Document 14318870

St Julia Catholic Elementary School
6770 Historic Trail, Mississauga ONT L5W 1J3
(905) 795-2706 Fax: (905) 795-9096
Move us, O Lord,
from the usual and the practical
as we move into a new decade.
Move us to the shore of your endless possibilities,
for community,
for solidarity,
and for peace.
January 2015
P. Nichols
Vice Principal
D. Linardic
Help us become a people
who are able to see visions
and to embody faith and hope
so we may actively create,
with God and with our sisters and brothers,
the Kingdom of peace and justice.
Stir us with passion for the possible.
A. Charette
S. De Carli
Mississauga Brampton
L. Papaloni
Make this our New Year's desire
and our prayer for the new decade ahead.
In Christ’s name we pray,
Luz Del Rosario
St. Joseph Church
5440 Durie Road
Fr. Marc-Andre Campbell
School Hours
Start: 8:45 a.m.
Lunch: 11:45 to 12:45
Dismissal: 3:15 p.m.
JK-SK AM 8:45-11:15
JK-SK PM 12:45—3:15
Attendance Verification
905-795-2706 press 1
Mark Your Calendars:
Every year, the parents on School Council apply
for a Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant that is
used for parent engagement in the school
Parent Robert Cinapri is
spearheading the St. Julia Skate Event using this
money. So mark your calendars for Saturday,
January 24th from 4:30-6:30pm at Meadowvale
Arena Rink 3. There will be skating, ice games
and hot chocolate for everyone to enjoy.
PA DAY: Monday, January 19.
Report Cards go home:
Tuesday, February 3.
First Term interviews:
Thursday, February 5, and
Friday February 6.
Grade 6 Reconciliation:
Tuesday, February10.
National Sweater Day:
Thursday, February 5.
Family Day: Monday, February 16.
Follow us on
Weekend Mass Schedule St. Joseph’s Parish
5440 Durie Road (905) 826-2766
5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m., and 6:00 p.m.
Many students use the Internet as a communication tool. They
are using "hot mail" to send and receive messages. At times,
students receive messages that are lewd or are sent with an
intent to harass or threaten. Listed below are some online
Internet safety tips that you may want to refer to when
discussing Internet use at home with your child.
• Get to know the Internet and any services your child uses. If you
don't know how to log on, get your child to show you. Have your
child show you what he or she does online, and become familiar
with all the things that you can do online.
• Set reasonable rules and guidelines for computer use by your
children. Discuss these rules and post them near the computer as a
reminder. Remember to monitor your children's compliance with
these rules, especially when it comes to the amount of time your
children spend on the computer.
The next cycle for the Sub Days begins on Friday
January and runs until March 27, 2015 (inclusive).
The office often gets requests from students to make phone
calls home to ask parents to bring forgotten items such as
running shoes, agendas or textbooks/homework. We are
reinforcing with students that it is their responsibility to
bring all necessary items to school and to arrange in
advance their out of school activities. Students will not be
given permission to use the phone to make such calls. Also,
please make after school arrangements with your children
prior to school. We make every attempt to minimize
interruptions to classes.
• Be sure to make this a family activity. Consider keeping the
computer in a family room rather than the child's bedroom. Get to
know their "online friends" just as you get to know all of their other
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is working in
collaboration with the Peel Regional Police to positively engage
and influence youth from Grade 1 to grade 8. The St. Julia Youth
Education Officer, Constable Craig David, has been visiting our
school over the last few months educating our students on
safety. Some of the topics addressed are Street Proofing,
Bullying, the Internet and Drugs (as age appropriate). The final
date for this program is: February 24, 2015.
The mission of this program is to assist youth in developing the
traits, skills and abilities to empower them in creating safe and
healthy environment for themselves where they can live, grow and
Congratulations to the intermediate boys volleyball team.
They have had a tremendous season both in their league
games and in the family tournament. The boys hard work
and good sportsmanship was evident on the court as they
were undefeated throughout the season winning the 20142015 championship banner and gold medal for our family
of schools.
Miss Hewitt is extremely proud of the boys and their
success. Congratulations to the following players: Thomas
K., Niko B., Owen R., Josiah D., Dean F., Michael V.,
Christian D., Joshua M., & Quinn L.
It is important that students come to school on time on a daily
basis. Yard supervision begins at 8:30 and the bell rings at 8:45.
Students who are late for school need to get a late slip from the
office. Visitors/Parents in the school must report to the office and
sign in. We ask that all volunteers and visitors to the school wear a
visitor/volunteer sticker so they can easily be identified by staff
and students. Please inform the school office if your address or
phone numbers have changed. It is important that we always have
an up to date list of all emergency phones number in the event we
need to contact you. Also, it is greatly appreciated when you make
a call to the school 905-795-2706 press #1 to let us know that
your son/daughter is absent or late.
As part of a Board wide initiative, we are turning down the
heat by 2% on Thursday, February 5. This day will provide us
an opportunity to learn about the importance of saving energy,
while at the same time, reminding us to use less heat during
the winter months.
Our Eco Team will be making
announcements as a lead up to this day, so make sure your
child is dressed in a warm sweater- the Earth thanks you!
Please be aware that there are pupils in the school with a
severe life threatening food allergy (anaphylaxis). This is a
medical reaction that causes a severe reaction to certain
allergens and can result in death within minutes. Although
this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, please
do not send any peanut or nut products to school. Please
consider sending non edible items for birthdays, such as
stickers, erasers or pencils. Thank you for your understanding
and cooperation.
Updates from your friendly Teacher-Librarian, Ms. Cheong!
Report cards will be sent home with students in grades 1 to
8 on Tuesday, February 3, 2015.
Junior and Senior Kindergarten students do not receive a
formal report card at this time. A request for
Teacher/Parent/Student conferences will be sent home to all
parents of students in Junior kindergarten to grade 8.
Parents are asked to complete and send the conference form
back to the classroom teacher so an interview time can be
arranged. You will receive confirmation of the interview
schedules on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. Interview times
have been set aside for the evening of Thursday, February 5
and during the day on Friday, February 6. We look forward
to discussing your child’s progress with you.
Intramurals go from January 5, 2015-March 6, 2015 and are
fun for everybody!
Grades 1, 2, &3 participate on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Grades 4 & 5 participate on Mondays.
Grade 6, 7, & 8 participate on Monday, Wednesday and
Fridays. Tuesdays and Thursdays students enjoy the reading
and games club in the foyer. Thank you to Mrs. Lawrence for
organizing these activities.
December has been a very busy month for St. Julia’s Student
Council. We successfully organized a “Giving Angels” toy
drive for St. Vincent de Paul and the St. Joseph’s church
community. We would like to thank the St. Julia community
for supporting this initiative and helping to make a child’s
Christmas brighter. To show our JOY during the advent
season, we organized a Christmas Spirit week! The whole
school participated, showing St. Julia’s amazing Christmas
Spirit. We wore yellow to light the way for Jesus and winter
gloves, hats and scarves in honour of our favourite snow men.
We sported Christmas head gear at the Primary Christmas
Concert and Christmas Sweaters or green/red to help spread
holiday cheer at our Christmas-Sing-Along. We ended off a
terrific week with pajama day to symbolize Santa’s impending
long winters nap. Way to go St. Julia!!!!
An Operatic Experience!
On Friday, November 21st, our students were entertained by a
performance in our school gym by the Shoestring Opera
Company. The company performed, “The Schoolyard Carmen”,
based on Bizet's famous opera. Through the main character,
Carmen, students looked at such themes as immigrants in
Canadian society, children who are different, the value of
independence and the saving properties of art. A good time was
had by all!
Santa Claus at St. Julia!
Santa Claus stopped by St. Julia on Monday, December 8th to
visit with our K-3 and moderate needs students. Classes were
entertained with festive stories, sing-a-long songs and lessons
about the true meaning of Christmas. Santa happily answered
questions about his job and what a busy time of the year is was
for him. Thanks for coming by Santa! We hope to see you again
next year!
The Forest of Reading Program
The Forest of Reading Program is back for the 2014/2015
school year! The program is a voluntary reading program
organized by the Ontario Library Association for different age
groups. Over 250 000 students in Ontario participated last year!
Students are to read a selection of books by Canadian authors
and then vote for their favorite in the month of April. The author
is then given recognition for this honor at the Forest of Reading
Our school has been registered for the Blue Spruce Reading
Program (Grades K-2), the Silver Birch Express Program
(Grades 3-4), the Silver Birch Fiction Program (Grades 5-6) and
the Red Maple Program (Grades 7 - 8). The Blue Spruce
Program will be run by Ms. Cheong in the library during all class
visits to the library .All other programs will be run by Ms.
Cheong during lunch hours. Last month, our program kicked off
with a large crowd of interested students meeting to begin
reading this years selected books!
Healthy tips for parents – Head Lice
Facts: Head lice are tiny insects. They live in hair,
eyebrows and eyelashes of humans. Head lice cannot be
spread between animals or pets and humans. Head lice are
not a health hazard. Anyone can get head lice. It has
nothing to do with being dirty or clean.
Finds: You may notice your child itching or scratching
their head and neck. Check for tiny white or grey coloured
eggs called nits. Nits may look like dandruff stuck to the
hair shaft however, they are difficult to remove. Notify
close contacts and your child’s school if you find live lice.
Treat: Information about chemical treatments are
available from your pharmacist, doctor and the Region of
Peel-Public Health. Only treat your child if you can see
live head lice. You can choose to remove nits from the
hair after treating, though it if not necessary. Do a second
treatment 7 days after the first one to make sure any newly
hatched lice are also killed.
Tips: Be sensitive to your child’s feelings. Many parents
and children may feel embarrassed. Avoid sharing combs,
brushes etc. Tie back long hair.
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
Research around mindset has recently made an impact on
education. Carol Dweck, professor at Stanford University
tells us “a fixed mindset is when people believe their basic
qualities, their intelligence, their talents, their abilities, are
just fixed traits. They have a certain amount, and that’s
that. But other people have a growth mindset. They believe
that even basic talents and abilities can be developed over
time through experience, mentorship and so on. And these
are the people who go for it. ……They challenge
themselves and grow..... In a growth mindset, challenges are
exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh,
I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a
chance to grow” Carol states that it is the drive and the
passion to get things done that leads people to success. So
when supporting your children, present challenges as an
opportunity to grow and learn.
We consistently remind students of safety in the yard during
our public announcements and through our assemblies.
Students are well aware that contact games (pushing,
shoving, side-swiping), ice/snowball throwing and sliding
down snow banks are not permitted in the school yard. It is
important that students come appropriately dressed to enjoy
the snow so they do not get wet. Hats, gloves, snow pants
and boots are important to have at school on a daily
basis. Our students spend a lot of time building snow forts
and tunnels in the snow and we take pride in taking pictures
and posting them on our Extra Curricular board.
Concussions are brain injuries caused by excessive, rapid movement
of the brain inside the skull. This movement causes damage that
changes how brain cells function, leading to symptoms that can be
physical (headaches, dizziness), cognitive (problems remembering or
concentrating), or emotional (feeling depressed). A concussion can
result from a blow to the head or body in any number of activities
including receiving a check in hockey, falling from a jungle gym, or
slipping on an icy sidewalk. All head injuries can be difficult to
diagnose, however, a concussion is the most difficult head injury to
diagnose. Brain scans cannot determine if a concussion exists. The
school calls parents whenever a child has hit their head. It is
important that parents also keep the school informed if their child has
had a head injury during an extra curricular activity. The school will
work with the family to set up a plan (in line with the Board’s
protocol) to assist the student in returning to normal physical activity.
The cold weather has arrived and it is important that all students
come to school with warm clothing for playing outside. (Snow
pants, hats, gloves, scarves and boots.) Unless weather conditions
are extreme, students will go outside during recesses for fresh air.
We obtain our information from Environment Canada and follow
Board guidelines when making decisions to limit the amount of
outdoor play.
Please ensure that your child has a pair of shoes to wear in doors in
the event that there is an emergency evacuation. Students will not
have time to put on shoes or boots. Indoor shoes are important for
students to wear to keep their feet warm and dry during the winter
During Anti-Bullying Week, the BLAST Team shared special
prayers and messages each morning over the announcements.
Grades 1 to 8 students also contributed a “Helping Hand” with their
own anti-bullying message that was later displayed in our hallways.
Congratulations to Alexandra L. and Claire M. who won the
BLAST anti-bullying song competition with their song “Speak
adult. Sometimes you may have to tell more than one trusted adult.
Ask your friends to help you. There is safety in numbers. Practice
what to say the next time you're bullied with your parents, teachers
or friends.
When weather conditions are bad, parents are asked to listen to the local radio stations for announcements of transportation
services being cancelled and/or possible school closures. Announcements can be heard on CFRB, CHUM, CKFM, CHWD, CHIN,
CFNY, CHAY, CKHW, CFTR, CJCL, CJMR, CBC. The message usually says: “all buses for the Peel District School Board and
the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board have been cancelled.” If the announcement says Dufferin County, that is not our Board.
You may also refer to the stopr website at:
A Message from St. Vincent De Paul Society
Dear Mrs. Nichols , staff and students at St. Julia,
Thank you for all the boxes of new mittens, scarves etc and for all the bags of "lost & found" clothing
which we picked up on Dec 18, 2014.
Also a very belated thank you for the large lot of "lost & found" that we picked up last spring at the end
of school year. Our neighbours in need are very appreciative of any clothes we are able to deliver
directly to them, however, the bulk of the clothes go to our SSVP Stores We can issue vouchers on our
SSVP store where Neighbours in Need can obtain clothing at no cost. Even without a voucher they can
buy items at a very reasonable rate.
Thanks to all of you for your support and thoughtfulness, and we wish you all the best in the new year.
Jack Guiry
On behalf of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Streetsville
January 2015
First Day back to
Pizza Day
Rosary Apostolates
visit classrooms
Sub Day
Pizza Day
Sub Day
No classes
RAID program
School Council meeting
@ 7:00 pm
Pizza Day
Sub Day
RAID program
Pizza Day
Sub Day