Sustainability Task Force meeting March 24, 2015 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Stadium Parking Garage Task force moving forward Meeting format, frequency and duration Members See policy: mapp/14/140101.pdf “Current” voting members Leadership Voting for RecycleMania What’s the big idea? Judging criteria: RecycleU Clean Energy Initiative (CEI) Army of Two Caring composting Sustain-a-buddies How well the idea is communicated Feasibility to implement the idea Impact on campus waste diversion Doodle Poll: 4 for the RecycleU group RecycleU highlights Problem: printing of paper notes in Optometry College Researched cost, polled students, found other university examples Solution: Eliminate printing, purchase iPads, student recycle team, faculty training, recycle bins, contests, faculty incentives View proposal: Recycling_Initiative_KZ_LR_2015_final.pdf?dl=0 CEI highlights Problem: recycling education, contamination, event recycling Includes problems, communication strategies, feasibility, impacts and solutions Solution: separate recycling for bottle caps, empty bottle liquids, create education signage, have three bins available for events and choice in event reservation View proposal: %20Mania%20Small%20Team%20Challenge%20_Clean %20Energy%20Initiative%20at%20The%20Unive....pdf?dl=0 Army of two highlights Proposes to encourage students to recycle by giving out items like free t-shirts, distributing a recycling video and sending mass emails Video should focus on individual not statistics Targeting different students based on sustainability levels Send out messaging campus wide before RecycleMania View proposal: Recycle_Lopez_J_2.docx?dl=0 Sustain-a-buddies highlights Problem: improper disposal of electronic waste Solution: develop e-waste program on campus with drop off sites at library and Cougar Byte Includes approximate cost and some e-recyclers Advertise through UH website and social media and at drop-off locations View proposal: Recycle_Lopez_J_2.docx?dl=0 Caring composting highlights Proposes to compost organic waste of some residence halls and dining halls Run by UH Bonner leaders Each has own garden plot and composting pile to maintain View proposal: %20Composting.docx?dl=0 Potential for new policy Hazardous waste increased by 30 percent from 2013 to 2014 Half of that hazardous waste increase (15 percent) came from paint disposal Potential for source reduction, minimized palette, donation, policy etc. Current efforts to reduce paint disposal Working groups opportunity STF members can participate in: Tree Campus U.S.A. Biking Will start soon Fair Trade Campaign Goal to meet once a month Goal to meet once a month Facilities Management Sustainability Meets every two weeks 2014-2015 Accomplishments Building an office A new focus, past expectations Student team What’s our purpose? Partnerships on campus Considering long term execution Relationship building in the community The charge of the office Facilitate collaboration: campus and community Collect institutional sustainability data Lead communications, outreach and events Question UH processes Recommend sustainability improvements Direct student sustainability team Manage programs: Campus Community Garden Events and Outreach UH Earth Day Festival 20 exhibitors, ~500 attendees Clean Up Day Rock the Campus Sustainability Fest 50 exhibitors, ~500 attendees Earth Day Houston Fall Fest 64 total events Communications Website launch Relaunch of newsletter UH Sustainability Video Blog relaunch Sustainable Business Magazine KUHF, Fox, ABC, Telemundo Houston Chronicle Campus Community Garden 826.914 pounds donated in 2014 Composting Data collection Volunteer tracking Dining collaborations 20 events Recognition Princeton Review Guide to Green Colleges Mayor’s Proud Partner Awards Paul Revere Education Portal Campus Community Garden Bicycle Abatement Program UH Earth Day Festival Current projects & programs RecycleMania STARS and Princeton Review Green Guide Tradepal & Campus Wall Proposal Campus Garden Handbook Biking assessment Carbon Footprint Protocol Ant plan Looking ahead UH Earth Week Sustainability Garden Tree coordinator expansion and pocket prairie Campus U.S.A. Improved Student recycling training and volunteer corps Looking ahead Employee educator program Sustainability Campus New Council Sustainability Plan policies and protocols Enhanced community presence and collaboration Improved biking facilities and program