AbstractID: 8072 Title: SRS/SBRT Planning, QA and Clinical Applications on... Everything that's not a CyberKnife or GammaKnife

AbstractID: 8072 Title: SRS/SBRT Planning, QA and Clinical Applications on Linacs on
Everything that's not a CyberKnife or GammaKnife
Stereotactic radiosurgery has become the standard of care in the treatment of many cranial
neoplasms. This success has stimulated significant interest in the application of such an approach
for the treatment of extracranial tumors. With the development of image guidance technologies,
there is a possibility that rigid-head fixation can be eliminated; image guidance is also accelerating
the clinical implementation of the approach in extracranial sites. An essential prerequisite of
“frameless” stereotactic systems is that they provide localization accuracy consistent with the safe
delivery of a therapeutic dose of radiation given in one or few fractions. In this presentation we will
review linac-based SRS/SBRT technologies for technologies with particular emphasis on the quality
assurance aspects associated frame-based and frameless localization with establishing and
maintaining a clinical program
Educational Objectives
Understand localization principles for linac based radiosurgery
Review quality assurance processes for frame-based and frameless radiosurgery