FOR ACTION Board of Trustees Charles Stewart Mott Community College Regular Meeting, June 25, 2012 Volume 44 Treasurer’s Report for May 2012 This resolution is recommended. Be it Resolved, That The Charles Stewart Mott Community College Board of Trustees Accepts the financial report of the College for the month of May, 2012 as presented by the Administration. Reviewed and Submitted By: _____________________________________ Larry Gawthrop, CFO Date: June 25, 2012 Board Policy Statement Reference: “3100 Budget Adoption: General: The Board recognizes that its annual budget represents the programmatic direction and vision of the College. It is also designed to meet both the legal requirements and needs of the College. 1. The Finance Committee shall receive and review budget reports on a monthly basis.” May Treasurer’s Report Larry Gawthrop, CPA Chief Financial Officer June 25, 2012 Summary of Expenditures: Month of May Spending: General Fund: All Other Funds: Total: $ $ $ 6,056,114 2,684,173 8,740,287 Comments on General Fund Financial Statements: • Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Net Assets In summary, total revenues for the eleven months ended May 31, was approximately $69.7 million, representing 91.2% of the annual budget. This is 1.3% lower than last year at this time, when we had recognized 92.5% of budgeted revenues. The most significant changes continue to be in the Tuition and fees, Property taxes, and State Appropriations which are discussed further below. General Fund expenditures for the eleven months ended May 31, are at $62.7 million representing 80.8% of the annual budget, .8% lower than one year ago. Revenues Tuition and fee revenues are $38.8 million for the eleven months ended, which is $1.5 million ahead of last year, mainly due to the tuition rate increase. Property taxes collected are $17.8 million through May. The amount budgeted is $19.1 million, down $1.8 million from last year’s $20.9 million and is based on final taxable value figures provided by the Genesee County Equalization Department. State appropriations - we received our eighth installment in May, totaling approximately $1.3 million. The total budgeted amount for the current fiscal year is $14.4 million or approximately $700 thousand (4.88%) less than last year. This includes the loss of the renaissance zone payments we received in past years. Expenditures Salaries and Wages are at $34.9 million, or 86.8% of the annual budget, down from 88.8% one year ago. Fringe Benefits are at $15.3 million, or 86.2% of the annual budget, down from 87.2% of the budgeted amount, one year ago. The increase in actual to actual is mainly due to the MPSERS rate increase. Other Expenditures The Other Expenses area significant variances when compared to the prior year actuals were in the Contracted services, Materials and supplies, Operations/communications and Utilities and insurance areas. A majority of the contracted services area is due to the Information Technology contractors being charged to and paid out of the general fund instead of the 72 fund as was done previously and a reduction in financial aid consultants. The materials and supplies decrease was mainly on the instructional side. The Operations/ communications reduction was in the areas of institutional administration and technology, also there were reductions in legal fees and advertising/publicity. The Utilities and insurance variance is mainly due to the timing of the water payments from last year and an increase in electrical rates. • Balance Sheet Total Assets are at approximately $26.7 million, down approximately $1.1 million from last May. The largest differences are a $6.9 million decrease in Due from other funds, a $4.8 million increase in Cash and cash equivalents, and a $825 thousand increase in Accounts receivable. The increase in Accounts receivable is due to a reduction in the allowance compared to the previous year as well as the tuition increase. Due to/Due from Other Funds The College maintains one checking account for all of its funds; deposits and disbursements. This necessitates the short-term “loaning” or “borrowing” between the funds throughout the year depending on which funds revenue or expenditures are being deposited or paid out. Each month the accounting department clears these “due to’s” and “due from’s” respectively assigning the activity to the proper fund. However, significant activity can occur after these transfers are completed, causing large variances when compared to the previous period. At approximately $12.2 million, Total Liabilities are up approximately $10 thousand from last May’s balance. The most significant changes were in the areas of Accounts payabletiming differences in payment of student loan balances, Accrued payroll and related liabilities- timing difference in the payment of the health insurance premium payments from year to year, Unearned Revenue – Summer and Fall tuition revenues not yet earned, Other Accrued Liabilities - the recording of the estimated amount of the real property tax refunds created by the appeals filed with the Michigan Tax Tribunal, and a decrease in Accrued termination pay partly due to employee retirements and a decrease in the actuarial computation at year-end. Comments on spending from other funds: • Of the approximately $2.7 million spent in the other funds, $537 thousand was expended out of the Maintenance and Replacement Funds for capital improvements, $2.2 million from the Debt Retirement Funds for required principal and interest payments on our outstanding debt, and the remaining $4.6 million out of the Agency, Scholarships, and Federal Grants, for grant activities and student scholarships. Mott Community College General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Net Assets For the 11 Month Ended May 31, 2012 With Comparative Totals at May 31, 2011 FY 2011-2012 Budget YTD Actuals as of 05/31/12 Actual to Actual $ Change YTD Actuals as of 05/31/11 Actual to Actual % Change Revenues: Tuition and fees Property taxes State appropriations Ballenger trust Grants and other Total revenues $ 39,630,462 $ 38,806,606 $ 19,125,451 17,808,090 14,383,600 10,590,652 1,514,908 1,318,058 1,736,542 1,171,540 37,287,781 18,833,011 11,026,496 1,498,135 1,025,818 $ 1,518,825 (1,024,921) (435,844) (180,077) 145,722 76,390,963 69,694,946 69,671,241 23,705 40,201,485 17,795,304 6,598,791 2,487,767 242,350 2,546,100 4,916,009 2,412,841 409,300 34,912,092 15,338,709 4,667,859 1,688,230 220,435 2,382,084 2,943,958 478,865 106,275 34,731,772 14,394,928 4,321,389 1,772,841 195,354 2,197,050 3,386,956 307,836 70,136 180,320 943,781 346,470 (84,611) 25,081 185,034 (442,998) 171,029 36,139 77,609,947 62,738,507 61,378,262 1,360,245 (1,218,984) 6,956,439 8,292,979 (1,336,540) 4.07% -5.44% -3.95% -12.02% 14.21% 0.03% Expenditures: Salaries and wages Fringe benefits Contracted services Materials and supplies Facilities rent Utilities and insurance Operations/communications Transfers Capital outlay Total expenditures Net increase/(decrease) in net assets 0.52% 6.56% 8.02% -4.77% 12.84% 8.42% -13.08% 55.56% 51.53% 2.22% -16.12% Mott Community College General Fund Balance Sheet May 31, 2012 With Comparative Totals at May 31, 2011 As of May 31 2012 Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Short term investments Due from (to) other funds Accounts receivable - net of allowance for uncollectible accounts ($2,818,154 for 2012 and $3,200,482 for 2011) Inventories Prepaid expenses and other assets Total Assets $ 16,769,179 $ 936 (944,395) 10,519,811 88,167 224,016 As of May 31 2011 11,987,792 $ 936 5,915,321 9,694,467 87,305 105,977 $ Change 4,781,387 (6,859,716) 825,344 862 118,039 $ 26,657,714 $ 27,791,798 $ (1,134,084) $ 1,658,859 $ 1,874,442 8,786 5,723,790 480,732 1,785,616 $ 1,282,085 32,951 5,840,900 521,023 (126,757) 592,357 (24,165) (117,110) (40,291) 9,746,609 9,462,575 284,034 Accrued termination pay 2,488,579 2,762,365 (273,786) Total Liabilities 12,235,188 12,224,940 10,248 Net Assets Unrestricted 14,422,526 15,566,858 (1,144,332) Total Net Assets 14,422,526 15,566,858 (1,144,332) 26,657,714 $ 27,791,798 $ (1,134,084) Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued payroll and related liabilities Deposits held for others Unearned revenue Other accrued liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities and Net Assets $