Fr. Francis McSpiritt November Newsletter 2014

Fr. Francis McSpiritt November Newsletter 2014
Prayer for November
Loving God,
Have mercy on your people
And open our hearts to peace and love.
Reward all who have died for their country
And grant that Canada and all nations
May continue to work
For Peace and Justice.
Bless us in your service
And help us to follow Jesus Christ
Who is our Saviour and Lord
For ever and ever. Amen.
G. Sideroff
Vice Principal:
S. Salameh
K. Walsh
C. Egan
M. Vecchiarino
Brampton North -East
(905) 890-1221
S. McLauchlan
(416) 659-5635
St. Patrick’s Church
(905) 794-0486
Fr. V. Marziliano
Remembrance Day – November 11
At the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month, Father Francis McSpiritt
School will remember those who made sacrifices so that we may live in freedom.
We are fortunate to live in such a wonderful country, full of opportunities and
freedoms. We thank our Canadian Veterans, and those who gave their lives, for
their courage, determination and sacrifices which helped to ensure we live in a
free and peaceful country. In times of war and conflict, peacekeeping men and
women sacrifice all their comforts and safety of home in order to defend the rights
and freedoms of others. We will remember them through prayer and thanksgiving.
Our Virtue for November is Conscience
Father Francis McSpiritt
Catholic School
55 Lexington Road
Brampton, Ontario
L6P 2B1
Telephone: (905) 794-5031
Fax- (905) 794-9542
A person of Conscience….
Chooses to do the ‘right thing’ and feels good about it
Can see how his / her actions may hurt others
Admits his / her wrong-doing and feels badly
Says ‘sorry’ and tries to make up for mistakes
Keeps promises
Follow us on Twitter - @McSpirittDPCDSB
Fr. Francis McSpiritt November Newsletter 2014
If your child has not yet been baptized and you wish to take the opportunity this year to celebrate
his/her baptism, please contact the school and let us know, or speak directly to Fr. Vito Marziliano, our
new pastor at St. Patick’s Church (905/794-0486), or email at Please
note that a child 7 years of age or older needs to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children
(RCIC), preparing the child for baptism at Easter.
If your child is in grade 3 or older and has not yet celebrated his/her First Confession/First
Communion and you wish to take the opportunity this year to celebrate the Sacraments, please contact
the school, or speak directly to Fr. Vito (Tel. 905/794-0486, or email at
Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, Administrators and Students:
Greetings and Blessings to you all, and all your loved ones. November begins with a very special focus
on SAINTS, i.e., men, women and children who have been models of the faith and have been true to their
baptismal commitment. Yes, it is in Baptism that we all become “Saints”. It is in Baptism that being
united to Christ, the True Saint, the Only Saint, we share in his divine life and embrace the title of being
“beloved children of our heavenly Father”. At times many other issues take over, and it becomes a bit
difficult to manifest all that the Lord has done in us and through us. Yet, each moment is a new
opportunity to begin again, through God’s grace, that journey of holiness which we have been called to
Religion is more than simply a subject children study at school. It is a window through which we get to
know more who we are. Let us therefore acknowledge that over and above every other name, title,
position we each hold, there is that reality that we are “Saints”… yes, all of us, and in each one of us
there is a reflection of Jesus.
Let us see “Jesus” in everyone. Let us help others see “Jesus” in us. Thank you for sharing the journey
of faith with us, here at school and in our parish. Wishing you blessings and peace.
Fr. Vito Marziliano,
Fr. Francis McSpiritt November Newsletter 2014
Eco- Team
In continuing to meet
Eco- GOLD certification,
our ECO –Team planned a “Waste Free Lunch Challenge from Friday, Oct. 24th
to Friday, Oct. 31. Your support was greatly
appreciated and we look forward to the
“audit” results.
Continue to check school website for
Future challenges /events.
Candy Food Drive
Growing Together in Faith and
Celebrating our Differences
We had a very successful Thanksgiving
food drive. Thank you to all families
who generously donated. Donations
went to the Knight’s Table and will be
dispersed to those in our local
community who may be in need.
Also, our students participated in the
Terry Fox Walk last month.
We collected $1314.50 for cancer.
Way to go McSpiritt!!
Our school has once again been
Once again this year, our Youth Faith
recognized by the Archbishop of
Ambassadors will be holding a Candy Drive
Toronto as one of the top Sharelife
in support of Dr. Simone and “Canadian Food
for Children”. Please donate any excess
Fundraising schools for 2014.
Halloween candies from Nov. 1 to Nov. 14.
Sugar based nut free candy (candies, lollipops,
We look forward to helping our
Gummies etc) are collected and sent to poor
community once again this Christmas
countries around the world to aid malnourished
time, along with Peel Regional Police,
children. The sugar helps stimulate appetite
with “Cram the Cruiser”. Stay tuned.
and saliva in severely malnourished and
More information will follow.
dehydrated children to help them start eating.
Thank you in advance for supporting our youth
In their mission to foster the works of Jesus through
caring and concern for the global community.
November 11, 2014 – Progress reports go home
November 13, 2014 – Parent – Teacher interviews as requested by teacher
Fr. Francis McSpiritt November Newsletter 2014
Congratulations to our Cross Country Team for an excellent run at Heart Lake Conservation Area.
Three of our students went to the Board finals on October 30, 2014. Thanks to our cross country coaches
Mr. Marmora and Mrs. Pierro, for their early morning training sessions and congratulations to our 3
students who went to the finals: Antonio B., Jayke W., Alexta A.
The Intermediate Boys and Girls volleyball teams are practicing for their upcoming mini tournaments on
November 17, held here at Father Francis McSpiritt School. The girls will play from 8 a.m. till 12 p.m. and
the boys will play from 12 p.m. till 4 p.m. Your coaches are very proud of your hard work and dedication.
The Junior girls played in their mini tournament held in October and played well in all their matches. The
girls demonstrated sportsmanship, hard work and a positive attitude. Your coaches are very proud of
each of you. Congrats on a great season.
The Junior Boys played in the mini tournament held in October and played well in all their matches. The
boys ended up finishing first after the round robin. They went on into the final and lost in a well-played
match. The boys demonstrated sportsmanship, hard work and a positive attitude. Your coaches are very
proud of each of you. Congrats on a great season.
Congratulations to the Father Francis Mc Spiritt Co-ed Softball team who played their tournament at
Duggan Park in September. The team played with a great deal of heart and determination! They won 2
out of 3 games in round robin play, and made it to the group championship round. Although they lost to
the eventual champions, they truly represented our school with pride. Go Mustangs!!
Safety in the Playground – Students are encouraged to experience their outdoor recess breaks in
an active and safe manner. To ensure the safety of our students, we have a few guidelines which
must be adhered to:
No Rough Play / Physical Contact – Students are to play games that do not involve
rough play. All games are to be played in a safe and respectful manner. If students
notice that rough play develops and becomes part of their activity, they are to
remove themselves from the game and report to a teacher on duty.
Our Catholic School Council
We would like to thank our School Council members for all of their efforts with our major school
fundraiser of the year. Our Hallowe’en Dance-A-Thon was very much enjoyed by students and staff.
Stay tuned to hear about the amount of funds collected. Thank you to our school community for your
support and to the parents who volunteered to supervise.
Please join us on Wednesday, November 5 at 6:30 PM for our school council meeting.
Everyone is welcome to join us whether or not you are part of council. We have a very active
council who plan activities and fundraisers for our school. Anyone who can help out is always
Fr. Francis McSpiritt November Newsletter 2014
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board to Hold Public
Information Meetings for 2015-2016 French Immersion Program, for
parents/guardians with children in SK going into Grade 1
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will hold a series of public information meetings in
Mississauga and Brampton for parents and guardians interested in enrolling their children in the board’s
French Immersion Program for the 2015-2016 school year. The information sessions are intended to
provide parents and guardians with an overview of our French Immersion Program, the criteria for
admittance, and changes that can be expected from the regular program.
Please refer to board / school website for more information.
French Immersion Schools
Session Location
Date and Time
Our Lady of Providence
St. Angela Merici
St. Joachim
Our Lady of Providence
35 Black Oak Drive
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
7:00 p.m.
St. Gertrude
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
St. Gertrude
815 Ceremonial Drive
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Divine Mercy
St. Elizabeth Seton
St. Margaret of Scotland
St. Margaret of Scotland
2266 Council Ring Road
Thursday, November 27, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Full Day Kindergarten Registration for 2015 /2016 School Year
Registration dates and times are posted on school and board website.
Monday, January 26, 2015 – 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Snow Date: January 27)
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - Jan. 28, 29 & 30 – 9:00 to 11:00 & 1:00 to 3:00
Fr. Francis McSpiritt November Newsletter 2014
Extended French Information Meeting:
Grade 4 parents / guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for
September, 2015 are invited to attend an information meeting at:
St. Jean Brebeuf School – 905-791-8529
63 Glenforest Rd. Brampton
January 14, 2015 @ 7:00 pm.
At the present time, the above mentioned school is the designated centre for our area.
Applications will be accepted at that centre until 3:00 pm Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015.
Letters went home with all Grade 4 students and information can be found on our website.
Reminders and Resources: Cold and Flu Season
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to be
vigilant in ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding
good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the
prevalence of colds and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as
reminds schools to review cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many resources are utilized
from our regional health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be contracted in public places throughout the year.
For example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person through
hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from December through February, but can start as early
as October.
Regional Health Unit Resources -Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing procedures, as
well as other preventative measures, as outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington Dufferin
Guelph (WDG) resources available to you through their websites. As always, children who are unwell,
should be kept at home.
Flu Clinics -Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites, are the schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
Peel Health website:
Wellington Dufferin Guelph Health website:
Direct links to the above information can be found in the Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board website at
Fr. Francis McSpiritt November Newsletter 2014
Our students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 are preparing to present “ Christmas Around the World”.
Parents are invited to attend on December 15 at 1:00 PM. An invitation flyer with more information will
be coming home next month.
115 Glenvale Blvd. Brampton, Ontario – 905-458-5541 ext. 64104
Nov. 3
Nov. 5
Nov. 5
Nov. 7
Nov. 14
Nov. 13
Nov. 17
Nov. 18
Nov. 19
Nov. 25
Dec. 15
Pizza Day
School Council Meeting @ 6:30 in Library
Immunization Clinic – Gr. 7 & 8
Picture Retake
Reports go home
Remembrance Day
PA Day – No school for students
Interview Evening – as needed for particular students
Pizza Day
First Communion Info. Night @ Cardinal Ambrozic – 7:00 PM
Confirmation Info. Night @ Cardinal Ambrozic – 7:00 PM
Virtue Assembly - AM
Primary Christmas Concert- 1:00 PM performance for parents
Please see attached Pastoral Plan for Sacramental Dates. Teachers have already sent home a flyer
and information is also posted on school website.