Bachelor of Science Degree Computer Information Systems (ISTE) First Year First Semester FALL ENGL 1303 3 Second Year Second Semester SPRING ENGL 1304 3 Third Semester FALL POLS 1336 3 PS Third Year Fourth Semester SPRING POLS 1337 3 PS Fifth Semester FALL TELS 3363 3 WID Fourth Year Sixth Semester SPRING TELS 3340 3 First Year Writing II U.S. & Texas Constitutions & Politics U.S. Government: Congress, President, & Courts Technical Communication Organizational Leadership P: score of 240 on TASP writing test or equivalent P: ENGL 1303 or equivalent P: None P: None P: ENGL 1303 with C or better P: ENGL 1304 HIST 1377 3 HIST 1378 3 ECON The US Since 1877 P: None P: None MATH 1330 3 Math MATH 1431 4 MATH 2301 3 SCLT 2362 3 TMTH 3360 3 TECH P: ITEC 1301, ELET 2300, COSC 1304, or equivalent P: MATH 1313, TMTH 3360, TELS 3340 2300 3 major ACCT 2331 3 CIS 3343 3 major P: None P: at least C in CIS 2334 & enrolled or taken TMTH 3360 Major PSYC CIS 1300 3 SS 2332 3 major Info Tech Hardware & Systems Software CIS 2336 3 major CIS 3347 3 major 3365 3 major P: at least C in CIS 3343 CIS 3355 3 major CIS 4338 3 P: SCLT 2362 & TMTH 3360 major CIS 4375 3 major Database Administration & Implementation Project Management & Practice P: CIS 3355, 3365 & CIS Major or consent P: at least C in CIS 4338, 4339; & CIS major or consent CIS 4339 3 major 3 major Intergrated Info Sys Enterprise Application Development Approved Elective P: at least C in ELET 2300 P: at least C in CIS 2332; CIS major; & enrolled or taken P: C or better in all CIS 2336, & 2348, & 3347; P: at least C in CIS 3355 & enrolled or taken CIS 4338 (Min of C) for approved list P: at least C in ITEC 1301 or equiv TMTH 3360 (or equiv) or consent CIS Major or Minor; or consent & CIS major or consent CIS CIS 2334 3 major 2348 3 major CIS 2337 3 major Computer Appl Tech Info Sys Application Development Fundamentals of Information Security P: enrolled or taken MATH 1310 & ENGL 1303 or equivalents P: enrolled or taken ENGL 1303 or equiv P: at least C in ITEC 1301 or ELET 2300 or Equiv P: At least C in both MATH 1431 & in ELET 2300 or equiv P: at least C in ITEC 1301 or equiv 15 15 15 3 major 3 major 3 major Approved Elective Approved Elective Approved Elective for approved list for approved list for approved list 15 15 15 121 Total credit hours required = Preapproved Technical Electives: 3 Info Sys Infrastructure & Networks Info Systems Applications 16 CIS Database Management 4342 Quality Systems Internet Application Development Introduction to Psychology 15 3 P: ITEC 1300** and 6 hrs math ** will accept ITEC 1301 P: MATH 1330 1301 3 TELS 4341 P: None P: MATH 1330 ITEC TELS P: MATH 1310 or equiv or consent of instructor P: credit for or placement out of MATH 1310 Introduction to 3 Production & Service Operations Info Sys Analysis & Design Choose from core approved list 3365 Application of Discrete Methods in Technology Accounting Principles IFinancial 3 Choose from core approved list Applied Technical Statistics Introduction to C++ Programming Life & Phys Sciences Choose from core approved list Introdution to Logistics Technology Calculus I 3 Lang, Phil, & Culture and Supervision Precalculus Life & Phys Sciences Choose from core approved list 3 Creative Arts Global Economic Concepts ELET Eighth Semester SPRING 3 First Year Writing I The US to 1877 Seventh Semester FALL Major courses College requirements See CIS webpage Core courses CIS Environment Students must receive a "C" or better in major courses taken since Fall 2001.