54 BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHARLES STEWART MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 26, 2007 VOLUME 39 SCHEDULED MEETING: 7:30 p.m. BOARD CONFERENCE ROOM: Room 302, Mott Library TRUSTEES PRESENT: Lenore Croudy James Bettendorf Andrew (Andy) Everman Sally Shaheen Joseph Albert J. Koegel John L. Snell, Jr. Celia M. Turner TRUSTEES ABSENT: PRESIDING OFFICER: Lenore Croudy, Chairman Regular Board Meeting: 7:35 p.m. to 9:55 p.m. Certified As Correct: _____________________________________ Lenore Croudy, Chairman __________________________________ James B. Bettendorf, Secretary 54a BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHARLES STEWART MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Regular Meeting, November 26, 2007 Volume 39 Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 26, 2007 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SESSION: The Committee of the Whole session consisted of an update on the Food Service Vending bid process conducted by Larry Gawthrop and Larry Koehler, and a presentation on the college’s online application process by Sharon Ewles and Ken Arthur. Time was also allotted for board members to ask questions about any of the resolutions/action items on tonight’s agenda. The session ended at approximately 7:25 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Croudy called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Chair Croudy asked if there were any additions to the agenda. MOVED BY TRUSTEE JOSEPH THAT A DISCUSSION REGARDING THE AGREEMENT WITH THE FOUNDATION FOR MCC/PROPOSAL 2 BE ADDED TO THE AGENDA. SECONDED BY TRUSTEE EVERMAN. III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Chair Croudy called for a vote on the adoption of the agenda as amended. EVERMAN, JOSEPH, KOEGEL, SNELL VOTED AYE. TURNER VOTED NO. BETTENDORF ABSTAINED. MOTION APPROVED. IV. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Chair Croudy called on President Shaink who introduced Scott Jenkins, Vice President of Student & Administrative Services. Mr. Jenkins presented an update on enrollment trends at MCC. He talked about external factors that affect enrollment and how we can use comparison data to develop new strategies to increase student recruitment and retention. President Shaink asked Michael Schrage and Dana Coomes from Plante & Moran to come forward and present the audit which appears as Item 1.22 on the agenda. Mr. Schrage stated that the 54b auditors have again issued an unqualified or clean opinion of the financial statements of the college for the year ending June 30, 2007, and that this is the highest form of assurance that the documents are free of material misstatement. He also stated that an unqualified/clean opinion had been issued for the audit of the federal awards of the college, and that no instances of non-compliances had been noted. Mr. Schrage and Ms. Coomes reviewed several graphs that showed the financial results of the college. Mr. Schrage thanked Ethel Mason and the entire accounting staff for their preparedness and assistance during the audit process. He then asked if there were any questions about the audit report. Trustee Turner asked where MCC, as well as other colleges and universities, stand in terms of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Mr. Schrage responded that technically the regulations of Sarbanes-Oxley do not apply to an entity like Mott Community College. However, there has been much discussion at all types of entities about adopting some of the best practices from Sarbanes-Oxley. Overall, MCC is ahead of the curve in that aspect in terms of how we operate our accounting and financial reporting. This can be seen in several areas including the oversight that both the finance and personnel committees have in terms of involvement with the auditors at the end of the year, this is not typical at most colleges. Also, the level of detail and commentary provided in the monthly treasurer’s report which provides a good internal control mechanism to allow the board to exercise oversight, as well as the review of internal controls by another independent accounting firm. Trustee Turner thanked Mr. Schrage for answering her question, and Trustee Joseph stated that his response had also resolved a concern that she had raised in the committee of the whole session about the need for separate committees. Trustee Everman asked what the deadline date was for submission of the audit to the state and Mr. Schrage responded that it was November 15. Trustee Everman commented that we were late again in submitting the audit, but Ethel Mason, Accounting Supervisor, stated that we were not late as the audit had been submitted well before the deadline date. Michael Schrage concurred by stating that once the independent auditor completes the report it is ready for submission to the state. The Board is not required to approve the audit report, and the acceptance of the report is merely a formality. At this time, Chair Croudy opened discussion on the Agreement with the Foundation for MCC/Proposal 2. Trustee Joseph made the following statements, noting that she did so because she had left last month’s meeting early due to illness and was unable to voice her opinion on the matter: • • • She stated that she was concerned about the separation agreement in terms of what individuals at the Foundation were making scholarship recommendations – specifically, are they college employees? She believes that the agreement would not withstand scrutiny if put to the test. For the record, Trustee Joseph wanted to clarify publicly that she would have voted no on the resolution to approve the agreement. Trustee Everman asked Trustee Joseph if she wanted to make a motion to rescind the resolution at this time. Trustee Joseph replied that she did not. 54c Attorney Delaney suggested that for clarification Attorney George Butler attend next month’s board meeting and address any questions/concerns about the agreement with the Foundation. Chair Croudy agreed with this recommendation and asked President Shaink to make the necessary arrangements. V. COMMUNICATIONS Secretary Bettendorf read a letter that was received from several local township clerks asking the Board to consider moving the May election date to November. Following some discussion, it was the consensus that it was in the college’s best interest to retain the May date at this time. VI. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Everman questioned why Attorney Delaney’s comments regarding “grand-standing” were not included in the October 22, 2007 meeting minutes, and requested that they be added. Attorney Delaney had no objection to his comments being included in the minutes. MOVED BY TRUSTEE TURNER, SECONDED BY TRUSTEE EVERMAN, THAT THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 22, 2007 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. Chair Croudy called for a vote on the motion to approve the October 22, 2007 meeting minutes. ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. VIII. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS Acceptance of Standing Board Committee Reports: 1. Personnel (Turner, Bettendorf, Joseph): Trustee Turner reported that the Personnel Committee met on November 20, 2007. Notes from that meeting appear as Attachment A. 2. Finance (Koegel, Everman, Snell): Trustee Koegel reported that the Finance Committee also met on November 20, 2007. Notes from that meeting appear as Attachment B. IX. There was no unfinished business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 54d X. NEW BUSINESS Consent Agenda: Chair Croudy called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. MOVED BY TRUSTEE SNELL, SECONDED BY TRUSTEE JOSEPH THAT THE BOARD APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Chair Croudy called for a vote on the Consent Agenda, Items 1.20 and 1.21. ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. Individual Items: Chair Croudy called for a motion to approve Item 1.23, Bid Award – Access Control System Project and asked Secretary Bettendorf to read the resolution. Secretary Bettendorf read the resolution. MOVED BY TRUSTEE BETTENDORF, SECONDED BY TRUSTEE KOEGEL THAT ITEM 1.23 BE APPROVED. Chair Croudy called for the vote on Item 1.23. ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. Chair Croudy called for a motion to approve Item 1.24, Bid Award – Foundry Networks and asked Secretary Bettendorf to read the resolution. Secretary Bettendorf read the resolution. MOVED BY TRUSTEE BETTENDORF, SECONDED BY TRUSTEE EVERMAN THAT ITEM 1.24 BE APPROVED. Chair Croudy called for the vote on Item 1.24. ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. XI. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS President’s Report: President Shaink distributed the executive summary report and referred to the staffing transactions report. He called on Mark Kennedy who stated that there were no new employees present to introduce this evening. President Shaink thanked Larry Gawthrop and Larry Koehler for the update on the food service vendor bid process, and Sharon Ewles and Ken Arthur for their presentation on the on-line application process. He also thanked Scott Jenkins for his special presentation on enrollment trends. 54e He thanked the auditors for attending tonight’s meeting, and the entire accounting staff for a clean audit with no findings. He also thanked Cheryl Bassett and the entire Management Information Systems staff for their hard work on a successful Datatel conversion – the first of its kind in the country. XII. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS (Item 4.04): Trustee Turner thanked all the staff who made presentations this evening. She stated that having food service back on campus will be great for the college, the employees and students. She applauded the on-line application system, and the accounting staff on a clean audit. Trustee Everman presented 12 autographed books to be donated to the Mott Library’s circulation collection, and noted that he had them signed “for the students of MCC”. He read the inscription in each. President Shaink thanked Trustee Everman for his generous gift. He stated that the books would be delivered to the Library and that the Foundation would receive notice of the gift for their records. Trustee Koegel had no comments. Trustee Joseph thanked Chief Locke and her staff for transporting her to the hospital after she became ill at last month’s meeting. She was appreciative of all their assistance. Chair Croudy stated that it is truly MCC’s outstanding staff that make it such an outstanding college, and thanked all of their hard work and support. Trustee Snell recognized outgoing MCCEA President Steve Robinson for ten years of outstanding service and for helping build a solid relationship between faculty, staff and administrators. Trustee Bettendorf had no comments. XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION Chair Croudy called for a motion to adjourn to an executive session in Room 303 for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining strategies. MOVED BY TRUSTEE JOSEPH, SECONDED BY TRUSTEE TURNER, THAT THE BOARD ADJOURN TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS BARGAINING STRATEGIES. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN. TURNER – AYE SNELL – AYE BETTENDORF – AYE 54f EVERMAN – AYE KOEGEL – AYE JOSEPH – AYE CROUDY – AYE SEVEN AYE VOTES. NO NAY VOTES. MOTION PASSED. The board adjourned to executive session at 9:02 p.m. XIV. ADJOURNMENT Chair Croudy declared the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Lisa Poma, Administrative Assistant, Office of the President. A copy of the official meeting minutes and a compact disc recording of the meeting in its entirety are available for public viewing/listening in the Mott Library, main campus. ATTACHMENT A PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 3:00 p.m., CM 1019 Present: Turner, Bettendorf, Joseph Chairwoman Turner called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Mark Kennedy gave a historical overview of bargaining strategies and labor relations at the college. Attorney Kendall Williams provided an update on an employee issue. Acceptance of the Audit for FY 2006-07: Michael Schrage, CPA, Plante & Moran, and Dana Coomes, Audit Manager, Plante & Moran, delivered the results of the audit of the financial statements of the college for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Ms. Coomes gave a brief overview of the Financial Statements including the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets. Mr. Schrage reviewed the auditor’s letter, and supplemental information about federal financial aid awards. He noted that it was a clean audit with no findings, and that all of the financial statements are in conformity with general accounting principals. Following the auditor’s review/explanation, college administrators and staff were excused from the meeting so the Personnel Committee members could ask questions pertaining to the audit report. Consent Agenda Treasurer’s Report: Larry Gawthrop provided an overview of the Treasurer’s Report for the month of October, and noted that both revenues and expenditures are in-line with budgeted amounts. He noted the new format for the Treasurer’s Report which is more user-friendly. He also mentioned that in January the administration would be bringing forward to the board an amended budget that would, more than likely, include dollars set aside for salary increases as bargaining with several employee groups continues. Appointments to fill vacancies on Citizen/Lay Advisory Committees: Amy Fugate explained that under the Perkins grant, academic programs are required to have advisory committees made up of community members/practitioners, and that every other year the Board approves appointments to these advisory committees. This resolution is an odd-year update to fill vacancies on the various academic advisory committees due to resignations, etc. These appointments are for the balance of the original two-year term (2006-2008) only. Individual Items Bid Award – Access Control System Project: Amy Fugate explained that this project is for a cardreader entry system for smart classrooms located in the Curtice-Mott Complex and Mott Memorial Building. Larry Gawthrop noted that a cross-functional committee looked at requirements for the system and put together a Request for Proposals (RFP). Three proposals were received and all three vendors did an on-site presentation. The bid is being awarded to Genesee Technologies of Fenton in the amount of $118,777.00. The system will be installed in time for the start up of Winter semester classes. This project will be funded through maintenance and replacement funds. Bid Award – Foundry Networks: Larry Gawthrop stated that in order to handle increased connectivity as a result of an additional reading lab in the academic affairs area, a new foundry network/wiring closet with more ports is needed. The existing equipment will be moved to the library. Sealed bids were solicited from active vendors and the bid is being awarded to Teoma Systems of Troy in the amount of $73,445.00. The low bid was incomplete – did not meet system specifications. Funding for this project will come from the Disaster Recovery Project Fund. Other Items Staffing Transactions Report: Mark Kennedy reviewed the staffing transactions report. He noted three new hires – two staff positions that are the result of a second grant in the Upward Bound Program area, and one that is a replacement for a tutorial coordinator in the Learning Center. Chairwoman Turner adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m. ATTACHMENT B FINANCE COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 12:00 pm, CM 1019 Present: Koegel, Everman, Snell Chairman Koegel called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m. Acceptance of the Audit for FY 2006-07: Michael Schrage, CPA, Plante & Moran, and Dana Coomes, Audit Manager, Plante & Moran, delivered the results of the audit of the financial statements of the college for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Ms. Coomes reviewed several of the Financial Statements including the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets. Mr. Schrage reviewed the auditor’s letter, and supplemental information about federal financial aid awards. He noted that it was a clean audit with no findings, and that the financial statements fairly present the financial position of the college for the FY 2006-07 and are in conformity with general accounting principals. Following the auditor’s review/explanation, college administrators and staff were excused from the meeting so the Finance Committee members could ask questions pertaining to the audit report. Consent Agenda Treasurer’s Report: Larry Gawthrop provided an overview of the Treasurer’s Report for the month of October. He gave a brief summary of revenues -- highlighting increases in tuition and fees, state appropriations, and property taxes -- and noted that expenditures are in-line with budgeted amounts. Chairman Koegel noted that he appreciated the new format for the Treasurer’s Report which is much more user-friendly. Larry Gawthrop also mentioned that in January the administration would be bringing forward to the board an amended budget that would, more than likely, include dollars set aside for salary increases as bargaining with several employee groups continues. Appointments to fill vacancies on Citizen/Lay Advisory Committees: Amy Fugate explained that this is an odd-year update to fill vacancies on various academic advisory committees due to resignations, etc. These appointments are for the balance of the original two-year term (2006-2008) only. Individual Items Bid Award – Access Control System Project: Amy Fugate explained that this project is for a cardreader entry system for smart classrooms located in the Curtice-Mott Complex and Mott Memorial Building. Larry Gawthrop noted that a cross-functional committee looked at requirements for the system and put together a Request for Proposals (RFP). Three proposals were received and all three vendors did an on-site presentation. The bid is being awarded to Genesee Technologies of Fenton in the amount of $118,777.00. The system will be installed in time for the start up of Winter semester classes. This project will be funded through maintenance and replacement funds. Bid Award – Foundry Networks: Larry Gawthrop stated that in order to handle increased connectivity as a result of an additional reading lab in the academic affairs area, a new foundry network/wiring closet with more ports is needed. The existing equipment will be moved to the library. Sealed bids were solicited from active vendors and the bid is being awarded to Teoma Systems of Troy in the amount of $73,445.00. The low bid was incomplete – did not meet system specifications. Funding for this project will come from the Disaster Recovery Project Fund. Other Items Staffing Transactions Report: Mark Kennedy reviewed the staffing transactions report. He noted three new hires – two as a result of a second grant in the Upward Bound Program area, and one that is a replacement. Chairman Koegel adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.