A Blessing of the School Year Vice Principal E. Plastina Chalk Talk Pope John Paul II School Principal G.Consitt Secretarial Staff A. Bourgeau L. Cameron J. Durante Custodian L. Mirabelli Superintendent P. McMorrow (905) 890-1221 Pastors Fr. L. Leger Fr. S. Hernandez (905) 857-1938 It is good to begin school in autumn, when Farmers are bringing in their harvest of good things to eat. Just as the work of the farmer produced fruit, So our work in this school will bring us nourishment of God’s word. God, our Creator, You provide food for our bodies, ideas for our minds, and Your love for our hearts. Bless the fruit that we share as a symbol of the time and friendship we will share during this coming school year, Be with us now and forever. Amen. OVER THE SUMMER Special thanks to Mr. Mirabelli and the custodial staff for their hard work in making the school look great for the students! We have had a few staffing changes over the summer. Mrs. Demelo and Mr. Racco are covering for various staff on maternity leaves. We welcome Mr. Pusztai as the new grade 6 teacher. Welcome back to Mrs. Isopo Mrs. DeFranco, Mrs. Mandolfo and Mrs. Acocella. PA DAY REMINDER! A reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. The day will be devoted to reorganization of classes (if necessary) and for curriculum and faith development for staff. Trustee F. DiCosola (905) 951-8898 Council Chair F. DiIulio C. Markham MARK YOUR CALENDERS! Parent Group G. Sanii J.Fisher PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Iu Pope John Paul II 9094 Bolton Heights Rd. Bolton, ON L7E 4E2 (905) 857-4241 Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year! I hope that your summer holiday was a safe and enjoyable one. As the new principal of Pope John Paul II School, I look forward to being part of a school community where students, staff, parents and our parish team work together to create a safe, caring, and positive learning environment that reflects our Catholic values and traditions. I wish to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families and students who have moved into our community over the summer months. I look forward to meeting all of you over the next few weeks as we start our new school year together. G.Consitt Principal BACK TO SCHOOL Our school hours remain the same as in previous years. We applaud students who are on time for class and ready to learn! Punctuality is a valuable life skill and we must do our part to help children learn the value of punctuality. 8:30 10:25 11:00 11:30 1:55 3:00 School Starts AM Recess K Dismissal Lunch PM Recess Dismissal All visitors of the school are reminded that they must report to and sign in at the office when first arriving. Adults in the building who are not staff must wear identification stickers for safety reasons. To further ensure the safety of all students and to minimize the traffic in school hallways at arrival and dismissal times, we ask that parents meet their children outside of the school and away from immediate exit doors. Staff are on duty 15 minutes before the start of the school day and are ready to receive the children at this time. Any student leaving the school during the day due to the appointments, etc, must be signed out at the office. Please ensure that you send a note in this regard to your child’s teacher. This safety feature ensures that the staff is always aware of when and with whom your child is leaving SAFE ARRIVAL Our attendance telephone number is (905)-857-4241 and press 1. The line is answered by an answering machine 24 hours a day. Be sure to call this number to let us know your child will be absent or late. This information is vital to the safety of your child. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. BUS STUDENTS JK-Gr.1 Gr.2-4 Gr.5-8 1.0 KM 1.6 KM 2.0 KM The distance criteria is determined by the DufferinPeel and Peel Boards of Education and apply to all students. Once Pope John Paul II’s bus numbers have been finalized and verified by the Transportation Department, we will begin the process of providing transportation for those students who wish a spot on the bus under the Board’s “Courtesy Seat Policy”. Please adhere to the guidelines above and make alternate arrangements to transport your child if he/she does not qualify. Some Safety rules to share with your child… •Be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes ahead of pick-up. •follow all directions from the driver, especially when getting off and on the bus. •go directly to a seat and stay seated until let off the bus. •keep all belongings inside the bus. •sit quietly at all times. Speak only in conversational tones. •No eating on the bus. Parents of Kindergarten and Grade 1 students travelling by bus need to be aware that in the interest of safety, students will be identified for purposes of ensuring that no child is released from the bus unless an adult is present to receive them. We thank you in advance for your co-operation. Please remember that only eligible students may take the bus. SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS According to Ontario Regulation 612, elections must take place at the same time each year- within the first 30 days of each school year. Nomination forms are available at the office. All parent nominations must be submitted no later than Friday, September 24 at 4 pm. We welcome and encourage all Parents/Guardians to participate on the School Council and become more informed of school activities and provide input on planned activities. STUDENT AGENDAS Each student in grades 1 through 8 will receive a school agenda to assist them with the development of organizational and time management skills and to facilitate communication between home and school. We are pleased to announce that once again the agendas are supported by the school council, thereby reducing the cost to you. The cost for each agenda is $5. The Artist in the School program will continue this year. Students from JK to grade 8 will have the opportunity to take part in at least 3 performances throughout the year, as well as a visit from an author. The cost will be $15 and a letter outlining exact information has been sent home. LUNCH DROP OFF We will continue to provide a table, writing instruments and notepaper for parents who are dropping their child’s lunch off at the school. Please ensure that your child is aware that his/her lunch is being dropped off at the school. In the event that your child is unaware, all students have been instructed to check the table at the front of the school if they do not have a lunch or snack. We kindly request your understanding that we will not interrupt classes to notify students that their lunch has arrived, as they are reminded time and again that if they do not have a lunch or snack, they are to check the lunch table. If there is no lunch for them, they will then come to the office and we will contact a parent/guardian. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY Parents and students are reminded of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board’s policy banning all PEDs. Cell phones must remain turned off and out of sight. ANAPHYLAXIS As we begin a new school year we would like to inform you that Pope John Paul II is an “allergen aware school”. There are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods, such as peanut and nut products and/or milk products. Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause severe life threatening reactions. We at PJPII would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school community by NOT sending any lunches or snacks that could potentially harm a pupil. Please make sure that all of your children’s caregivers are aware of the food restrictions. Please avoid sending food for birthday or special occasions. There are many alternatives such as stickers and pencils. IPODs and digital cameras, if seen, will be confiscated. If this problem becomes persistent, a meeting between parents, the students and Administration will occur. We thank you in advance for discussing this expectation with your child and for your support. Although excellent devices for entertainment and communication, these products often distract from the learning process and infringe upon the privacy of others. CURRICULUM NIGHT/OPEN HOUSE POSSIBLE REORGANIZATION On Wednesday, September 22, the staff will host our annual Open House evening to meet teachers from 7:00pm until 8:00pm. Given that there is a possibility that we will have to reorganize classes, parents are encouraged to attend this evening to meet your child’s teacher as final decisions regarding class placements will be completed by this time. Look for more information to follow. We look forward to seeing you there. Each year we begin the school year with classes organized based on projected numbers of students provided to the school by the Planning Department. The number of teachers hired for the school is sufficient to meet our needs; however we are looking at numbers of students in each class to ensure that we have the best arrangements of classes throughout the school. If any changes are to be made, they will be announced by letter to those affected. Final numbers must be reported to the Ministry of Education at the end of summer. It is expected that changes may occur at the end of next week. Please note the September 17th professional development day may provide time for reorganization which would be effective as of Monday, September 20. Ongoing communication between the school and home is essential to support student success. As parents/guardians we value your participation in the school. Just a reminder that this year there will be two report cards. In addition, a progress report will be distributed in the fall. IN THE INTEREST OF YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY PARENTS IN THE SCHOOLYARD In keeping with Dufferin-Peel School Board Policy, all visitors to the school must report to the office. Particularly in the first days of school, it is important that we all work together to ensure that there are no adults on school property other than those staff members who are wearing orange safety vests. You may be known to your child, but you are a stranger to other children on the playground. Please make arrangements to meet your child at a specific place off of school property at the end of the day. All students have been told to go to the office or approach an adult in a vest if they do not see their parent at the end of the day. By continuing to work together, we can continue to ensure a safe environment for your child. Thank you for setting the example and adhering to this important guideline. DATES TO REMEMBER Sept. 19 2pm Confirmation Information Meeting for parents @ church Sept. 23 7:30pm Confirmation Information Meeting for parents @ church Sept. 22 Open House Sept. 29 Early Release Day Sept. 29 St. Mike’s School Blessing Congratulations! Oct. 1 Hep B. Clinic -grade 7’s Oct. 1 HPV Clinic- grade 8 females Oct. 4 10:15am School Mass Grades JK, SK,2,4,6,8 Oct. 4 12:45pm School Mass Grades JK, SK,1,3,5,7 Oct. 5 7pm-Presentation @St. Cornelius School on FACEBOOK-All parents invited Oct. 5 World Teacher’s Day Oct. 8 Photo Day-retake day Nov. 10 Oct. 11 Happy Thanksgiving Day!! KISS AND RIDE Our Kiss and Ride ensures a safe arrival for your child at school while providing convenience of drop-off. It is open at 8:15 every morning. Please adhere to the posted sign and do not park in the drive thru lane nor double park in the parking lot. Also, please do not have your child walk through the parking lot as this is a safety concern.