A Guide to Confederate
Monuments in South Carolina
“Passing the Silent Cup”
Robert S. Seigler
Since the command for secession was first given, South Carolina was pivotal in the
formation and cause of the Confederacy. In A Guide to Confederate Monuments in South
Carolina, Robert S. Seigler invites the reader to rediscover the history that first split a
nation as he weaves his way through each city in South Carolina in search of all Confederate monuments.
Beginning with the Abbeville County monument and ending with the York County
monument, Seigler spans the multiple locales of South Carolina, including all Confederate monuments located on courthouse lawns, town squares, cemeteries, churchyards, public parks, and markers commemorating military combatants and civilian
participants of the state. Seigler provides a literal transcription of the engraving for
each entry as well as a historical snippet of the events and personages influential for
the monument, the material used to construct the memorial, and directions to the
location of the site.
Complete with photographic images of the more prominent statues and structures
and an index of the monument, this compendium offers readers the chance to traverse
the history of the Palmetto State’s wartime experiences.
Robert S. Seigler was a historian with
the South Carolina Department of
Archives and History.
Distributed for the South Carolina Department of Archives and History
Available 2012, 580 pages, 220 illus.
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