AbstractID: 9718 Title: Dose Measurement in Mammography; What are we...

AbstractID: 9718 Title: Dose Measurement in Mammography; What are we measuring?
The ACR specifies the protocol for measurement of breast entrance exposure and average glandular dose as a part of the annually
required mammography quality control tests performed by the medical physicist. This presentation provides a review of the
procedures that are used for measurement and the calculations that are performed to obtain the average glandular dose. The models
and principles behind the conversion factors provided in the ACR Mammography Quality Control Manual are discussed to review the
development and limitations of the prescribed calculations. The basis for extending dose calculations to patient specific cases is
presented and examples of the general dose trends that may be expected for patients having variations of compressed breast thickness
and glandular/adipose tissue compositions are presented.
At the conclusion of the presentation, participants should understand;
1) the dose measurement procedure prescribed for the annual physics testing of mammography equipment,
2) the background, rationale and limitations for the prescribed measurements,
3) techniques that permit patient specific doses to be measured, and
4) relative trends of glandular dose as a function of compressed breast thickness and glandularity.