First Reading: Second Reading: Pass: Fail: Other: November 9, 2010 Resolution 03-10-F Resolution to Support Online Access to Course Information PURPOSE: For the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University to formally support the adoption of a policy that promotes online access to course information. WHEREAS: According to the 17th edition of the Faculty Handbook, copies of current course syllabi are not required to be on TopNet, and WHEREAS: The Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University encourages syllabi to be posted on TopNet by the first day of priority registration for the semester or academic term during which the course is offered, and WHEREAS: A syllabus should include major course requirements, required or recommended readings, grading scales, office hours, contact information, and a general description of the subject matter, and WHEREAS: Each syllabus should be available not later than the fifth day after the first day of classes for the semester or academic term during which the course is offered, and THEREFORE: Be it resolved by the Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University that formal support be given to the adoption of a policy that promotes online access to course information. AUTHORS: Nathan Bishop Kaylee Egerer Eileen Forsythe Brandon Logan Travis Taylor Ann-Blair Thornton SPONSORS: Academic Affairs Committee Campus Improvements Committee Legislative Research Committee Public Relations Committee CONTACT: Kendrick Bryan ________________ ________________ ________________