St. Julia Update February 1-12, 2016 REMINDER

St. Julia Update
February 1-12, 2016
Thursday, Feb 4
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Friday, Feb 5
PA Day. No school for students
Please refer to the following
Monday, February 15 Family Day
Family Skate Day flyer
NEW * Monday, April 11 PA Day. No school for students.
Upcoming Events
Lunch Moms every Monday & Thursday
Pizza lunches every Tuesday
Sub lunches every Friday
Intermediate Hockey Tournament
Mon. Feb. 1
Report Cards Sent Home
Tues. Feb. 2
Youth Faith Ambassadors @ SFX
Tues. Feb. 2
RAID program Gr 6
Tues. Feb. 2 &
Thurs Feb. 4
Grade 7 & 8 Ballroom Dancing
Wed. Feb. 3
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Thurs. Feb. 4
PA Day
Fri. Feb. 5
Shrove Tuesday
Tues. Feb. 9
Mardi Gras Celebration
Tues, Feb. 9
RAID program Gr 6
Tues. Feb. 9 &
Thurs. Feb. 11
Ash Wednesday
Wed. Feb. 10
Grade 7 & 8 Ballroom Dancing
Wed. Feb. 10
Science Olympics @ Pauline Vanier Thurs. Feb. 11
Rosary Apostolates
Fri. Feb. 12
School Council Update: Pancake Tuesday
Once again we look forward to providing St. Julia students with a pancake snack on Pancake Tuesday Feb 9th. We are very grateful to everyone who has volunteered to help out with this event (through
donation, time and/or use of a griddle). We could use 3 or 4 more volunteers and 1 or 2 more griddles
for that day. If you are able to help out in either way please let the office know.
Parents are welcome to attend our events
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts. It’s a day of penitence, to clean the soul and a day of
celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins. Lent is a time of abstinence, of giving things
up. Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to indulge yourself and to use up the foods that aren’t allowed in
Lent. Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the ritual of shriving that Christians used to undergo in the
past. In shriving, a person confesses their sins and receives absolution for them.
During Lent there are many foods that some Christians historically and today would not eat: foods such
as meat and fish, fats, eggs and milky foods. So that no food was wasted, families would have a feast on
Shrove Tuesday and eat up all the foods that wouldn’t last the forty days of Lent. The need to eat up the
fats gave rise to the French name “Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday”, pancakes became associated with Shrove
Tuesday as they were a dish that could use up all the eggs, fats and milk in the house with just the addition
of flour.
In celebration of Shrove Tuesday, all the students at St. Julia will be able to enjoy some delicious pancakes
on Tuesday, February 9, 2016. As Lent approaches, we ask that each child bring a “Tonnie” as a donation
for ShareLife. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Bonjour St. Julia! The FSL teachers and students, are pleased to announce that our French celebration is
quickly approaching. On Tuesday, February 9th we will be “travelling” to New Orleans to celebrate an
exciting festival known around the world as Mardi Gras. Join us in the gym at 1:00 pm for a parade filled
with floats made by our Grade 7 students, followed by a fantastic show. Don’t forget to wear purple,
green and yellow or costumes and masks if you wish. The St. Julia staff and the Grade 4-8 students have
been working extremely hard to make this show possible. So let’s get into the Mardi Gras spirit. All
parents are welcome to attend. We can’t wait to see you there! Laissez the bon temps roulez! Let the
good times roll!
From the Office….
Our Special Needs class is looking for donations of working gaming consoles and games such
as Wii & Nintendo. If you have a gaming console that you are willing to donate please call the
A Big Thank You from St. Vincent de Paul!
Thanks to all who helped in the great
donation of our gifts, for our “Neighbors in
Need.” These gifts help make Christmas more
joyful for all members of the family during this
holy and festive season.
Also, we thank you for the “lost & found”
donations which we picked today plus a very
belated thank you for the clothing we picked
up last June at the end of the school year.
We look forward to your future help in the
New Year.
Report cards will be sent home with students in grades
1 to 8 on Tuesday, February 2, 2016.
FDK students do not receive a formal report card at
this time. A request for Teacher/Parent/Student
conferences will be sent home to all parents of
students in FDK to grade 8. Parents are asked to
complete and send the conference form back to the
classroom teacher so an interview time can be
arranged. You will receive confirmation of the
interview schedules on Tuesday, February 2, 2016.
Interview times have been set aside for the evening of
Thursday, February 4 and during the day on Friday,
February 5. We look forward to discussing your child’s
progress with you.
Winter Walk to School Week
February 1-5th is Winter Walk to School Week at St. Julia. We will be having special activities for walkers each day of
the week to promote walking and environmental stewardship at. St. Julia.
Thanks to our fabulous Walking Crew for helping all year with greeting and encouraging our walkers!
Monday Feb. 1: W words. Now that you’ve walked to school, listen to the announcements for a winter walk word
search game. If you send the answer to room 101 by 11:45 that day, listen to see if you have won a prize!
Tuesday Feb. 2: Wear a funky Hat today. Our Crew members will be watching as you walk to school and also checking
out your funky hats during morning recess. Listen to the announcements to hear if your hat was the funkiest!
Wednesday Feb. 3 : This is National Walk to School day!! Across Canada from Mount St. Elias in the Yukon Territory
to Cape Spear Newfoundland students will be joining together in spirit as they walk to school during our Canadian
winter. Get in the spirit and make a walking banner as you walk to school with friends this day! Our crew members
will be checking out your signs and banners and will announce the best sign/banner on the announcements.
Thursday Feb. 4: Wear green to school today! Wear as much green as you can to support walking to school and taking
care of our environment! The greenest students will be seen outside at morning recess and their names will be
announced later in the day.
Ash Wednesday
The season of Lent is the time for renewal. We are called
to renew our hearts, cleanse our souls, and beg forgiveness
for our sins. On Ash Wednesday we will have divisional
liturgies in the front foyer. Parents are welcome to attend.
The schedule is as follows:
On Friday, February 12, 2016 St. Julia celebrates the
100th day of school! In celebration, children in grade
one and two will participate in hands on activities that
involve counting and numbers to 100. Teachers and
students will dress up as 100 year old people! What a
FUN-dred filled day!
9:00 am – Primary classes
9:40 am – FDK classes
10:15 am – JR classes
11:05 am – Intermediate classes
A safety reminder to all students and parents crossing on school property, please continue using the marked crossing
path at the front of the school. No students are to walk across the parking lot before or after school.
The lane closest to the building at the front of the school is the bus lane, and at no time, are cars to pass into this lane
or block the entrance of the bus-loading zone.
The safety of the Kiss and Ride program depends on parents, staff and students adhering to the lane markings. For
those parents who use the Kiss and Ride program, we would like to review how it works. The traffic flow through our
side parking lot is one-way only. The entrance is clearly marked through the side parking lot. The right curb indented
lane, marked “Kiss and Ride” is reserved for the drop off of students. Be careful of School vans or mini buses which
will be dropping off special needs students in this area. Children must exit from the right side of the vehicle, and
proceed to the school playground. Parents are to remain in their vehicles.
Following afternoon dismissal, we have 4 buses and several mini busses which need to be organized to transport
children safely home. Bus students will exit out the front doors, however, walkers and students being met by parents
will be dismissed from their regular doors. Please allow buses to have access to the driveway in order to pick up
students. There are 3 visitor parking spots at the front of the school for parent use throughout the day.
We are always in need of volunteers. If any parents would like to assist with the Kiss and Ride in the morning please
contact Mrs. Linardic our Vice- Principal.