Syllabus and Student Responsibilities Spanish V AP Ms Wiegner

Syllabus and Student Responsibilities
Spanish V AP
Ms Wiegner
Room: B205
Phone number: 610-627-6252
E-mail: (click on Penncrest/efaculty/Wiegner)
This course is designed to develop advanced skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing and to prepare
students taking the AP Spanish Language Exam. The focus is to improve language and communicative skills.
Culturally, the focus will be Spain, though we will briefly explore other cultures (from Latin America) as well.
Students will examine short story readings, news articles and current events of the Spanish speaking world.
We will practice synthesizing, summarizing and interpreting various forms of primary sources; this practice will
hone the skills students need for the AP test. All parts of the Spanish AP Language Exam will be practiced
throughout the year. In addition, each student will participate in an oral “exit interview” to determine his or her
level of proficiency based on the ACTFL guidelines. The course is conducted completely in Spanish and
students are expected to use Spanish in the classroom at all times.
Grade of C or better in Spanish IV
Books and materials:
 Repaso for grammar explanation and practice
 Perspectivas Culturales for the culture of Spain
 Abriendo Puertas for literature from different Spanish speaking countries
 A.P. Spanish: Preparing for the Language Exam
 Various internet resources and websites
Materials you are expected to have at ALL times:
-Texts- All of the textbooks will remain in the classroom, unless homework is given.
-Notebook- You will need to take notes on grammar, vocabulary, modismos, culture, etc…
-I-pad- You will need to have your Ipad everyday!
-Pen or pencil
Grades: Your grade for this class will be based on your performance in the following areas:
-Homework grade- homework will be given often and depending on the assignment checked for
varying points. You may not make up homework for credit unless missed due to absence. After
absence, homework is due the day you return (before class) or it will turn into a zero. It is your
responsibility to show me the missed homework. There is no excuse not to know what the
homework was, call a friend or the homework hotline. If you were in class to get the homework, then it
is due the day you return to school. *When you are absent from class but are in school (i.e.-sectionals,
field trips, early dismissals, lateness, etc…) you are still required to show me your homework that is
due, set a date to take any missed tests/quizzes, and copy down the homework for that night.
-Participation grade- participation is essential in a language classroom. You learn to speak by
speaking! Participation also includes being prepared for class with all materials and staying on
task at all times. Failure to do so will result in a lower participation grade.
-Verb sheet quizzes
-AP practices (they include: reading, listening, writing and speaking practices from the AP test)
-Projects (Ex: Oral presentations)
-There is a final exam for this course. (unless you decide to take the AP test)
-Extra credit is generally not given.
*A Note About Academic Integrity:
As outlined in the Penncrest High School Student Handbook (pp. 33-34), students are expected to approach
their studies in a diligent and honest manner. Any student caught cheating (or aiding another student to
cheat) on a test or quiz, copying homework from another, or otherwise behaving in a dishonest manner
will receive a grade of ZERO for that particular assessment, and the student’s parents will be notified.
Cheating does include the use of online translators.
Make up work:
Getting assignments and making up work after absence is YOUR responsibility. The homework makeup policy is listed above. If you are absent from class, ask a friend for notes you may have missed and ask me
for any handouts.
If you miss a test or quiz you must see me the day you return to school to schedule a date/time to make
it up. You have ONE WEEK to make up tests/quizzes. Make-up tests and quizzes will normally be given
before/after school or during a study hall, not during class. Any tests or quizzes not made up in the appropriate
time frame will result in a grade of zero. Under no circumstances can a student make up any work if his/her
absence was unexcused.
*I am here to help you succeed. Please communicate with me about any trouble you are having in class.
Sometimes it just takes an extra explanation or some one-on-one time. I am available most days after school
for extra help or make-up work.
*As a final reminder, you are expected to display a cooperative and respectful attitude at all times. No
disrespect of anyone in the room will be tolerated.
Parents, please feel free to contact me. You can reach me at school at the following number-610-627-6252 or
by e-mail at
I will be happy to call you at home or work.
I look forward to a great year!
Ms Wiegner