Schroder Unit Trusts Limited PO Box 1102, Chelmsford, CM99 2XX

Schroder Unit Trusts Limited
PO Box 1102, Chelmsford, CM99 2XX
Dealing 0800 718 788
Fax: 0870 043 4080
Investor Services: 0800 718 777
3 June 2011
Dear Sirs
Closure of the Schroder Equitised Global Asset Allocation Fund
I am writing to you on behalf of Schroder Unit Trusts Limited to inform you of our intention to
close the Schroder Equitised Global Asset Allocation Fund, in which you are invested.
We continually review our UK AUT fund offering and we consider the fund too small to be run
economically. We have, therefore, reluctantly decided to close the fund, subject to FSA approval.
Please note that the winding up of the fund does not require unitholder approval.
Your options as an investor:
Closure of Dealings
Subject to FSA approval, the winding up of the fund will begin on 15 June 2011. The last time
for dealing in units of the fund will be 12 noon on 13 June 2011, although you may sell your
units at any time before then. Your units will be sold at the price calculated at the next
valuation point of the fund following receipt of your instructions. The proceeds will be sent to
you within 4 working days of the sale. If you do not switch or sell your holding before 13 June
2011, the procedure explained in section (3) below will commence and, from that point, you
will not be able to deal in units of the fund. After the date of this letter no further subscriptions
will be accepted.
Switch Offer
Instead of selling your units, you may switch your investment into any of Schroders’ other
institutional funds free of charge. In order to make an informed decision, you can find further
information on Schroders' institutional funds in the prospectus which is available on request
by telephoning 0800 718 777.
Winding Up and Realisation of Assets
Dealing in the units of the fund will close at 12 noon on 13 June 2011. If you have not given
us instructions to sell or switch your holding prior to 12 noon on 13 June 2011, your units will
be sold at the price calculated at 12 noon on 14 June 2011 less a retained amount to cover
outstanding debtors and creditors of the fund. If on completion of the winding up there is
excess cash within the fund a further payment will be made to unitholders who were in the
fund at 14 June 2011. If there is a cash shortfall this will be covered by Schroders.
The annual accounting period that is due to end on 15 June 2011 will be extended to 15
December 2011 and this will be the final accounting date of the fund. Unitholders of
Registered Office at 31 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QA. Registered Number 04191730 England.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
For your security, telephone conversations may be recorded.
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the fund as at 14 June 2011 will receive the final audited annual report and if
appropriate a tax voucher. The Trustee will then request the FSA to revoke the fund’s
authorisation order.
The costs of closing the fund will be borne by Schroders.
Any switches, as referred to in section (2) above or capital repayments, as referred to in
section (3) above will be taxable events for UK Capital Gains Tax purposes. Any income
distributions, as referred to in section (3) above will be subject to normal levels of UK tax
deduction. We recommend that you seek your own tax advice in relation to the closure of this
For further information about any aspect of the closure process or other Schroders’ funds please
contact your usual financial adviser or a member of our Investor Services Team on 0800 718
777. Please note, Schroders does not offer investment advice.
Yours sincerely
Robin Stoakley
Schroder Unit Trusts Limited