Plant & Animal Cell Foldable Checklist

Plant & Animal Cell Foldable Checklist
Use this sheet as a check list to make sure you have included all the required information in your
1. Front Cover:
Left side: Plant Cell
Label and number the following structures:
1. Cell Wall
2. Chloroplasts
3. Cytoplasm
4. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
5. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
6. Nuclear Envelope
7. Nucleolus
8. Vacuole
9. Centrioles
Right side: Animal Cell
Label and number the following structures:
10. Cell Membrane
11. Chromatin
12. Cytoskeleton
13. Golgi Bodies
14. Lysosomes
15. Mitochondria
16. Nucleus
17. Ribosomes
18. Microtubules
2. Inside:
Left side Plant Cell
List and define the organelles that are only found or look significantly different in plant cells.
Cell Wall
Right side: Animal Cells
List and define the 2 organelles that are only found or look significantly different in animal cells.
1. Lysosome
2. Vacuole
Center: Plant and Animal Cells
List and define all 14 organelles found in both plant and animal cells.
1. Cell Membrane
2. Chromatin
3. Cytoplasm
4. Cytoskeleton
5. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
6. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
7. Golgi Bodies
8. Mitochondria
3. On Back:
Name: First and Last Name, Due Date and Period #
9. Nuclear Envelope
10. Nucleolus
11. Nucleus
12. Ribosomes
13. Microtubules
14. Centrioles
Plant and Animal Cell Foldable Grading Rubric
1. Plant Cell labeled with the following:
1. Cell Wall
2. Chloroplasts
3. Cytoplasm
4. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
5. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
6. Nuclear Envelope
7. Nucleolus
8. Vacuole
9. Centrioles
2. Animal Cell labeled with the following:
10. Cell Membrane
11. Chromatin
12. Cytoskeleton
13. Golgi Bodies
14. Lysosomes
15. Mitochondria
16. Nucleus
17. Ribosomes
18. Microtubules
3. Plant and Animal Cell Differences:
Left side: 4 plant cell organelles listed and defined
Cell Wall
Right side: 2 animal cell organelles listed and defined
1. Lysosome 2. Vacuole
4. Plant and Animal Cell Similarities:
14 cell organelles listed and defined
1. Cell Membrane
2. Chromatin
3. Cytoplasm
4. Cytoskeleton
5. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
6. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
7. Golgi Bodies
8. Mitochondria
9. Nuclear Envelope
10. Nucleolus
11. Nucleus
12. Ribosomes
13. Microtubules
14. Centrioles
5. Followed Directions:
points lines drawn neat/straight (1)
colored neatly (3)
organelles numbered(3)
no pencil (2)
writing legible (2)
proper heading on back (1)
Total: ___/ 50 points