St Julia Catholic Elementary School

St Julia Catholic Elementary School
6770 Historic Trail, Mississauga ONT L5W 1J3
(905) 795-2706 Fax: (905) 795-9096
March 2015
Be kind and merciful.
Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and
P. Nichols
Be the living expression of God’s kindness:
Kindness in your face,
Vice Principal
D. Linardic
Kindness in your eyes,
Kindness in your smile,
A. Charette
S. DeCarli
Kindness in your warm greeting.
Mississauga Brampton
Lucy Papaloni
Luz Del Rosario
St. Joseph Church
5440 Durie Road
In the slums we are the light of God’s kindness to the poor.
To children, to the poor,
To all who suffer, and are lonely,
Give always a happy smile.
Give them not only your care, but also your heart
Mother Teresa, Something Beautiful for God
Dates to Remember…
Fr. Marc-Andre Campbell
Fr. Matthias Kim
School Hours
Start: 8:45 a.m.
Lunch: 11:45 to 12:45
Dismissal: 3:15 p.m.
March 6-Rosary Apostolates visit classroom
March 9-Grade 5 trip to Loblaws
March 10- School Council meeting @ 7 pm
March 11-Lenten Mass @ 10:00 am- gym
March 13-Moderate Needs Class shopping trip
March 16 to 20-MARCH BREAK
March 27- Intermediate Math Mania@ Our Lady of Peace
April 3-Good Friday-NO CLASSES
April 6-Easter Monday-NO CLASSES
Please remember to bring any non-perishable food items for our Lenten food drive.
Attendance Verification
Line: 905-795-2706 press 1
St. Julia is now on Twitter!
Follow us at
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Weekend Mass Schedule St. Joseph’s Parish
5440 Durie Road (905) 826-2766
5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m., and 6:00 p.m.
The Youth Faith Ambassadors will be collecting canned goods
for St. Vincent de Paul starting March 24, 2015 until April 1st,
2015. We would appreciate if families could provide healthy
food like canned and bagged legumes, canned tuna and
vegetables, pasta, baby food, and formula. You may also drop
off your non-perishable food items in the front foyer in front of
the altar. Donations will be sent to St. Vincent de Paul Society
through St. Joseph’s parish.
Our Lenten Mass is on Wednesday, March 11 beginning @
10:00 a.m. in our school gymnasium. All parents are welcome
to attend.
This year, Grades 3 and 6 students will once again participate in
Provincial Education Quality and Accountability Office
(EQAO) testing to take place between May 25 and June 5. Since
attendance will be extremely important during the EQAO testing
period, parents are asked, if at all possible, to refrain from
arranging doctor or other appointments during this time.
The St. Julia Jr. Girls Basketball team competed in the mini-pod
tournament. The girls played great basketball but came up short
in their attempt to qualify for the MBC Family Tournament.
The team gave their opponents trouble with their great defense,
and ability to sink many long shots! The St. Julia Jr. Girls
Basketball team members are: Sofia L., Emily P., Evelyn C.,
Raquel L., Simone C., Katrina B., Abby R., and Juliana B. Mr.
Morrice and Ms. Child thank the team for all their hard work
over the season!
A big thank you to the Junior Boys Basketball team for
participating in the Mississauga Central mini-pod tournament
held at St Veronica. The team played their hearts out against
some very tough opponents. The coaches are very proud of the
way they represented St. Julia. The team displayed
sportsmanship on and off the court. Mrs. Gasparini, Mrs.
Galasso, Ms. Freitas & Ms. J. Beaty would like to thank
Matthew B. Josip B. Aaron D. Adrian K. Hunter N. Nicholas P.
Troy Q. Bartosz S. Braeden T. and Nicholas P.A.
The St. Julia Jr. Ice Hockey team recently competed in the All
Saint's Invitational Tournament. The team progressed so well as
the day went on, skating and passing like a team that had been
together for years. Highlights included shutting out a team that
was actually a hockey school! The team came up just short in
the consolation final, capturing the silver medal. The St. Julia
Jr. Ice Hockey team members are: Michael C., Daniel C.,
Nicholas E., Reed M., Ryan M., Gavyn M., Elias N., Mark O.,
Alessandro P., Ethan P., Patrick P., Connor R., Alexander R.,
David R., Braeden T., Juliano V., and Marcus Z.
Mr. Morrice and Mr. Monahan thank the team for all their hard
work on the day of the tournament.
Recently St. Julia competed in the Science Olympics at
St. Matthew Elementary School. During the competition
the participants competed against other schools in time
sensitive and complex hands on tasks. The St. Julia
Science Olympics team participants were: Nicholas L.,
Jack K., Trinity T., Sebastian M., and Dean D. The team
was most successful in completing the difficult catapult
construction task. The day was great fun, and
Mr. Morrice and St. Julia are proud of their team work
and how well they represented St. Julia.
February was a busy month for book circulation in the
library. With so many interesting events and celebrations
happening this month, there is no wonder! Students have
been busily taking a keen interest in books about
Valentine's Day and the 100th Day of School. Books on
Black History have been especially popular. Students
have been read picture books about discrimination on
their library visits. Follow up discussions with the
students have focused on equality, fairness, empathy and
standing up for what you believe in.
As well, most students from Kindergarten to Grade 2
have had a chance to enjoy many books by Mo Willems
on their recent library visits. Willems is a popular
children's picture book author who has written such titles
as, "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus", "Knuffle
Bunny" and the "Elephant and Piggie" series. To further
out for literacy activities and games.
Students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 had a chance to
watch Camping Royale, a dance presentation that
focused on relationships, friendships, risk-taking and
perseverance. Our audience was wowed by the costumes
and set design and quality of the performance. Students
enjoyed the interactive quality and audience participation.
Laughs were had by all!
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board has
developed a new way to help nurture a safe, caring and
inclusive school environment. The Online Reporting Tool
is intended for students in grades 3 – 8 who become aware
of bullying incidents and negative behaviours. Our
students will be introduced to this tool at our Virtue
assembly in March. Once this has occurred, the link will
be posted on our school website. The student can simply
‘click’ on the link found on our school’s website to fill out
the report. The report will then be directly emailed to the
principal and/or vice principal and will be dealt with
accordingly. It is important to recognize that the Online
Reporting Tool is an alternate reporting option. It is best
practice to speak directly with a responsible adult at home
and/or in the school. The Online Reporting Tool is
designed for student use. It does not require the student
to leave his/her name, however, anonymity is not
guaranteed. The student may be identifiable based on the
nature of the report.
St. Julia's second annual family skate event took place on
Saturday, January 24th at Meadowvale Arena. We had an
even larger turnout than last year, with an estimated 400
attendees. It was a great event, including music, games and
hot chocolate for all. The event was free to St. Julia
community members. The event was sponsored by a
Ministry of Education grant and our School Council, aimed
at increasing parent engagement. Since all in attendance
were there with their families, we certainly feel good that
we met that goal! A big thank you to our St. Julia and St.
Marcellinus volunteers - they really helped to make the
event enjoyable for all! We are looking forward to the third
View the digital newsletter
Pancake Tuesday was a huge success thanks to all the
support from the St. Julia parents, the administration and
the community. Thank you to Bobby at Bobby's Hideaway
Restaurant in Streetsville for once again donating the
pancake batter at cost (and mixing it for us so the parents
didn't have to!). Thank you to parent Sam Pisani for paying
the $100 cost for the batter so that money didn't have to
come from School Council funds. Thanks to our
anonymous donor who gave us the plates, napkins, cutlery
and syrup for 555 students. Thanks to Tony Kukolic,
Siobhan Kukolic and their kids who picked up the batter
from Bobby the morning of the event and returned the
batter buckets afterwards. And thanks to the parents who
came and flipped approximately 1,300 pancakes for our
students and staff. The pancake flippers were Chris Ferrao,
Cathy Runstedler, Shirley Barrington, Paul Jarvis, Sam
Pisani, Jennifer Fabrizi, Lina Attieh, Grace Selva, Robert
Cherubino, Sabina Secnik, Melissa Bencic, Cheri Rozic,
Annabella Flores, Suzette Luis, Christi Chiera, Grace
Vivilecchia and Siobhan Kukolic. The students donated $2
each to take part in Pancake Tuesday and all the money
raised, $692.05, will be donated to Share Life.
Just a reminder that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board requires parents to confirm that they have
invested in accident/life insurance for the 2014-2015
school year for their child to participate in out-of-school
excursions and/or extra-curricular or sports activities.
As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of
Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board annually provides parents with information about
cost-effective student accident insurance coverage via
student courier. Enrolment in this program is voluntary,
however the board encourages parents to take advantage
of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their
child/children participate in sports, excursions/field trips,
or, if parents do not have dental insurance coverage.
These insurance pamphlets were sent home in September.
If you still require a pamphlet, please let the office know.
Please be aware that the bus lane at the front of the school is
designated for Bus Drop off & Pick-Up only. Sometimes the
buses are late arriving or departing from the school and this
lane must be vacant so that the buses can make their way to and
from the school. Buses usually arrive before 9:00 am and by
3:00 pm for the after school pick up. Parents are asked to use
the Kiss n’ Ride lane to drop off their children. We also ask that
parents do not idle in the parking lot, so staff members may
have spots accessible to them when arriving at school. Thank
you for your co-operation.
Please be aware that the request for a crossing guard at the
intersection of Old Derry Road and Historic Trail is denied as
warrants are not met. The City of Mississauga is requesting
that parents and students cross Historic Trail (east to west)
further south of the intersection where there is an all way stop.
If you are planning a move or have already moved, please let us
know. You are required to complete new assessment forms
even if you move within our school boundaries. If you are
moving to a new school we will give you a Transfer Form to
take with you to the new school. If you are moving but would
like your child to remain at St. Julia, please submit your request
in writing. We will be preparing classes for September 2015
and this information will be helpful in determining class sizes.
In the past, we have had to reorganize classes in September due
to unexpected transfers.
Volunteers are very much appreciated by staff and students at
St. Julia. Board policy states that volunteers that come into
regular contact with students must have a Criminal Reference
Check completed through Peel Police. If you plan to volunteer
for trips, driving students or helping students in the school,
please drop by the office to pick up a form. There is no charge
for a Criminal Reference Check when you are a volunteer. An
annual Criminal Declaration must be completed on a yearly
basis by all volunteers. Those volunteers who require the
annual declaration completed will be notified by the school.
Registration for First Communion and Confirmation is now
closed. Next sessions for First Communion and Confirmation
are listed below.
First Communion Next Sessions:
Thursday, March 5th, 2015 from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm or Saturday
March 7, 2015 from 10:00 am-11:30 am.
Confirmation sessions are:
Confirmandi only Tuesday March 24, 2015 from 7:00 pm-8:30
pm or Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 10:00 am-11:30 am.
Anti-bullying Tip of the Month
• OBSERVE: Quietly watch students as they interact during
free time.
• ASK: An anonymous survey can reveal when you or someone
else is being bullied and where bullying occurs.
• EDUCATE: Talk to each other about what bullying is and the
damage it can cause.
• ENFORCE: Hold bullies accountable for their actions by
standing up for others
On February 25 the BLAST celebrated Pink Shirt Day in
honour of a boy who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt on the
first day of school. St. Julia became a sea of pink that day. The
BLAST team also held a “THINK PINK CONTEST” in which
classrooms were decorated all in pink. Congratulations to
Mrs. Hatcher’s class who won a Pizza Party for the most
“pinkly” decorated class! Great job St. Julia!!
How To Encourage Growth and Learning In Your Child
Students come into a classroom with a certain perspective about themselves as learners. Research categorizes these perspectives as
“Growth Mindset” and “Fixed Mindset”. A student with a fixed mindset thinks that they cannot increase their skill and knowledge in a
particular area. A student with a growth mindset believes that they can learn anything if they put in the work, practice and effort to learn