction that ensures opportunity, excellence and accountability in the education system by: 2. • Developing policies that set out how schools will implement and enforce the Provincial Code of Conduct and all other rules that are developed and relate to the provincial standards for respect, civility, responsible citizenship and physical safety; • seeking input from school councils and reviewing these policies regularly with students, staff, parents, volunteers and the community; • establishing a process that clearly communicates the Provincial Code of Conduct to all parents, students and staff in a manner that ensures their commitment and support; • ensuring an effective intervention strategy and response to all infractions related to the standards for respect, civility, responsible citizenship and physical safety; • providing opportunities for all staff to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to develop and maintain academic excellence and safe learning and teaching environments. Common School Community Member Responsibilities Everyone has the responsibility of: • contributing to making the school environment safe and conducive to learning/working, free from discrimination, physical and/or psychological abuse; • being a partner in the school community and working co-operatively with each other; and • modeling appropriate behaviour and supporting the school code of conduct by upholding the standards of behaviour. 11 3. Principal Responsibilities Principals, under the direction of the school board, take a leadership role in the daily operation of the school by: 4. • demonstrating care and commitment to academic excellence and a safe teaching and learning environment; • holding everyone, under their authority, accountable for their behaviour and actions; • communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of their school community. Staff Responsibilities Teachers and staff, under the leadership of their principal, maintain order in the school and hold everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour by: 5. • helping students work to their full potential and develop their self-worth; • communicating regularly and meaningfully with parents; • maintaining consistent standards of behaviour for all students; • demonstrating respect and maintaining confidentiality regarding all students, staff and parents; • preparing students for the full responsibilities of citizenship. Student Responsibilities Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. They demonstrate respect and responsibility by: • coming to school prepared, appropriately dressed, on time and ready to learn; • showing respect for themselves, for others and for those in authority; • refraining from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others; 12 6. Parent Responsibilities Parents play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students by: 7. • attending to their child's physical, spiritual and emotional well-being; • showing an active interest in their child's school work and progress; • communicating regularly with the school; • helping their child be neat, appropriately dressed and prepared for school; • ensuring that their child attends school regularly and on time; • promptly reporting to the school their child's absence or late arrival; • becoming familiar with the school’s Catholic Code of Conduct and school rules; • encouraging and assisting their child in following the rules of behaviour; • assisting and supporting school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues. Police and Community Member Responsibilities Police and community members are essential partners in making our schools and communities safer. Community members need to support and respect the rules of their local schools. Police investigate incidents in accordance with the Board "Police and School Response Protocol" which is based on a provincial model developed by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and the Ministry of Education. 13 PROCESS OF DISCIPLINE The process of student discipline shall reflect Catholic values. An essential element of this Catholic Code of Conduct is a clear outline of disciplinary procedures and consistent, effective, and appropriate consequences. Those responsible for ensuring that the Catholic Code of Conduct is enforced must have sufficient latitude to meet the needs of all students within the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board while at the same time assuring a consequence for each inappropriate behaviour. This would include consideration of any mitigating factors recognized in the student Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.). Interventions • Informal interview with the student • Formal interview with the student • Parental involvement: by telephone, correspondence, interview • Utilization of behavioural, attendance or performance contracts • Involvement of school support personnel • Involvement of chaplain and/or parish resources • Referral to school Special Services team • Attendance conference • Referral to outside agencies i.e. Children’s Aid, police, treatment or medical agencies. • Mentor and/or peer mediation 14 Consequences The following are among the consequences that may be initiated in response to incidents of inappropriate behaviour: • Detention of student (for transported students see Board Regulation 7.10 #6) • Removal of privileges to attend extracurricular/co-curricular programs • Removal of student from the classroom to an alternate setting within the school with supervision • Requiring the student to make restitution where appropriate • Temporary withdrawal from school • Suspension as set out in the Education Act and Board Policy, Regulation and Procedure • Expulsion under the Education Act and Board Policy, Regulation and Procedure school related functions and/or Documentation Records shall be kept by staff dealing with the student in conjunction with the administering of the consequences in the Catholic Code of Conduct. EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENTS: The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will do everything in its power to create a Catholic learning community in which students will be able to develop their spiritual, intellectual, physical and social potential. It is the expectation of the Board that students will respond positively and avail themselves of their opportunities. The Catholic Community finds it’s expression in sacraments, practices, rituals, prayer gatherings, community outreach, and a deep respect for the Catholic faith. All students must respect our Catholic expression as this is the reason for our Catholic schools. Students who attend a Catholic school in Dufferin-Peel must, by routine, acknowledge and support the Catholic nature of the school and do nothing that would take away from this purpose. Within this context, the Board, therefore, acknowledges the following rights and responsibilities for its students: 15 Rights • to be respected in both person and conscience as a son or daughter of God; • to learn in a safe, orderly and stimulating Catholic environment; • to have reasonable access to the facilities and equipment of the school; • to participate in appropriate programs offered by the school; • to be conscientiously instructed by staff. Responsibilities • to respect the person, property and rights of all members of the school community; • to give respect, obedience and cooperation to all adults in positions of responsibility in the school; • to comply with all particular school expectations and regulations respecting student behaviour; • to contribute positively to the Christian climate of the school; • to use language that is appropriate to their dignity as Christians; • to adhere to the school dress code; • to respect the property of the school and others at all times: building, grounds, equipment, materials; • to be in attendance at all classes and scheduled activities on time and with the materials required for full participation; • to take part in services offered by the school to its community; • to participate fully in the religious life of the school, including the celebration of liturgy, Religious Education courses, retreats and related activities; • to welcome the opportunity to participate, as appropriate to their status and conscience, in the sacramental life of the Church, and, in particular, as it is celebrated in the school context 16 17 18