MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT Course Code: MAP4C Course Name: Foundations for College Mathematics Level: Grade 12 College Instructor: Period: Room Number: Course Overview: This course enables students to broaden their understanding of real-world applications of mathematics. Students will analyse data using statistical methods; solve problems involving applications of geometry and trigonometry; solve financial problems connected with annuities, budgets, and renting or owning accommodation; simplify expressions; and solve equations. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems. This course prepares students for college programs in areas such as business, health sciences, and human services, and for certain skilled trades. Prerequisite: Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 11, College Preparation, or Connection to our Catholic Faith: Students will applyStrands Catholic values pose and solve to make logical include: decisions, and to become critical thinkers who share their Specific ofto Study andproblems, Expectations abilities for the benefit of all in their classroom and school community. A supportive mathematics classroom provides a caring and sensitive environment where the dignity and value of all students is respected and affirmed as they grow in confidence in their mathematical abilities. Mathematical investigations will promote a respect for God’s creation and an understanding of the need to use resources wisely. A student will become self-directed, responsible and life-long learner in the mathematics classroom. Specific Strands of Study and Expectations include: MATHEMATICAL MODELS 1. Evaluate powers with rational exponents, simplify algebraic expressions involving exponents, and solve problems involving exponential equations graphically and using common bases. 2. Describe trends based on the interpretation of graphs, compare graphs using initial conditions and rates of change, and solve problems by modelling relationships graphically and algebraically. 3. Make connections between formulas and linear, quadratic, and exponential relations, solve problems using formulas arising from real-world applications, and describe applications of mathematical modelling in various occupations. PERSONAL FINANCE 1. Demonstrate an understanding of annuities, including mortgages, and solve related problems using technology. 2. Gather, interpret, and compare information about owning or renting accommodation, and solve problems involving the associated costs; 3. Design, justify, and adjust budgets for individuals and families described in case studies, and describe applications of the mathematics of personal finance. GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY 1. Solve problems involving measurement and geometry and arising from real-world applications. 2. Explain the significance of optimal dimensions in real-world applications, and determine optimal dimensions of two-dimensional shapes and threedimensional figures; Efforts willusing beprimary madetrigonometric to meet ratios the ofindividual learning inincluding order to ensure thfrom 3. Solve problems acute and obtuse angles, theneeds sine law,of andstudents the cosine law, problems arising real-world applications, and describe applications of trigonometry in various occupations. DATA MANAGEMENT 1. Collect, analyse, and summarize two-variable data using a variety of tools and strategies, and interpret and draw conclusions from the data. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the applications of data management used by the media and the advertising industry and in various occupations. Efforts will be made to meet the individual learning needs of students in order to ensure these expectations are being met. Course Breakdown to ensure Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Chapter 8: these Measurement and Geometry Trigonometry Two-Variable Statistics Apply Data Management Graphical Models Algebraic Models Annuities and Mortgages Budgeting Resources: The course will use a variety of resources including video, CDROM, Internet Applications and a variety of print sources. The textbook, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Foundations for College Mathematics, will be distributed to students during the first week of the course. The text and all other resources assigned to students are the responsibility of the student. Any damage incurred will result in payment for replacement ($90.00). Evaluation Structure: Knowledge/Understanding 30 % Application 30 % Communication 20 % Thinking 20 % The above is reflected both in the term work (worth 70% of the final mark) and the summative work (worth 30% of the final mark). Summative work consists of the Final Exam and a Culminating Activity. Evaluation Policy Students will be assessed & evaluated according to the work produced & skills displayed. Methods of providing feedback will include assessing work in process & evaluating completed assignments, tests, co-operative learning activities, simulations and presentations. Peer & self-evaluations will also be utilized. Student marks will be determined by evaluating process & product according to 4 categories & 4 levels. Please see the chart below for specific skills and key words used to determine student competency in the different categories. Level Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Category 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100% Knowledge/Understanding -Limited display -Some success -Considerable -Thorough of knowledge, in displaying display of understanding of Knowledge of facts & terms knowledge, knowledge skills concepts and Understanding of concepts & relationships skills and ability to apply skills and and ability to apply ability to Thinking/Inquiry concepts application of concepts communicate, Critical thinking skills concepts think creatively Creative thinking skills and apply concepts Inquiry Skills Communication Communication of ideas and information Use of symbols & visuals Oral & written communication Application Applications in familiar contexts Transfer of concepts to new contexts Making logical conclusions and predictions Use of technology Making connections Feedback will also be provided for student learning skills. Skills like working independently, team work, organization, work habits and homework, and initiative are assessed independently student achievement and will be conducted through the use of a rubric indicating specific criteria to be achieved to receive each of the following letter grades: E –Excellent G – Good S – Satisfactory N - Needs Improvement Other Evaluation Issues LATE ASSIGNMENTS. Assignments submitted after the Primary Due Date established by the teacher will be accepted with a penalty of 5% off for the first day late and 2% for subsequent days to a maximum of 10%. This four day Penalty Zone is the maximum time allowed for submissions. The fourth day after the assignment is due is considered the Closure Date upon which no further assignments will be accepted. If the teacher returns the marked assignments within the four day penalty zone, the date of return is considered the closure date. Repeated lateness in submissions indicates poor organization skills and will result in parental contact and will be reflected in the learning skills section of the report card. INCOMPLETE ASSSIGNMENTS Assignments will be graded according to the extent with which they meet the criteria established in the rubric or evaluation structure. MISSED TESTS Tests missed with a legitimate reason will be written within a few days of the student returning from the absence. Student eligibility to write the test and the date of writing will be at the discretion of the teacher in consultation with the department head. CULMINATING ACTIVITIES These activities will be due toward the end of the course. They are valued between 5 and 15 per cent of the final mark and will reflect course material and competencies not otherwise reflected on the final exam. Plagiarism in any form reflects academic dishonesty and will result in a mark of zero for the assignment in question