South Carolina Goes to War, 1860–1865 Charles Edward Cauthen New Introduction by J. Tracy Power “While much has been written on South Carolina in relation to the Civil War, South Carolina Goes to War is the first published volume devoted exclusively to her political history from 1860 to 1865. It is also one of the relatively few monographs covering the war period for an individual Confederate state. For these reasons it is an important addition to the history of the state and the secession.”—South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine “The author clearly analyzes the propaganda in newspapers, pamphlets, political speeches, and pulpits and recognizes the mob appeal of ‘Vigilance Committees,’ ‘Committees of Safety,’ and ‘Minute Men.’ . . . [Cauthen shows] secession was not the accomplishment of scheming politicos but the result of popular demand.”—Mississippi Valley Historical Review First published in 1950 and long sought by collectors and historians, South Carolina Goes to War, 1860–1865 stands as the only institutional and political history of the Palmetto State’s secession from the Union, entry into the Confederacy, and management of the war effort. Charles Edward Cauthen’s germinal study offers a thorough examination of the state’s political leadership and policymaking during the secession crisis and the subsequent four years of war. Notable for its attention to the precursors of war too often neglected in other studies, the volume devotes half of its chapters to events predating the firing on Fort Sumter and pays significant attention to the Executive Councils of 1861 and 1862. This edition features a new introduction by J. Tracy Power summarizing the political climate that characterized South Carolina’s departure from the Union and entrance into war, and examining the significance of Cauthen’s book within the context of its initial creation and reception. Southern Classics • John G. Sproat and Mark M. Smith, series editors Method of payment:* Check or money order: (payable to USC Press in United States dollars) Credit Card: Account number: Discover Mastercard Visa Exp. Date Month/Year Signature: Name (please print): Phone: Charles Edward Cauthen (1897–1964) was John M. Reeves Professor of History at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He was the editor of Family Letters of the Three Wade Hamptons, 1782–1901. J. Tracy Power is a historian at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History in Columbia. He is the author of Lee’s Miserables: Life in the Army of Northern Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox. SOUTH CAROLINA GOES TO WAR, 1860–1865 SEND ME _____COPY/COPIES (PB, #1-57003-560-1 AT $15.95 EACH) $ _____ SOUTH CAROLINA RESIDENTS ADD 6% SALES TAX $ _____ SHIPPING AND HANDLING $ _____ (ADD $5.00 FOR FIRST BOOK, $1.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL BOOK) Shipping Address: TOTAL $ _____ CODE AUTH *ORDER FORM FOR UNITED STATES ORDERS ONLY. FOR INFORMATION UNITED STATES, PLEASE CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE SALES REPRESENTATIVE ON THE BACK . ON ORDERING OUTSIDE THE 718 Devine Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29208 800-768-2500 • 803-777-5243 • fax 800-868-0740 Visit us online at FOREIGN SALES REPRESENTATIVES Asia & the Pacific (including Australia & New Zealand) East-West Export Books (EWEB) Royden Muranaka University of Hawaii Press 2840 Kolowalu Street Honolulu, HI 96822 Phone: (808) 956-8830 or (808) 956-8697 Fax: (808) 988-6052 E-mail: Canada Scholarly Book Services, Inc. Brian Donat 127 Portland St., 3rd floor Toronto, Ontario M5V 2N4 Phone: (416) 504-6545 Fax: (416) 504-0641 Europe & United Kingdom The Eurospan Group Andrew Wong, Marketing Manager 3 Henrietta St. London WC2E 8LU, UK Phone: +44 (0) 20 7845 0819 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7379-3313 E-mail: Central & South America University of South Carolina Press Business Office 718 Devine Street Columbia, SC 29208, USA Phone: (800) 768-2500 Fax: (800) 868-0740 E-mail: