S um s ’ U K W Ma m r e e m m r Su s n o i s s e S Se s s ! L O O C ings u l o o pcoh ne cla S r e m ss Heat m u S k i ng ing th 8 0 20 at a t ime A brief Summary of Summer 2008, including: • Course Enrollments • College Data • Course Section Information • Summer Stipend Data • Marketing Efforts e m m u S o i s s e S r www.wku.edu/summer 270.745.2478 summer.sessions@wku.edu Summer Sessions is a unit of the Division of Extended Learning & Outreach Summer Sessions Annual Report Table of Contents • Summer Highlights…………………………………………………………………..……………….…..Page 3 • Mission, Definitions, Acknowledgements……………………………………………………..Page 4 • Overall Summer Statistics…………..………………………………………………………….……..Page 5 • Enrollment by Session…………………………………………………………..……………….………Pages 6‐7 • Student Type……………………………………………………………………………………………......Page 8 • Enrollment by College……………………………………………………………………………….…...Page 9 • Enrollment by Campus, Alternate Delivery…………………………………………………….Page 10 • Stipend Data, Winter Term Effect……………………………………………………………….….Page 11 • Summer Tuition Comparison, Marketing Expenses………………………………………..Page 12 • College Data by Department…………………………………………………………………….…….Pages 13‐19 • Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………………….…….……Pages 20‐42 Summer 2008 Highlights • • • Enrollment: There were 6125 students to take Summer 2008 classes. This was a 2% decrease from Summer 2007. Course enrollment was 11512, which was also down 2% from the previous summer. Student credit hour production was 33461 this summer, again a 2% decrease. Over 1540 sections were open on June 2, 2008, a 3.1% decrease from Summer 2007. Study Abroad: There were 246 students that studied abroad in Summer 2008 to a total of 29 locations. The locations included: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Beijing, Belgium, Belize, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mediterranean, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Scotland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, and Vietnam. SEE Program: Bowling Green Community College, in partnership with the Office of Summer Sessions, developed an innovative new Summer Early Entry (SEE) Program for incoming freshmen. The program is designed to allow students to take developmental classes early to ensure that they will be better prepared for college when they began in the fall. Students took up to two courses in the July session ‐ a Reading or English course in the morning, followed by a Math course (two levels were offered) in the afternoon. During lunch, students gathered to learn more about college study skills and attended presentations on improving their college experience. The first pilot group was held this past summer with approximately 50 enrollments and 23 students. The Summer Sessions office sponsored a closing ceremony lunch on August 6 where students received certificates of completion and words of wisdom from BGCC faculty and Dr. Dean Kahler, Academic Affairs Associate Vice President. • Creative Writing Workshop: WKU’s English department offered a Fiction Writing workshop for advanced writers at the undergraduate and graduate level. The workshop met in July with Dr. Lee Martin, a visiting professor and head of the Creative Writing Program at Ohio State University. Dr. Karen Schneider, English Department Head stated, “Happily, this fiction workshop is the premier event of what we hope will become a regular addition to our dynamic creative writing program.” The course was an excellent opportunity for students to learn from a highly respected author who has been hailed by critics as “a writer to watch and love”. • Dual Credit: Through partnerships with Bowling Green Community College and WKU’s Glasgow campus, the Dual Credit Program offered university courses through it’s Summer Session for High School students. This unique academic opportunity served 28 students through two courses – HIS 119 and SOC 100 (one section offered at each campus). Summer Housing: Once again students had the option to live on campus during their summer class(es). This summer, Hugh Poland hall was open. • • The Office of Summer Sessions partnered with CAB to provide Networking Lunch on May 21st. CAB also helped sponsor an Indiana Jones movie marathon in May. Students watched the series in DUC, and then went to the midnight showing of the new movie. • Full‐time faculty stipend increase: The stipend rate for full‐time faculty was increased this summer to 9% of base salary with a cap of $4500 for a 3 credit hour course. (Last summer’s rate was 8% with a $4000 cap). Page 3 Mission: The Office of Summer Sessions supports the overall mission of Western Kentucky University by providing academic opportunities that will benefit both students and faculty. We will work to maintain optimal enrollment during summer sessions, as we extend access to lifelong learners. We will address students’ emerging needs in order to enhance student success at Western Kentucky University. Definitions: Structured Courses: Courses with set meeting times and dates, including C (Lecture/Lab), L (Lecture), and S (Seminar) courses, but does not include independent study, thesis, and practicum courses Sections: Courses may have multiple sections offered in the same session and each of the sections are counted Enrollment: Registration in course sections Head Count: Students registered for more than one course are counted only once during the session Term: Within the Summer Term, there is a May Session (3 weeks), A Session (5 weeks), B Session (3 weeks), C Session (5 weeks), and D Session (3 weeks) Full Term: Classes that meet the entire summer term First Day Data: Numbers collected on the start date of each session. May and full term classes began May 12, 2008, A Session classes began June2, 2008, B Session classes began June 16, 2008, and C and D Sessions began July 7, 2008. Acknowledgements: Many thanks go to Institutional Research and Information Technology divisions for supplying the data on enrollments, credit hours, and student counts for this report. Division of Extended Learning and Outreach Dr. Donald Swoboda, Dean Office of Summer Sessions and Winter Term Beth Laves, Director of Summer Sessions and Winter Term Alicia Bingham, Summer Sessions Specialist Jennifer Perry, Marketing Specialist Page 4 North American Association of Summer Sessions National Survey Results for WKU from 2004‐2008 2004 Undergraduate 1. Regular Degree‐seeking UG Students 2. Visiting or Non Degree‐seeking UG Students 3. Total Undergraduate Students 2005 2006 2007 2008 Head‐ count Credit Head‐ Hours count Credit Head‐ Hours count Credit Head‐ Hours count Credit Head‐ Hours count Credit Hours 4437 24911 4173 23032 4017 21542 4167 23366 4115 22924 280 1106 180 720 210 902 137 616 221 1065 4717 26017 4353 23752 4227 22444 4304 23982 4336 23989 1501 8569 1507 8590 1408 7469 1401 8837 1478 8459 658 3133 632 2731 471 1956.5 542 1286 311 1013 2159 11702 2139 11321 1879 9425.5 1943 10123 1789 9472 6876 37719 6492 35073 6106 31869 6247 34105 6125 33461 Graduate 4. Regular Degree‐seeking GR Students 5. Visiting or Non Degree‐seeking GR Students 6. Total Graduate Students Grad Total of Summer Sessions Total Undergraduate + Total Graduate ‐5.6% Head Count Differences ‐5.9% 2.3% Each year, WKU participates in a national survey sponsored by the North American Association of Summer Sessions. The above chart shows a comparison of the previous years' data for WKU. The headcount numbers were provided by Institutional Research, and the credit hour data was provided by Information Technology. Total Summer Sessions Enrollment Comparison Enrollment 15000 4106 3688 3366 3449 3215 9061 8631 8021 8083 8007 10000 5000 GR UG 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year *Data pulled 9/25/08 from ASA Report‐STU SEC ENROLL‐Student Course/Hour count by Level/Coll/Dept Summer Student Count Progress 7000 Student Count 6000 5000 4000 3000 2006 2000 2007 1000 2008 3/17 3/25 4/2 4/10 4/18 4/26 5/4 5/12 5/20 5/28 6/5 6/13 6/21 6/29 7/7 7/15 7/23 7/31 8/8 8/16 8/24 0 Date Page 5 ‐2.0% 3/18 3/26 4/3 4/11 4/19 4/27 5/5 5/13 5/21 5/29 6/6 6/14 6/22 6/30 7/8 7/16 7/24 8/1 8/9 8/17 8/25 Enrollment 3/18 3/26 4/3 4/11 4/19 4/27 5/5 5/13 5/21 5/29 6/6 6/14 6/22 6/30 7/8 7/16 7/24 8/1 8/9 8/17 8/25 Enrolllment 3/18 3/26 4/3 4/11 4/19 4/27 5/5 5/13 5/21 5/29 6/6 6/14 6/22 6/30 7/8 7/16 7/24 8/1 8/9 8/17 8/25 Enrollment Summer Enrollment Progress Charts by Session May Session Enrollment 2500 Page 6 2000 1500 1000 500 2007 0 2008 Date A Session Enrollment 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2007 2008 Date B Session Enrollment 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2007 2008 Date Summer Enrollment Progress Charts by Session (Cont.) C Session Enrollment Enrollment 5000 4000 3000 2000 2007 1000 2008 3/18 3/26 4/3 4/11 4/19 4/27 5/5 5/13 5/21 5/29 6/6 6/14 6/22 6/30 7/8 7/16 7/24 8/1 8/9 8/17 8/25 0 Date 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2007 2008 3/18 3/26 4/3 4/11 4/19 4/27 5/5 5/13 5/21 5/29 6/6 6/14 6/22 6/30 7/8 7/16 7/24 8/1 8/9 8/17 8/25 Enrollment D Session Enrollment Date Summer Enrollment Comparison by Session (First Day Data) Enrollment 2006 May 1792 A 5512 B 196 C 3792 D 138 Full Term 50 Totals 11480 Enrollment Differences # Sections May A B C D Full Term Total Page 7 2006 206 771 16 602 18 74 1687 2007 1913 5562 103 4005 94 115 11792 2.7% 2008 1835 5284 115 3883 299 96 11512 ‐2.4% 2007 222 725 23 521 16 93 1600 2008 223 667 14 515 32 118 1569 The data for these charts (left) comes from numbers collected on the start date on each Summer Session. May Session and Full term classes began 5/15/06, 5/14/07, and 5/12/08. A Session classes began 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. B Session classes began 6/19/06, 6/18/07, and 6/16/08. C and D Sessions began 7/10/06, 7/9/07, and 7/7/08. Summer Student Type Head Count Comparison 2500 2131 2000 2155 1943 2080 1789 1500 1680 2006 2007 1000 635 500 2008 601 550 375 324 893 922 897 338 284 292 345 0 Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Undergrad Other Graduate *Data collected from ASA Report: CPE Enrollment Summary **Data collected 8/4/06, 8/6/07, and 8/1/08 Student Type Headcount Comparison 2006 2007 2008 FR‐Freshmen 324 15.7% 375 ‐8.0% 345 SO‐Sophomore S h 550 15.5% 635 ‐5.4% 601 JR‐Junior 893 3.2% 922 ‐2.7% 897 SR‐Senior 2131 ‐2.4% 2080 3.6% 2155 79 46.8% 116 ‐12.9% 101 P1‐Post Baccalaureate Degree Seeking P2‐Post Baccalaureate Certificate 14 64.3% 23 ‐30.4% 16 UN‐Undergrad Non Degree Seeking 181 ‐26.5% 133 33.1% 177 HS‐High School 10 ‐10.0% 9 255.6% 32 Other Total UG MA‐Master's Degree 0 N/A 11 9.1% 12 4182 2.9% 4304 0.7% 4336 1344 ‐7.3% 1246 0.0% 1246 CD‐Cooperative Doctorate 19 5.3% 20 ‐45.0% 11 GS‐Specialist Student 24 ‐16.7% 20 ‐15.0% 17 GN‐Grad Non Degree Seeking 247 72.5% 426 ‐27.0% 311 R1‐Rank I Student 161 3.1% 166 ‐9.6% 150 R2‐Rank II Student 65 0.0% 65 ‐16.9% 54 Total GR 1860 4.5% 1943 ‐7.9% 1789 WKU Total Student Headcount 6042 3.4% 6247 ‐2.0% 6125 Although, student count was down in total,WKU saw a sligh increase in undergraduate students. There were 3 new dual credit opportunities in Summer 2008, which explains the huge increase in the number of High School students. In 2008, 206 students participated in the May commencement ceremony and completed their degree requirements throughout the summer. There were 163 undergraduates and 43 graduate students. In 2007, there were 305 undergraduate seniors and 103 graduates students who participated in May commencement and finished their degrees throughout the summer. Page 8 Summer Data by College (June Data) Course Enrollment College 2006 2007 Sections w/ Enrollment 2008 College 2006 2007 2008 AR 2846 3.0% 2932 ‐6.7% 2735 AR 314 ‐1.9% 308 ‐1.9% 302 BU 1196 ‐6.4% 1120 ‐0.7% 1112 BU 84 ‐8.3% 77 11.7% 86 CC 718 0.0% 718 ‐4.3% 687 CC 77 ‐13.0% 67 ‐3.0% 65 ED 2508 1.3% 2541 ‐8.3% 2331 ED 237 ‐3.0% 230 ‐7.8% 212 HH 1895 12.3% 2129 14.8% 2445 HH 186 23.1% 229 3.5% 237 IS 83 47.0% 122 26.2% 154 IS 17 ‐17.6% 14 50.0% 21 SC 1993 ‐0.6% 1981 ‐8.1% 1820 SC 224 ‐7.6% 207 2.9% 213 WKU Total 11239 2.7% 11543 ‐2.2% 11284 WKU Total 1139 ‐0.6% 1132 0.4% 1136 Open Sections College 2006 Credit Hours by College 2007 2008 College 2006 2007 2008 AR 502 ‐14.9% 427 5.4% 450 AR 8464.00 3.0% 8718.50 ‐6.9% 8114.50 BU 92 ‐1.1% 91 7.7% 98 BU 3550.50 ‐5.7% 3346.50 0.1% 3350.50 CC 86 ‐11.6% 76 1.3% 77 CC 2172.00 ‐1.1% 2148.00 ‐3.3% 2078.00 ED 287 5.6% 303 ‐8.3% 278 ED 7348.00 1.8% 7483.00 ‐8.2% 6868.00 HH 276 9.4% 302 ‐5.0% 287 HH 5536.00 11.5% 6172.00 17.8% 7270.50 IS 42 26.2% 53 ‐43.4% 30 IS 216.00 32.6% 286.50 30.5% 374.00 SC 389 ‐12.1% 342 ‐5.3% 324 SC 5164.00 0.5% 5192.00 ‐6.5% 4853.50 WKU Total 1674 ‐4.8% 1594 ‐3.1% 1544 WKU Total 32450.50 2.8% 33346.50 ‐1.3% 32909.00 Data was collected 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. The data comes from ASA Report: CRS SEC ENROLL by College. "Open Sections" may have zero enrollments. This data includes all campuses, study abroad, Independent Learning, and Cohort courses. Exclusions were CSA 999 and ESLI courses. Summer Enrollment Comparison by College (First Day Data) 3000 2918 College 2888 2788 2006 2500Potter 2918 Gordon F 1224 2000 Commun 748 Educatio 2557 1500 Health & 19511224 1000Universit 88 Ogden 1994 500 2007 2888 1108 744 2695 2187 1108 1087 154 2016 2008 2788 1087 746 2376 2544 178 748 746 1793 744 2695 2557 2544 2376 2187 1994 1951 2016 1793 2006 2007 2008 88 154 178 0 Potter Gordon Ford Community College Education & Behavioral Sciences Health & Human Services University College Ogden *Data was collected on the start date of each session. May Session and Full term classes began 5/15/06, 5/14/07, and 5/12/08. A Session classes began 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. B Session classes began 6/19/06, 6/18/07, and 6/16/08. C and D Sessions began 7/10/06, 7/9/07, and 7/7/08. Page 9 Course Enrollments by Campus Term Level 200620 200720 UG 6029 1.4% 5923 Bowling Green GR 2206 3.7% 2204 Campuses* Total BG 8235 2.1% 8127 455 21.1% 551 UG Elizabethtown/ 373 18.8% 443 GR Ft. Knox/Radcliff TOTAL Etown 828 20.0% 994 753 17.5% 885 UG Glasgow 261 ‐28.0% 188 GR Total Glasgow 1014 5.8% 1073 339 9.4% 371 UG Owensboro 364 23.4% 449 GR Total Owens 703 16.6% 820 UG 56 ‐1.8% 55 Special Locations GR 24 12.5% 27 Total Spec. Loc. 80 2.5% 82 UG 7632 2.0% 7785 By Campus Totals GR 3228 2.6% 3311 TOTAL 10860 2.2% 11096 Campus 0.04% ‐7.2% ‐2.2% 13.4% ‐10.6% 2.7% ‐8.5% ‐2.7% ‐7.5% 28.3% ‐14.5% 4.9% ‐23.6% 259.3% 69.5% ‐3.1% ‐8.0% ‐4.6% 200820 5588 1985 7573 625 396 1021 810 183 993 476 384 860 42 97 139 7541 3045 10586 *BG Campuses includes courses on the Hill, South Campus, web, and study abroad **Data for BG Campus and Community College were collected form ASA Report: ENROLL‐Student/Course Enrollment by Term/Campus **Data for the Regional Campuses was provided by Institutional Research. Alternate Delivery Enrollment 2006 2007 2671 3501 21 20 139 277 2831 3798 Online IVS Independent Learning Total DL 2008 4130 10 268 4408 # Sections w/ Enrollment 2006 2007 2008 205 247 277 4 3 3 77 85 121 286 335 401 *Data for Online and IVS was pulled from ASA Report: STU SEC ENROLL‐Student/Course Section/Hour count by Session *Data for Ind. Learning came from ASA Report: CRS SEC ENROLL‐by College. IVS data does NOT include Regional campus courses. Study Abroad 124 131 246 12 19 29 *Information provided by Study Abroad Office and includes WKU credit, consortium, and noncredit enrollments. Evening Course Enrollment college AR 600 BU 500 CC 400 ED 300 HH 200 SC 100 258 115 196 139 27 20 2006 258 115 139 518 97 139 143 150 87 2007 196 27 518 425143 425 267 122 86 2008 139 20 87 267 200 200 97 122 95 2006 2007 150 86 95 2008 0 AR BU CC 300 College250 AR 200 BU 150 ED HH 100 50 0 SC Page 10 ED HH 2006267 2702007 258 43 65 13 26 43 65 AR 50 13 26 7 258 102 BU 4 ED 2008 50 7 102 267 47 SC 270 47 6HH 64 4 2006 2007 6 64 8 SC 8 2008 College AR BU CC ED HH SC WKU College AR BU # Evening Sections 2006 2007 27 19 8 2 11 12 58 54 13 13 17 13 134 113 2008 18 2 11 33 26 8 98 # Weekend Sections 2006 2007 2008 5 6 5 1 2 1 ED 19 20 18 HH 7 5 4 SC 2 2 2 WKU 34 35 30 Faculty Stipend Data by College 2006 2007 2008 # Stipends Total Amt of Stipends # Stipends Total Amt of Stipends College # Stipends Total Amt of Stipends AR 158 $ 489,323.50 158 $ 505,454.70 147 $ 543,524.00 BU 61 $ 237,950.00 60 $ 235,608.60 52 $ 233,392.00 CC 60 $ 177,562.00 48 $ 147,689.00 43 $ 173,091.00 ED 165 $ 574,502.00 158 $ 554,357.70 144 $ 582,009.00 HH 136 $ 451,656.00 137 $ 440,050.60 143 $ 519,402.00 IS 2 $ 5,809.00 5 $ 12,361.00 8 $ 29,351.00 SC 106 $ 331,383.00 115 $ 376,783.00 106 $ 385,654.00 WKU Total 688 $ 2,268,185.50 681 $ 2,272,304.60 643 $ 2,466,423.00 *Data generated 8/11/08 and includes information from Regional Campuses. **Fringe benefits are NOT included in these amounts College Codes Potter College of Arts & Letters Gordon Ford College of Business Bowling Green Community College College of Education & Behavioral Sciences College of Health & Human Services University College Ogden College Ogden Co llege of Science of Science & Engi Engineering neering AR BU CC ED HH IS SC Full‐time faculty received a stipend increase for Summer 2008. The stipend for a 3 credit hour course was raised to 9% of annual base salary with a cap of $4500. Part‐time faculty rates for a 3 credit hour course were as follows: Level I: $1,536 Level II: $1,672 Level III: $1,940 Level IV: $2,072 Winter Term Effect There was some concern that Winter Term would pull students from Summer Sessions, causing an overall impact on alternate session enrollment. Based on three years of data, this has not been shown to be the case. UG Total GR Total Total Yearly Totals Winter 2006 1296 288 1584 Summer 2006 4227 1879 6106 Winter 2007 1640 282 1922 Summer 2007 4306 1941 6247 Winter 2008 1869 373 2242 7690 8169 8367 Growth 6.2% 2.4% *Data is expressed as student count provided by Institutional Research and Information Technology Page 11 Summer 2008 4336 1789 6125 Kentucky's Public University Summer Tuition Rates UG Resident UG Non‐Res GR Resident GR Non‐Res $341.00 $935.00 $450.00 UG Online Depends on Residency $260.00 $325.00 $760.00 GR Online Depends on Residency $325.00 EKU $237.00 $641.00 KSU $190.00 Morehead $225.00 $281.00 $281.00 $338.00 $878.00 $422.00 Murray $225.75 $613.25 $283.75 $342.00 $962.00 $435.00 NKU $272.00 $498.00 $302.00 $369.00 $649.00 $399.00 U of L $290.00 $739.00 $419.00 $1,005.00 UK $316.00 $656.00 $437.00 $931.00 WKU $267.00 $645.00 $377.00 Depends on Residency $320.00 $351.00 $384.00 $544.70 Depends on Residency $421.00 Marketing Plan WKU Summer Session: Making Summer School COOL! Tactics Included: * Summer Kickoff * Registration Rally * Facebook Advertising * Hera Herald ld Ads * Posters for Bowling Green and Regional Campus locations * Mass email messages * Partner with CAB for Indiana Jones movie series * CouponMint Advertising * Direct mailer post card for visiting students * Education posters direct mailer * Direct mailer to current students * Brochure and Info night for SEE Program * Academic Transition Program Info Table * Press releases * Radio Public Service Announcements * Networking lunch for May Students/Faculty Page 12 COLLEGE DATA: Potter College of Arts & Letters The following information compares enrollment and sections offered by department . BG Campus/Web Dept 2006 2007 Regional Campus 2008 2006 2007 2008 Special Location 2006 2007 2008 Study Abroad 2006 2007 2008 Totals 2006 2007 2008 AFAM 10 6 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 30.0% 13 -100% ART 129 175 98 44 43 25 0 0 0 1 0 16 174 25.3% 218 -36.2% 139 COMM 150 177 176 23 22 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 15.0% 199 6.0% 211 ENG 753 630 603 204 186 143 0 11 0 8 0 0 965 -14.3% 827 -9.8% 746 FLKA 101 87 149 0 24 11 0 0 0 1 1 0 102 9.8% 112 42.9% 160 277 0 HIST 259 248 223 35 26 51 0 0 0 0 2 3 294 -6.1% 276 0.4% JOUR 232 187 149 11 13 8 0 0 0 4 0 5 247 -19.0% 200 -19.0% 162 MLNG 124 168 143 0 13 16 0 0 0 13 0 0 137 32.1% 181 -12.2% 159 259 MUS 27 121 168 52 74 59 0 0 0 0 0 32 79 146.8% 195 32.8% PHIL 77 118 107 53 20 22 0 0 0 3 0 0 133 3.8% 138 -6.5% 129 PS 143 145 168 6 36 9 0 0 0 12 1 2 161 13.0% 182 -1.6% 179 SOCL 313 277 240 57 62 51 0 0 0 10 0 7 380 -10.8% 339 -12.1% 298 THEA 35 1 50 21 6 10 0 0 0 7 1 9 63 -87.3% 8 763% 69 2918 -1.0% 2888 -3.5% 2788 AR Total 2353 2340 2274 506 532 440 0 11 0 59 5 74 The data from this chart comes from numbers collected on the start date of each session. May Session and Full Term classes began 5/15/06, 5/14/07, and 5/12/08. A Session classes began 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. B Session classes began 6/19/06, 6/18/07, and 6/16/08. C and D Sessions began 7/10/06, 7/9/07, and 7/7/08. Enrollment Dept 2006 Open Sections 2007 2008 2006 2007 Sections with Enrollment 2008 2006 2007 2008 AFAM 10 40.0% 14 -100% 0 3 100% 6 -66.7% 2 1 400% 5 -100% 0 ART 178 24.2% 221 -37.6% 138 28 17.9% 33 -24.2% 25 17 76.5% 30 -30.0% 21 COMM 172 14.5% 197 8.1% 213 24 4.2% 25 -20.0% 20 13 15.4% 15 -13.3% 13 78 ENG 955 -12.3% 838 -11.2% 744 98 -13.3% 85 16.5% 99 84 -21.4% 66 18.2% FLKA 103 3.9% 107 34.6% 144 51 -19.6% 41 4.9% 43 13 -23.1% 10 10.0% 11 HIST 290 2.1% 296 -7.8% 273 64 10.9% 71 5.6% 75 44 0.0% 44 4.5% 46 JOUR 244 -20.1% 195 -19.5% 157 27 -22.2% 21 -4.8% 20 25 -16.0% 21 -19.0% 17 MLNG 119 58.0% 188 -14.4% 161 19 -26.3% 14 -14.3% 12 12 16.7% 14 -14.3% 12 MUS 78 150.0% 195 28.7% 251 8 25.0% 10 50.0% 15 7 42.9% 10 50.0% 15 PHIL 114 23.7% 141 -12.1% 124 32 -53.1% 15 -13.3% 13 15 0.0% 15 -13.3% 13 PS 158 10.1% 174 -4.0% 167 49 -16.3% 41 17.1% 48 33 -9.1% 30 -6.7% 28 SOCL 358 0.0% 358 -15.6% 302 95 -33.7% 63 9.5% 69 46 0.0% 46 -15.2% 39 THEA 67 -88.1% 8 663% 61 4 -50.0% 2 350% 9 4 -50.0% 2 350% 9 AR Total 2846 3.0% 2932 -6.7% 2735 502 -14.9% 427 5.4% 450 314 -1.9% 308 -1.9% 302 The data from the above chart was pulled on 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. It includes all campuses, study abroad, Ind. Learn. & Cohort courses. Page 13 COLLEGE DATA: Gordon Ford College of Business The following information compares enrollment and sections offered by department . BG Campus/Web Dept 2006 2007 2008 Regional Campus 2006 2007 2008 Study Abroad 2006 2007 2008 Totals 2006 2007 2008 ACCT 180 164 166 8 6 0 0 0 0 188 -9.6% 170 -2.4% BA 126 74 80 0 0 0 12 14 1 138 -36.2% 88 -8.0% 166 81 CIS 68 147 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 116.2% 147 -40.8% 87 ECON 247 197 218 22 24 14 7 9 11 276 -16.7% 230 5.7% 243 FIN 42 65 61 0 0 0 0 0 1 42 54.8% 65 -4.6% 62 297 MGT 301 229 277 20 11 18 3 0 2 324 -25.9% 240 23.8% MKT 186 163 151 0 0 0 2 5 0 188 -10.6% 168 -10.1% 151 BU Total 1150 1039 1040 50 41 32 24 28 15 1224 -9.5% 1108 -1.9% 1087 The data from this chart comes from numbers collected on the start date of each session. May Session and Full Term classes began May 15, 2006, May 14, 2007, and May 12, 2008. A Session classes began June 5, 2006, June 4, 2007, and June 2, 2008. B Session classes began June 19, 2006, June 18, 2007, and June 16, 2008. C and D Sessions began July 10, 2006, July 9, 2007, and July 7, 2008. Enrollment Dept 2006 ACCT 176 1.7% Open Sections 2007 179 -2.8% 2008 2006 174 13 2007 0.0% 13 Sections with Enrollment 2008 2006 -7.7% 12 10 10.0% 2007 11 2008 9.1% 12 BA 135 -37.0% 85 -5.9% 80 17 0.0% 17 -5.9% 16 14 -35.7% 9 0.0% 9 CIS 68 113% 145 -31% 100 3 133% 7 42.9% 10 3 133% 7 42.9% 10 ECON 286 -16.8% 238 -0.8% 236 24 -8.3% 22 31.8% 29 22 -13.6% 19 36.8% 26 FIN 40 65.0% 66 -3.0% 64 2 50.0% 3 0.0% 3 2 50.0% 3 0.0% 3 MGT 306 -21.2% 241 25% 302 23 -17.4% 19 0.0% 19 23 -17.4% 19 0.0% 19 MKT 185 -10.3% 166 -6.0% 156 10 0.0% 10 -10.0% 9 10 -10.0% 9 -22.2% 7 1196 -6.4% 1120 -0.7% 92 -1.1% 91 7.7% 84 -8.3% 77 11.7% 86 BU Total 1,112 The data from the above chart was pulled on 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. The data includes all campuses, study abroad, Independent Learning, and Cohort courses. Page 14 98 COLLEGE DATA: Bowling Green Community College The following information compares enrollment and sections offered by department . BG Campus/Web Dept 2006 2007 2008 Regional Campus 2006 2007 2008 Totals 2006 2007 2008 AS 210 177 249 9 6 0 219 -16.4% 183 36.1% BUS 205 254 195 0 0 8 205 23.9% 254 -20.1% 203 249 GS 284 288 265 0 0 0 284 1.4% 288 -8.0% 265 HEAL 40 19 29 0 0 0 40 -52.5% 19 52.6% 29 CC Total 739 738 738 9 6 8 748 -0.5% 744 0.3% 746 The data from this chart comes from numbers collected on the start date of each session. May Session and Full Term classes began May 15, 2006, May 14, 2007, and May 12, 2008. A Session classes began June 5, 2006, June 4, 2007, and June 2, 2008. B Session classes began June 19, 2006, June 18, 2007, and June 16, 2008. C and D Sessions began July 10, 2006, July 9, 2007, and July 7, 2008. Enrollment Open Sections Dept 2006 2008 2006 AS 213 -19.7% 171 20.5% 206 20 BUS 180 42.2% 256 -28.1% 184 2007 2007 Sections with Enrollment 2008 2006 2007 2008 -20.0% 16 37.5% 22 18 -11.1% 16 18.8% 19 37 -2.7% 36 -16.7% 30 30 -10.0% 27 -18.5% 22 21 GS 286 -4.5% -4.5% 273 -1.5% -1.5% 269 25 -16.0% -16.0% 21 4.8% 4.8% 22 25 -16.0% -16.0% 21 0% HEAL 39 -53.8% 18 56% 28 4 -25.0% 3 0% 3 4 -25.0% 3 0% 3 CC Total 718 0.0% 718 -4.3% 687 86 -11.6% 76 1.3% 77 77 -13.0% 67 -3.0% 65 The data from the above chart was pulled on 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. The data includes all campuses, study abroad, Independent Learning, and Cohort courses. Page 15 COLLEGE DATA: College of Education and Behavioral Sciences The following information compares enrollment and sections offered by department . BG Campus/Web Dept 2006 2007 2008 Regional Campus 2006 2007 2008 Study Abroad 2006 2007 2008 Totals 2006 2007 2008 CI 242 203 182 67 83 47 0 0 0 309 -7.4% 286 -19.9% CNSA 315 211 248 140 164 82 0 0 2 455 -17.6% 375 -11.5% 332 EALR 397 474 436 42 9 9 0 0 0 439 10.0% 483 -7.9% 445 PSY 373 436 361 136 138 80 0 0 1 509 12.8% 574 -23.0% 442 SIP 845 977 928 0 0 0 0 0 0 845 15.6% 977 -5.0% 928 2557 5.4% 2695 -11.8% 2376 ED Total 2172 2301 2155 385 394 218 0 0 3 229 The data from this chart comes from numbers collected on the start date of each session. May Session and Full Term classes began May 15, 2006, May 14, 2007, and May 12, 2008. A Session classes began June 5, 2006, June 4, 2007, and June 2, 2008. B Session classes began June 19, 2006, June 18, 2007, and June 16, 2008. C and D Sessions began July 10, 2006, July 9, 2007, and July 7, 2008. Enrollment p Dept 2006 CI 306 -14.1% 263 -15.2% CNSA 449 -15.6% 379 -13.5% EALR 435 10.6% 481 -8.9% PSY 490 -8.2% 450 SIP 828 16.9% 968 ED Total 2508 1.3% 2541 2007 Open Sections 2008 2006 2007 223 42 11.9% 47 -4.3% 328 42 -4.8% 40 -12.5% 438 51 3.9% 53 -7.5% -7.3% 417 80 -3.8% 77 -4.4% 925 72 19.4% 86 -8.3% 2331 287 5.6% 303 Sections with Enrollment 2008 2006 45 35 -8.6% 32 6.3% 34 35 41 -9.8% 37 -8.1% 34 49 43 -9.3% 39 -7.7% 36 -9.1% 70 60 -8.3% 55 -12.7% 48 -8.1% 79 58 15.5% 67 -10.4% 60 -8.3% 278 237 -3.0% 230 -7.8% 212 The data from the above chart was pulled on 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. The data includes all campuses, study abroad, Independent Learning, and Cohort courses. Page 16 2007 2008 COLLEGE DATA: College of Health and Human Services The following information compares enrollment and sections offered by department . BG Campus/Web Regional Campus Special Location Study Abroad 2006 2007 Totals Dept 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2008 2006 ALHL 63 65 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 3.2% 2007 65 13.8% 2008 74 CD 393 431 495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 393 9.7% 431 18.1% 509 477 CFS 359 392 465 20 17 6 0 6 0 0 0 6 379 9.5% 415 14.9% NURS 98 136 159 0 17 12 0 0 0 3 0 0 101 51.5% 153 11.8% 171 PHY 343 312 356 61 77 46 0 52 10 0 4 31 404 10.1% 445 -0.4% 443 561 PUBH 409 338 462 54 66 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 463 -12.7% 404 38.9% SWRK 131 245 202 16 25 28 0 4 78 1 0 1 148 85.1% 274 12.8% 309 HH Total 1796 1919 2213 151 202 191 0 62 88 4 4 52 1951 12.1% 2187 16.3% 2544 The data from this chart comes from numbers collected on the start date of each session. May Session and Full Term classes began May 15, 2006, May 14, 2007, and May 12, 2008. A Session classes began June 5, 2006, June 4, 2007, and June 2, 2008. B Session classes began June 19, 2006, June 18, 2007, and June 16, 2008. C and D Sessions began July 10, 2006, July 9, 2007, and July 7, 2008. Enrollment 2007 Open Sections Dept 2006 2008 2006 ALHL 65 3.1% 67 10.4% 74 4 75.0% 2007 7 Sections with Enrollment 2008 2006 2007 0.0% 7 4 25.0% 5 2008 20.0% 6 CD 368 6.5% 392 14.5% 449 24 45.8% 35 34.3% 47 24 45.8% 35 28.6% 45 CFS 385 5.5% 406 17.0% 475 43 4.7% 45 -28.9% 32 35 0.0% 35 -11.4% 31 NURS 96 57.3% 151 11.9% 169 22 -4.5% 21 14.3% 24 15 26.7% 19 10.5% 21 44 PHY 402 12.4% 452 -0.2% 451 56 32.1% 74 -27.0% 54 38 52.6% 58 -24.1% PUBH 443 -8.1% 407 27.5% 519 91 -18.7% 74 2.7% 76 55 -7.3% 51 15.7% 59 SWRK 136 86.8% 254 21.3% 308 36 27.8% 46 2.2% 47 15 73.3% 26 19.2% 31 1895 12.3% 2129 14.8% 276 9.4% 302 -5.0% 186 23.1% 229 3.5% 237 HH Total 2445 287 The data from the above chart was pulled on 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. The data includes all campuses, study abroad, Independent Learning, and Cohort courses. Page 17 COLLEGE DATA: University College The following information compares enrollment and sections offered by department . BG Campus/Web Study Abroad Totals Dept 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2006 ACAD 11 65 57 0 0 0 11 491% 2007 65 -12.3% 2008 57 COOP 7 3 5 0 0 0 7 -57.1% 3 66.7% 5 HON 4 8 16 11 0 0 15 -46.7% 8 100% 16 LEAD 17 23 62 5 0 0 22 4.5% 23 170% 62 55 -30.9% 38 154 15.6% 178 WOMN 28 55 38 5 0 0 33 66.7% IS Total 67 154 178 21 0 0 88 75.0% The data from this chart comes from numbers collected on the start date of each session. May Session and Full Term classes began May 15, 2006, May 14, 2007, and May 12, 2008. A Session classes began June 5, 2006, June 4, 2007, and June 2, 2008. B Session classes began June 19, 2006, June 18, 2007, and June 16, 2008. C and D Sessions began July 10, 2006, July 9, 2007, and July 7, 2008. Enrollment Dept 2006 2007 Open Sections 2008 2006 2007 Sections with Enrollment 2008 2006 2007 2008 ACAD 7 486% 41 -12.2% 36 3 33.3% 4 0.0% 4 2 100% 4 0.0% 4 COOP 7 -57.1% 3 66.7% 5 4 0.0% 4 25.0% 5 2 -50.0% 1 100% 2 HON 13 -61.5% 5 220% 16 21 47.6% 31 -71.0% 9 5 -80.0% 1 500% 6 LEAD 22 -4.5% 21 195% 62 9 -11.1% 8 0.0% 8 3 0.0% 3 100% 6 WOMN 34 52.9% 52 -32.7% 35 5 20.0% 6 -33.3% 4 5 0.0% 5 -40.0% 3 IS Total 83 47.0% 122 26.2% 154 42 26.2% 53 -43.4% 30 17 -17.6% 14 50.0% 21 The data from the above chart was pulled on 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. The data includes all campuses, study abroad, Independent Learning, and Cohort courses. Page 18 COLLEGE DATA: Ogden College of Science and Engineering The following information compares enrollment and sections offered by department . BG Campus/Web Regional Campus Special Location Study Abroad 2006 2007 Totals Dept 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2008 2006 AGRI 53 40 41 0 9 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 -7.5% 2007 49 AMS 75 145 188 10 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 70.6% 2008 18.4% 58 145 40.0% 203 517 BIOL 416 449 401 189 163 106 0 0 0 7 13 10 612 2.1% 625 -17.3% CHEM 334 309 326 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 343 -9.9% 309 5.5% 326 CS 81 207 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 156% 207 -60.9% 81 102 ENGR 93 89 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 -4.3% 89 14.6% GEO 186 128 106 46 36 24 0 7 20 9 0 12 241 -29.0% 171 -5.3% 162 MATH 329 265 248 62 72 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 391 -13.8% 337 -16.9% 280 PHYA 95 84 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 -11.6% 84 -23.8% 64 SC Total 1662 1716 1557 316 280 194 0 7 20 16 13 22 1994 1.1% 2016 -11.1% 1793 The data from this chart comes from numbers collected on the start date of each session. May Session and Full Term classes began 5/15/06, 5/14/07, and 5/12/08. A Session classes began 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. B Session classes began 6/19/06, 6/18/07, 6/16/08. C and D Sessions began 7/10/06, 7/9/07, and 7/7/08. Enrollment Dept 2006 AGRI 56 -16.1% 47 Open Sections 2007 2008 2006 36.2% 64 40 2007 Sections with Enrollment 2008 2006 2007 2008 -7.5% 37 16.2% 43 24 -29.2% 17 -5.9% 16 AMS 77 72.7% 133 49.6% 199 31 22.6% 38 -28.9% 27 16 25.0% 20 20.0% 24 BIOL 625 -1.0% 619 -15.8% 521 93 -25.8% 69 -11.6% 61 49 -2.0% 48 0.0% 48 CHEM 346 -9.2% 314 4.8% 329 52 5.8% 55 0.0% 55 31 0.0% 31 -3.2% 30 10 CS 85 118% 185 -61.1% 72 18 77.8% 32 -50.0% 16 17 29.4% 22 -54.5% ENGR 95 -1.1% 94 9.6% 103 8 12.5% 9 44.4% 13 8 12.5% 9 44.4% 13 GEO 223 -29.1% 158 3.8% 164 105 -36.2% 67 7.5% 72 40 -32.5% 27 55.6% 42 MATH 390 -10.0% 351 -16.2% 294 34 -11.8% 30 3.3% 31 31 -9.7% 28 -14.3% 24 PHYA 96 -16.7% 80 -7.5% 74 8 -37.5% 5 20.0% 6 8 -37.5% 5 20.0% 6 SC Total 1993 -0.6% 1981 -8.1% 1820 389 -12.1% 342 -5.3% 324 224 -7.6% 207 2.9% 213 The data from the above chart was pulled on 6/5/06, 6/4/07, and 6/2/08. The data includes all campuses, study abroad, Independent Learning, and Cohort courses. Page 19 Appendix Post‐Summer Student Survey Results Post‐Summer Faculty Survey Results Summer Sessions Weekly Progress Report Special Instructional Assignment Form Quality Enhancement Plan Data Benchmark Data from the North American Association of Summer Sessions (NAASS) Joint Statistical Report from Summer 2007 Page 20 Post-Summer Sessions 2008 Survey www.wku.edu/summer Student Survey This online survey was sent via email to 6154 Summer Session students August 20, 2008. Of these students, 625 (10%) responded, presenting us with the following information. 1 What year will you be during the 2008 Fall Semester? 6.4% 5.0% 10.9% FR SO JR 26.6% 19.5% Of the 616 students who responded to the survey, over half were Juniors and Seniors at WKU. SR GR Other 31.7% 2 Are you? For this survey, traditional is characterized by those 23 years of age and younger. Those 24 and older are considered non-traditional. 62.8% of this survey's respondents were non-traditional students. 23 years old or younger? 36.6% 63.4% 24 y years old or older? 3 What is your major? The following represents the departments that had the largest number of students participate in the Winter Term Survey Elementary Education Nursing Business Administration Biology Psychology 55 41 29 25 24 8.8% 6.6% 4.6% 4.0% 3.8% Exceptional Education Social Work Middle Grades Education Secondary Education Communication Disorders 21 20 18 18 18 4 What type of class did you take during Summer Session 2008? General Education 169 27.0% Study abroad 7 Class in my major or minor 337 53.9% Travel in the US 0 Graduate level 167 26.7% Personal interest 12 Elective 48 7.7% other 18 5 Which type of class would you recommend WKU to offer during Summer Sessions in the future? (Check all that apply) General Education 342 54.7% Study abroad 135 Class in my major or minor 425 68.0% Travel in the US 119 Graduate level 241 38.6% Personal interest 144 Elective 209 33.4% Other 40 6 If you dropped or Withdrew from your Summer Session class, please tell us why. Finances 16 2.6% Class was dropped 14 Lack of financial aid 17 2.7% Other 42 Changed my mind 25 4.0% Page 21 3.4% 3.2% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 1.1% 0.0% 1.9% 2.9% 21.6% 19.0% 23.0% 6.4% 2.2% 6.7% 2008 Summer Sessions Student Survey Cont. 7 What reason(s) motivated you to take a Summer Session class? 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Graduate sooner Reduce my load during Fall or Spring semesters Take a class to fullfil gen ed requirement Take a prerequisite for a Spring course Repeat a course Other 8 Where was your Summer Session class taught? If you took more than one, you may choose more than one location. 1.1% 4.8% Bowling Green Campus 5.9% 47.8% Elizabethtown, Owensboro, or Glasgow Online 45.4% 13.1% BGCC Study abroad/US Travel Offsite 9 How did you get information about the WKU Summer Session? (Check all that apply) 204 32.6% Winter Term website 183 29.3% Email 68 10.9% Posters/Flyers 34 5.4% Mail 16 2.6% The Herald 253 40.5% Western's online schedule bulletin 175 28.0% Academic advisor/dept 85 13.6% Instructor 68 10.9% Family/friends 5 0.8% Facebook 29 4.6% Other Page 22 2008 Summer Sessions Student Survey Cont. 10 Did you take a class during 2008 Winter Term? Yes 26.4% No 73.6% 11 Do you plan on taking a class during the 2009 Winter Term? Yes 33.4% No 37.2% Undecided 29.4% 12 Are you interested in taking a Study abroad class during a future WKU Summer Session? Yes 15.9% No 65.0% Undecided 19.1% 13 With 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how did your 2008 Summer Session class(es) compare to your expectations? Average Rank Met Your Expecations? 1 2 3 4 5 (4.1) 14 With 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how would you rate your Summer learning experience compared to Fall or Spring semester classes? Average Rank Experience compared to Fall/Spring? 1 2 3 4 5 (3.9) Page 23 Post-Summer Sessions 2008 Survey www.wku.edu/summer Faculty Survey An online survey was also sent via email to WKU faculty teaching during Winter Term. Of the 421 Faculty, 104 responded, presenting us with the following information. What type of class did you teach during Summer Sessions 2008? (Check all that apply) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 General Class as Class as Elective Education a part of a a part of a major or graduate degree minor program Study Abroad Online Other Will you offer this class in a future Summer Sessions? Yes 2.9% 24.0% No 73.1% I don't know yet What type of classes would you recommend WKU offers more of in the future Summer Sessions? (Check all that apply) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 General Education Page 24 Class as a part Class as a part of a major or of a graduate minor degree program Elective Study Abroad US Travel Online No opinion Other Summer 2008 Weekly Report Summer Enrollment, Head Count, and Credit Hour Summary *Census Data* 8/1/2008 College Potter Gordon Ford Community College Education Health & Human Services University College Ogden Totals Course Enrollments 2634 1052 668 2327 2461 175 1772 11089 Student Profile Information Course Enrollments Online 4280 144 Study Abroad Head Count by Student Type FRESHMEN 345 SOPHOMORES 601 JUNIORS 897 SENIORS 2155 101 UG Total UG P1-POST BACCALAUREATE DEGREE SEEKING P2-3 16 UN-UNDERGRADUATE NON DEGREE SEEKING 177 HS-HIGH SCHOOL 32 AJ - ACADEMY JUNIORS 9 AS - ACADEMY SENIORS 3 4336 MASTERS DEGREE 1246 CD - COOPERATIVE DOCTORATE 11 GS - SPECIALIST STUDENT 17 GR Total GR GN - GRADUATE NON DEGREE SEEKING 311 RANK 1 150 RANK 2 54 1789 Total Head Count 6125 Credit Hours 7807.50 3196.00 2014.00 6842.00 7295.50 393.50 4743.50 32292.00 Credit Hours 12641.00 400.00 *These Student Type numbers are head count numbers, not course enrollments. Summer Student Count Progress 7000 6000 5000 2006 4000 2007 3000 2008 2000 1000 College Potter College College of Business Community College College of Education College of Health & Human Services University College Ogden College Total Sections Page 25 24-Aug 14-Aug 4-Aug 25-Jul 15-Jul 5-Jul 25-Jun 15-Jun 5-Jun 26-May 16-May 6-May 26-Apr 16-Apr 6-Apr 27-Mar 17-Mar 0 # Sections 335 86 66 222 238 20 218 1185 Summer Sessions DELO ap,bl For Payroll use only Pay ID F/P Prepared by/Phone number Date Revised: 2/29/2008 Amount Index Account $0 0 200023 Office of the Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs Terms of Employment for Special Instructional Assignments for Summer Sessions NOTE: This form is to be completed for all PT Faculty Instructional Assignments and for FT Faculty Instructional Assignments during the Summer Sessions. Do NOT complete this form unless a stipend is being paid for the assignment. Only ONE Banner Index Number can be reported on each form. Only ONE Location can be reported on each individual form. Employee Information Employee Name Home Address Home Phone SSN WKU ID City State Department Zip Code Email Address Please answer all four questions in this section. Is the employee whose name is listed above: a current WKU Staff Employee? a current WKU FT Faculty Employee? a former WKU Employee? a WKU Retiree? Course Information On which campus will the courses listed below be taught? Session Year NOTE: If courses listed below are web-based or ITV, select the location from which the course is broadcast, NOT the location of the instructor. Course Subject, Number & Section Course Title CRN Workload or BiCredit Term? Hours Web Class? Level Salary or Emeritus Salary Amount Amount Banner Index from which the courses listed above will be paid: 200023 Adjustment to the Amount Paid: Make general comments in the space below and/or provide an explanation for any amount listed in the blue "Adjustment" field above: Total amount paid for this Special Instructional Assignment: This is to certify my agreement to teach the class(es) indicated above according to the conditions and expectations of Western Kentucky University. I understand that the class(es) may be held, at the University's discretion, on the Main Campus, at the Community College and/or Extended Campus sites or other designated locations. I have read and agree to the Terms of Employment as described in the attached document. Employee Date Approvals - PLEASE SIGN IN BLUE INK I certify that the above named individual is fully qualified to teach the course(s) assigned. Dept. Head Date Dean Date DELO Date VP/AA Date $0 Terms of Employment 1. The instructor agrees to abide by the rules and policies of the academic unit and the University set forth in official publications or announced by the Dean’s office or the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. 2. The instructor affirms that he/she is fully qualified and prepared to teach the courses assigned and that all representations in his/her vita, resume, or credentials are accurate. Part-time instructors may teach up to 9 undergraduate credit hours or 6 graduate credit hours during the summer term. Regular full-time 9-month faculty may teach up to 9 credit hours during the summer term. 3. The instructor agrees to meet each scheduled class at the time and place assigned by the Dean or Department Head and to administer the final course examinations and any required course evaluations as scheduled. In the event of an unavoidable absence, the instructor will notify the Department Head in time to arrange a substitute or to cancel the class. The instructor agrees to make arrangements with students so that work missed due to class cancellations may be made up. 4. For Part-Time Faculty: The instructor agrees to meet, as needed, before classes begin with the Department for orientation (i l di di (including discussion i off guidelines id li and d syllabus ll b preparation, ti selection l ti and d use off textbooks t tb k and d materials, t i l examination i ti schedules, and specific requirements). Students are to be provided a complete copy of the class syllabus, course requirements, and basis for grading during the first week of classes, and to be given written notice of all subsequent changes in the syllabus, course requirements, and basis for grading. The instructor also agrees to post the syllabus on TopNet. The University reserves the right to terminate part or all of the agreement (i.e., one or more courses) at any time with prorated payment for classes already met by the instructor. Reasons for termination of this contract include, but are not limited to: insufficient enrollment, failure to adhere to academic unit and University policies, or unsatisfactory performance. An instructor may appeal employment termination or take grievances regarding unfair conditions to the Department Head for review. Such appeals or grievances are subject to final review by the Dean of the academic unit or his/her designee. In non-departmentalized colleges, the initial review shall be by the Dean with final review by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. This contract confers no credit toward tenure or any right of re-employment. This contract represents the entire agreement between the parties regarding this teaching assignment and supersedes all other understandings, written, or oral. 5. Additional stipulations specific to this assignment: Summer/Winter QEP Data Enrollment 2006 2007 2008 Alternate Delivery (Summer) Alternate Delivery (Winter) Yearly Totals 5451 860 6311 6231 1032 7263 6587 1377 7964 # Sections w/ Enrollment 2006 2007 2008 568 75 643 619 89 708 670 107 777 *Enrollment = Course Enrollment Background Data Summer Sessions Online Enrollment 2006 2671 2007 3501 # Sections w/ Enrollment 2008 4130 2006 205 2007 247 2008 277 263 447 231 941 46 54 46 146 57 48 49 154 41 41 38 120 246 12 19 29 *Data was pulled from ASA Report: STU SEC ENROLL‐Student/Course Section/Hour count by Session **This data excludes Independent Learning courses. Regional Campuses Elizabethtown Glasgow Owensboro Total Regional Campuses 340 644 328 1312 385 624 296 1305 *Data collected from ASA Report: ENROLL‐Student/Course Enrollment by Term/Campus Study Abroad 124 131 *Information provided by the Study Abroad Office. In 2008, students traveled to the following locations: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bejing, Belgium Belize, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mediteranean Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Scotland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Includes WKU credit, consortium, and noncredit enrollments Evening Courses Evening Courses 808 637 513 84 71 64 23 21 23 *Data was pulled from ASA Report: STU SEC ENROLL‐Student/Course Section/Hour count by Session **This data does NOT include Regional Campus courses. Weekend Courses 296 278 340 *Data was pulled from ASA Report: STU SEC ENROLL‐Student/Course Section/Hour count by Session **This data does NOT include Regional Campus courses. Independent Learning 139 277 268 77 85 121 82 139 17 19 33 4 3 3 *Data collected from ASA Report: CRS SEC ENROLL‐by College Special Locations 80 *Data collected from ASA Report: ENROLL‐Student/Course Enrollment by Term/Campus. Locations include Cookeville‐TN, Paducah‐KY, and Mammoth Cave‐KY IVS Data 21 20 10 *Data was pulled from ASA Report: STU SEC ENROLL‐Student/Course Section/Hour count by Session **This data does NOT include Regional Campus courses. Winter Term Online Enrollment 2006 595 2007 705 # Sections w/ Enrollment 2008 1117 2006 40 2007 51 2008 77 17 22 22 61 3 2 6 11 5 6 5 16 3 5 3 11 103 10 10 8 10 9 8 4 3 3 *Data was pulled from ASA Report: STU SEC ENROLL‐Student/Course Section/Hour count by Session **This data exclusdes Independent Learning courses. Regional Campuses Elizabethtown Glasgow Owensboro Total Regional Campuses 31 11 23 65 28 22 21 71 *Data collected from ASA Report: ENROLL‐Student/Course Enrollment by Term/Campus Study Abroad 87 132 *Information provided by the Study Abroad Office. In 2008, students traveled to the following locations: Yucatan, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Belize, India, Germany, and London/Dublin. Includes WKU credit, consortium, and noncredit enrollments Evening Courses 83 71 55 *Data was pulled from ASA Report: STU SEC ENROLL‐Student/Course Section/Hour count by Session **This data does NOT include Regional Campus courses. Weekend Courses 30 53 41 *Data was pulled from ASA Report: STU SEC ENROLL‐Student/Course Section/Hour count by Session **This data does NOT include Regional Campus courses. Page 28 Table 1: Five‐Year Trend (2003‐2007) Undergraduate Summer Enrollment Name 2003 +‐Pct= 2004 +‐Pct= 2005 +‐Pct= 2006 +‐Pct= 2007 5092 11179 ‐0.2% ‐8.3% 5083 10255 ‐1.1% 10141 3945 1.8% 4873 ‐2.7% 4739 ‐1.1% 0.0% 9.5% 4858 4369 2995 1.3% 1.4% ‐0.5% 4922 4431 2980 Public; Fall Size Range 15,001‐20,000 Appalachian State University Clemson University Eastern Kentucky University Missouri State University Montclair State University Northern Arizona University Oregon State University St. Cloud State University SUNY ‐ Univ. at Albany Univ. of California ‐ Riverside Univ. of Cambridge Univ. of Missouri ‐ St. Louis Univ. of Nevada ‐ Reno 4681 10728 ‐1.2% ‐4.2% 4626 10279 10.1% 8.8% 5009 ‐2.6% 4881 ‐1.9% 4341 4492 3145 5298 12.4% ‐2.8% ‐10.5% 4881 4368 2814 0.6% 0.0% ‐2.8% 3928 5.1% 3651 4128 Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Greensboro Univ. of Univ of Virg Virginia inia Western Kentucky University 3728 2270 ‐0 0.7% 7% 4762 4698 4788 3732 4910 4369 2734 12284 Category Mean: 7.8% 4448 ‐0.9% 4407 6.1% 4676 7.5% 7 5% 1.8% ‐17.6% 3182 2695 4304 4602 ‐1.9% ‐7.6% 3.3% ‐2.1% 2253 4717 4660 ‐7.7% 8.0% 4353 5030 ‐2.9% 11.0% 2506 4227 5586 3917 5570 6267 7200 ‐13.5% ‐1.3% ‐6.8% ‐0.7% 5014 3388 5496 5843 7147 6.6% ‐14.8% ‐2.9% 0.4% 2.4% 5347 2885 5334 5869 7318 ‐0.5% ‐1.0% ‐5.9% ‐1.6% 2870 5278 5524 7201 11244 7829 8470 8174 10.7% ‐4.9% 9375 7776 ‐16.9% 23.5% 7531 7792 9602 ‐0.1% ‐1.7% ‐3.6% 7525 7659 9261 Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 Bowling Green State University California State Univ. ‐ Sacramento Colorado State University East Carolina University George Mason University Illinois State University Miami University (OH) Middle Tennessee State Univ. North Carolina State University Portland State University SUNY ‐ Stony Brook Univ. SUNY ‐ Univ. at Buffalo Univ. of California ‐ Davis Univ. of California ‐ San Diego Univ. of California ‐ Santa Barbara Univ. of Colorado ‐ Boulder Univ. of Connecticut ‐4.0% 1.8% 5179 5103 7437 4469 4911 7226 7798 6070 5015 7284 8078 6638 ‐0.2% 0.1% 3.7% 7269 8090 6885 9687 ‐0.8% 2.3% 10000 7214 8279 57.5% 15260 0.2% 8294 1.3% 8203 8399 6545 6394 Table 1: Five‐Year Trend (2003‐2007) Undergraduate Summer Enrollment (Continued) Name 2003 +‐Pct= 2004 +‐Pct= 2005 +‐Pct= 2006 +‐Pct= 2007 Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 (Continued) Univ. of Delaware Univ. of Hawaii ‐ Manoa Univ. of Illinois ‐ Chicago Univ. of Iowa Univ. of Kentucky Univ. of Manitoba Univ. of Massachusetts ‐ Amherst Univ. of Missouri ‐ Columbia Univ. of Nebraska ‐ Lincoln Univ. of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas Univ. of New Mexico Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Chapel Hill Univ. of North Carolina ‐ ‐ Charlotte Univ. of Oregon Univ. of Tennessee ‐ Knoxville Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Virginia Tech Washington State University West Virginia University 3276 ‐2.6% 3191 ‐5.6% 3012 6627 2.1% 3075 ‐0.7% 3052 6643 5381 6537 6184 ‐8.4% ‐6.4% ‐2.5% 4927 6117 6030 7995 1.0% ‐0.1% 6180 6021 0.7% ‐1.4% 4590 6225 5934 0.3% 6246 3191 5375 5602 13269 54.4% 4927 ‐38.4% 9033 3036 6.0% 14060 6.2% 5475 14935 6473 6173 5797 3221 6669 4957 4294 5498 6600 ‐7.9% ‐‐1 1.8% 8% 5963 6063 0.1% ‐‐0 0.7% 7% 5969 6019 5499 6.7% ‐1.4% ‐0.8% 6.4% ‐5.1% 7116 4887 4261 5849 6266 4.2% 5090 3.0% ‐2.9% 6022 6448 5874 ‐3.3% 5682 ‐1.4% 6397 5672 0.7% 5713 13.3% 5834 ‐0.3% 5814 ‐0.3% 6084 Category Mean: 3957 5977 6447 2.4% ‐12.5% ‐3.5% 4053 5229 6225 5.9% 5.1% 6.0% Table 2: Five‐Year Trend (2003‐2007) Undergraduate Summer Semester Credit Hours Name 2003 +‐Pct= 2004 +‐Pct= 2005 +‐Pct= 2006 +‐Pct= 2007 29704 32233 1.2% ‐2.4% 30049 31462 0.1% ‐4.9% 30083 29920 6.8% 6.4% 32132 31828 ‐6.1% 29885 21908 26925 ‐0.5% 26782 ‐3.2% 36841 27159 17558 43820 10.3% ‐2.5% ‐4.0% 40640 26488 16850 19980 20056 13663 ‐0.2% Public; Fall Size Range 15,001‐20,000 Appalachian State University Clemson University Eastern Kentucky University Missouri State University Montclair State University Northern Arizona University Oregon State University St. Cloud State University SUNY ‐ Univ. at Albany Univ. of California ‐ Riverside Univ. of Missouri ‐ St. Louis Univ. of Nevada ‐ Reno Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Greensboro Univ. of Virginia Western Western Kentucky University Kentucky University Category Mean: 2.4% 26570 ‐4.1% 25488 1.1% 2.1% ‐4.0% 21942 25935 20864 41095 27047 16172 ‐6.8% 0.0% 4.9% 38281 27047 16966 0.0% ‐1.7% 0.5% 38299 26598 17045 18931 19946 12.4% 22420 2.7% 23026 5.3% ‐6.4% 13651 26017 25082 ‐31.0% 31.0% 1.0% 17943 25342 25 25.1% .1% 2.1% 14514 22443 25867 15.6% 6. 6.9% 9% ‐6.6% 24252 17440 16782 23982 24168 21619 33871 42030 40635 ‐19.0% ‐0.7% ‐6.0% 1.2% 33832 17506 33647 39527 41136 6.6% ‐5.5% ‐3.1% ‐1.5% 1.2% 36072 16536 32592 38952 41649 2.1% ‐3.8% ‐12.0% 0.4% 16884 31360 34275 41806 ‐6.3% ‐8.6% 3.5% 21704 50963 50207 63633 ‐3.2% ‐8.2% 48576 58416 ‐4.2% 12.4% 48459 46516 65658 ‐0.4% ‐6.9% 3.3% 48263 43292 67845 26794 ‐0.1% Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 Bowling Green State University California State Univ. ‐ Sacramento Colorado State University East Carolina University George Mason University Illinois State University Miami University (OH) Middle Tennessee State Univ. North Carolina State University Portland State University SUNY ‐ Stony Brook Univ. SUNY ‐ Univ. at Buffalo Univ. of California ‐ San Diego Univ. of California ‐ Santa Barbara Univ. of Colorado ‐ Boulder Univ. of Connecticut ‐3.9% 29374 31333 43280 23407 30970 46386 36882 29506 66154 50319 39576 ‐43.2% 11.4% 4.8% 37589 56031 41488 30566 ‐1.9% 2.9% 36858 57630 ‐6.7% 53741 5.2% 14383 56511 38700 32428 Table 2: Five‐Year Trend (2003‐2007) Undergraduate Summer Semester Credit Hours (Continued) Name 2003 +‐Pct= 2004 +‐Pct= 2005 +‐Pct= 2006 +‐Pct= 2007 Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 (Continued) Univ. of Delaware Univ. of Hawaii ‐ Manoa Univ. of Illinois ‐ Chicago Univ. of Iowa Univ. of Kentucky Univ. of Manitoba Univ. of Massachusetts ‐ Amherst Univ. of Missouri ‐ Columbia Univ. of Nebraska ‐ Lincoln Univ. of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas Univ. of New Mexico Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Chapel Hill Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Charlotte Univ. of Oregon Univ. of Tennessee ‐ Knoxville Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Virginia Tech Washington State University West Virginia University 17014 ‐1.4% 16775 ‐7.4% 15530 41099 ‐0.5% 15450 ‐1.0% 15292 37894 31583 24343 17390 ‐10.4% 40.1% 21804 24358 50744 0.3% ‐0.6% 21872 24218 ‐2.0% 0.3% 21443 24301 0.4% 21536 16079 25848 32857 78182 ‐9.2% 14604 4.8% 57411 15312 2.2% 79864 1.4% 32041 81006 39265 35799 35203 18156 37074 34896 26579 33055 36024 ‐6.0% ‐1.1% 36890 35421 ‐2.0% 0.7% 36167 35661 31921 8.3% ‐1.9% ‐0.4% 5.5% 1.4% 40135 34229 26482 34860 36533 3.3% 35349 7.9% ‐2.3% 37597 35689 34255 72660 30324 35861 ‐4.3% 32769 0.3% 1.4% 36356 8.0% 36003 ‐0. 0 7% 7% 35768 ‐1.6% ‐1 6% 33123 Category Mean: 26427 28850 37763 ‐2.3% 7.5% ‐5.5% 25826 31011 35686 2.9% 6.6% 0.9% Table 3: Summer Enrollment by Level & Matriculation ‐ 2007 Undergraduate Name Matriculated Visitors Graduate All‐UG Matriculated Total Visitors All‐GR UGpct GRpct Count Public; Fall Size Range 15,001‐20,000 Clemson University Eastern Kentucky University Montclair State University Oregon State University St. Cloud State University SUNY ‐ Univ. at Albany Univ. of Nevada ‐ Reno Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Greensboro Univ. of Virginia Western Kentucky University 10141 3640 4030 4538 4034 2328 4285 3182 2467 4167 Category Mean: 4281 100.0% 92.3% 85.0% 92.2% 91.0% 78.1% 91.6% 100.0% 91.5% 96.8% 91.9% 0 305 709 384 397 652 391 0 228 137 320 0.0% 7.7% 15.0% 7.8% 9.0% 21.9% 8.4% 0.0% 8.5% 3.2% 8.1% 10141 3945 4739 4922 4431 2980 4676 3182 2695 4304 4602 3407 1551 1668 1269 860 1217 851 1007 1549 1401 1478 100.0% 95.5% 99.5% 65.3% 72.3% 86.0% 53.5% 100.0% 86.1% 72.1% 83.0% 0 73 8 675 330 198 739 0 250 542 282 0.0% 4.5% 0.5% 34.7% 27.7% 14.0% 46.5% 0.0% 13.9% 27.9% 17.0% 3407 1624 1676 1944 1190 1415 1590 1007 1799 1943 1760 74.9% 70.8% 73.9% 71.7% 78.8% 67.8% 74.6% 76.0% 60.0% 68.9% 71.7% 25.1% 29.2% 26.1% 28.3% 21.2% 32.2% 25.4% 24.0% 40.0% 31.1% 28.3% 13548 5569 6415 6866 5621 4395 6266 4189 4494 6247 6361 4899 4591 6894 4397 94.6% 90.0% 92.7% 98.4% 280 512 543 72 5.4% 10.0% 7.3% 1.6% 5179 5103 7437 4469 617 935 2951 1481 94.1% 91.9% 92.6% 58.7% 39 82 236 1043 5.9% 8.1% 7.4% 41.3% 656 1017 3187 2524 88.8% 83.4% 70.0% 63.9% 11.2% 16.6% 30.0% 36.1% 5835 6120 10624 6993 4534 92.3% 377 7.7% 1468 48.0% 1590 52.0% 6198 4796 7524 8030 6050 4473 2175 5129 79.5% 79.0% 91.7% 95.6% 92.4% 70.0% 71.3% 77.2% 1600 1274 679 369 495 1921 877 1514 20.5% 21.0% 8.3% 4.4% 7.6% 30.0% 28.7% 22.8% 1652 3584 341 484 645 1900 1376 1539 89.1% 84.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 88.3% 72.5% 64.4% 203 677 0 0 10.9% 15.9% 0.0% 0.0% 251 521 849 11.7% 27.5% 35.6% 9033 2044 100.0% 67.3% 992 32.7% 4911 7226 7798 6070 8203 8399 6545 6394 3052 6643 6246 9033 3036 480 942 100.0% 70.0% 404 30.0% 3058 1619 1855 4261 341 484 645 2151 1897 2388 5112 480 1346 61.6% 81.7% 80.8% 58.8% 96.0% 94.6% 91.0% 74.8% 61.7% 73.6% 55.0% 95.0% 69.3% 38.4% 18.3% 19.2% 41.2% 4.0% 5.4% 9.0% 25.2% 38.3% 26.4% 45.0% 5.0% 30.7% 7969 8845 9653 10331 8544 8883 7190 8545 4949 9031 11358 9513 4382 Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 Colorado State University East Carolina University George Mason University Illinois State University Kent State University Miami University (OH) Middle Tennessee State Univ. North Carolina State University SUNY ‐ Stony Brook Univ. Univ. of California ‐ San Diego Univ. of California ‐ Santa Barbara Univ. of Colorado ‐ Boulder Univ. of Connecticut Univ. of Delaware Univ. of Hawaii ‐ Manoa Univ. of Iowa Univ. of Manitoba Univ. of Massachusetts ‐ Amherst Table 3: Summer Enrollment by Level & Matriculation ‐ 2007 (Continued) Name Matriculated Undergraduate Visitors All‐UG Matriculated Graduate Visitors All‐GR UGpct Total GRpct Count Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 (Continued) Univ. of Nebraska ‐ Lincoln Univ. of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Chapel Hill Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Charlotte Univ. of Oregon Univ. of Saskatchewan Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Virginia Tech Washington State University West Virginia University Category Mean: 5283 11186 5460 5610 5114 96.5% 74.9% 91.5% 93.2% 93.0% 192 3749 509 409 385 3.5% 25.1% 8.5% 6.8% 7.0% 5475 14935 5969 6019 5499 2430 1737 926 1908 1772 79.7% 69.1% 71.3% 89.7% 67.3% 620 776 372 220 861 20.3% 30.9% 28.7% 10.3% 32.7% 3050 2513 1298 2128 2633 64.2% 85.6% 82.1% 73.9% 67.6% 35.8% 14.4% 17.9% 26.1% 32.4% 8525 17448 7267 8147 8132 5014 98.5% 76 1.5% 5090 1864 99.6% 8 0.4% 1872 73.1% 26.9% 11069 6962 5767 5646 95.8% 88.0% 255 813 4.2% 12.6% 6022 6448 3535 1571 70.3% 81.9% 1490 512 29.7% 20.0% 5025 2148 54.5% 75.0% 45.5% 25.0% 11047 8695 Table 4: Fall/Summer Enrollment & Summer Credit Loads ‐ 2007 Fall/Summer Enrollment Fall Summer Summer 2006 2007 % Fall Name Summer Semester‐Credit‐Hours and Average Loads Undergraduate Graduate Students Cr‐Hrs Load Students Cr‐Hrs Load Public; Fall Size Range 15,001‐20,000 Clemson University Eastern Kentucky University Montclair State University Oregon State University St. Cloud State University SUNY ‐ Univ. at Albany Univ. of Nevada ‐ Reno Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Greensboro Univ. of Virginia Western Kentucky University Category Mean: 17309 15763 16076 19362 15327 17434 16769 16872 20000 18660 17357 13548 5569 6415 6866 5621 4395 6266 4189 4494 6247 6361 78.3% 35.3% 39.9% 35.5% 36.7% 25.2% 37.4% 24.8% 22.5% 33.5% 36.9% 10141 3945 4739 4922 4431 2980 4676 3182 2695 4304 4602 29885 21908 25488 38299 26598 17045 24252 17440 16782 23982 24168 2.9 5.6 5.4 7.8 6.0 5.7 5.2 5.5 6.2 5.6 5.6 3407 1624 1676 1944 1190 1415 1590 1007 1799 1943 1760 10837 8970 7454 12780 6062 7371 5671 4333 8639 10123 8224 3.2 5.5 4.4 6.6 5.1 5.2 3.6 4.3 4.8 5.2 4.8 5835 6120 10624 6993 7969 8845 9653 10331 8544 8883 7190 8545 4949 9031 11358 9513 4382 8525 17448 7267 8147 8132 11069 6962 11047 8695 23.7% 25.1% 35.5% 34.5% 36.5% 38.7% 33.5% 44.2% 31.8% 42.1% 24.5% 30.0% 24.3% 44.4% 37.9% 35.3% 16.9% 38.6% 62.3% 26.4% 36.4% 39.9% 36.9% 24.5% 40.2% 34.6% 5179 5103 7437 4469 4911 7226 7798 6070 8203 8399 6545 6394 3052 6643 6246 9033 3036 5475 14935 5969 6019 5499 29374 31333 43280 23407 30970 46386 5.7 6.1 5.8 5.2 6.3 6.4 4576 6170 12262 10365 19283 8365 7.0 6.1 3.8 4.1 6.3 5.2 36882 14383 56511 38700 32428 15292 37894 21536 57411 15312 32041 81006 36167 35661 31921 6.1 1.8 6.7 5.9 5.1 5.0 5.7 3.4 6.4 5.0 5.9 5.4 6.1 5.9 5.8 656 1017 3187 2524 3058 1619 1855 4261 341 484 645 2151 1897 2388 5112 480 1346 3050 2513 1298 2128 2633 14207 2728 3344 2944 15155 7555 10557 17412 3048 6699 13314 14523 5922 9771 13135 3.3 8.0 6.9 4.6 7.0 4.0 4.4 3.4 6.4 5.0 4.4 5.8 4.6 4.6 5.0 5090 6022 6448 35349 37597 35689 6.9 6.2 5.6 1872 5025 2148 9842 27018 10356 5.3 5.4 5.2 Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 Colorado State University East Carolina University George Mason University Illinois State University Miami University (OH) Middle Tennessee State Univ. North Carolina State University SUNY ‐ Stony Brook Univ. Univ. of California ‐ San Diego Univ. of California ‐ Santa Barbara Univ. of Colorado ‐ Boulder Univ. of Connecticut Univ. of Delaware Univ. of Hawaii ‐ Manoa Univ. of Iowa Univ. of Manitoba Univ. of Massachusetts ‐ Amherst Univ. of Nebraska ‐ Lincoln Univ. of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Chapel Hill Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Charlotte Univ. of Oregon Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Virginia Tech West Virginia University Category Mean: 24670 24351 29899 20261 21856 22863 28857 23354 26868 21082 29400 28481 20380 20357 29979 26938 26000 22106 28010 27538 22388 20388 30000 28470 27498 25280 Table 5: Fiscal Obligations and Support Page 1 of 1 Summer Session ( 2007) tuition and fees for credit courses are expected to cover: Less than 100% of Instructional Costs. 100% of Instructional Costs Only. 100% of Instructional Costs plus year-round cost of Summer Session Office Only. 100% of Instructional Costs plus an overhead factor. Fall Size Range # Responses <100% Instr-Cost Instr-Cost-Only Instr-Plus-Ofc Instr-Plus-Overhead Other Public 54 <2,500 2,501 - 5,000 5,001 - 10,000 10,001 - 15,000 15,001 - 20,000 20,001 - 30,000 >30,000 All Public 1 7 18 15 10 28 12 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0% 0% 0% 13% 0% 4% 17% 1 2 2 1 0 2 1 100% 29% 11% 7% 0% 7% 8% 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 0.00% 0.00% 11.11% 13.33% 10.00% 3.57% 16.67% 0 4 13 9 9 22 7 0% 57% 72% 60% 90% 79% 58% 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0% 14% 6% 7% 0% 7% 0% 91 5 5% 9 10% 8 9% 64 70% 5 5% 11 17 17 10 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 9% 0% 6% 20% 0% 33% 50% 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 9.09% 17.65% 5.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 9 13 15 7 2 2 1 82% 76% 88% 70% 100% 67% 50% 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0% 6% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0% 62 0 0% 6 10% 5 8% 49 79% 2 3% 153 5 3% 15 10% 13 8% 113 74% 7 5% Private <2,500 2,501 - 5,000 5,001 - 10,000 10,001 - 15,000 15,001 - 20,000 20,001 - 30,000 >30,000 All Private All Responses: Table 6: In-Person Courses - Average Counts by Category - Summer 2007 Fall Size Range # Responses All Courses Offered Offered Off-Campus Count Pct Page 1 of 1 Offered after 4:30 Count Pct Offered Weekends Count Pct Cancelled Count Pct Public 1 2 0 0% 2 100% 0 0% 2 100% 2,501 - 5,000 7 147 38 20% 36 20% 4 3% 19 14% 5,001 - 10,000 16 332 37 9% 60 20% 8 2% 38 12% 10,001 - 15,000 15 492 56 11% 66 12% 9 2% 61 12% 15,001 - 20,000 10 629 35 5% 79 14% 9 2% 38 7% 20,001 - 30,000 24 787 87 13% 105 13% 9 1% 84 11% >30,000 10 1,591 98 7% 209 15% 10 1% 155 9% 83 660 61 11% 90 16% 64 12% <2,500 10 89 8 8% 25 32% 3 3% 17 17% 2,501 - 5,000 17 246 20 8% 34 16% 2 1% 13 6% 5,001 - 10,000 14 219 25 10% 58 26% 14 4% 22 13% 10,001 - 15,000 7 320 18 5% 85 23% 8 2% 27 8% 15,001 - 20,000 1 1,162 11 1% 74 6% 24 2% 72 6% 20,001 - 30,000 2 394 73 18% 31 9% 0 0% 22 6% >30,000 2 1,618 73 3% 346 24% 1 0% 26 4% All Private: 53 293 23 8% 59 22% 20 10% All responses: 136 46 10% 55 <2,500 All Public: 8 2% Private 517 78 19% 7 8 2% 2% 47 11% Table 7: Term Length with highest number of credit hour taught - Summer 2007 Fall Size Range # Responses 3wk 4wk 5wk 6wk 7wk Page 1 of 1 8wk 9wk > 9wk Private <2,500 11 1 0 1 5 0 4 0 0 2,501 - 5,000 17 1 7 3 4 1 0 0 0 5,001 - 10,000 16 1 2 8 4 1 0 0 0 10,001 - 15,000 10 0 1 4 5 0 0 0 0 15,001 - 20,000 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 20,001 - 30,000 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 >30,000 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 61 3 10 16 22 2 7 0 0 2,501 - 5,000 7 2 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 5,001 - 10,000 18 0 3 8 3 1 1 0 2 10,001 - 15,000 15 3 3 4 1 1 2 0 1 15,001 - 20,000 10 1 1 6 1 0 0 0 0 20,001 - 30,000 28 1 2 9 10 1 4 0 0 >30,000 12 0 0 0 5 1 5 0 0 All Public 90 7 9 29 21 4 14 0 3 All responses: 151 10 19 45 43 6 21 0 3 All Private 56 Public Table 8: Instructional Salaries: Most common method in Summer 2007 Public Salary determination Count Page 1 of 1 Private Pct Count All Pct Count Pct 3 3% 0 0% 3 2% Pct of Acad.Yr per course 20 22% 8 13% 28 19% Pct of Acad.Yr per credit 23 26% 8 13% 31 21% Flat amount per course - all ranks 5 6% 4 7% 9 6% Flat amount per course - by rank 5 6% 5 8% 10 7% Flat amount per credit - all ranks 2 2% 6 10% 8 5% Flat amount per credit - by rank 12 13% 7 12% 19 13% By enrollment 0 0% 5 8% 5 3% Negotiated individually 1 1% 1 2% 2 1% 18 20% 16 27% 34 23% Pct of Acad.Yr - all summer 57 Other Ranges for various payment methods: Min. Avg. Pct of Acad.Yr - all summer 9.6% 16.2% 28.0% Pct of Acad.Yr per credit 2.1% 2.9% 3.8% Flat amount per credit - all ranks $730 $1,289 $2,050 Flat amount per credit - by rank (Assoc values) Max. $680 $1,396 $2,438 $1,382 $1,382 $1,382 7.5% 9.8% 11.5% Flat amount per course - all ranks $2,205 $4,130 $5,628 Flat amount per course - by rank (Assoc values) $3,200 $5,202 $9,780 Other (Assoc values) Pct of Acad.Yr per course Table 9: Salary Details ‐ 2007 (Assoc. Prof. with 9‐month Salary of $64,400 teaching one 3‐cr English Lit class to 20 students) (Assoc. Prof. if rank‐dependent) Name Example Most Common Basis Rate Clemson University Eastern Kentucky University $ 7,200 $ 4,500 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit Other 3.75% Montclair State University $ 3,075 Flat amount per credit‐by rank $ 1,025 Comment: Public; Fall Size Range 15,001‐20,000 3% of academic year salary X number of credit hours with a maximum of $1500/credit hour. Oregon State University $ 17,920 Pct of Acad. Yr ‐ all summer 28.0% St. Cloud State University $ 4,320 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit 2.25% SUNY ‐ Univ. at Albany $ 3,500 Flat amount per course‐by rank $ 3,500 Univ. of Nevada ‐ Reno $ 5,070 Flat amount per credit‐by rank $ 1,690 Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Greensboro $ 5,333 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit 2.8% Univ. of Virginia $ 7,385 Pct of Acad. Yr per course 11.5% $ 4,000 Pct of Acad. Yr per course 8.0% Western Kentucky University Category Mean: $ 6,230 Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 Colorado State University $ 6,240 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit 3.25% East Carolina University $ 5,334 Pct of Acad. Yr per course 8.33% George Mason University $ 6,400 Pct of Acad. Yr per course 10.0% Illinois State University $ 7,111 Pct of Acad. Yr per course 11.0% Miami University (OH) Middle Tennessee State Univ. $ 5,760 $ 6,000 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit Other 3.0% North Carolina State University SUNY ‐ Stony Brook Univ. $ 6,336 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit Other 3.3% Academic year salary times the number of adjusted credit hours of the course times 3.125% Below a certain enrollment (15 UG, 10 GR) we reimburse the dept a flat amt per credit. Above the min amt, the dept is responsible for paying the instructor salary. Univ. of California ‐ San Diego Univ. of California ‐ Santa Barbara $ 5,440 $ 7,104 Pct of Acad. Yr per course Other 8.5% UCSB faculty (senate‐level & lecturers) are paid 11.1% of their academic‐yr salary. Assoc. (grad student instructors) and visiting instructors are paid 8.5% of a standard 9‐mo.base salary. Univ. of Colorado ‐ Boulder $ 5,560 Flat amount per course‐by rank $ 5,560 Table 9: Salary Details ‐ 2007 (Continued) (Assoc. Prof. with 9‐month Salary of $64,400 teaching one 3‐cr English Lit class to 20 students) (Assoc. Prof. if rank‐dependent) Name Example Most Common Basis Rate Comment: Public; Fall Size Range 20,001‐30,000 (Continued) Univ. of Connecticut $ 5,440 Other Grad assistants and adjuncts receive a stipend based on the number of course credits. Regular faculty receive a stipend based on the number of course credits for an enrollment of 6 students, for each student over six, but less than 12, the stipe Univ. of Delaware $ 5,010 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit 2.25% Univ. of Hawaii ‐ Manoa $ 4,836 Flat amount per credit‐by rank $ 1,612 Univ. of Iowa $ 7,111 Pct of Acad. Yr per course 11.1% Univ. of Manitoba Univ. of Massachusetts ‐ Amherst $ 4,100 $ 4,000 Flat amount per course‐by rank Other $ 4,100 Status (tenured, adjunct, etc), base amount, + $xxx for students above a base amount Univ. of Nebraska ‐ Lincoln $ 5,376 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit 2.8% Univ. of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas Univ. of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas $ $ 7,314 Flat amount per credit‐ amount per credit‐by rank $ 2,438 $ 2,438 Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Chapel Hill $ 7,111 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit 3.7% Univ. of North Carolina ‐ Charlotte Univ. of Oregon $ 6,400 $ 5,000 Pct of Acad. Yr per course Pct of Acad. Yr per course 10.0% 10.0% Maximum pay for a 4‐qtr hour course is 10% of the academic yr base salary. However, most depts choose to pay a flat‐rate amount which is somewhat less than the 10% per course max‐ this flat rate varies among depts. Univ. of Saskatchewan $ 4,638 Flat amount per credit‐by rank $ 1,546 Virginia Commonwealth Univ. $ 4,480 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit 2.33% Virginia Tech $ 7,200 Pct of Acad. Yr per credit 3.75% Washington State University West Virginia University $ 7,040 $ 3,500 Pct of Acad. Yr per course Other 11.0% Salaries determined by each college independently and vary according to the above options. Category Mean: $ 5,763 Table 10: Distance/Online Courses - Averages by Category - Summer 2007 Page 1 of 1 (Among institutions reporting that they do offer any online courses in Summer) Fall Size Range # Responses with Any Online Online Crs Count Live Crs Count Online Pct of Live Online Credit-Hrs Public 2,501 - 5,000 6 40 111 43% 1,335 5,001 - 10,000 16 64 282 33% 5,479 10,001 - 15,000 14 68 453 17% 3,283 15,001 - 20,000 10 121 591 19% 4,444 20,001 - 30,000 18 141 745 21% 6,922 >30,000 12 101 1,483 7% 4,988 76 94 620 22% 4,902 <2,500 6 14 80 33% 493 2,501 - 5,000 9 25 308 17% 674 5,001 - 10,000 12 13 214 13% 1,292 10,001 - 15,000 4 28 411 8% 1,223 15,001 - 20,000 1 59 1,090 5% 2,250 20,001 - 30,000 3 20 372 2% 953 >30,000 2 116 1,605 5% 212 All Private: 37 25 349 16% 944 All responses: 113 72 533 20% 3,635 69 All Public: Private