St Julia Catholic Elementary School 6770 Historic Trail, Mississauga ONT L5W 1J3 (905) 795-2706 Fax: (905) 795-9096 April 2015 Principal P. Nichols Vice Principal D. Linardic Secretaries A. Charette S. De Carli Superintendent Mississauga Brampton Central L. Papaloni Trustee Luz Del Rosario Parish St. Joseph Church 5440 Durie Road 905-826-2766 Pastor Fr. Marc-Andre Campbell School Hours Start: 8:45 a.m. Lunch: 11:45 to 12:45 Dismissal: 3:15 p.m. Attendance Verification Line: 905-795-2706 press 1 Follow us on Twitter@DPCDSBSchools Easter Prayer God of hope, Resurrected Christ, Spirit of new beginnings, May we be blessed by the touch of Spring: Rain falling from the heavens, Washing us clean, Telling us that life is sacred. May we be blessed by the sight of Spring: Flowers breaking through Winter’s crust, Telling us that life is beautiful. May we be blessed by the sound of children Playing in the garden, Shouting with happiness, Telling us that life is joyful. May we be blessed by the taste of Easter eggs, Hidden and then found, Telling us that life is sweet. May we be blessed by memory This Easter time: Of loved ones, Of loved places, Telling us that your love is always here. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen Mark Your Calendars… April 8-Chess Tournament @ St. Gertrude April 9-Immunization Clinic for HPV& Hep B April 10-Rosary Apostolates visit classrooms April 14-Gr. 5’s Crawford Lake Trip April 20-Spring Photos & Grad re-takes April 21-School Council meeting @ 6:30pm April 21-Fun with fluency in Math @ 7:00pm April 22-French Talent Show @ 10am & 1pm April 28-First Communion Retreat Day April 28-Gr. 6’s Scientist in the school April 28-Int. Boys basketball tournament @ St. Jude April 29-JK/SK/Gr. 2 Dental Screening April 30-Gr. 1 trip to Loblaws April 30-Int. Girls basketball tournament @ St. Gertrude Weekend Mass Schedule St. Joseph’s Parish 5440 Durie Road (905) 826-2766 Saturday: Sunday: 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. AROUND THE HALLS FRENCH TALENT SHOW Bonjour les parents et gardiens à St. Julia ! RAYS OF SUNSHINE The French department is pleased to announce that St. Julia is having its first French TalentThis Show! It will a celebration Keep thoseever ballots coming! month St.beJulia of French culture and language where students will demonstrate continued to shine with all of the wonderful things their love for French learning through their various talents. The school. Here some more date happening of the showaround will bethe Wednesda, Aprilare 22, 2015. There will St. Juliaperformance students are showing be aways morning at 10am and an afternoon their Raysatof1pm. sunshine! performance All families are welcome to attend. We are very excitedStudent and hope to see there! A Primary said: “Atyou recess when I had nobody to play with she came to play with me.” À bientôt ! student said: “She helped everyone in my A Junior Mlle Giansante & Mme Rago class stack the chairs at the end of the day.” An Intermediate student said: “He held the door open for me.” CROWNING OF MARY On Friday, May 8, 2015, St. Julia School will celebrate the “Crowning of Mary” with two beautiful and child centered gatherings in our school gym. We will begin with our first celebration at 9:00 am for the Primary division followed by the Junior and Intermediate divisions at 10:45 am. All parents are welcome to join us. This culminating activity reflects all of the hard work the Rosary Apostolate volunteers have done with our students to teach them the hymns of Mary and the prayers of the Rosary. We thank the Rosary Apostolate for their hard work and dedication to the students of St. Julia. MUSIC MONDAY For the third year St. Julia School will be participating in Music Monday. The wonderful St. Julia teachers will be helping the students prepare the anthem "We are One" as well as other fun musical activities to celebrate the joy of music along with the rest of Canada! The anthem this year was written by an Ontario high school student. The theme of the anthem song is Unity and Togetherness. The date for the event is Monday, May 4. It will be taking place with the rest of the country at 12 noon (this is when we sing the anthem together as a country) so we will be having an adjusted schedule on that day. Stay tuned for further details. I have included the link for the song at the bottom of this email. Almost 5 weeks to go!! Make sure to give it a listen!! Some students may enjoy singing it at home. WALKING WEDNESDAY Our energetic Walking Wednesday student volunteers are ready to greet our lovely Spring weather on Wednesday mornings and all those students who make the effort to walk to school that day. You will be greeted by music, cheers and even get a Walking Wednesday hand stamp when you walk to school on Wednesdays. It was a long Winter so let's all get out there and enjoy our beautiful Spring especially on Walking Wednesdays!! Catholic Education Week: Exploring Paths of Joy Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes. The sub-themes for Catholic Education Week 2015 are as follows: 1. Walking Together and Sharing our Story 2. Opening the Scriptures 3. Welcoming Others to the Table 4. Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread 5. Proclaiming the Good News Catholic Education Week: May 3-8, 2015 AROUND THE HALLS Over the month of March, the BLAST team has continued to share anti-bullying tips each morning over the announcements. The BLAST team continues to encourage students to share their experiences and own advice by placing letters in the BLAST box. The BLAST team has been working very hard on a new project, thanks to our Speak Up Grant, that will continue to promote our antibullying message. ANTI-BULLYING TIP OF THE MONTH Change the School community. Work with others to stop bullying behavior; your whole school will benefit. Remember; A lot of kids have to cope with bullying. You are not alone. No one deserves to be bullied. ENVIRO-UPDATE AT ST. JULIA We celebrated Earth Hour on Friday March 27th by turning out all of the lights in the hallways, classroom computers, SmartBoards, projectors, and did things "old-school" pun intended... hope you all participated in the National Earth Hour on Saturday March 28th. This month St. Julia will be focussing on a greater awareness of Environmental Issues. During the week of April 20th, St. Julia staff and students will celebrate "Enviro-Week". We will host a Kickoff assembly on Monday, April 20th, with the whole school. During the assembly, we will play games that teach us about Litterless lunches and snacks. The students will be challenged to minimize the garbage in their lunches and take their organics home to recycle in the Green Bin. Students continue to be encouraged to participate in"Walking Wednesdays" by walking, biking or taking a scooter to school. When we do this we do not waste fossil fuels and we minimize our carbon footprint. We hope that we will all continue to participate in these activities regularly. STEWARDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT St. Julia is introducing a new initiative, through Call2Recycle, a not-for-prophit organization. Call2Recycle has led a nationally embraced stewardship program for collecting and recycling batteries and cellphones since 1994. Our goal at St. Julia is to responsibly recycle all types of batteries. “Millions of single-use batteries used to power toys, flashlights, wireless devices and other consumer products are thrown away every day, when they could be diverted from landfills for recycling,” said Carl Smith, CEO & president of Call2Recycle, Inc. We will be collecting batteries the week April 27th. WARM WEATHER DRESS CODE As the warm weather approaches we would like to remind students that they are expected to dress in a manner and attire suitable for the occasion and appropriate to the school environment. Students must wear full length T-shirts with a sleeve (no muscle shirts or cut off T-shirts are allowed for regular classes or gym wear). Shorts are allowed provided they are modest. No short-shorts or cut-off jeans will be allowed. SAFETY REMINDERS In the interest of student safety, pupils are asked not to bring the following items to school: skateboards, roller blades, scooters, baseball bats and hard utility balls. Also, we remind students about safe practices during recess times such as: no contact sports or play fighting, soccer playing on asphalt using soft utility balls only and reporting problems to teachers rather than taking matters into their own hands. SPEAK UP GRANT St. Julia is proud to unveil its latest project for communication of school spirit and anti-bullying awareness. With help from the Provincial Speak-Up Grant, the St. Julia BLAST team is collaborating to document the many antibullying initiatives, opinions and experiences of our school community in a documentary style video. The video will be documented from the perspective of students and will promote anti-bullying as it relates to our Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations and the Virtues Program. Our students will be assuming the responsibility for planning and documenting the wonderful things we do at St. Julia. A special thank you to our BLAST team for this terrific idea. They look forward to sharing their work with our school community. PARENT INFORMATION CLASS PLACEMENTS FOR 2015-2016 Planning for next September is well under way. Current grade level teachers, Resource staff and the administration will soon begin the process of developing tentative classroom placements. We spend much time taking into consideration not only the needs of the individual child but the needs of all children in the context of the larger classroom group. In each class we strive to balance learning styles, gender, learning needs and a cross section of abilities and behavioral needs. Please note that Ministry regulations of class size will impose little flexibility in class configurations. As you know your child best, we appreciate your input concerning the learning style and environment your child learns best in. If you feel that there are specific needs which should be addressed in determining the placement of your child, please send Mrs. Nichols a letter outlining the strengths and needs of your child along with a description of his/her learning style and the type of environment he/she excels in, no later than May 8, 2015. We remind you that it is not appropriate now or in September to request a specific teacher as staffing is tentative and things are continually changing or to make requests to avoid necessary combined grades. We will consider your input as well as input from the classroom and resource teachers and if we can accommodate your wishes, we will do so. However, this is not always possible. Rest assured, our decisions are made only after careful consideration of all the information and are based on the individual good of each child balanced with the common good of the entire school community. WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN EVENING Tuesday, May 26, 2015 we are inviting all Kindergarten parents and children who are new to kindergarten to our ‘Welcome To Kindergarten’ evening. The event will take place at St. Julia beginning at 6:30 pm. This evening will be an opportunity to learn about Full Day Kindergarten and provide your child with an opportunity to become familiar with the school environment. This evening is made possible by the corporate support of ‘The Learning Partnership.” We look forward to seeing our new kindergarten registrants and parents. Encouraging Growth Mindset Changing your words can change your mindset… Do Say Don’t Say I can’t do it yet, but I will! I can’t do this! What can I do to improve my work? I’m going to try my best! My work is fine the way it is. I’m going to get a bad mark. This is too hard! This is going to take some time. Sun Mon Tue Wed APRIL 6 Easter Monday No Classes 7 Pizza Day 8 Chess Tournament @ St. Gertrude 12 13 14 Pizza Day Thu 9 Immunization Clinic-Grade 8 HPV & Gr.7 Hep B Round #3 15 16 23 Fri Sat 10 Sub Day 11 Rosary Apostolates visit classrooms 17 Sub Day 18 Gr. 5 Crawford Lake Trip 19 20 Spring Photos & Grad re-takes 21 Pizza Day School Council meeting @ 6:30 Fun with Fluency in Math @ 7pm 22 French Talent Show @ 10 am & 1 pm 26 27 28 Pizza Day 29 JK/SK/Gr.2 Dental Screening First Communion Retreat Scientists in the school for Grade 6 Classes Intermediate Boys Basketball Tourn. @ St. Jude 30 Grade 1 trip to Loblaws Intermediate Girls Basketball Tourn. @ St. Gertrude 24 Sub Day 25 MAY 1 Sub Day 2 Diversity Conference @ Blessed Trinity Fractions Learning about fractions extends childrens’ understanding of our number system. While whole numbers represent quantities of whole units, fractions signify parts of whole units or parts of sets. Although fractions are all around us, learning about fractions is difficult for some children. Identifying fractions in our environments makes them meaningful Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth What do we mean by “mindset”? Mindsets are the assumptions and expectations we have for ourselves and others. These attitudes guide our behavior and influence our responses to daily events. - Dr. Robert Brooks Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset: Tip # 3. Set appropriately high expectations and provide support. and easier to visualize. Expectations should focus on habits, effort, and growth, not grades. Provide your child with other supports (extra help, additional Family Math Activity K – 3: resources). Don’t assume that “you could do A fraction shows the relationship between a part and a whole. With your child, gather several similarly shaped objects, such as a piece of paper, a towel, a placemat, a picture frame, a magazine and a book. Ask your child to show you one half of each object, perhaps by using a ruler to mark the halfway point. This is an opportunity for your child to see that fractional portions must be of equal size. Extension: Ask your child to show you one fourth of each object. Grades 7 & 8: Continuing the Conversation About Your Money Decisions! Let’s discuss some factors affecting “Money Decisions”… Ask your child to keep a log for one week of all the times, instances, or circumstances that he/she has an encounter with money (e.g., a subway ride, buying gum at a store, going to the bank or ATM, buying an app). Ask your child to make a list of all the ways in which money enters into his/her daily life. Discuss with your child his/her money encounters (e.g., what was the total value of your money encounters?) Note: Consider factors that affect money decisions: emotions, friends and peers, customs, traditions, habits, family members, latest styles and fads,