IN ATTENDANCE: Carla B., Deb P., Rose L., Cindy G., Luisa D., Bridget O., John D., Paul S., Brian F., Kelly D.,
Connie K., Chris G., Alex M., Caroline H., Peter F., Alex M., Carolyn H., Joseph l., Constable Mark Benowitz
Opening Prayer
- Brian F. led us in prayer
Meeting call to order
Student Update
Alex M. and Chris G. welcomed everyone to meeting
Jenna and Anneta gave overview of all happenings
-Feb 19- Semi-formal-starting to sell tickets $55 before exams/%60
-Fun House/Mardi-Gras theme
Christmas activities successful- Santa Claus, gingerbread cookies,
food drive
-Breakfast doing well- chocolate milk added great success
-possible fundraisers, food drive for next semester-Sick Kids
Chair Mario Pascucci Update
-Mario updated us on the Full Day JK/SK program- will be in
selected schools for Sept. 2010/11- Queen of Heaven will be one of
them with overflow going to St. Dominic
- Board Technology- how can the board keep up with the fast
increase of technology- how to get schools to become wireless
-Alex comment- we need tools from the Board to retain students in
our schools- St. Paul’s is smaller- how to get the edge- need more
-Find the Who in everyone not the What- Cardinal Tom Collins
comments- great impact
- April 10- CCCSC in-service- computer update, overview on luring
Role at school level- positive reinforcement in school environment
-still have impact and involvement where needed with criminal/law
enforcing areas
- other areas of constant concern - bullying, facebook, cyberspace
-St. Paul has its problems but not as much as most larger school
-importance of having cameras in the school- the more the better
CCCSC- Feb 10-7:00pm- Carole Bertuzzi-Luciani- Miss. Convention
-Feb. 25--7:30pm- Doren Lawson- guest speaker- Raising Children of
Character @ St. Paul (cost covered with pro grant money) (this
event is now cancelled will be rebooked next school year)
- promote it in feeder schools, church bulletins, websites
Kelly update current bank balance- 1801.32+ 500.00= 2301.32
NPC Officer Mark Benowitz
Co-Chair Report
Financial Report
Parish Update
Connie- Fr. Leo Almaza thanked parishioners for warm welcome
and stay here-will return for Holy Week- Fr. Leo will lead Lenten
-St. Vincent de Paul Society- overwhelmed by the generous
contributions during Christmas
Staff Report
Principal Report
Vice-Principal Report
- together with Parish Social Ministry, 116 families were assisted
- Christmas collection- $12,929
- Youth Ministry hosted an Evening Encounter with Santa- generous
- Parish Family skating party- successful
- Pasta dinner- Sunday, Jan 31-tickets available after every mass or
church office
-Youth Ministry meets Fridays-7:00-9:30pm- in parish hall
Caroline - Drama showcase-students in program for parents- Jan
14-6 or 7pm
- Christmas raffle successful- raised $2500- 13 families within our
own community and 8 families through the church were supported
– thank you to all donations
-students preparing for EQAO- teachers are available for assistance
where necessary
- 2010- retreats starting with gr. 9, Think Fast coming- hopefully 50
students to attend
-Haiti is our connection/focus- Act Now initiative
-Feb. Black History-Feb 25- Board wide conference @ Cardinal
-Boys’ Sr. Basketball won Rick Hansen Tournament on weekend
-Boys’ Jr. hockey team lost game today, Girls’ hockey team
dominated today’s game-9-3
-April 4- Gr. 10-Literacy test
-Staffing updates- 47 positions posted this week in Board for new
school – movement will happen
-late Feb, Secondary School positions start to post
- losing 3 LTO end of Term 1( teachers returning)
-Program Dept ( board) supporting SHSM with $80,000
- Diane Swaine- CBC – spent morning with the SHSM Broadcasting
group today - sharing her knowledge, experiences
- on 6:00pm news made mention of St. Pauls School and how
impressed and advanced the group was
-Open House-Jan 26 SHSM-7:30pm
-Speak up grants- option A-Theatre group, option B- Talent night
-Exams- Jan 25
-composting project on track,
Construction SHSM- a lot of new and exciting ideas and areas to
- Just Catering which serves Secondary school cafeterias contract
will end June- bidding will happen
-Exams- Jan 25-pd 1, Jan 26-pd 2, Jan 27-pd 3, Jan 27-pd 4, Jan 29snow day (if necessary), Feb 1- review exam marks day, Feb 2-PD
Day, Feb 3- 1st day 2nd Semester
- report cards go home with students- Feb 5
- Alex-Minutes from previous meeting- approved by Rose L, Cindy