Being Inclusive Who are you inviting? Who aren’t you inviting?

Being Inclusive
Who are you inviting? Who aren’t
you inviting?
What are we covering today?
• What’s the problem? (who isn’t coming to
our meetings and events?)
• What’s the Solution? (Think about people,
and think about logistics)
• What’s this have to do with me?
• Seeing a new Perspective
What’s the Problem? Or Who aren’t we
• Your advertisements send a message, whether you realize it or not.
• What messages did this video convey? Who is it attracting? Who is it
turning away?
Think About It!
• As we go forward today, think about your
group. Are you having trouble attracting new
• Who have you historically attracted? Is this
intentional or does it just “happen”?
There is no such thing as “neutral
Marketing” (Solution)
• The name, subtitles, images and
descriptions used to promote your
event will need to be extra
conscious of the elements of
cultural inclusivity that you
hope to promote.
What does this poster communicate to
Logistics Matters (Solution)
• An event at CFJ may carry a stigma of being only
for those active in a particular faith, when if
publicly stated “everyone welcome” the
message would be different.
• Pictures portraying a single racial grouping, or
only very richly dressed people, or only
American flag waivers, might be read as
exclusive invitations.
Logistics Matter…still (Solution)
• The placement of publicity materials can also
carry a culturally inclusive or exclusive message.
• Is your only banner ad on a website that only
one social group might visit?
• Have you flyered only certain areas of the
community? Are you being thoughtful
about reaching the audience you said you
really want?
Think about the People!
Do you consider all these factors when recruiting
and advertising?
• Race
• Gender
• Sexuality
• Class
• Religion
• Ability
The event is when ?! (Solution)
• Timing of the event can keep people away
from events and out of groups
• If events keep falling on certain groups days of
observance, it will come off as inconsiderate at
best…outright discriminating at worse
• Example; The meetings times are at 10am every
• Accessibility of event- Elevators?
Types of Food (Solution)
Vegan, Vegetarian
International dishes
Organic, Local
Is it appropriate for Ski Club to celebrate Black
History Month with a fried chicken and
watermelon program?
• Allergies??
What does this have to do with you?
• Break up into groups- Discuss who you
attract to your org and who you don’t
attract but would like to
I thought I was being inclusive, why
you mad tho?
Activity-Make it happen
Group 1- “Your male soccer club is becoming co-ed”
Group 2- “You are having a Valentine’s Day dance and want to invite as
many people as possible”
3. Group 3- “Your videogame club only has men, you know gaming
transcends gender”
4. Group 4- “BSA doesn’t have any white people coming to the meetings”
5. Group 5- “Walk-A-Mile seems to only cater to seniors, how do we get
younger students involved”
6. Group 6- “The concert series has very little diversity attending, the ads
feature primarily white men and country music”
7. Group 7- “Make an inclusive for SOL, inviting everyone to their week-end
8. Group 8- “Your Monday Night Football Program only has white males
attending, make an inclusive poster”
9. Group 9- “Make an inclusive poster for Gospel Choir”
10. Group 10- “Make an inclusive poster for Alternative Breaks, they rarely
have first generation college students”
Activity- Is this Ok?
• Exchange posters between groups, have
them point out what may be perceived as noninclusive, have them suggest changes
• Identify strengths of the posters as well.
Seeing a New Perspective
• Take some time and reflect on what you
learned during this session.
• See what you can do to be more inclusive going
forward. Learn from mistakes.
• Your groups matter, and the more people
who get involved the more likely they are to
graduate. Attract as many people as you can!