Congratulations to all those who ... performance of Showtime. In order to for this production

It is with great joy that we celebrate the beatification of
Pope John Paul II on, May 1st, 2011. Students and families
attending Mass at Holy Family Church that day received
Prayer cards which were brought back to the school.
Father Larry and Father Sherwin joined us in a Liturgy of
the Word on Thursday, May 5th. All students received a
prayer card. We are all encouraged to pray for Pope John
Paul II to intercede on our behalf for our special
Father Larry asked us to keep in mind:
“Believe. Do not be afraid to believe.”
Pope John Paul II’s first words after being elected Pope.
Holy Family On-line
Please be sure to visit Holy Family Church on-line at their
Parish website. The website is
All families are invited to visit the new church website.
Victoria Day
We would like to remind you that Monday, May 23rd is
Victoria Day. This is a holiday and therefore school will be
closed. We wish all our students and their families a safe
and relaxing long weekend.
P.D. Day
A reminder that there will be no school for students on
Monday, June 13th. On this day teachers will be working on
assessment and evaluation of pupil progress and report card
writing. Please note that the final report cards go home on
Tuesday, June 28th.
Eco-School Activities
Our Grade 5 Green team have been very busy. Despite the
need to postpone our yard clean-up
because of wet weather, we were
eventually able to get everyone to help.
Together we were able to gather 46 kg.
of garbage from our yard. Our Green
team under the coaching of Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Jobb
has also reminded us for the need to turn off lights, bring a
litterless lunch and walk to school now that we have good
We are also working on a plan to improve our gardens at the
front. We are grateful to Mrs. Cardoza who has been
sharing ideas with Mr. Barnett on plants that will make our
entrance way more attractive and green friendly.
Showtime Success
Congratulations to all those who participated in the
performance of Showtime. In order to for this production
to occur, it required a whole school effort. Thanks to all
the staff and students who coped with disruptions to
routines during the week of performance. Thanks to the
parents and those staff who helped to provide props,
costumes, make-up, lighting and sound. The end result was
spectacular! What a celebration of the talent at the
school. All the hard work of the performers and their
teacher coaches was well worth it as the community
enjoyed very professional presentations.
Thank you to all the families who sent the Chalice
containers back to the school after Easter. Catalogues are
now being distributed to the classrooms for students to
choose what may be purchased to support communities.
Last year we were able to provide chickens, goats, cows and
household items to countries in need. Thanks again to the
Parent Group who collected the containers, counted the
money and organized the donations.
Welcome to Kindergarten – Wednesday, May 11, 2011,
6:30 p.m.
On the evening of June 2, at 6:30 p.m. – all parents whose
children are entering Junior Kindergarten are welcome to
come out and experience kindergarten routines, instruction
techniques, pre-school ideas – as our kindergarten team will
welcome you and your children to a night of family
learning!!!! A number of community groups will also be
joining us this evening. For more information, please
contact the school.
Junior Achievement
Special thanks to Mrs. DiIulio for organizing the Economics
of Success through the Junior Achievement program. With
the help of H. Wilkie, B. Vasconcelos, V. Vivona, P. Di Iulio,
S. Campanelli and C. Markham, the Grade 8 students were
introduced to practical skills of the workplace. We are
very grateful for the contribution of everyone involved in
this project.
Elementary Summer School
Attached you will find an information form in regards to
the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District Summer School
Programs for 2011. Please note that these programs are
intended for students achieving Level 1 or 2 in Reading and
Writing. Please contact your child’s teacher if you are
interested in having your child participate in either the Gr.
7 and 8 Summer School program or the Gr. SK-6 Summer
Literacy Camp. The deadline for applications is June 1st,
2011. Kindly refer to the website for further details.
DPCDSB Summer 2011 Adult Programs
Adult CO-OP Programs (905-362-0701 or 905-891-3934)
ESL English as a Second Language (905-891-9263) FSL
French as a Second Language Conversation 905-891-9263
(ext 37955) LINC Language Instruction for Newcomers
Reading Month Success
During April time was set aside each week for the whole
school to enjoy silent reading. In addition, the Parent
Group had special community guests visit classes to read. In
order to share the joy of reading, junior students brought
in books for a book swap and primary students put together
reading worms for display in the hallways. Special thanks
to our Parent Group for all their hard work in organizing
these activities and running the events.
Confirmation for students in grade 8 will take
place at Holy Family Church on various dates
over the next few weeks. This is an important
step in the lives of our grade 8 students as it
marks their full acceptance and commitment
to the larger church community. While we celebrate, we
also need to acknowledge the time and effort of the many
people involved in supporting our students along the way.
The list includes teachers, parents, the parish team and a
significant number of other adults who continue to work
hard in preparing our students for this sacrament. A
special thank you to Father Larry and Father Sherwin.
Students are reminded not to bring valuables, items of
importance or money to school. The school does not accept
responsibility for the above. Treasures, with a monetary
value or sentimental value, should not be brought to school.
Student clothing and play items should be clearly marked
with your child’s name.
First Communion
We congratulate our grade 2 students –
both those who have already received the
sacrament and those who will be receiving
Holy Eucharist for the first time in the
month to come. Again, we would like to
acknowledge all those who were instrumental in the
preparation of our students.
Farewell and Welcome
We would like to say forewell to Mrs. Saab as she has
started a leave to prepare for a new arrival in the family.
We hope to hear news from her family soon.
We would like to welcome Mrs. Mammoliti who will be
completing Mrs. Saab’s teaching assignment.
Proper Clothing and Protection
Warm beautiful days are fast approaching; therefore,
parents are reminded to please ensure that your child is
protected from the sun. Current fashions in clothing may
cause some problems if they are worn to school, regardless
of grade level. Students are reminded of our school dress
code. Please consider the following when you purchase
summer clothes:
Observing certain modesty in dress is advised.
Spaghetti straps, tank tops, tube tops and halter
tops are not appropriate for school.
Shorts & skirts should fall below fingertips when
extended along the side of the body.
Tops should not be "cropped" (if they expose the
belly when the arms are raised straight above the
head, they are too short for school) nor should
they have large cut armholes, be skin tight, or
Pants are to be worn at the waist. No
undergarments should be exposed.
Integrated Ridership
The school board’s bus transportation services are
operated by Student Transportation of Peel Region
One initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education, that
is designed to improve efficiency is known as integrated
ridership. In integrated ridership, students from both
Dufferin-Peel and Peel schools will ride on the same buses,
where feasible. A number of school boards across the
province have successfully implemented integrated
ridership. All eligible students continue to be transported
on runs where integrated ridership is implemented.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has
approved the implementation of integrated ridership,
where feasible, starting September, 2011. Integrated
ridership works best in situations where schools are
located close to one another and the number of students
involved helps achieve better organized bus runs. Pope
John Paul II School is one of the schools scheduled to
implement integrated ridership to some extent.
Integrated ridership is designed to create a more
effective and efficient operation of service, is more
environmentally friendly and reduces traffic in our
communities. Integrated ridership may also result in higher
transportation funding levels for school boards.
As we receive more information from STOPR, we will pass
that information on to the community.
From the Library:
1. Congratulations to all Forest of
Reading readers!!!
All eligible
Blue Spruce, Silver Birch, Silver
Birch Express and Red Maple readers
voted for their favourite books on April 20th, 2011.
Ballots were counted across Ontario and the
winners will be announced at the Awards
Ceremonies at Harbourfront on May 11th and 12th.
Pop into the library to see who the winners were!
2. Book Fair: “Catch the Reading Wave!”
We will be hosting a Book Fair from Tuesday, May
24th to Monday May 30th. Tuesday to Thursday
a.m. will be browsing days, with Thursday p.m. to
Monday p.m. being purchasing days. The Book Fair
will be open until 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 26th.
Catch the summer fun reading wave and come on
out and support our Library!!
3. Award Winning author Kathy Kacer will be at our
school on Monday, May 16th, 2011. Grades 5 to 8
will have the pleasure of hearing her talk about her
books, the writing process and the Holocaust.
Students will have the opportunity to purchase the
following books after her presentations.
Secret of Gabi’s Dresser - $10.00 (Junior)
Clara’s War – $10.00 (Junior/Intermediate)
Home Free series - $10.00 each (Junior)
The Night Spies - $10.00
The Underground Reporters (Non fiction) - $15.00
Hiding Edith (Non fiction) - $15.00
The Diary of Laura’s Twin (Non fiction) - $15.00
Whispers from the ------(Ghettos, Camps, and
Hiding) Series (Non fiction) - $15.00 each
4. Mrs. Condotta is busy trying to retrieve all those
lost or misplaced books. Please note that all books
are due back on June 10th. Please help us by
searching closets and under beds for any books
that may be hiding.
Library Dates to Remember:
Saving Planet Earth Presentation by Loretta Penny– June
15th and 16th (Kindergarten to grade 8)
Author: Freida Wishinsky – June 13th – JK, SK and grade
Last week of book circulation: May 31st to June 3rd .
All books back by June 10th .
Flag Football
The Intermediate Flag Football team continues to prepare
for the Cubs Tournament on May 18th, 2011. Team members
include Jordan B., Shane S., Evan K., Ernesto C., Aydan N.,
Justin D., Michael P., William B., Chris R., John Paul L.,
Hannah R., Alana S., Lexie H., Stephanie C., Bella C., Selena
D., and Maya A. Team members enthusiastically participate
in offensive and defensive drills in the hope that PJPII will
be one of the top competitors at the tournament. Coach
Bria and Coach Pusztai are very proud of the overall effort
and progress to date.
Junior Girl’s Basketball Team
Representing the school at the Bolton Tournament on April
14 was, Xena A., Jocelyn C., Alana C., Zoe A., Sydney B.,
Alex G., Makana M., Deanna D., Natalie L., Hannah T.,
Katrina B. and Amanda F. The girls won the whole
tournamenat and went on to compete in the Family
tournament, finishing in second place. Thanks to Mrs.
Merrick and Mr. Pusztai for their work with this team.
Weather Update
As we go into the wet spring season parents
are reminded that children should be
cautious of high water levels and to stay
clear of these areas. In addition, we are likely to have
rapid shifts in weather temperatures from warm to very
cool. Students are to dress appropriately for the weather
of the day and they must be prepared for outdoor
We would like to remind you that there are pupils in
attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening
allergies to certain foods, such as peanut and nut products,
sesame seeds and/or milk products. Exposure to the
smallest quantities can cause severe life threatening
Anaphylaxis is a severe and life threatening allergic
reaction. The most common allergen triggers are food,
insect stings, medications, exercise and latex.
We would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school
community by NOT sending any lunches or snacks that could
potentially harm a pupil. Please make sure that all of your
children’s caregivers are aware of the food restrictions.
Please avoid sending food for birthday or special occasions.
There are many alternatives such as stickers and pencils. If
you have any questions please talk to your child’s teacher or
call the office.
Parking Enforcement
Please be advised that the front of the school where buses
drop off students is a designated “fire route”. Local
parking enforcement officers have been present at the
school and have been issuing fines. They have authority to
come on to the property to enforce fire routes and
handicapped parking. Kiss and Ride is provided on the west
side of the school for students being dropped off before
school. Parents should not be dropping off students in this
fire route/bus drop off lane.
Grade 6 and 7 students are being trained by our Peel
Health Nurse to be PALS (Playground Activity Leaders in
Schools). They will lead cooperative games for grades 1 – 3
students during recess. The PALS motto is: There is
always room for one more.
Dance Team
The Dance Event, on April 26th, was a big success with 15
schools participating in the day. Congratulations to our
Junior Dance Team members: Brianna A., Leah D., Isabella
D., Caitlin M., Lauren M., Riley M., Madison O., Emma S.,
Liliana S., Sarah S., Isabella W., Bethney N., Julian L. and
Marco M. They were amazing on stage and were the
adjudicator’s choice to dance in the St. Thomas Aquinas
Spring Show held the next evening.
The Intermediate Dance Team members consisted of Logan
F., Victoria R., Cierra W., Veronica M. and Chloe H. Their
graceful performance and choreography were highly
praised. The dancers are commended for their dedication
to the art of dance.
We would like to thank the choreographers, V. Zullo and R.
Cameron for volunteering their time to teach and perfect
the dances and to Mrs. Atwater and Ms. Moran for
coaching the teams.
Thanks as well to St. Mike’s Secondary School for the use
of their dance studio for some of our rehearsals.
Fire Drill and Lockdown Procedures
Throughout the year safety procedures are reviewed with
students on a number of topics. Emergency evacuation
drills are conducted to ensure that everyone is aware of
the procedures to follow in order to exit the building
safely. In the event of an unforeseen emergency situation,
students and staff will evacuate to St. Michael’s Secondary
School. In the near future, students and staff will also
discuss and practice procedures that will be implemented in
the event of an emergency lockdown situation.
Through the support of all the families
here at Pope John Paul II School many
have been comforted.
Together, as a
community, we sent donations at Christmas
organized by our Parent Group to the Caledon
Community Services. Some of our Intermediate classes
sent donations to the Adopt-A-Family Program in Toronto.
Please see the note attached expressing their thanks to
our students and families for their contributions.
Each year Grade 3 and 6 students in Ontario are assessed
in reading, writing and mathematics. This year the specific
dates for this assessment are:
Grade 3
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011.
Grade 6
Tuesday May 31, 2011
Thursday June 2, 2011
Tuesday June 7, 2011
Please keep this in mind when booking appointments. Thank
Soccer News:
The Junior Co-Ed Indoor Soccer team is practicing for
their upcoming tournament on May 26th, 2011 at the
Brampton Soccer Centre. The team consists of Jordan L,
Alex G., Jocelyn C., Lucas C., Joseph C., Devin E., Daniel B.,
Sydney B., Tristan S., and Sebastian D. Best of luck from
your coaches Mr. MacNeil and Mrs. Mangiapane.
The Intermediate Boy’s Outdoor Soccer team is practicing
for an upcoming tournament in Brampton on May 12th, 2011
at St. Edmund Campion S.S. The team will also play in the
Brampton East Family of Schools Soccer Tournament in
June at the Caledon Soccer Fields. The team consists of
Evan K., Justin D., Alessandro C., Marcus R., Brendan M.,
Marco M., Dominic W., William B., Alexander M., Anthony
M., Christopher R., Sebastian D., Daniel D., Lucas C., Vaughn
E., and Jonathan F. Best of luck from your coaches Mr.
MacNeil and Mrs. Condotta.
The Boy’s Indoor Soccer team participated in the
Remember the Titan’s Indoor Soccer Tournament on April
28, 2011. The Boy’s played very well and showed heart and
sportsmanship. Best of luck during the outdoor season.
The team included, Evan K., Justin D., Alesandra C., Marcus
R., Brendan M., Marco M., Dominic W., William B., Alexander
M., Anthony M. and Vaughn E. Thanks to our coaches Mr.
MacNeil and Mrs. Condotta and all our parents who drove
and supported our team.
The Girl’s Indoor Soccer team participated in the
Remember the Titan’s Indoor Soccer tournament on April
27, 2011. The girls were very successful and finished in the
tournament. The team members included, Maya A., Kennedy
B., Daphne C., Jocelyn C., Yasmin G., Stephanie G., Lexie H.,
Chloe H., Alyssa M. and Alana S. Coaches, Mr. MacNeil and
Mrs. Condotta are very proud of the team.
The Intermediate Girl’s Outdoor Soccer team will start
practicing in the upcoming weeks to get ready for the
Brampton East Family of Schools Soccer Tournament in
June at the Caledon Soccer Fields. The team consists of
Maya A., Kennedy B., Daphne C., Jocelyn C., Yasmin G.,
Stephanie G., Lexie H., Chloe H., Alyssa M., Alana S. and
Alex G. Best of luck from your coaches Mr. MacNeil and
Mrs. Mangiapane.
Facebook Presentation
Thanks to all the parents who joined us to hear Chris
Vollum present information about Facebook. He will once
again be making a presentation at St. Michael’s Secondary
School on June 2, 2011 at 6:30 at the Family of Schools
Catholic School Councils meeting. If you would like to