By: Kathy Mendelsohn Cheryl O’Donnell Question 1 SLO is an abbreviation for: a) b) c) San Luis Obispo (true, but not this one!) Severely Limited Organization Student Learning Outcome According to Peter Ewell a student learning outcome is “ . . . Defined in terms of the particular levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular set of collegiate experiences.” Question 2 PLO is an abbreviation for: a) b) c) Palestine Liberation Organization Partially Limited Organization Program Learning Outcome The definition of a PLO is the same as that of an SLO. The difference is that the SLO is a statement of what the student will know or be able to do at the end of the course while the PLO is what the student will know or be able to do upon completion of the program. ◦ Certificates ◦ Degrees Question 3 CC is an abbreviation for: a) b) c) Carbon Copy Carston Charles Sabathia (Go Yankees!) Core Competencies Hartnell’s Core Competencies are the knowledge, skills, and values that a student will have upon completing a degree, and/or the general education requirements for transfer. Because the Core Competencies are broad expectations, a single course does not meet all of the Core Competencies. Communication Skills Students will demonstrate reading comprehension and expository writing skills at a college level. Information Skills Students will define information needs, access information efficiently and effectively, evaluate information critically, and use information ethically. Critical Thinking/Problem solving Students will use quantitative and logical reasoning to analyze information, evaluate ideas, and solve problems. Global Awareness Students will demonstrate knowledge of global interdependence; others’ values, cultures and beliefs; and the ability to describe one’s own cultural heritage. Aesthetic Appreciation Students will critically reflect upon works of visual and performing arts in a diverse cultural context. Personal Growth and Responsibility Students will promote a lifestyle that reflects physical and mental health. Students will demonstrate the importance of being an informed, ethical, and active citizen in their community and the world. Question 4 SAO is an abbreviation for: a) Student Affairs Office b) Student Alumni Organization c) Service Area Outcome A Service Area Outcome (SAO) is a statement about what a client will experience, receive, or know as a result of a given service Clients are: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Students Faculty Staff Community members Faculty assess Document their results Meet collectively to discuss and analyze Possible action plans 1 summary report submitted per SLO per course Different approaches can be used ◦ Capstone projects or portfolios ◦ Sequential Courses with final course data ◦ Indirect assessment – surveys ◦ Rolling up of course data Results entered on PLO Summary Report ◦ Reports are currently accessible on SLO website Completed thus far ◦ Written Communication ◦ Information Competency ◦ Graduate Survey which addressed: Global awareness Aesthetic Appreciation Personal Growth and Responsibility Upcoming graduate survey ◦ Original questions from 2012 survey And ◦ Questions from the CCSSE Written Communication and Info Competency ◦ Examine data from Turnitin Focus on outcomes that typically assess a process or client satisfaction ◦ Surveys IT Safety Food Services ◦ Focus Groups Human Resources Student Life 71% of offered courses were assessed in Fall 2013 50% of active courses have been assessed 50% of SAOs have been assessed 75% of programs have been assessed 100% of Core Competencies have been assessed Student outcomes and assessment software Web-based Systematically examine outcomes across courses, programs and the institution Meet accreditation requirements Provide reports with helpful, meaningful data We did our assessments last semester, so we don’t have to do assessments this semester! FALSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Participate in reviewing outcome statements to ensure they are measuring something meaningful Conduct assessments Review (analyze and discuss) findings Develop ways to improve—be creative Go back to Step 1 CYCLE OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Kathy Mendelsohn, Dean of Learning Support and Resources Cheryl O’Donnell, SLO Coordinator/Faculty Outcomes and Assessment committee ◦ Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday ◦ 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. in E215