St. Bernadette School DUFFERINPEEL CDSB 1060 White Clover Way, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9 TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501 "Faith, Discipline, Excellence" F E B R U A R Y , 2 0 1 1 BLACK HISTORY MONTH February is Black History Month! Special displays will be put up and lessons will be taught regarding Black History as part of the school curriculum. Books, both Cana­ dian and American are on display in the library. Announcements will feature highlight­ ing various black historical people. Principal: M.J. Vowles THE CHALLENGE OF NELSON MANDELA (from his 1994 Inaugural Speech as President of South Africa) Be big, Our deepest fear is not that we are Inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful Beyond measure. It is our light and not our darkness that Frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be Brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about Shrinking so that other people won’t feel Insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the Glory Of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we Unconsciously give other people Permission to do the same. Secretary: M. Trigiani Superintendent: C. Saytar 905 890 1221 Trustee: Peter Ferreira 905­890­1221 416­805­7110 St. Martins Church of Tours Fr. J. Pottackal 905 279 5742 C.S.C. Co-Chairs: J. Medina, M. Cholette VIRTUE OF THE MONTH ­ RESPECT Help your children be respectful by setting a goal for the week We’re on the Web! P A G E 2 SOCIAL NETWORKING PRESENTATION On Tuesday February 15, 2011 Loyola School Council has scheduled a guest speaker. His name is Chris Vollum. His topic is “Face Book 101”. His presentation is about informing parents, teachers and students about the dangers of social network sites on the internet. This presentation is free to parents, teachers and administrators in Dufferin-Peel. The presentation will take place at Loyola at 7:00pm. FRENCH IMMERSION INFORMATION MEETING Reporting/Interviewing Thank you to all parents who took time to participate in their child’s education by attending the interviews. It is in working together we create successful stu­ dents. STAYING IN FOR RECESS In the colder weather we receive numerous requests to allow children to remain indoors when students have a cold, flu, etc. Please note that we cannot comply , as we neither have the facilities nor the staff to supervise these students. Moreover, Health Offi‐ cials indicate that the fresh air is good for chil‐ dren...not harmful, as long as students are dressed appropriately. On extremely cold days, particularly when the wind chill factor lowers temperatures con‐ siderably, we will limit the amount of time that stu‐ dents spend outdoors, or hold recess indoors. With the exception of these occasions, we expect that all children will go outdoors for recess and during the lunch break. Students who are too ill to participate in regular school day activities should stay home until feeling better. The French Immersion parent/guardian information sessions concerning the three (3) new (additional sites for September 2011 are scheduled as follows: St. Pio of Pietrelcina­Tuesday, February 22/11 @ 7pm St. Peter ­ Wednesday, February 23/11 @ 7 pm St. Elizabeth Seton –Thursday, February 24/11 @ 7pm The deadline for submission of applications is 2:00 p.m. Fri­ day, March 11, 2011. FRENCH IMMERSION LOTTERIES Should an application have been submitted to more than one centre: In the event that lotteries take place, each centre, to which an application has been submitted, is required to notify you in writing within six (6) school days of the lottery results. Parents/guardians are responsible for accepting/declining a placement or waitlist ranking from each centre by April 8, 2011. NOTE: Failure to respond in writing to the notification by the April 8, 2011 deadline will result in a forfeit of either the placement or waitlist ranking. Parents/Guardians who have already applied to existing French Immersion Centre: Should you be interested in applying to either St. Pio of Pietrelcina, St. Elizabeth Seton or St. Peter elementary schools, attendance is required at the Parent/Guardian Infor­ mation Session in order to obtain an application. Dates To Remember Feb. 1 ­ Reports are sent home HPV and Meningitis Health Clinic for gr 7 & 8 Feb. 3­Parent Interview Evening Feb. 4­P.A. Day, classes are cancelled Feb. 7­Rosary Apostolates visit school Feb. 7­7­9pm JK Registrations Feb. 8– Primary grades visit Living Arts Centre Feb. 8­6:30 pm School Council Meeting Feb. 9 to Feb. 11 –JK Registrations 9­11 a.m. & 1­3 pm daily Feb.14 Valentine’s Day, Dance­a­Thon all day in the gym Feb. 15­7pm Facebook Workshop @St. Igna­ tius Loyola S.S. Feb. 25 Gr 4 to 6 visit Living Arts Centre Feb. 28—March 4 Carnival Week March 2 – 9:15­10:15 am French performance, Chris Rawlins March 7­Rosary Apostolates visit school March 11 “See Hear” testing P A G E KISS ‘N RIDE The drive­thru in front of the school is not an area for parking. Cars must have a driver at the wheel at all times. If you need to park please use the area in front of the school . Cars may be ticketed when parking in “NO PARKING” areas. The parking area at the side of the school is not a pick up/drop off area. This is to ensure student safety at the crosswalk. Battery Recycling St. Bernadette School continues to participate in the region of Peel’s Battery Recycling Program pilot project. If you have any used batteries that you would like disposed of in a safe manner, please deposit them in the Battery Recycling box located in the front foyer. WINTER CARNAVAL Carnaval activities will begin on February 28 and continue until March 8. On February 28th each class will have the chance to participate in Carnaval Loto; on March 1st your child is invited to create his or her wackiest hairdo; on March 2nd students in grades 4 to 8 will be enjoying a French musical performance by Chris Rawlings; on March 3rd we will be enjoying the results of a class sculpture competition in which each class can create one sculpture that they feel best represents Carnaval; on March 4th all students are invited to wear their favourite tuque; Loto will wrap up on Monday, march 7th and prizes will be awarded on Tuesday, March 8th. Merci beaucoup at Joyeux Carnaval! 3 FEBRUARY Did You Know? Of all the languages in the world, English has the largest vocabulary: about 800,000 words! School/Community Connection: Primary: Valentine’s Day­ Use index cards to write 8 to 10 words about love and friendship. Make two cards for each word. Scramble them and lay them on a flat surface face down. Take turns flipping one card over and trying to find the match. Family Day­ Grow a family: Cut out a tree trunk from any scrap paper. Cut out some leaf shapes. Label each with a family word­ brother, sister, mom, etc. Repeat the activity with different themed words. Junior: Tired Word Triangles Some words in the English language are over used e.g., nice, said, walked, sad. With your child draw a triangle and place the over used word in the middle. Have your child think of 3 synonyms (words that mean the same) , around the triangle. Use a thesaurus to add to your triangle. SPEECHES Students in grades 4­8 were busy writing speeches. Students presented speeches in their classrooms and a wide variety of topics were presented. Two students from each class went on to represent their classes in a school­wide competition. The junior competition win­ ners were 1. Madeline and her speech on Favourite Canadian Things and People. 2. Marthena and her speech on Autism 3. Merna and her speech on the Telescope. The intermediate competition winners were 1. Jenna and her speech on Birth order 2. Clar­ ryz and her speech on The Effects of Technology 3. and a tie for third place, Carinna and her speech on Healthy Eating with Kaleigh and her speech on Me­ dia's Negative Effects. Congratulations to Madeline and Jenna who went on to the CWL competition where Madeline placed first overall. A big congratula­ tions to all of our students and their efforts, your teachers are very proud of you. A big thanks you to all of our judges. A trophy for Madeleine's first place win as well as engraved plaque were presented to Made­ leine on February 3rd. We are so proud. AFTER SCHOOL TUTORING Students in Grade 3 and Grade 6 will be given the opportunity to hone their literacy and nu­ meracy skills through 10 weeks of tutoring ses­ sions which will begin on March 1st. These ses­ sions are designed for students to assist stu­ dents who are not yet meeting the Provincial standards prepare for EQAO. Students will be guided through strategies to improve their achievement of grade level expectations through biweekly sessions in reading, writing and math. Teachers will be contacting parents of students who may wish to take advantage of this opportu­ nity. BASKETBALL NEWS Congratulations goes out to the Boys Inter­ mediate Basketball Team. Despite a chal­ lenging start to their season, they continued to improve with each game. With one game remaining, their record stands at 2 wins and three losses. The boys have proudly repre­ sented our school, by demonstrating their sportsmanship throughout the season. Out­ standing effort boys! TOONIE TUESDAYS Toonie Tuesdays continue to be a success! We are still selling Ginger Bear cookies and Shortbread Snowman cookies. Thank you for your support with Toonie Tuesdays, the money raised supports school initiatives in so many ways. Thank you! DUFFERIN PEEL SKILLS We are proud to be preparing Design and Tech­ nology, Lego Robotics, Lego Mechanics, Anima­ tion and T.V. and Video production teams to par­ ticipate in the Skills Canada Competition in March. We wish our grade 4­8 students who are participating in these challenges well in their en­ deavor to fulfill their challenges to the best of their abilities. DANCE­A­THON St. Bernadette School will be having our annual Dance-a-thon. Our students from Junior Kindergarten to grade 8 are invited to participate in this event. The theme for this year‛s dance is “Friendship”. Students are encouraged to get into the spirit of the dance by wearing red, white or pink. The money raised from this event will be used towards the purchase of literacy enhancement materials, classroom audio/visual supports and math manipulatives.