IA [M)~~[M)=~[p~~[p) [P)~~~I1IA[l [f@[!lJrn1~ ~rn1IA~IA[l rr{l~rn1

[M)~~[M)=~[p~~[p) [P)~~~I1IA[l
[f@[!lJrn1~ ~rn1IA~IA[l rr{l~rn1
A. M. Chwastyk
Precision high-speed spectral analysis is essential
for advanced multiple channel sonar and radar
processors. The high resolution and accuracy
requirements can be satisfied with a general
purpose computer. However, to keep the cost of
processing large banks of data low, the physical
size small, and the data throughput rate high,
special purpose processors are necessary. The
combination of new developments in digital computing
elements and fast Fourier transform algorithms,
has made possible the construction of special purpose
processors with outstanding performance characteristics.
(FFT) has revolutionized the digital processing of waveforms. The algorithm is an efficient
method for computing the discrete Fourier transform. The high-speed signal analyzer built at the
Laboratory is based on a shift register implementation of a fast Fourier algorithm coupled with a
single flow-through arithmetic unit. Speed is obtained by using an organization that performs the
rapid data reordering required for executing the
algorithm. 4096 complex input data samples can
be transformed in less than 12 ms, making it one
of the fastest systems in operation.
In addition to the Fourier transform hardware,
the analyzer also includes analog to digital converters, a core memory for multiplexing data, and
a postprocessing unit. Postprocessing is used to
increase the quality of spectra estimation in statistically random short term spectra. The unit can be
used either as an integrator or a first order recursive filter. It is implemented in floating point word
format to maintain dynamic range. Hardware is
kept to a minimum by establishing minimum and
maximum ratios of the two signals required in the
September -
October 1971
recursive filter computation. Time required to generate the power spectra from the Fourier coefficients and update 4096 post detection filter bins
located in the core memory is 6 ms.
The analyzer is significant for its high processing
speed at moderate clock rates and the advanced
data handling concepts used in its design. It is
being used for seismic, vibrational, radar doppler,
and sonar analysis.
The Discrete Fourier Transform
Since the fast Fourier transform is a method for
computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) ,
it is appropriate to briefly review some of the
properties of the DFT. The Fourier transform is
used to determine the frequency content of tempor(ll functions. The Fourier transform, X(f), of a
continuous function, x(t), can be described by the
following equation:
= fx(t)
exp (-j 27rft)dt
In order to implement this equation digitally, the
continuous input, x(t), must be sampled in time.
Using Shannon's sampling theorem, the rate, Is, at
which the sampling occurs must be at least twice
the highest frequency component of the input
function. This yields an infinite set of samples, X n ,
whose transform as calculated by Eq. (1) no
longer contains magnitude and phase information
at frequencies fs l 2 or above. The sampling process
can be represented mathematicallY'" as the multiplication of the continuous input by the sampling
function. The transform of the sampled input can
be found by convoluting the transform of the
sampling function with the transform of the
original input. Since the sampling function is a
train of impulses at a sampling rate Is, the convolution results in a series of repeats of the signal
spectrum at multiples of fs. For input functions
that have frequency components higher than Is12,
the input signal is band limited so that signals
beyond Is 12, i.e., the Nyquist rate, are highly attenuated. For some coherent applications, as in
the case of some pulse doppler radars, ambiguities
are allowed to exist with absolute frequency (doppier) resolved by means of a change in the 18 or
by range rate measurements.
A second consideration in the practical implementation of Eq. (1) requires limiting the observation time. The effect of this time window is
to limit spectral line resolution. For a given time
interval, T, the Fourier transform of a unit amplitude signal is
-T/ 2
T sine (7rfT).
This function has a 4 db bandwidth of approximately l i T with a characteristic sinc x response
with nulls every l i T Hz. A periodic sampling of
the input waveform at N points in the observation
time extends it into a sampled periodic function
with the transform yielding a discrete set of N
coefficients. For this discrete finite transform, Eq.
( 1) can be written in the following series form
X(mD.f)==~xn exp
j27rn mD.f)
where m is the Fourier coefficient or frequency
bin index and D.f == l i T == IsI N. The transform
is actually a sampled Fourier series where evaluations at mD.I correspond to a set of filters, each
with the sinc x characteristic of Eq. (2). As in the
series, the coefficients indicate the amplitude and
phase at each frequency in x n • The power at a
given frequency is obtained by summing the
squares of the real and imaginary parts of the
complex frequency coefficients.
For input signals periodic iiI the time window,
i.e., having frequency components that are exact
multiples of l i T, all the energy will appear in
its proper frequency bin with zero crosstalk into
other bins since the center frequency of any bin
corresponds to zeroes of the sinc x characteristic
of all the other bins. For nonperiodic signals, i.e.,
the normal case, leakage of energy into adjacent
frequency bins will occur. The worst case leakage
occurs for signals whose frequency lies midway
between two adjacent frequency bins. Most of its
energy is distributed between the two closest bins,
3.9 db down from maximum. Filters on either side
of the center two will be 13.5 db down from maximum with others falling off at a 6 db per octave
rate. Because of the discrete nature of the transform, aliasing will tend to decrease the rate of
attenuation of leakage. A band limiting function
called Hanning weighting is often used to decrease
this leakage at the expense of a decrease in resolution in the main lobe. This can be achieved either
in the frequency domain by smoothing the Fourier
coefficients or in the time domain by multiplying
the input data Xn by (1 / 2-1 12 cos 27rn/ N) .
Main lobe broadening of 1.62 occurs with a maximum sidelobe at -31.4 db and a fall off of approximately 18 db per octave.
The properties of the DFT are in agreement
with corresponding properties of the Fourier integral transform. The inverse transform can be
executed using the same basic operations used in
the forward transform. By using the DFT for frequency analysis one obtains the effect of a bank
of identical filters, all based on the same input
data block. Also, since Xn can be complex, it finds
unique application in coherent radar and sonar
systems. With complex inputs, the DFT can be
used for obtaining N frequency filters distributed
from -1812 to +18/ 2 rather than the N / 2 filters
covering the range 0 to +18 / 2 for normal inputs.
The Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm
The requirement for fine resolution (1 / T) over
wide bandwidths (lsI 2) limits the applicability of
direct implementation of Eq. (3). Since N complex computations (four multiples plus additions)
APL Technical D igest
o -------------
Fig. l-Flow graph for
naturally ordered time
~ 8 .....~'1'f_~~___"J~~'-__;t'--.....,.'--~:....._{
~ 9 .....-r----->:~~.(__~F__~"--....".'--..........._ f
13 __-~-r_------~-~_f
14 ~-~----------~_f
15 ~-------------~
are required lor each filter, a total of N 2 operations are required for the coherent systems. For
real-time systems, processing rates rapidly become
excessive for large values of N. The Cooley-Tukey
algorithm, l limits the basic number of complex
operations to 1/ 2 Nlog 2 N. The algorithm eliminates the redundant operations which are performed in the direct implementation of the DFT.
The process essentially utilizes a series of two
point transform computations where foldover ambiguities are systematically reduced at each stage
until the full sampling frequency is reached. This
requires using the sampled data points two at a
time to generate N intermediate answers. These in
turn are combined into mutually exclusive subsets
and transformed so that occurrence times are accounted for in another pass through the data. This
sequential combining to progressively larger
weighted sums of the data results in the forming
of the discrete Fourier transform.
There are several good derivations of the transform in the literature. 2 ,3 For our purposes, considerable insight can be obtained from the study
of a graph showing the computational procedure.
Also, the mechanics of its general usage will aid in
understanding the FFT implemented. A flow graph
for naturally ordered time samples is shown in
Fig. 1. For those not familiar with flow graph
notation, it consists of nodes and directed
branches. Each node represents a variable which
is the weighted sum of the variables of all the
branch nodes on the left that terminate on that
node. In the flow graph, the left hand column of
small circles corresponds to the input data points
with index numbers 0 through 15 for the N = 16
array used for the example. In a random access
system, this would correspond to relative memory
address. The nodes of the remaining columns
represent an operation of A
B exp (-j2nZ / N)
J. W. Cooley and J. W. Tukey, "An Algorithm for the Machine
Calculation of Complex Fourier Series," Math. of Comput., 19,
Apr. 1965, 297-301.
September -
October 1971
W . T . Cochran, et aI. , "What is the F ast Fourier Transform?" ,
Proc. 01 the IEEE, 55, Oct. 1967, 1664-1677.
3 G. D . Bergland, "A Guided Tour of the Fast Fourier Transform," IEEE Spectrum, 6, July 1969, 41-52.
where the A input can be determined by following
the dotted line to the left of the node and B by
following the solid line. The Z factor is the rotational value listed in the nodes of the flow graph.
A pass is defined as a completion of all operations
in a column. The intermediate answers obtained
are indexed
through 15 to correspond to the
input data set.
To minimize computations and memory access
cycles when implementing the flow graph, it is desirable to rotate the B inputs only once per two
point transform. This is done by
= A +B
=A - B
exp (-j2nZ / N)
exp (-j2nZ / N)
where Z is now modulo N / 2 and the additional
180 0 rotation is supplied by the negative sign.
For example, in pass 1, data points at locations
and 8 are read from memory and combined as
in the equation above. The computed values
(A I, B I) are then returned to memory locations
and 8 respectively. This is repeated for point
pairs (1,9), and (2,10); ... until (7,15) are combined and returned to their respective memory
locations to complete the pass. The next pass
utilizes data from memory positions (0,4), (1,5),
(2,6), (3,7) , (8 ,12), (9,13), (10,14), (11,15)
always returning the computed pairs to corresponding memory positions as they are combined.
This process is repeated in similar fashion until all
passes are complete.
A study of the flow graph reveals patterns that
can be utilized in programming the algorithm. For
instance, each pass requires only the data generated from the preceding pass. That is, data can
be processed in place, two words at a time.
Second, if data are processed in order of arrival,
data pairs for executing Eq. (4) come from locations N / 2 apart on the first pass, N / 4 on the
second or N / 2 P for the general case, where p is
the pass number. This requires a reordering of the
memory addresses on each pass through the data.
Third, the rotational values required have the same
periodicity as the data displacement of N / 2p • The
values required always change by a number corresponding to a stepped binary counter, with its
output bits reversed end for end. Fourth, the final
set of answers are not generated in order, but its
frequency bin can be obtained from the bit reversed binary memory address. Another factor
illustrated by the graph is that independent but
interlaced data sets can be processed. For in-
stance, two eight-point transforms based on odd
and even data points in each set, can be obtained
by stopping the process after the third pass.
The FFT Unit
Keys to the high-speed implementation of the
algorithm as used in the digital Fourier analyzer
(DFA) are: (1) a shift register organization that
eliminates need for memory addressing in the reordering required, (2) a pipeline arithmetic unit
capable of obtaining vector products at the shift
register clocking rate, and (3) a sine-cosine generator also capable of operating at the shift register rates. These items will be discussed in sequence.
The 16 point transform will again be used as an
example to establish flow patterns and control of
the reiterative FFT unit organized as shown in
Fig. 2. Data are initially stored in shift registers
A and B in order such that shift register A contains the first 8 (or N / 2) words and shift register
B contains the last 8 words. The first pass is obtained by shifting both SRA (shift register A) and
SRB (shift register B). With reference to the flow
diagram, the SRA and SRB data streams correspond to the dashed and solid lines on the diagram
CLOCK zp+l elN
Fig. 2-Shift register FFT organization based on programmable length shift registers.
A PL T echnical D igest
respectively. As output pairs of words are obtained
as per Eq. (4), the data stream at the B' output
is delayed by 4, or N 12 p +1 for the general case.
This delay makes it possible to switch between the
A' and delayed B' outputs so that data words
leaving the switch are staggered in time but in
proper order for the next pass. The switch position is changed every 4 (or N 12 P+1 ) clock pulses.
The data entering SRA are delayed by 4 clock
pulses to eliminate the staggering without stopping
the SRA clock. This allows the use of dynamic
type metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) shift registers and simplifies system timing. Successive
passes through the intermediate data points follow
the same format, with delays reduced on each pass
until the single delay, last pass has been completed. If the output data can be used at the processing rate, new data may enter the system during
the last pass. Thus, the minimum time between
data sets becomes 1/ 2 Ntc (1
log2N) where tc
is the clock period.
The addressing of the sine-cosine table is accomplished by stepping a memory address counter
every N 12 P+1 during a pass. The counter bit
weights are used in reverse order, i.e., the least
significant bit of the counter is used to address the
most significant bit of the memory, etc.
The above two paragraphs establish the control
mechanics for any value of N where N = 2')1 and
y is an integer. Since all values of one pass are
available prior to the start of the following pass,
array scaling or "normalization" of the entire data
block is used to reduce the number of bits required in the shift registers and the arithmetic
For a small number of points per data set,
digitally controlled variable delay units offer the
most economical implementation. For systems requiring large values of N, the B register, with
additional switching, can be substituted for the
variable delay as shown in Fig. 3. Again, switching occurs every N 12 P+1 , and shifting is continuous. The processing time reduces to 1/ 2
The above two formats are combined in the
FFT unit used in the analyzer to reduce hardware. For shifting operations requiring delays of
1 to 64 bits, a variable shift register is used to
save switching circuitry. For larger delays, switching circuits are used. This results in a savings of
shift register stages and increases the processing
September -
October 1971
Fig. 3-Shift register FFT organization
switching of shift register segments.
rate at the expense of additional data switching.
The net processing time for N > 64 equals (128
N / 2 log2N) tc. Maximum clock rate for the
4160 word by 26 bits per word shift registers
used in the DFA is 2.5 MHz.
The arithmetic unit used in the FFT unit operates in rectangular coordinates. It is of pipeline
configuration, i.e., it has internal delays for a
particular data increment to "flow" through the
unit, but can process the data at the clock rate. In
order to use standard transistor-transistor logic,
some parallelism is also required. Four 12 X 12
bit multipliers with signs carried externally, are
used to perform the vector rotations required.
They are built from an array of four bit full adders
and quad two-input nor gates. Propagation delays
in the multipliers are reduced by subdividing the
partial products so that run out delays occur
simultaneously in each subarray.
The trigonometric function generator supplies 13
bit sine and cosine values to the arithmetic unit at
the 2.5 MHz rate. The values required in the
transform are represented by terms which are integer powers of exp (j27T/ N). The generator,
therefore, is addressed in the binary angle meas-
urement system and symmetries about 180°, 90°,
and 45 ° axes are used to reduce the size of the
table. The basic table consists of 32 sine and
cosine values plus 32 interpolation constants. The
multiplier required in using the interpolation constants are of array type similar to that used in the
arithmetic unit. To produce the sine-cosine pairs
at the required rate, a pipeline approach is used.
The delays encountered from the time the unit is
addressed to the time answers are available are
simply accounted for in the timing control.
The hard wired control of the FFT operation
consists primarily of two counters plus a 12 bit
shift register for indicating pass numbers. The
main counter is used for shift count and reordering control of the variable length shift register and
gates. The second counter is used for the sinecosine address. The control circuit represents less
than 1.5 % of the circuits used in the FFT unit.
System errors are introduced in digitizing the
input signals and rounding off word lengths in the
processing. The errors obtained are also a function
of the input signal statistics, input signal level, and
amount of coherent processing.
The analog-to-digital noise can be broken up
into two parts. For high level signals, energy is
spread over many frequency bins and quantization
noise is usually negligible. However, as the input
signal is lowered, the quantization noise relative
to signal energy will increase, d.egrading system
performance. The other effect is due to digital
saturation. Since the digitizing comes after the
band limiter, this can introduce harmonics well
above the Nyquist frequency. For noise-like inputs, this has the effect of adding a noise floor to
the output, thereby limiting dynamic range.
The discrete quantization of the signal affects a
less than maximum amplitude sinusoid more with
no noise background than with noise. The maximum undistorted sinewave output power to the
output power for minimum input is 6.02b-3.01
db where b is the number of bits in the input
word. With additive white noise, the difference
between the quantized wave and input wave is a
random variable between -1 / 2 and 1/ 2. This
relates to a power of 1/ 12 in the quantization
noise, or 6.02 b
1.76 db. Within the 69 db twosignal accuracy limit imposed by the word size
used in the FFT, the maximum dynamic range of
the transform output is (6.02 b
3.01 log 2N
1.76) db.
Postprocessing Unit
When analyzing signals containing wideband
noise, the short term spectra are themselves statistically random and, when detected as in the FFT
output power spectra, exihibit a chi-squared distribution. These short term statistical fluctuations
of the spectra tend to mask the long term, relatively stationary lines desired. Averaging (or summing) of a number of ensembles improves the
quality of the estimate in direct proportion to the
square root of the number of statistically independent spectra averaged. Since the processor is
programmed to take in essentially contiguous time
data sets, the noise spectra samples for the data
blocks processed are independent.
In off-line processing, a straight summation of
a number of time-adjacent data sets is all that is
required for averaging. However, for a real-time
processor, it is desirable to display a running or
sliding window. This can take the form of
P(iT) =
22 p(iT -
where T = time between ensemble sets, p(i) represents a point from the frequency ensemble at time
i, and H corresponds to the number of data sets
to be summed. To implement this directly would
require a storage of the latest H values for each
filter bin. To minimize the storage memory to one
word per frequency bin, an inverse time exponential weighting is used. This can be expressed in
nonrecursive form as
= 22 Kh
p(iT - hT),
where K is always less than one. Expressed as a
first order linear difference equation, the equation,
as implemented in the DFA becomes
P(i) = p(i)
+ (1 -
1/ 2k )P(i -
1), (7)
where K , equal to (1 - 1/ 2k), is limited to values
formed by k = 0, 1, 2 ... 7.
Except for the discrete nature of the above
difference equation, it is similar to a resistor-condenser low pass filter with a gain of 2k. For values
of k equal 3 or more, the effective time constant
of the circuit is equal to 2kT. T in this case can
be controlled independently of the data gathering
time. However, in normal usage T is the time required to gather one data set (T = N / f 8) .
The three card postprocessing unit represents a
A PL T echnical D ige st
blend of speed, performance, and circuit minimization. Its circuit can be used for the power summing of ensemble sets as well as the filtering of
Eq. (7). A large dynamic range is preserved at
the expense of some accuracy.
The basic steps performed in the unit are: (1)
convert the power spectra words into floating
point format; (2) interrogate core memory for
previous filter value; (3) update old filter value by
multiplying by a K factor, and adding the product
to the new value obtained in step (1); and (4)
store updated value into the original core memory
position of step (2). These steps are repeated for
all frequency bins (8192 max.) and are confined
to one clock period per frequency bin update to
be compatible with the memory read-modify-write
The inputs to the postprocessing unit are two
24-bit words (the squares of the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier coefficients) plus 5 bits
of block floating point. The block floating point
number represents an exponent common to the entire array of coefficients. This represents a
dynamic range equivalent to 27 bits (---81 db) for
a 4096 pomt transform with an 8-bit input word
as implemented in the DFA. An additional 7 bits
of range is required for implementation. of the
k == 7 mode of the recursive filter for a maximum
possible dynamic range of approximately 100 db.
For useful outputs, the above dynamic range
should be preserved. From an engineering viewpoint, however, accuracy of representation seldom
requires magnitudes to be expressed to greater accuracy than ±0.15 db. Limiting the accuracy re-
duces the floating point conversion hardware.
Thus, the raw power spectra can be represented
by a 6-bitexponent (characteristic) plus 5 accuracy bits (mantissa). However, a minimum of 7
more bits are required in the mantissa of the
filtered output, PCi), since there is an integration
gain of 27 for k == 7.
The Overall System
A block diagram of the system is shown in Fig.
4. Band-limited analog data, either real or complex, can enter the system via two, 8-bit analogto-digital converters, each with a maximum conversion rate of 625 kHz. The sampled data are
stored in the core memory for multiplexing of
data sets. Word blocks of 4096 samples are sent
to the fast Fourier transform unit. If the Hanning
weighting option is selected, samples are weighted
as they are loaded into the shift register store. The
Fourier coefficients are formed in the shift register
after log2N circulations or passes through the
arithmetic unit. One additional pass is required to
convert the coefficients into power spectra. As the
power spectra points are generated, they are used
to update postprocessing filter bins located in the
core memory. Spectral data, either with or without
postprocessing, is displayed on an oscilloscope.
The processor is interfaced with a computer for
additional processing and displays.
The FFT shift register memory has storage
capabilities for 4096 complex data points which
can be divided into a single set of 4096 points or
M sets from M different input channels. The number of points per set (N) must satisfy the require-
Fig. 4-Digital Fourier analyzer block diagram.
September-October 1971
ment that NM == 4096. The input memory extends the number of 4096 blocks the system is
capable of handling. For reasons of economy, both
the input multiplexing memory and the postprocessing unit share the single core memory. This
imposes a restriction on overall speed and display
update rate. The core memory, as now programmed, can store up to 8192 complex input
samples and 8192 postprocessing filter positions.
Normal procedure is to load raw data into core,
process in the FFT unit, and update the postprocessing filters as the processed data are returned to core.
The processor is controlled by a 40-bit control
register that can be loaded from the front panel or
from a computer. Programs are hard wired with
built-in expansion capabilities. All timing is based
on an internal 20 MHz crystal clock. To aid
checkout, internal registers can be examined
visually via display light at any cycle in the program. Checkout control is made via the front
The system, pictured in Fig. 5, is packaged in
two drawers plus the core memory. The construction used in the DFA was designed to minimize
time between paper design completion and final
hardware by the elimination of etched wiring artwork. A high density universal card was designed
initially for the DFA to mount the dual-in-line
packaged circuits. Interconnections are made by
point-to-point wiring. Connections were made by
a welding procedure perfected by APL for satellite
Fig. 5-Digital Fourier analyzer.
Fig. 6-DFA card.
construction. Welded wiring boards were used instead of wire wrap boards to decrease card wiring
costs and to decrease board to board spacing.
Costs were reduced since welds can be made
through the insulation, removing the necessity for
wire stripping. Also, only one weld operation need
be made in the middle of wire runs compared to
two operations for wire wrap run. Interboard
spacing is also reduced since a pin for welding
protrudes from the wiring side approximately 1/ 4
inch compared to 0.5 inch (min. ) for wire wrap
pins. A total of 42 cards per drawer can be used
with 3/ 4 inch card spacing. The card, shown in
Fig. 6, measures 4-3 / 8 x 5-3 / 4 inches and has
mounting positions for 48 circuits. Its design is
consistent with recent trends that show an increase
in the number of circuits per card. This trend results from the need to minimize card connectors,
backplane wiring, and lead lengths.
APL Tec h nical D igest
The processor has complet~d its first I1h years
of usage without component failure. This indicates
the high reliability of the relatively new MOS circuits. The characteristics of digital filtering, i.e.,
large output dynamic range, stability, high Q filters
regardless of frequencies, uniformity of filter bin
spacing and response, are all inherent in the
processor. In addition, the high-speed operation of
the DFA makes it especially useful for wideband
digital processing of coherent radar signals and
multiple channel sonar processing.
Its most used mode is to process analog inputs
and send either raw or filtered data to a computer.
The data then can undergo some additional modification prior to either storage, power spectra
plotting, or direct lofargram generation. This arrangement places the digitizing and high speed
K. Green, B. Hastings (The Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine),
and M. H. Friedman (APL), "Sodium Ion Binding in Isolated
Corneal Stroma," Amer. J. Physiology 220, No.2, Feb. 1971,
A. G. Schulz, L. G. Knowles, L. C.
Kohlenstein, and L. J. Maroglio,
"A Digital Simulation of the
Rectilinear Scanning Process,"
Proc. Symp. on Sharing Computer
Programs and Tech. in Radiation
Therapy and Nuclear Medicine,
Oak Ridge, Tenn., Apr. 2-3, 1971.
F. T. Fraunfelder (The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine), L. J.
Viernstein (APL), "Intraocular
Pressure Variation during Xenon
and Ruby Laser Photocoagulation," Am. J. OphthalmoLogy 71,
No.6, June 1971, 1261-1266.
L. W. Ehrlich, "Solving the Biharmonic Equation as Coupled Finite
Difference Equations," SIAM, J.
Numer. AnaL. 8, No.2, June 1971,
R. M . Fristrom, "The Chemistry of
Polymer Flames-Propagation and
Suppression," Proc. Polymer Con-
September -
October 1971
processing burden on the DFA with the control
and lower order processing on the computer.
The analyzer reflects use of the medium scale
integration circuits available at the time of construction. Using the latest technology, reclocked
array arithmetic units can now operate at 18
MHz. MOS shift registers are now available at 20
MHz clocking rates. Therefore, a new implementation of the basic organization presented could
result in a speed increase of seven and an improvement in the cost to computation rate ratio. Also,
more parallelism could be incorporated into the
design to increase speed even further. However,
any new analyzer should be considered for the
total system in which it is to be used. Preprocessing, postprocessing, and data handling factors already can readily overshadow the basic transform
unit in cost and complexity.
ference Series, FLammabiLity Characteristics of PoLymeric Materials,
Section 8; June 1971.
R. C. Orth and H. B. Land, "A Production Type GC Analysis System
for Light Gases," J. Chromatographic Sci. 9, June 1971, 359363.
F. J. Adrian, "Contribution of So~
T ±1 Intersystem Crossing in Radical Pairs to Chemically Induced
Nuclear and Electron Spin Polarizations," Chern. Phys. Letters 10,
No.1, July 1, 1971, 70-74.
T . P. Armstrong (Univ. of Kansas),
S. M. Krimigis (APL), "Statistical
Study of Solar Protons, Alpha
Particles, and Z ~ 3 Nuclei in
1967-1968," J. Geophys. Res. 76,
No. 19, July 1, 1971 , 4230-4244.
J. R. Apel and T. O. Poehler
(APL) and C . R. Westgate and
R. I. Joseph (The Johns Hopkins
University), "Study of the Shape
of Cyclotron-Resonance Lines in
Indium Antimonide Using a FarInfrared Laser," Phys. Rev. B 4,
No.2, July 15, 1971, 436-451.
D. M. Silver, "Metric Evaluation in
the Space of Exponential and
Gaussian Functions," Chern. Phys.
Letters 10, No.2, July 15, 1971,
M. H. Friedman (APL) and K.
Green (The Johns Hopkins School
of Medicine), "Ion Binding and
Donnan Equilibria in Rabbit Corneal Stroma," Amer. J. Physiology
221, No.1, July 1971,356-362.
K. Green (The Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine) and M. H.
Friedman (APL), "Potassium and
Calcium Binding in Corneal
Stroma and the Effect on Sodium
Binding," Amer. J. Physiology
221, No.1 , July 1971, 363-367.
B. E. Tossman, "Variable Parameter
Nutation Damper for SAS-A,"
J. Spacecraft and Rockets 8, No.
7, July 1971 , 743-746.
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