St. Bernadette School Newsletter 1060 White Clover Way, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1G7

St. Bernadette School Newsletter
1060 White Clover Way,
Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1G7
“Faith, Discipline, Excellence”
TEL: 905-501-9498 FAX: 905-501-9501
905 890 1221
2 0 1 4
The Virtue for the
Month of June is…
Saint Theresa's Prayer
May today there be peace within
May you trust God that you are exactly where you
are meant to be.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and
pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be confident knowing you are a child of
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow
your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and
It is there for each and every one of us.
St. Martin of Tours Church
Fr. J. Pottackal
905 279 5742
C.S.C. Co-Chairs:
The virtue of FAIRNESS is not the idea of
equality but the idea that everyone has what
they need.
 A FAIR person…
 Listens to all sides before forming
 Shows good sportsmanship at all times
 Knows that the same rules apply to
 Refuses to twist rules to avoid
 Works to bring about peaceful
solutions to problems
 Cheers on the successes of others.
P. Gaspari & J. De Costa Wow!!!! How quickly the year has gone! Students
School Hours
8:30 School Entry
10:30 Recess
11:00 Kinder Dismissal
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Afternoon Start
1:55 Recess
3:00 Dismissal
have been very busy learning new curriculum,
We are made by God to live together, to
practicing skills and strategies, participating in clubs
share and to help each other.
and teams. They have been encouraged daily to walk
in the path Jesus did, by following the Virtues.
Students have had many opportunities throughout the
year to practice their Faith through liturgies, Masses,
Bible readings and class celebrations. Students have
worked to make our earth a better place by walking to
school and bringing litter-less lunches. They have
participated in Healthy eating initiatives and tried
some delicious recipes from our monthly newsletters.
All of this is with your wonderful support. Together
with parents, a loving environment to challenge eachAROUND THE SCHOOL…
student to do their best is being promoted. Thank you
to parents for working with us to help your child to
become a well-rounded citizen, who loves others and
cares for all living things. It is by working together
that we create a better world for all.
M. J. Vowles, Principal
We’re on the Web!
Are You Moving?
Summer Dress Code
With the warmer weather approaching,
we request both student and parent
support and cooperation in ensuring that
students are neat, clean and
appropriately dressed. Attire should
continue to reflect modesty and the moral standard
expected at St. Bernadette Catholic School
· Clothing should be neat, clean and without tears and/or
· Patches, symbols or saying on clothing shall not be
offensive to anyone who might read them nor should
they promote negative messages.
· Halter tops, tank tops, mesh shirts, basketball jerseys,
muscle shirts, cut-off shirts, midriff tops and bandanas
are inappropriate attire for school.
· Running shoes are safest for playing the school yard as
they protect the feet and toes. Flip flops are not safe
at school.
· The use of hats, sunglasses and sunscreen are
· Pants and shirts need to cover undergarments.
If you are planning a move, or have
already moved, please inform the
office right away, in writing giving
the last day of school and the name
of the new school your child will be
attending. You are required to complete new assessment
forms even if you move within our school boundaries. If
you are moving to a new school we will give you a Transfer
Form to take with you to the new school.
Young Riders Orientation Day for Kindergarten
On Saturday, August 23rd, the
Transportation Department will be
holding a Young Rider Orientation day
for ALL Kindergarten students and their
school age siblings. The purpose is to
introduce children to buses prior to the
first day of school. The one hour program will be available
from 9 am to 1 pm. To confirm your spot please refer to
the attachment.
Library Circulation
Mandatory Police Records Check
As the end of the school year approaches we ask that all
students and staff take a careful look
around their rooms for any outstanding
library materials. All library materials
are due back by Friday, June 13, 2014.
Thank you for your cooperation and for
supporting your St. Bernadette library.
In compliance with Ministry
directives, a Police Records
Check will be mandatory next
year if you wish to volunteer
your services in the school,
transport students and assist on
trips. Police Records Check forms are available in the
office and must be authorized by the Principal before a
Police Records Check can be done. An Annual Offence
Declaration is required for all valid Police Records Checks
that are already on file in the school office. If you wish to
have a Police Records Check done over the summer
months, please pick-up the forms from our office before
school ends, June 27th.
We also encourage families to sign up for a
Mississauga Library System card which will
give you access to a wide variety of reading
materials and interesting programs
throughout the summer as well as during the
school year. The Mississauga Library system provides print
materials, audiobooks, eBooks, DVDs, CDs and programs for
children and youth of all ages. To learn more about the
Mississauga library system please feel free to use the
following http address:
Baseballs and Bats
It is that time of the year when baseball and
softball are on the minds of many. For safety
reasons, hardballs, softballs, footballs and
bats are not allowed at school. Students are
able to use tennis balls or other soft balls e.g.
sponge balls. Note: Balls that find their way to the roof top
are only collected once a year by a special Board crew.
Recess Reminders
First Day Procedures – September 2/14
At St. Bernadette we have a NO CONTACT policy. This
policy states that students are not to play any games or be
involved in any activities in the schoolyard that involve
physical contact. Any aggressive games, like manhunt, are
not allowed. If a game develops during the course of a
recess break where contact becomes part of the game or
activity, students are reminded to remove themselves from
that activity and to report to the nearest staff member on
yard duty.
Student Birthday Celebrations
We love to celebrate Birthdays! We do remind
students and parents/guardians that no food or
treats are to be brought to school to share with
classmates due to the many severe allergic
reactions that can harm students. Instead, we
encourage students to write a small poem,
song or prayer for each other and if absolutely
necessary, token gifts should be inexpensive. Writing
instruments, pencils, pencil crayons, or special note paper
make great and useful gifts. Sometimes, simple is best and
gifts with meaning are always appreciated and always
Report Cards
Your child’s third term Provincial
Report Card will be sent home on
Wednesday, June 25th, 2014. Once
more we wish to bring to your
attention Page 4, called the
Response Form. This page provides you with the
opportunity to comment on your child’s achievement and
goals. Please complete and sign this page and return it to
your child’s teacher by Thursday, June 26 th, 2014. If your
child will not be present on June 25, 2014, please provide
the office with a stamped self-addressed envelope so we
can mail the report card.
Junior Kindergarten students will
have specific visit times scheduled by
classroom teachers.
Senior Kindergarten students will meet in the
Kindergarten Yard.
Students in grades 1 to 8 will head to yards to be
met by teachers as follows:
Gr. 1,2,3 students will meet at the doors at
back of the school (nearest the field).
Gr. 4, 5, 6 students will meet at the doors
nearest the parking lot.
Gr. 7 & 8 students will meet at the east doors
by the sandpit.
Teachers will call out names by class.
Students entering Grade 9…
The Get Ready Program for St. Joseph SS. will
run from Monday August 18th to Friday August
22nd, 8:17 – 12:17. Letters with further details
about the program (dates, times, location
etc.) will be mailed out to the
parents/guardians of the students who
submitted their Get Ready Registration
Forms at the end of June.
This is a great program to assist students in
orienting themselves to the new
expectations and demands of secondary
Students who will attend another Dufferin Peel high
school should contact their new school for details on their
respective Get Ready Program, if they have not already
received information from the high school.
Year End School Mass
Our school year-end Mass will take place in
our school gym on Wednesday, June 11,
beginning at 9:00 a.m. Parents are most
welcome to attend.
Graduation Mass for Grade 8s
We, as a school community, will
celebrate our grade 8 graduates by
joining them for their graduation Mass.
All teachers and students from grade 1-8
will attend the Mass at St. Martin of Tours
Parish on Tuesday, June 24th at 10:00 a.m. Parents are
invited to join us.
School Food and Beverage Policy, all sport and
energy drinks are not permitted for sale.
Water is your best choice when you are thirsty
during regular physical activity.
Enjoy this Apple Blueberry Smoothie, compliments of
EatRight Ontario
After the Mass, the Grade 8 students will be going to Le
Treport Banquet hall for their Luncheon and Dance.
The Graduation Ceremony will be held at
St. Bernadette School in the gym at
6:00pm. Parents are welcome to
attend this Ceremony and the Mass
in the morning. We look forward to a
memorable graduation for our students. We wish the
students well as they continue to achieve great success in
all their endeavours!
Apple Blueberry Smoothie
½ cup plain yogurt
1 ripe banana
1 apple, cored, peeled and chopped
½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
¼ cup 100% orange juice
Place yogurt, banana, apple, blueberries and orange juice
in a blender.
Cover and puree until smooth.
The Region of Peel, partnering for healthy schools, has
provided all kinds of terrific healthy lifestyle tips and
suggestions for us to share with students and their
families. Among them are the following tips which will
prove helpful with the onset of the warmer weather.
Satisfy Your Thirst with Water!
Did you know that well-hydrated children think, grow and
play better? Students need easy access to water
throughout the day! During warm
weather months, pay special
attention to hydration especially
during active play! While water is
our best choice to keep hydrated,
other beverages and some foods
contribute to our overall fluid
intake, such as: milk, vegetables and fruit, yogurt, 100%
fruit or vegetable juice, soups.
Are Sport Drinks Needed to Keep Hydrated?
1. Sport drinks are only intended to be used to
replace fluids and electrolytes that are lost in
sweat during intense, competitive activities
lasting longer than an hour and producing a lot of
sweat (such as running a marathon).
2. Sport drinks contain very few essential nutrients
and high amounts of sugar. According to the
Prep time: 5 minutes. Serving size: 250 ml or less for
children in elementary school.
St. Bernadette Breakfast Cart
This year, St Bernadette started a breakfast cart that would
visit the classrooms every morning to offer cereal, bread
and fruit to all students. The program began because of a
generous donation from the Metro Green Apple Award and
it continued because of the generous donations made by
many parents in the school. Thank you to all who helped
make this a success! A special thank you to
Mrs. MacRury's grade 3 and 4 students who deliver the
breakfast food every morning.
Office Helpers
The Power of an Hour - Volunteer today to be an InSchool Mentor
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel in collaboration with the
Dufferin-Peel District School Board matches elementary
girls and boys with a caring adult mentor. Matches meet
for one hour each week during school hours and on school
property to share in fun activities. The result -- increased
self-esteem, better grades and improved relationships
with family and peers. Children are in need of a mentor in
schools in your area.
Volunteer today! Call 905-457-7288 or visit
The Office would like to sincerely thank the
Office Helpers who volunteer their time
and effort here in the office.
commitment and dedication is greatly
appreciated. We are looking forward to
having many of you apply again in September. Your
contribution to making St. Bernadette a professional,
helpful and welcoming place is so very valuable and we are
proud of your developing skills as office assistants. A
sincere THANK YOU goes out to: Nicole, Christy, Adriana,
Katherine, Priya, Bolu, Katie, Jenna, Emily, Caroline.
Hats off to Kidz – Hospital for Sick Kids Fundraiser
We are happy to inform you that the
community raised $464.55 to donate
to Leukemia research at Sick Kids
Hospital. Thank you to students for
their wonderfully designed Hats and
spirit-filled posters. Thank you for
your generous contributions.
Catholic Update-The Joy of being Catholic
As Pope Francis says, “The
Church is not a refuge
for sad people. The
Church is a house of
joy.” What can we do to
share the joy of being
Catholic with others? Jesus
has sanctified everything human. We are called to
something greater and our gifts are given for the service
of Christ’s kingdom on earth. Each person will make a
unique contribution.
Pizza Days
Please take some time to view the Catholic Update
Newsletter that is extremely insightful and helpful in
highlighting our deep joy of being Catholic. Visit:
We have been very fortunate, within our
school community, to have such a dedicated
group of parents giving of their time to make
our school environment a better and safer
place for all of our children. Some volunteer
weekly to distribute pizza or read with
students. Others volunteer occasionally to collect or count
money or go on trips. Thank you, thank you, and thank you
to all parents that have assisted this school year. You have
helped to make St. Bernadette School a better place to
learn. All volunteers are invited to a Volunteer Tea,
Monday, June 16th, 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please RSVP to
Mrs. Montanaro.
St. Bernadette Community Swap Day
Saturday, June 14th 2014 (10am-1pm)
St. Bernadette will host the first
annual Community Swap Day. It is
simple, we are requesting that you
donate gently used clothing, toys,
games, CDs, movies, crafts, books, and
household items for our Swap Day.
See Flyer attached.
Our pizza days have been very
successful. They are appreciated by
students and parents. Thank you to all
the parents who have supported our
pizza lunches. Not only does this provide a
service for the children, it also allows us to
raise money to do various things in the school.
 The parents who are volunteering on school trips.
It is because of you that these trips are possible.
 The parents who are working closely with the
teachers to assist in homework
The parents who are
supporting the school dress
The parents who are
calling the school when their
child will be absent.
The parents who are
ensuring that their children
arrive to school on time.
Our Student Monitors,
Mrs. Gaspari, Miss Mills, Mrs. Sajid, Mrs. Fatima
who come out in all sorts of weather to cheerfully
complete their duties. We also thank Mrs. Pereira
who jumps in from time to time when we are short
St. Bernadette School is participating in
the Tomatosphere project. The
Tomatosphere project is from the
University of Guelph and they are
conducting a study on tomato seeds that went on the
space shuttle with Chris Hadfield and those that did not go
to space.
The seeds were labeled V and T, therefore we do not know
which seeds went to space. It is our job to monitor and
collect data on the growth of the plants.
72 seeds were planted on April 3 and most have since
germinated. The Grade 3 students will observe the plants
and measure their growth for the next three months. All
the data collected will be sent to the University to aid with
their study. For more information visit
Family Hot Dog Lunch
Our School Council would like to
invite parents/guardians to enjoy
lunch with their children at our
Family Hot Dog Lunch on
Monday, June 23rd at 11:30 a.m.
The School Council would like to
take this opportunity to show
their appreciation for all the hard work and support
parents have given to the school this past year. Please
watch for the order form.
Joe Sax Festival
On Tuesday, May 6th, 10 lucky students had the
opportunity to attend the 6th annual Joe Sax Festival held
at Iona Catholic Secondary School. Twenty schools from
the Mississauga South Family of Schools participated in a
day dedicated to bringing students together for an
inclusive day of sports, regardless of their abilities,
limitations, or special needs. The students participated in a
wide array of activities that promoted diversity and
teamwork. Everyone had a wonderful time and St.
Bernadette is already anticipating next year's festival.
In recent years, there has been growing discussion around
the funding of faith-based education. Despite its
longstanding history of academic excellence and
contributions to Ontario society, the funding of Catholic
Education has been drawn into this debate. The 2007
Ontario election campaign was a particular focal point, in
some areas re-invigorating the efforts of interest groups
that want to end public funding for Catholic schools in
Ontario. These detractors miss a crucial point: Catholic
education is an integral part of Ontario society. It has
deep roots throughout the province’s history and culture –
as much as any other institution. Catholic education is
built on a strong foundation supported by parents,
students, teachers, administrators, religious sisters and
brothers, the clergy and the community. It is a proven
success. There is simply no good reason to destroy a
system that is working so well. Nonetheless, it is
important to be vigilant and to refute these renewed
Nominations are due to the office:
Elections for School Council:
First School Council Meeting:
6:30pm following the election.
Fri. Sept. 19/14
Wed. Sept. 24/14
Tues. Sept 24/14 at
All School Council members require a Police Records Check
dated within 6 months. Parents who already have a Police
Records Check on file must complete a Criminal Offence
Declaration in September to update the original reference.
New Registrations for 2014-2015
Newsletter Attachments:
The school office will accept new
registrations for the 2014/2015 school year
up to and including Friday, June 27th of
this year. The school office will reopen on
Monday, August 25th and will accept new
registration during that week from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
and from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. The first day of classes will
be on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 for grades SK to 8.
(JKs will be contacted by their Teacher to set a start date.
Enclosed is a copy of the 2014/2015 school year calendar.
STOPR-Student Transportation Eligibility
STOPR-Safety tips you can use
STOPR-Preparing your child to ride the bus
STOPR-Young Rider Orientation Day
Ready, Set, Read, Summer Reading Club
Summer Parenting Workshops-Peel Children’s Centre
Teen Girls Summer-Peel Children’s Centre
Boys Club Summer-Peel Children’s Centre
Race Against Racism Registration Form
St. Bernadette Community Swap Day
2014-2015 School Year Calendar
Student Monitors
We are in need of Student Monitors during our lunch time
and will need monitors for the Fall, for our school. In order
to be eligible, you must be between the ages of 18 and 65
and have a current Criminal Reference Check (dated within
the last 6 months). The scheduled hours of
work are set at 1.2 (72 minutes) per day,
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you are
interested, please contact the school
office for details at 905-501-9498.
Jun 9
Jun 11
Jun 12
Jun 13
Jun 14
Jun 15
Jun 16
Jun 18
Jun 20
Jun 23
Jun 24
St. Bernadette Website:
Jun 4
Jun 25
Jun 27
Sub Day
Pentecost Liturgy 12:30pm
PD Day – No School today
Year End Mass 9:00 a.m. All are welcome !
Medieval Times
Gr 6 to Silvercreek
St. Bernadette Swap Day
Happy Father’s Day
Volunteer Tea 1:45 p.m.
Sub Day
Track and Field – Family Meet
Track and Field – Board Meet
Play Day
Grade 8 Graduation Mass 10:00 St. Martin of Tours
Awards Ceremony 6:00 pm in our Gym
Kindergarten Grad 10:00 a.m.
Report Cards go home
Last Day of School – Have a Blessed Summer.