St. Bernadette School DUFFERINPEEL CDSB 1060 White Clover Way, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9 TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501 "Faith, Discipline, Excellence" , Answered Prayer Principal: M.J. Vowles Secretary: M. Trigiani Superintendent: C. Saytar 905 890 1221 VIRTUE FOR APRIL I asked God for strength, that I might achieve; I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do great things; I was given sickness that I might do better things. I asked for riches, that I might be happy; I was given poverty, that I might be wise. I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men; I was given weakness, that I might feel the need for God. I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life; I was given life, that I might enjoy all things. I received nothing I asked for—but everything I hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayer was answered; I am, among all people, most richly blessed. Trustee: Peter Ferreira PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE 905-890-1221 416-805-7110 St. Martins Church of Fr. J. Pottackal 905 279 5742 C.S.C. Co-Chairs: J. Medina, M. Cholette 2 0 1 0 Tours We continue to celebrate Lent as a school, as a Church and in our families. We began with our Lenten celebration on Ash Wednesday (April 9 th) and will continue until Easter Sunday which will be held on Sunday April 24th. Students are encouraged to do something special for an other person as part of their preparation for the Lenten season. Easter is fast approaching. On Easter we will have an opportunity to renew our Baptismal vows and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, our Saviour. As we prepare, let us remember to spend time praying with our family, thanking God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. Have a Joyous Easter. We’re on the Web! P A G E 2 Be Healthy! Please only send your children to school if they are healthy. We have students at the school who suffer from conditions that affect their immune systems. These students become seriously ill from ―bugs‖ that the rest of us easily fight. Thank you for supporting these families. MOVING? WORD STUDY “TIP of the MONTH” Did you know? ‗FOUR‖ is the only number whose value matches the number of letters contained in the word! School Community Connection: Next year‘s school population has been projected at 339. As planning has begun in respect to formulating classes and general school organization for the 2011-2012 school year, please inform the office as soon a possible if you are planning to move between now and September 2011. We will provide you with a Transfer Form to take with you to the new school to register your child. If you are moving but would like your child to remain at St. Bernadette, please submit your request in writing. All parents wishing to make a request for placement consideration should do so in writing. Include the qualities of the person you wish for your child. Do not state teacher‘s name as these may change with reorganization. Every effort will be made to accommodate requests received before April 29. PUNCTUALITY IS IMPORTANT A number of students are arriving at school late. This results in considerable interruptions to lessons and students missing the instructions for the daily assignments. Arriving on time and being prepared to learn helps students form good work habit s and provides a positive beginning to the day. The Exceptional School studies support that increased time on task and fewer disruptions to the learning environment help to support improved academic outcomes. Students should be in the yard before the bell rings so that they can enter and begin the day with their peers. Primary: Brainstorm a list of words at describe spring and have your child: 1. Roll out some play dough. Print the words in the Dough using a sharp pencil or form the letter in each Word by rolling out the dough. 2. Create a riddle for some of the spring words and have other family members guess the answer: e.g., It is a four letter word. It begins with an ―r‖. It ends with an ―n‖. It is wet. It is a weather word. (Rain) Junior: Acronyms are popular means of communication today. For example, a.s.a.p. stands for ―as soon as possible.‖ Create a list of popular acronyms, identifying the word that is represented by each letter in the acronym. Some popular acronyms include: LOL, TGIF, BFF. Dates To Remember April 1- Gr. 4 Scientists in Schools April 5 - 1:00 p.m. Lenten Mass, school gym 6:00 p.m. EQAO Parent Meeting April 6 - 8 - Gr. 7 & 8 Trip to Camp Muskoka April 8-Gr. 6 Scientists in Schools April 15-St. Bernadette Feast Day April 19-9:00 Free the Children Presentation April 20 -Gr. 5 Scientists in Schools April 21-Holy Thursday Liturgy in gym April 22-Good Friday-No School April 25-Easter Monday -No School April 27 –JK/SK trip to Riverwood April 26-Gr. 8 Retreat to Mount Alverno April 29 -Gr8 Graduation Photo Day May 3 -Gr. 3 Scientists in Schools May 4 -HPV/Hepititus Clinic P.m. Gr. 1 Scientists in Schools - a.m. Crowning of Mary P A G E SCHEDULE FOR LENT and HOLY WEEK ST. MARTIN OF TOURS PARISH Every Friday during Lent 7:00pm - Stations of the Cross. Followed by Mass SCHOOL MASS Tuesday, April 5th at 1:00 pm we will celebrate our Lenten Mass in the school gym. Parents please join us in our celebration of Faith. THE SYMBOLS OF LENT April 11-13 Parish Mission – Mass at 7:00pm Father Fred Mazzarella, OFM April 14 sions 7:00pm to 9:00pm - Lenten Confes- For the First Week: It is the scale—symbol of temptation and good judgment For the Second Week: It is the white garment, a reminder of the transfiguration of Christ. April 15 All Night Vigil April 16-17 PALM SUNDAY Regular Masses Saturday, April 16 at 5:00pm Sunday, April 17 at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm April 19 April 20 11:00am - Chrism Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto 7:30pm – Holy Eucharist with Healing Service April 21 HOLY THURSDAY 8:00pm - Holy Eucharist followed For the Third Week: Our symbol is the spring of living water. Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that everyone who shares in the life-giving water that He gives will never thirst again. For the Fourth Week: Our symbol is the light of the world. Light is especially chosen to remind us of the dignity and responsibility that is given to us when we receive baptism. For the Fifth Week: The strips which fell from the body of Lazarus reflect the bonds of death, which Christ has broken. by Adoration to midnight SKILLS CANADA COMPETITION April 22 GOOD FRIDAY 10:00am – Stations of the Cross 3:00pm - Celebration of the Pas- sion of Our Lord 7:00pm – Stations of the Cross April 23 HOLY SATURDAY 8:00pm – Easter Vigil Mass April 24 EASTER SUNDAY Sunday, April 24 at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm Congratulations to the St. Bernadette Science Club who competed in the Board Skills competition on March 22. All competitors displayed teamwork and cooperation as they completed their challenges. As a school, we earned the most medals in the history of our involvement in skills competitions. The Junior animation team won bronze medals. Our silver medalists included our health and safety team, the junior robotics team and the grade 8 tv and video production teams. Our grade 7 tv and video production team won gold and will continue to compete in the provincial competition on May 2nd in Waterloo. Go Barracudas Go! 3 Communion Retreat On March 25th, the grade two students enjoyed a morning retreat, “Building the Kingdom of God”. The morning was filled with games, songs, and crafts. Each child created a bracelet with a special spiritual message. In the afternoon, the entire school enjoyed a band performance by Blue Veil ministries. We would like to thank our Parent Council for sponsoring this event and we would like to wish all Grade two students an abundance of blessings as they receive the body of Christ for the first time beginning in April and through to May. Child and Youth Poetry Contest The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and COSTI Immigrant Services are organizing a Refugees and Human Rights Child and Youth Poetry Contest in commemoration of World Refugee Day, June 20. This contest is open to all students in Grades 4 – 12, attending schools in the Greater Toronto Area. The purpose of the contest is to promote awareness of Refugees and Human Rights issues to the community at large. Entries will be judged on the basis of originality, creative imagination, characterization, artistic quality, adherence to the topic, and rules established for the contest. OAPCE INFORMATION NIGHT CCCSC - “Companions on the Journey” There are still spaces available to attend this Conference. Place: St. Joseph S.S. 5555 Creditview Rd. Date: Saturday, April 9, 2011 –8:30 am to 2:30 pm If you did not receive the brochure that was sent home with you child, please advise the office and we will provide on for you. HAT DAY!! On Monday, April 4th, our school will be hosting a hat day in order to raise awareness for the Leukemia initiative at Sick Kids hospital. All students and staff are asked to wear their hats. Any type of hat, big or small will do. We encourage staff and students to make a donation to support this worthwhile cause. Please give all donations to your classroom teacher and don’t forget to wear your hat on Monday! Hello fellow parents! As mentioned in our last correspondence, the OAPCE is eager to keep our Parish reps updated with all of our Dufferin Peel activities. We have been looking forward to an informative night with special guest speakers. On April 27th, we will have John Kostoff, our Board’s Director of Education come out and speak to us about the history of Catholic Education and Lou Rocha, Project Manager for the Face Project (Friends and Advocates of Catholic Education, will speak about our uniqueness and why it is important to fight for publicly funded Catholic education. Please forward any pertinent questions to by April 6th. We need to know how many parents are interested in attending by April 13th. Please forward RSVP to our above hotmail e-mail. Please visit our Regional website drapce/ for details about upcoming meetings and events. ST. JOSEPH S.S. Presents FB 101 All are welcome. Please consider attending this very worthwhile workshop to find out the “power and pitfalls of Facebook. TOOLS TO INCREASE YOUR PRIVACY & SECURITY As of January 2011, Facebook 101 has been presented to more than 140,000 students in 22 school boards and independent schools throughout Ontario. Chris Vollum is armed with a deep and extensive understanding of every word and interpretation of Facebook's privacy policies, settings and sub-settings, he established “Facebook 101” with the sole purpose of educating parents, teachers and administrators, and students on how to effectively apply their Facebook profile settings to minimize privacy breaches and proactively defend against cyber-bullying. His hands-on, user-friendly workshop has been described as a “must see” event that explores the nuts and bolts of how to maximize Facebook’s settings with an emphasis on safety, security and privacy. Please join the St. Joseph community for this worthwhile experience. Date: Tuesday April 19, 2011 Time: 7:00 PM Location: St. Joseph S.S. Library ALL ARE WELCOME School Climate Survey The Ontario Ministry of Education focus on Safe Schools, Positive School Climate and its Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy require that all schools across the provide implement a School Climate Survey for students. Please see attached Education Week, May 2-6, 2011 Theme: Celebrating the Spirit The five subthemes for Catholic Education Week : The Spirit of Hospitality The Spirit of Understanding The Spirit of Wisdom The Spirit of Justice The Spirit of Gratitude DUFFERIN-PEEL SUMMER SCHOOL Grade 7 & 8 The focus of this program will be on students whose achievement of grade 7 or 8 Language and Mathematics expectations indicates that they are likely to experience difficulty in achieving the following grade‘s expectations. Student eligibility for the summer school program will be determined by the Principal in consultation with teachers, the parents and student. Recommended students in grade 7 & 8 are highly encouraged to attend. Dates: Monday July 4 to Friday July 22, 2011 Time: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm each day Transportation will be provided from St. Bernadette School to St. Joseph S.S. Deadline for application is Friday, May 27, 2011. *************** SUMMER LITERACY CAMP SK TO GRADE 6 SCHOOL DRIVEWAY Parents are reminded that when they are picking up their children they may use the Kiss ‘n Ride area in front of the school. The AREA IS A FIRE ROUTE so the driver MUST remain at the wheels of the car at ALL times. When the children are in the car, drivers move to the left lane to exit the driveway. Cars may NEVER stop to park and pick up children in the left lane. It is a drive thru lane. The Kiss ‗n Ride will only hold about 5 cars at a time. As these cars leave with their passengers others will be able to enter the area. AT NO TIME MAY CARS PICK UP STUDENTS FROM THE STAFF PARKING LOT. Pylons indicate the area is out-of-bounds. Parents, be sure to have our children use the sidewalks and the cross walks as they arrive and leave the school property to maximize their safety. Please note that Parking Enforcement visits and gives out tickets to those not adhering to the law. Literacy Camp provides a fun and innovative environment for learners! Small group and individual attention for students Balanced literacy curriculum with lessons planned for your child‘s individual learning needs. Registration is available through teacher referral. Being held at various schools within our Board. Dates: Monday July 4 - Friday July 29, 2011 Days: Weekdays Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Cost: $380 for Full 4 week session $200 for July 4 –July 15 $200 for July 18-29 Minimum 2 week registration