What problem are we trying to solve?

What problem are we trying to solve?
We have no sustainability plan (3 votes)
Raise awareness/involvement (4 votes)
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 3 votes)
Reduce Campus waste (1 vote)
Reduce wasteful use of various resources/Save $
Reduce waste/Cost by recycling/reusing (2 votes)
Reduce waste; Cleaner planet
Regulation of waste
Bring awareness of existing efforts/process to reduce the college’s waste streams & develop
new ideas the college can adopt to further reduce waste. (1 vote)
What is our goal for this project?
Adopt and model best practices in the area of green initiatives and recycling/ be a leader in this area (1
Create a workable process
Get everyone involved (3 votes)
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 5 votes)
Create an effective sustainability policy & procedures (documented) (1 vote)
A program that has support to continue long after we are gone (1 vote)
A comprehensive, sustainable, college-wide recycling/reuse plan (1 vote)
- Reduce waste stream
- Increase recyclables
- Reduce litter and trash
Long term - LEED certification for school (1 vote)
What will success look like?
Website as a communication tool
Training on any new policies & procedures for all staff & faculty
Student awareness & involvement
Fewer trash pick-ups. Less expense, more green!
It becomes the new normal (2 votes)
Clearly documented sustainability plan
Various metrics that gauge our production of waste will be reduced (i.e. we use less paper, less
electricity, etc.) (1 vote)
Mott is recognized by outside parties as a model organization in this area (2 votes)
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 1vote)
Strong leadership on environmental issues
Board and administration will support it.
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 5 votes)
Everyone will know about it and can use it
Employee involvement
Campus wide awareness/ involvement by faculty, staff, students
Campus-wide program that everyone will embrace
What values are important to us as we work on this?
Respect for other views (1 vote)
Integrity and fiscal awareness (1 vote)
Commitment of leadership to act (1 vote)
Respecting time, hearing without judging, team work!, thinking outside the box – unique ideas.
Must be sustainable (2 votes)
Goodwill of the people - uses resources wisely and not adversely impacting community and future
Clarity of purpose; comprehensive approach, inclusion; model best practices; wise use of resources (3
Everyone should be involved (1 vote)
Who will benefit from the success of this project?
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 7 votes)
Community, students, employees, wildlife, Mother Nature, partners, future generations
The environment, college (cost savings)
Everyone – earth, employees, students, community
The college, employees, students, local community, possible new business relationships & new
curriculum (1 vote)
Future generations
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 3 votes)
Mott campuses, its employees, the neighborhood and the future of our “earth”
Students; employees; the environment; “generations yet unborn” 
Why does this project appeal to you?
Participating in a project to protect our lands (1 vote)
The idea of creating a program that betters our lives and those of our children is enchanting
If not with me – Who? (1 vote)
I want my kids to have a cleaner environment
Because I love all things natural (1 vote)
Care about people and serving them responsibly (1 vote)
I hate waste! And I want to be a better steward for a cleaner world (5 votes)
Reduce blight from trash, encourage responsible consumption, recycleart! Team involvement/social
community activities (5 votes)
Why is this project important?
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 1vote)
Cost savings
Cost reduction
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 3 votes)
Cleaner campus/environment (1 vote)
Need to reduce waste going into landfills, cleaner environment
Toxins in the environment will impact health and costs of health care (1 vote)
Limited resources – need to find ways to be environmentally responsible, need to have each other learn
how to be environmentally responsible, bring our local area back to respectability (1 vote)
Legacy costs (2 votes)
MCC needs to be a good steward of all its resources to maximize our effectiveness and efficiency (5
Our earth needs us!
Because our future depends on the decisions we make today!
What opportunities does this project represent?
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 3 votes)
Reduction of costs
Cost savings
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 0 votes)
Educational, curriculum dev, people development, economic development
Example for the community
Show the community we care about it (1 vote)
Goodwill, cost savings, low impact on people’s [can’t read] health, and feelings
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 2 votes)
Potential collaborations with other in the community, especially other large organizations (e.g.
Hospitals, higher ed. Institutions, etc.) (3 votes)
Networking; better ideas/opportunities
Jobs for businesses involved in recycling/reusing, savings in purchased products, healthier environment,
brings people together to accomplish goals (5 votes)
What areas of strength does the college have to build
upon that relate to the challenge (problem) we are
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 5 votes)
Pride in our campus
Group of motivated people willing to spend time educating and organizing (1 vote)
We care
Creative knowledgeable staff and students, environmental club, new industries (curriculum) (2
Students, faculty and staff are interested in helping with this effort (1 vote)
Strong leadership, caring staff and students
Committed staff, talented employees with skills to accomplish and implement; public attention
to push the effort into the community.
Community relationships
Getting ready to expand recycling effort soon (1 vote)
Technology to communicate & disseminate plan/program (2 votes)
IT/Cloud-based software.
What challenges/weaknesses does the college face as
we address issues involving green initiatives and
People working in silos not knowing what others at the college are doing
Logistics (1 vote)
We do not currently have board policies to give us broad direction on this topic (1 vote)
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 7 votes)
People’s blase attitude toward the need
Getting everyone on board
Campus wide involvement/buy-in
People don’t always want to change – resistance
Responses below were grouped together (group as a whole received 3 votes)
Limited resources/ $$ to fund project
Cost, time, support, willingness to change (1 vote)
Lack of money/resources to do everything we want to do
Initiation costs
More work for less people